• 18 hours ago
00:00Hi, I'm Masumi, and I play Naoe for Assassin's Creed Shadows.
00:06Is he afraid of me?
00:08Should he be?
00:10No, no, of course not.
00:12Hi, my name is Tongai Chirisa, and I play Yasuke in Assassin's Creed Shadows.
00:17I am like a bodyguard.
00:19I did not expect you to heed my words.
00:22Your words have the power to move armies, Yasuke.
00:27What did you do to prepare for this character?
00:30We need a plan.
00:31I, at the time, had been practicing sword fighting.
00:34Sword fighting called Katori Shintoryu, which is the oldest samurai sword fighting in Japan.
00:39Let's see.
00:40It's like hundreds of years old, and we're taught the samurai ways, we're taught how to bow, the whole mannerisms.
00:46And so I was like, you know, I'm going to channel this energy into my, you know, character.
00:52Because I felt like it was really, obviously it was really fitting, and so that really helped a lot.
00:57So my audition, actually, one of the things I had to do was to bow, and then show how, you know, to...
01:04Did you have to run?
01:05Yeah, yeah.
01:06Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:07I had to run.
01:08So I was like, I have got no idea how to do this.
01:11Obviously I Googled it.
01:12Right, yeah, yeah.
01:13You know, just trying to, and I used like my broomstick.
01:16So it was a little longer than, you know, I'm trying to show, like, trying to do with some skill, like, you know.
01:21And then it's like, wait, hold on, I got to...
01:24But it worked, it worked.
01:26It did.
01:27It worked.
01:28What of your character's story initially appealed to you?
01:31I just knew that she was a warrior.
01:33But I also knew that this was a story in Japan.
01:36And a lot of times, Japanese females are portrayed to be very demure.
01:40And we...
01:43And, like, they need somebody to protect them.
01:46They need somebody to protect them.
01:48And I grew up not really feeling so, I don't know, like, represented by those characters, right?
01:55So when I got the audition and I saw that she was a badass, she could fight for herself, she's loyal, she's compassionate, she would fight for her people.
02:03I was like, yes, I would love to play that character.
02:08When I got the scenes with Yasuke, and I had this feeling about this character.
02:14And when I met you, it was exactly the same feeling.
02:18And I thought it was a great cast that they found you.
02:21Because I was like, wow, this character has a lot of heart.
02:25That's how I felt, reading the sides.
02:27And I, you know, created all these relationships.
02:29And when I met you, you were the exact same way that I...
02:33Come on.
02:34Come on now.
02:36Exact same way that I thought he would be.
02:38I was like, wow, this is really amazing.
02:40That's dope.
02:41He almost cost us the fight and got himself killed.
02:43He was trying to save his family.
02:46We would both do the same.
02:48What is something that is uniquely you about your character?
02:52She's hard and she's edgy, but she's got a soft side.
02:56And she's following her own path.
02:59And the vulnerability, too, that she's vulnerable and strong at the same time.
03:04I think for me, the thing that's uniquely me in this game is my laugh.
03:12It's the laugh.
03:13Yasuke and Tungai, they laugh the same.
03:16Oh, you think so?
03:19Yeah, I see that. I see that for sure.
03:21You do have a big laugh.
03:22I do.
03:23I think everybody heard it.
03:26That's Tungai.
03:27Now I'm conscious of my laugh.
03:28I'm going to tone it down.
03:30I'll give you the hiss.
03:32That's what I'll give you.
03:35Who wins in a fight between Yasuke and Naoe?
03:39Okay, so this one, we need to say it at the same time.
03:43Three, two, one.
03:47How did you know?
03:49Like, you're a ninja.
03:51I'm in the shadows.
03:53Like, you could be right here, and I'll never know.
03:57That's why.
03:58Especially with that big-ass helmet of mine.
04:00Like, you know, you could just snap me.
04:02Miles away.
04:03Miles away.
04:04Like, you're throwing something at me.
04:06What did you think about the mo-cap experience?
04:10Yeah, I was quite nervous.
04:16I was quite nervous because, well, first of all, it was my first time.
04:21So there's this very emotional scene that I have, which begins Naoe's vengeful journey, basically.
04:28And that was, I think, one of my...
04:30I think that was my first...
04:31Oh, yeah, because that whole week you were in tears.
04:35It was my first scene that I was shooting.
04:39Yeah, yeah.
04:40And I really wanted to make sure that I would do an authentic job, but then I wouldn't get thrown off by these, you know, cameras that I'm wearing, the helmets, and the whole suit, and the fact that there's nothing there.
04:51I wanted to make sure, so I, like...
04:53Crying with a dummy.
04:54Yeah, like, exactly, right?
04:56So I really built up for that.
04:59When I was done, I almost don't remember what I did because it's just the emotion, the current emotion took me.
05:06And when I was done, I had, like, a standing ovation and everybody, like...
05:12And you weren't there for that, the one that I'm talking about.
05:16I don't think I worked with you yet.
05:18It at least made me feel like, okay, maybe I can do this mo-cap thing, you know?
05:22It was like, as long as I prepare and have all the emotions.
05:26It's a different medium.
05:27They stacked a bunch of boxes and they put, like, the mats on it, you know, to make it like the horse.
05:32Horse? I didn't know that.
05:34You know what I mean? And so they're, like, chugging you along, but you had to ride that thing like you are.
05:39You know what I mean?
05:40And I loved it because in my head, do you know what was going on?
05:43I could hear...
05:48So that's how I played most of my scenes, just...
05:50If there was a sword, if there was, like, music, it's playing in my head.
05:54I think it was a very rich, rewarding experience in every capacity.
05:58So I'm truly, truly grateful for that.
06:01High five!
06:04Thank you for this.
06:05It has reminded me of something very important.