Time to discover some hidden gems from the neon decade! Join us as we explore overlooked cinematic treasures that deserve another chance to shine. From sci-fi adventures and dark comedies to intense thrillers and supernatural tales, these forgotten classics showcase the incredible diversity of 1980s filmmaking at its finest.
Short filmTranscript
00:00Don't be mean.
00:05Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for those examples of 80s cinema
00:10that we feel deserve another look-see.
00:13The key.
00:19Number 20.
00:21Something wicked this way comes.
00:22Wanna go in?
00:27The heritage of Disney throughout the 1970s and 80s was marked by a handful of films boasting
00:32more mature themes.
00:34Escape to Witch Mountain and particularly The Watcher in the Woods were excellent examples
00:39to this end.
00:40This was Something Wicked This Way Comes from 1983.
01:00This latter film adapted the Ray Bradbury novel of the same name with a wonderfully
01:04dark atmosphere and tone for a Disney venture.
01:08Fans' tastes weren't exactly receptive to Something Wicked This Way Comes at the time
01:13of its release and it severely underperformed at the box office.
01:32It thankfully gained a cult audience today, remaining a captivating example of a risk-taking
01:37Disney flick with tons of style.
01:40Number 19.
01:41Bright Lights Big City
01:54This is a film that has so much going for it, yet Bright Lights Big City was almost
01:59a very different feature.
02:01The final cut had to be assembled from scratch due to an original draft that bore little
02:05resemblance to its source novel.
02:17What we have turned out to be a satisfying dramatic role for Michael J. Fox, portraying
02:21a young man whose life seems to be spiraling out of control.
02:25Bright Lights Big City also boasts outstanding cinematography from the legendary Gordon
02:29Willis as well as a soundtrack full of 80s icons.
02:33The ensemble cast is also great, particularly Kiefer Sutherland, Phoebe Cates, and Fox's
02:39future wife, Tracy Pollan.
02:41Bright Lights Big City is definitely worth some reinvestigation.
03:00Number 18.
03:01My Bodyguard There were numerous impressive debuts to be
03:05found in 1980's My Bodyguard.
03:14Adam Baldwin, Joan Cusack, and Jennifer Beals all show up young and fresh-faced here.
03:19While the screenplay from noted horror scribe Alan Ormsby is strong, this can be felt in
03:25how Ormsby treats his young characters since a lot of respect is paid to their backstories,
03:31motivations, and feelings.
03:49This often turbulent world of adolescence is explored in My Bodyguard wonderfully by
03:54its leads Chris Makepeace, Matt Dillon, and the aforementioned Baldwin.
03:58The cast executes the material in a way that feels leaps and bounds beyond typical teen
04:03fare of the day, that's for sure.
04:15Number 17.
04:17Three O'Clock High It speaks volumes that producer Steven Spielberg
04:26requested that his name be removed from the credits to Three O'Clock High.
04:30This all came down to this film's unapologetically dark and realistic tone.
04:35Which is as anti-Spielbergian as an 80's flick can get, right?
04:39Three O'Clock High possesses a simple, yet interesting plot that takes place within a
04:44single day.
04:45It's a story to which many of us can also relate as well, since it surrounds conflict
04:50and one young man's response to a challenge.
05:07Three O'Clock High failed to make its budget back at the box office, but it remains an
05:11outside-of-the-box 80's flick with a stellar electronic soundtrack from Tangerine Dream
05:17and Sylvester LeVay.
05:28We think you should check out both.
05:30Number 16.
05:32Better Off Dead The subject matter at the center of Better
05:35Off Dead makes it a film that would be challenging to remake today.
05:39Yet this is perhaps also why it's endured for so many who originally watched it back
05:44in 1985.
05:59Better Off Dead is a black comedy through and through, exploring lead John Cusack's
06:04desire for self-destruction after being dumped by his girlfriend.
06:16The results meld some typical teen movie tropes with other, more surrealistic moments that
06:20feel anything but generic.
