#car #losangeles #trucks
00:00Alright, what's up guys? Mad Max C7. So, this is the attempted carjacking video. This is me. I pulled out first in the Jeep Gladiator and I saw that they didn't pull behind me with the Cybertruck or the Mad Max Corvette.
00:17So I went to go loop down this street and do another loop back to catch up with them.
00:22But, when I come up to this red light right here, you see there's a Mercedes. It just turned green. He's going through the intersection and right at the end of this clip, you'll see that it's going real slow through the intersection. This is real time.
00:36I take a left and you'll see me go take a left and they hit their brake lights and they stop. They don't continue going through.
00:43And then this is me pulling forward. You'll see that's the Corvette in front of me and then the Cybertruck to it's right and this is me doubling back to catch up with the rest of the guys to turn around.
00:55This is the view from the Corvette right here and this is a self-driving car thing in front of us I believe.
01:04This is us leaving Venice Beach. We just hit up the restaurant. We had the cars parked up front. They probably saw our Instagram stories and were watching us live where we were going.
01:17So this is us taking back to that street that we just came through and we're going to turn back on that main road that they just pulled through.
01:24Now this is the view from the Gladiator. Both of them, the Corvette and the Gladiator, will come front and rear dash cams.
01:39And you'll see throughout this video I'll go back and forth and do different views. The Corvette views are all going to have that crazy low because the car is so loud.
01:49So I'll turn down the sound on all of those.
01:51So this is a sped up video. On the right up here past this traffic light you're going to see that same Mercedes I was creeping by in that intersection earlier.
02:20It's parked up on the right coming up right now. You'll see this black car on the right parking in a curb. There's people inside it.
02:30And when we pass them you'll see in the next clip that this car just starts acting super crazy like they're on to something.
02:37Okay so now we're just creeping through. Now you see that Mercedes passes me on the left side. Gets between me and the Corvette.
02:57At first I was thinking maybe some fans want to take a picture of the Corvette but just acting super aggressive. Then I see they're merging on the left. They want to get in front of the Corvette.
03:08And I was like okay that's really weird. Maybe they're trying to take a picture of the Cybertruck. Who knows.
03:13And what rubbed me the wrong way is towards this next light we catch the red light and they just start acting really weird. See this light turning red right here. Just watch what they do next.
03:28See you start seeing them coming off the brakes on the brakes and you see how they open that passenger door like they want to jump out but the light turned green before they can hop out.
03:48And then I realized what they were trying to do. And I watched them going oncoming traffic almost hit the median curb there and try to get in front of the Cybertruck.
03:57So initially they were trying to hop out on the Corvette. Either trying to carjack it, rob us. I don't know.
04:04So now that's when I notice and I'm in the Gladiator now. I'm flooring it past it calling my guys and be like hey this guy's on some sheisty stuff.
04:12So I get behind them, land my horn, hit them with the high beams like letting them know hey we see you like get the hell out of here type deal.
04:22And they would not give up. They were just super brave about it. It's crazy. Like I've never seen. I've run into a few thieves in my life but not like this.
04:31Usually if you catch them they take off running. But these guys did not want to quit.
04:36From what I can see there's four people inside that Mercedes when I hit them with the high beams.
04:42Now they're hitting the brakes. They're waiting for the Tesla. They're trying to creep up on the Tesla again.
04:47Which is crazy because the Tesla, you have to have the app or the keycard. See this is the second time they've popped out.
04:53And they're trying to get access to the Tesla right now.
05:11Sheisty shit. Alright keep going in front of me. Pass me. Pass me. Pass me.
05:16Go fast. Both of you go fast.
05:24Hey go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go.
05:32Hey. Do not stop. They're trying to fucking. Don't stop. They're trying to hop out on the car on you. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go.
06:03So now we're starting to start running red lights and passing folks.
06:07Because I don't know what the car behind us. Whether they got a gun or what's going on.
06:11But you see this car on the right. That's another one of these California self-driving Jaguars.
06:15Not seeing them anywhere and they're just making all the traffic.
06:19They're holding up traffic all the time.
06:21So we go and pass it. The Mercedes is still behind us.
06:25Cutting off everybody and acting crazy.
06:29They're trying to rob you from the fucking car.
06:31That's why I sped up and I almost acted like I was going to hit them.
06:34Because they're trying to do some weird shit.
06:36See how they win the oncoming traffic.
06:38That's why I acted like I was about to hit them.
06:40I think they're still behind us.
06:46No they act like they're still behind us I'm pretty sure.
06:53So I saw them coming up so I merged into the right lane.
06:56That way they try to come over and then they go from right to left.
06:59I'm going to hit them with the fucking car to get out.
07:01I'm going to hit them with the car.
07:03They would just not give up.
07:05Yeah they're coming on you hard bro. What the fuck is this?
07:09I'm going to hit them if they get out of this fucking car.
07:13They think I'm fucking playing.
