• vorgestern
Vor zwanzig Jahren verliebte sich der Kriminelle Vince in Sandy und krempelte sein Leben daraufhin komplett um. Die beiden führen in Riff Raff eine ruhige Existenz und verbringen den Silvesterabend in einem Landhaus mit ihrem gutmütigen Sohn DJ. Doch Vince Vergangenheit holt ihn ein, als sein anderer Sohn Rocco mit seiner schwangeren Freundin Marina und Vinces erster Frau Ruth auftaucht.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/riff-raff--2


00:06Past two hours you've been passing gas like a very sick infant. Sorry lefty. I had a lot of coffee
00:10Okay, Jesus Christ Lonnie, and then you use my name
00:14He said my you catch our names by any chance. Yeah, he called you lefty and you called him money
00:22Well, I overreacted okay
00:25Son, we got to talk about lefty. What did you do?
00:31You killed his son
00:36I get horny when I'm scared. I'm married. Okay, it's just us in the wildlife
00:41This is our son. We're too young to be grandparents all because your son couldn't pull out in time
00:47We've got houseguests
00:50I would categorize these as a must kill
01:01Would just
01:11Wait for me before you two start hitting each other
01:14Get off of me. I'm not gonna Ruth. What's a shame? We're gonna put something that hard to waste