06:23It should be said that Better Off Dead does tend to divide some folks, including Cusack,
06:28who initially hated the film.
06:30The actor eventually softened his stance, remarking to a 2013 Reddit AMA that he was
06:36glad people love it still.
06:52Number 15.
06:53Innerspace Never underestimate the power of home video.
07:10If that's not an 80's-focused sentence, then we don't know what is.
07:15Yet it also accurately describes the groundswell of support Innerspace earned after its initial
07:21release in 1987.
07:23Joe Dante's mishmash of comedy, action, and science fiction bombed at the box office,
07:28but found new life at the video store.
07:37It was here where Innerspace flourished, warming up VCRs around the globe with its tale of
07:42a tiny Dennis Quaid, a hilarious Martin Short, and all kinds of adventure.
07:48Dante's likable style is evident throughout Innerspace, while the rest of the cast, including
07:53Meg Ryan, Kevin McCarthy, and John Hora, all do great work here.
08:09Number 14.
08:11At Close Range The modern-day interest in true crime makes
08:15it a perfect cultural landscape for films such as 1986's At Close Range to be rediscovered
08:22by audiences.
08:33The story is based upon the exploits of Bruce Johnston, whose life of crime came to an end
08:38thanks, in part, to the testimony of his son.
08:41Christopher Walken is all tension and menace as Brad Whitewood, who eventually inducts
08:47Brad Jr. and his brother Tommy into his gang.
09:02It all goes south fast, with Walken and real-life siblings Sean and Chris Penn making At Close
09:09Range feel absolutely compelling.
09:11Meanwhile, performances from Crispin Glover, Kiefer Sutherland, Candy Clark, and Mary Stewart
09:16Masterson help solidify At Close Range as a viewing experience you will not soon forget.
09:39Number 13.
09:41It's perhaps a common misconception that 1991's The Silence of the Lambs served as
09:46the cinematic debut for one Dr. Hannibal Lecter.
09:50The Thomas Harris character actually showed up five years earlier, portrayed by Brian
09:54Cox, for Michael Mann's underrated Manhunter.
10:04The film somewhat incredulously bombed the box office, though it's largely seen today
10:10as a forward-thinking exercise in style from the ever-reliable Mann.
10:15Manhunter focused on forensic science during an era where old-fashioned police work was
10:20still largely seen as the only way to solve crimes.
10:34Meanwhile Cox's performance as Lecter is understated and menacing.
10:40The bold colors and outstanding cinematography also go a long way into making Manhunter a
10:45film that's, in our opinion, is a must-see.
10:48Number 12.
11:05Miracle Mile
11:20Many supremely quirky films were released during the 1980s.
11:24The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension comes to mind, as well as
11:28this unique take on the disaster film genre released in 1988.
11:33Miracle Mile asks a difficult question to its audience, namely, what would you do if
11:39you knew the world was coming to an end?
11:41Writer-director Steve DeJarnett crafts a tale of new love and heartbreak, told in real-time
11:46amidst a backdrop of nuclear Armageddon.
11:58There's an ominous and fatalistic darkness that looms over Miracle Mile, yet we still
12:03feel a semblance of hope while watching Harry and Julie, specifically their vain attempts
12:17to reconnect as the world goes to hell.
12:20Number 11.
12:21The Adventures of Baron Munchausen The boundless and unstoppable creativity of
12:26Terry Gilliam was set on full display in 1988's The Adventures of Baron Munchausen.
12:49This maverick director crafted an indescribable fantasy adventure that bombed at the box office,
12:54yet also captured the imaginations of many on home video.
12:58The tall tales of Baron's exploits feature everything from a young Uma Thurman as Venus,
13:03to an uncredited Robin Williams as the King of the Moon.
13:18Meanwhile, the magical creatures and swashbuckling set-pieces ensure
13:23that these adventures remain some of the most ambitiously artistic sentiment
13:27ever set free upon the silver screen.