07:15Hold on I'm going to hit them with the lights.
07:19They're coming up on the car now. Keep going.
07:22So this is the rear view of the Gladiator.
07:24You can see them coming up hot behind me.
07:28They're trying to rob you from the fucking car.
07:30That's why I sped up and I almost acted like I was going to hit them.
07:33Because they're trying to do some weird shit.
07:35See how they win the oncoming traffic.
07:37That's why I acted like I was about to hit them.
07:39I think they're still behind us.
07:45No they act like they're still behind us I'm pretty sure.
07:47There goes a self driving car and here they are behind me again.
07:50Trying to cut me off.
07:52This is me forming in front of them to keep them away from me.
07:54Yeah that's them right there. Be careful.
08:22So here they come to pass me once again.
08:37And you'll see the timestamps on the video is wrong.
08:40It's really like 10.30pm-ish.
08:42The camera is on the Corvettes.
08:44The time is not correct.
08:46The date is correct but the time is not correct.
08:49So you can see them riding the Gladiator's butt.
08:54Trying to find a spot to fit through.
08:56With all this oncoming traffic and curbside parking.
09:08And here they come again.
09:10Flying through. This is going to be the left lane.
09:12Into oncoming traffic.
09:14Getting between me and the Corvette.
09:17And you can see there's four people in there.
09:19You can get a good picture of their tag but
09:21California, even if they get arrested,
09:23the repercussions, I don't think there's any.
09:25They just get right back out on the street again.
09:46And here comes the Mercedes.
10:13Flying into oncoming traffic on the left once again.
10:16About to hit that median.
10:18Trying to hop in front of the Tesla.
10:22And this is the second time they open the door.
10:24Trying to hop out.
10:26And this is me in the right lane.
10:28Trying to convince them that would be a very bad idea.
10:32Because if they would have hopped out and tried to hop in the Tesla,
10:34I would have defended myself with the front bumper of that Jeep.
10:46So, right now they're lingering in front of me.
10:48In the Jeep.
10:50They're in the right lane, I believe, at this point.
10:52And we're stuck behind traffic.
10:58And this is me trying.
11:00Yeah, there's the first vehicle.
11:12That person's in the back of that car.
11:14Das ist, wo sie wieder rauskommen, um den Tesla aufzuladen.
11:19Dann gehen wir auf den Flur und sie kommen wieder in das Auto und schießen es direkt hinter uns, um wieder vor uns zu kommen.
12:14Und das ist die, in Richtung Ende des Fahrzeugs, wo man den Selbstfahrzeug sieht, der in der rechten Strecke nahe der Highway kommt.
12:34Sie sind immer noch hinter uns, um zwischen dem Jeep und der Corvette zu kommen.
13:04Der nächste Schuss, das ist ein guter Schuss von der Tagg, wo sie hinter dem Corvette fliegen.
13:34Sie sind immer noch hinter uns, um zwischen dem Jeep und der Corvette zu kommen.
13:44Sie sind immer noch hinter uns, um zwischen dem Jeep und der Corvette zu kommen.
13:54Sie sind immer noch hinter uns, um zwischen dem Jeep und der Corvette zu kommen.
14:04Sie sind immer noch hinter uns, um zwischen dem Jeep und der Corvette zu kommen.
14:14Sie sind immer noch hinter uns, um zwischen dem Jeep und der Corvette zu kommen.
14:24Sie sind immer noch hinter uns, um zwischen dem Jeep und der Corvette zu kommen.
14:34Sie sind immer noch hinter uns, um zwischen dem Jeep und der Corvette zu kommen.
14:44Sie sind immer noch hinter uns, um zwischen dem Jeep und der Corvette zu kommen.
14:54Sie sind immer noch hinter uns, um zwischen dem Jeep und der Corvette zu kommen.
15:04Sie sind immer noch hinter uns, um zwischen dem Jeep und der Corvette zu kommen.
15:14Sie sind immer noch hinter uns, um zwischen dem Jeep und der Corvette zu kommen.
15:24Sie sind immer noch hinter uns, um zwischen dem Jeep und der Corvette zu kommen.
15:34Sie sind immer noch hinter uns, um zwischen dem Jeep und der Corvette zu kommen.
15:44Sie sind immer noch hinter uns, um zwischen dem Jeep und der Corvette zu kommen.
15:54Sie sind immer noch hinter uns, um zwischen dem Jeep und der Corvette zu kommen.
16:04Sie sind immer noch hinter uns, um zwischen dem Jeep und der Corvette zu kommen.
16:14Sie sind immer noch hinter uns, um zwischen dem Jeep und der Corvette zu kommen.
16:24Sie sind immer noch hinter uns, um zwischen dem Jeep und der Corvette zu kommen.
16:34Sie sind immer noch hinter uns, um zwischen dem Jeep und der Corvette zu kommen.
16:44Sie sind immer noch hinter uns, um zwischen dem Jeep und der Corvette zu kommen.