Think you have what it takes to solve these tricky detective riddles? Each challenge will push your logic, observation skills, and problem-solving abilities to the next level! Can you crack the case and outsmart even the sharpest minds? The further you go, the smarter you’ll become! Test yourself with these mind-bending riddles and see how far you can get! Animation is created by Bright Side.
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00:00Richard Brooks, a famous jeweler, called the detective's office saying he had just been robbed.
00:06I spent the entire morning showing diamond rings to a few people.
00:11A gentleman in a suit, a woman with her son, and a couple.
00:15When I looked down to grab the store's most expensive ring, I felt somebody hit me on the head.
00:21I fell forward, and when I woke up, everybody was gone, Brooks told the detective.
00:29The detective asked to take a look at the security cameras, and in a few minutes, he figured out who had robbed it.
00:35Take a look at the image. Can you tell who did it?
00:48If you look closely, you'll see that the woman that was in the store with her son is carrying a teddy bear.
00:55But look at that bear's eye! It's bright, like a diamond. She must have stolen it!
01:02Amy lives in a cozy townhouse with three roomies, Jill, Alice, and Nora.
01:08Take a look at these four bedrooms. Can you tell which one belongs to Amy?
01:13Let's go one by one, Sherlock. In the first room, there's a comb with some green hair stuck to it.
01:19Nora's the one with green hair, so that must be her room.
01:23Then in the room to the right, there's a single red sock under the bed.
01:27Take a look at Jill's feet. She's missing that same sock.
01:32That must be her room.
01:34In the room to the right, there's a single red sock under the bed.
01:37Take a look at Jill's feet. She's missing that same sock.
01:41That must be her room.
01:43In the room right under this, there's a yellow jacket hanging on the chair.
01:48And Alice is wearing the same colored pants. It looks like the two pieces are a suit, huh?
01:54This leaves the last room, with a huge letter A poster hanging on the wall.
01:59That must be Amy's room. Phew, that took some work.
02:05Bobby entered a coffee shop excited to drink his daily cappuccino.
02:09But when he went to pay, he realized he had forgotten his wallet.
02:13The barista, instead of getting mad at him, suggested another way out.
02:18If Bobby could win his game, he would give Bobby the cappuccino for free.
02:23Bobby agreed.
02:24OK, I'm going to tell you three facts about myself and you have to figure out which one is false, the barista said.
02:32Here are the facts.
02:34I have three brothers. I hate the color red. I have a PhD in philosophy.
02:40Can you help Bobby out?
02:42Which fact do you think is false?
02:55It's the second one. Look at how many red things the barista owns.
02:59His cell phone case, the belt he's wearing, and his hat.
03:04Kevin had to travel to Los Angeles on business.
03:07He checked into his hotel and went out for the series of meetings he had during the day.
03:12After a long day of work, he came back to the hotel exhausted.
03:17He ordered some room service and fell asleep binge-watching his favorite TV show.
03:22But in the middle of the night, he was woken up and kept turning and tossing around in his bed.
03:28That's when he picked up the phone, made a call, didn't say anything, then finally fell back asleep.
03:35Who did Kevin call and why?
03:48That's easy. He called the room next to his.
03:50His neighbor's snoring was through the roof, so it woke Kevin up.
03:54When he called his next-door neighbor, it woke him up and Kevin didn't need to say anything.
03:59The neighbor stopped snoring and Kevin was finally able to sleep.
04:05Will and Frank went hiking on their summer vacation.
04:08They watched for hours before finding the perfect spot to set camp in the middle of a deserted island.
04:15The next morning, they thought it would be safe enough to leave their things unattended and went for a short walk around the island.
04:23When they came back, their stuff was scattered everywhere and some of their things were missing.
04:29Take a look at the picture. Can you tell who stole their things?
04:33No, buddy. Look at how that palm tree is swinging.
04:36A storm is clearly coming and the wind got pretty harsh.
04:40So it was probably just the strength of the wind that scattered all their stuff around.
04:44And some of it might have gotten into the ocean. Yikes!
04:49You wake up and find yourself trapped in the middle of the ocean.
04:53You can't get out of the water, so you have to find a way out.
05:00You wake up and find yourself trapped in a room with four doors in front of you.
05:04When you hear a monster coming, you're sure you're running out of time, so you check the doors quickly.
05:10The leftmost door has a sign on it saying, take the door on the right to break free.
05:15The second door has a sign saying, it's the right door.
05:18The third door holds the sign, freedom is just right in front of you.
05:22And the last door has a sign saying, don't trust the signs.
05:27Which door should you choose?
05:39Well, there's a little bit of wordplay here. Let's see why.
05:43The first door says to take the door on the right. The second one says, it's the right door.
05:48It doesn't say that it's the correct door, so one could conclude that it's pointing to some of the doors on the right.
05:55The third door says, freedom is just right in front of you.
05:59But that just doesn't make any sense, does it?
06:03You can interpret that as it's pointing to the door just on your right.
06:07And that's it. It's the last door. It tells you not to trust the other signs.
06:12But it doesn't tell you that they're false, does it?
06:18Someone stole a rare diamond from Mrs. Monica Fraser's house.