13:34Number 10.
13:35To Live and Die in LA Based on the novel written by
13:38former Secret Service agent Gerald Petovic, this film was among the 80's most exciting.
13:53The story centers on a Secret Service agent who vows revenge against a counterfeiter who
14:00killed his partner.
14:06It sounds cliche, but the car chases and shootouts throughout the movie are so exciting,
14:11and the LA setting is so beautifully shot with such style that it stands apart from
14:16other thrillers of the time.
14:18That along with William Peterson's and Willem Dafoe's intense performances,
14:22makes this film an underrated gem.
14:25Number 9.
14:26Midnight Run
14:33Director Martin Brest enjoyed an enviable run of hits throughout the 1980's,
14:38including the OG Beverly Hills Cop.
14:40That movie remains insanely quotable, as does Brest's 1988 feature,
14:45The Incredibly Awesome Midnight Run.
14:48Robert De Niro and Charles Grodin possess magnificent chemistry together as a pair,
14:58who are dodging the law, the mob, and everything in between,
15:02as they struggle not to kill each other.
15:11De Niro's bounty hunter and Grodin's mobbed up money man are at the focus of a film with
15:16plenty of action and thrills to spare.
15:19Midnight Run had the difficult task of balancing action, drama, and comedy in an entertaining
15:24way, but Brest and his team absolutely rose to the occasion.
15:29Number 8.
15:30The Dead Zone
15:31Depending on who you ask, proper adaptations of Stephen King's works are few and far
15:36between, but The Dead Zone definitely qualifies as a proper adaptation.
15:41Released four years after King's novel, the story follows a teacher who wakes from
15:45a coma to discover he has psychic abilities.
15:56Christopher Walken gives one of his most underrated performances in this film,
16:00as he is both relatable and sympathetic in the main role.
16:16The story, like most of King's, is intense, emotional, and characteristically eerie,
16:24proving to be one of the best movies of the year.
16:36Number 7.
16:37Local Hero
16:38Local Hero, a film about an American oil representative who travels to Scotland to
16:43purchase land for his company, may not sound very exciting, but it packs a hell of a punch.
16:59The characters of this film are fascinating, human, and hilarious, with performances that
17:04deftly carry the weight of their complexity.
17:07Writer and director Bill Forsythe evokes both emotion and laughs, and his efforts
17:17won him a BAFTA for Best Direction.
17:19It's a small film, but one that encompasses more quality than some of Hollywood's best.
17:34Number 6.
17:37Notable for being director Michael Mann's major film directorial debut,
17:52Thief is just as powerful and exciting as many of his other movies.
17:56You don't do nothing, we point you to a score.
18:00When we say it's there, it's there.
18:02They're all laid out scores.
18:04Adapted from a novel written by real thief John Sebald,
18:08it tells the story of a thief performing a job for the mafia.
18:23The film stars James Caan, and like usual, he is terrific in the role,
18:27embodying a professional thief perfectly.
18:30Thief is heart-stopping at its best moments, proving to be an exciting
18:35and intelligent film that broke boundaries of what a thriller could accomplish.
18:39Number 5.
18:41Near Dark
18:42A great merger of western and vampire films, Near Dark perfectly blends the two genres together,
18:48but never loses the unique touch that makes each one memorable.
18:52The movie is directed by Catherine Bigelow, now a big-time A-lister,
19:01and received favorable reviews and later a cult following.
19:05However, it was released too soon after more successful vampire movies,
19:10being overshadowed by their success.
19:12Even so, as a young man becomes involved with a group of nomadic vampires,
19:17the audience is treated to a tour de force of beautifully shot sequences,
19:21lots of blood, and even some genuine emotion.
19:24And there you stood by the side of that road, and I just knew you were trouble.
19:30You were right.
19:34Number 4.
