The Blue Shed gang return for their third and final year at Brent University. As the end of student life approaches, Jac | dHNzXzQ5Y0xlTkJ6NHQ0
00:00Jack, me, um, Danny.
00:02Jack and Danny.
00:03Cockney rhyme is lame for Fanny, innit?
00:05After two years of discovering ourselves at uni,
00:08it was time to get serious.
00:10Jack, talk to me about your big D.
00:14I ain't got Scooby whatsoever to write my disco on.
00:17It's Scooby-Doo, not Scooby-Don't.
00:18I'm not pretentious.
00:19You stop watching X Factor.
00:21They've replaced Louis with Rita Orr.
00:24This country has gone to pot.
00:26Oh, Daniel Craig at 12 o'clock.
00:29Danny's middle name Craig?
00:31Sorry, cos I know that we drifted this last few months.
00:34I got a lot on my plate.
00:36I'm in this new relationship.
00:37I love you.
00:38You love me.
00:39Everything's coming to an end.
00:40You're naked under it, aren't you?
00:43I feel like you and me will make long-distance work.
00:46I just don't want to lose her.
00:47Don't want to go back to Kent and make nothing of myself.
00:49Believe it or not, there are actually some people in Kent
00:51who are very happy and successful.
00:52There's loads, but some...