00:00Yeah, I mean the ceasefire has been in place for almost exactly two months now
00:06I'm just wondering what are people saying to that do people say?
00:10It's now collapsed or it's about to collapse. Um, you know, I think
00:15Fear has been hanging in the air for four weeks. Now. We made a really good start
00:22with the humanitarian community
00:24During the first six weeks of the ceasefire when we were finally allowed to fully operate
00:30Pick up cargo from the crossing and to distribute life-saving supplies
00:35To families in need throughout Gaza and the aid that we were able to pick up has been reaching children has been reaching families
00:43Because the needs are very very high
00:46We haven't had the luxury to preposition aid in our warehouses and to build up a considerable stock of
00:53Supplies we've tried to push out as much aid as we as we could we have some supplies left in in our warehouses
01:01But we do need the crossings to reopen to avoid those supplies from from being depleted
01:07But with the the start of this blockade on aid supplies on fuel on cooking gas
01:14Fear has rapidly spread as I've been engaging with parents and children throughout Gaza