19:35Something Wild
19:36Action comedies are a winning combination, and this is certainly the case with Something Wild,
19:42an underrated gem starring the always fantastic Jeff Daniels,
19:46as a man who is taken on an adventure by a free-spirited woman.
19:50I don't know how this happened.
19:51It's just, I, it's, this is just, you know, I got a lot of things on my mind,
19:54you know, business things, and I just, I simply forgot.
19:56While it certainly isn't as popular as it deserves to be due to its popularity,
20:01it has obtained a cult following and has been hailed as one of Daniels' funniest,
20:05most overlooked roles.
20:07Do you have a hangover?
20:08Yes, I have a hangover.
20:09Well, then this is the stuff that you drink for a hangover.
20:11Come on, drink it, please.
20:13It also has plenty of tonal shifts to keep the movie interesting,
20:17and it makes for one unpredictable ride.
20:20Look, tomorrow you're gonna wake up, you're still gonna be Charlie Driggs, you know?
20:25I'm not gonna wake up.
20:26I'm not gonna wake up.
20:27I'm not gonna wake up.
20:28I'm not gonna wake up.
20:29I'm not gonna wake up.
20:30I'm not gonna wake up.
20:31And this will all be over and done with.
20:35So why don't we enjoy it while we can?
20:37Number 3.
20:38After Hours
20:40Yeah, you got it.
20:41Another week, you'll have it down.
20:43It's temporary anyway.
20:45I said it's temporary anyway.
20:46I do not intend to be stuck doing this for the rest of my life.
20:49When we say comedy, the gritty Martin Scorsese is probably not the first person to pop into
20:55your head.
20:55But his funny bone shines in this film about a man who runs into misadventures
21:00as he makes his way home.
21:03Hey, it's me.
21:04I did it.
21:05I quit my job.
21:06What do you want me to do about it?
21:08Scorsese had successfully dabbled in comedy prior to this with The King of Comedy.
21:13But After Hours' outrageous, fun, and relatively simple premise makes it a true gem.
21:19Scorsese even won himself the Best Director award at the Cannes Film Festival.
21:23And the movie remains darkly hilarious, but sadly overlooked to this day.
21:28Can I get something?
21:30I have 97 cents.
21:34It's not very much, is it?
21:36Number 2.
21:38God, he screams terrible.
21:42What cat did you strangle to get that?
21:44One of Brian De Palma's masterpieces, Blowout sees the director at the top of his game and
21:50features an A-list cast, including the outstanding John Travolta and John Lithgow.
21:55We know the trains never come in on time.
21:57They're always running late here and they're notorious.
21:59You know what I mean?
22:00I bet you at least got 30 minutes.
22:03Negative word of mouth spread after the movie premiered due to its dreary story about a
22:07sound effects technician who discovered audio evidence of an assassination.
22:12As such, it performed poorly at the box office and never reached an audience.
22:17The ending only adds to the film's depravity and makes for an emotional yet unforgettable
22:22movie experience.
22:24Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
22:28about our latest videos.
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22:40Number 1.
22:41They Live.
22:42I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass.
22:50And I'm all out of bubblegum.
22:52If this movie were released today, with the horror-comedy hybrid genre booming, it would
22:57definitely be more popular.
22:59The film follows Roddy Piper's character, yes, that Roddy Piper, as he discovers a pair
23:04of sunglasses that let him see the truth about consumerism, advertising, and that the ruling
23:10class is concealed aliens.
23:13Near the entrance, has a shotgun.
23:16White male, 30s, long hair.
23:20Mama don't like tattletale.
23:22Not only is the movie scary and fantastically absurd, it also provides thoughtful commentary
23:28on the rich, the economic status of America, and the influence of mass media on the general
23:34Not bad for a silly sci-fi movie starring a wrestler.
23:38I'm giving you a choice.
23:41Either put on these glasses or start eating that trash can.
23:46Not this year.
23:47They say that you're only as good as your last hit.
23:51Do you think this is unfair?
23:52Let us know in the comments.
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