Full video : Of God and Ghosts || Acharya Prashant, at Goa University (2022)
00:00My problem is that my logic doesn't let me believe in God.
00:03I want to know, can spirituality help me fight my phobias?
00:08God as it exists in popular imagination is nothing but the dualistic counterpart of ghosts.
00:16You imagine something and then you let your own imagination terrify you.
00:20And when you feel terrified, you say, oh my God, there is a real danger in front of me.
00:24So you counter this imaginary reality with another kind of imaginary reality.
00:30Spirituality isn't about God. Spirituality isn't about believing in anything.
00:35Neither ghosts nor gods.
00:37God and truth are not the same thing.
00:39Spirituality is about seeking the truth.
00:42God and gods and goddesses and all the stories that we have read about this and that,
00:49obviously they come from our own mind.
00:51No story can come from anywhere else.
00:53To seek truth is to go to the origin of all your stories and fall silent there.