06:23Mrs. Fraser claims she walked into her bedroom and found that the glass box was broken and her diamond was gone.
06:32She called Detective Brian, who soon arrived at her place.
06:37He gathered three suspects.
06:40Steve, the gardener, said he was on holiday that week, so he wasn't anywhere near the house when it happened.
06:48Sophia, her cousin, said she didn't even know Monica had a diamond hidden in her house.
06:55And Adeline, the cleaner, said that when she cleaned the house around 10 p.m. the previous night, everything seemed alright.
07:04Take a look at the suspects. Can you tell who stole the diamond?
07:18It was Adeline, the cleaning lady.
07:23It seems that right after she broke the glass and stole the jewelry, she also wiped off the pieces of glass while cleaning as well.
07:33It was a lazy Sunday morning, and John was having breakfast in the kitchen.
07:39Suddenly, he heard a loud noise of glass shattering.
07:44He walked into the living room and saw that someone had just broken one of his windows.
07:50He was mad and decided to go outside to see if he could find the culprit.
07:56There were only three people in the street.
08:00Jake, a young boy, was coming home from football practice.
08:05He was holding a ball in his hands, but he swears he didn't do anything.
08:09Steven, John's longtime friend, was carrying a toolbox and said he'd just decided to go over there to fix John's window.
08:18Robert, the newspaper guy, was riding his bike and throwing newspapers at people's front lawns.
08:25After interviewing them all, John knew who had done it.
08:40It was Robert. If you look at the lawn, the newspaper is lying on the grass beneath the window.
08:48He threw the newspaper towards the mailbox but missed it and hit John's window.
08:54Whoops! It's best John just laughs about this, huh?
09:00Becca and Tom are a couple, and they decided to spend their Saturday afternoon enjoying New York's good summer weather.
09:09One of them rented a scooter from Brown's Scooters and needed to pay for their ride.
09:15The owner of the scooter company came to charge the user the $15 they owed.
09:21Both Becca and Tom, who were sitting on a park bench at that moment, were arguing over who should pay for the scooter ride.
09:31Becca said that Tom was the one who wrote it, so he should pay for it.
09:36But Tom said it was Becca that wrote it, and she should pay for it.
09:41Can you tell who's lying?
09:54Becca is lying. Take a close look at Becca's footprints. They lead directly to the scooter.
10:01Now look here. Richard is looking for a new job, but it's not that easy.
10:07Tricky interviews, suspicious employers, and unexpected challenges await him.
10:13You can help him find his dream job if you solve all the riddles. Let's give it a shot.
10:19The first job interview is in just one minute, but Richard can't find the right office building.
10:25His email invitation has a hint instead of an exact address.
10:29So, which of these three buildings should Richard enter?
10:41Richard should enter the glass building because its windows are sealed shut, so no one can open them.
10:48The other two buildings have visible window handles.
10:51Richard enters the building, but before he can get to the final interview room, the secretary gives him a puzzle.
10:58The password is a three-digit number. The first digit is the number of legs on a spider.
11:04The second digit is the number of wheels on a bicycle.
11:08The third digit is the number of thumbs a person has.
11:11So, what is the password?
11:14A spider has eight legs. A bicycle has two wheels. A human has two thumbs.
11:21So, the correct password is 822.
11:24Richard finally enters the interview room, and more puzzles await him there.
11:30Oops, with all the interviews, he can't find the right office building.
11:35And more puzzles await him there.
11:38Oops, with all the interviews, Richard forgot he needed to take his pills.
11:43The doctor prescribed him one for the morning, let's call it X, and the other one for the evening, let's call it Y.
11:50Richard cannot take both in the morning or both in the evening.
11:54The pills are absolutely identical. How should he take them correctly and survive?
12:05He needs to cut each pill in half.
12:09He'll take one half of pill X in the morning and the other half of X in the evening.
12:15And he should do the same for pill Y.
12:18The interviewer gives Richard a book to test how quickly he can remember new facts.
12:23He got carried away while reading and accidentally tore out pages 9, 10, 25, 67, and 68.
12:31How many pages will he have to fix?
12:42No worries, he'll only have to fix 3 pages.
12:469 and 10, just like 67 and 68, are different sides of one page.
12:52The next riddle is to test Richard's analytical skills.
12:55He needs to guess which of the employees of the company is selling their secrets to their rivals.
13:01The only hint is a periodic table with three elements that are highlighted in red.
13:07Carbon, oxygen, and lithium.
13:10The three suspects are Liam, Colin, and Oliver.
13:14The chemical symbols spell out C-O-L-I, forming the name Coley.
13:20It's a clue, clearly pointing to Colin.
13:23The interview is over, and while Richard is waiting for the results, he receives an email.
13:29It's an invitation to work at Microsoft.
13:32Looks like a dream job, but instead of celebrating, Richard gets fired.
13:37It's an invitation to work at Microsoft.
13:40Looks like a dream job, but instead of celebrating, Richard gets fired.
13:43Richard instantly notices it's a scam.
13:46How did he figure it out?
13:55Well, Microsoft wouldn't send out invitations to interviews from an email
14:04It's time for another interview at a company that seemed perfect.
14:08The office was modern, and the manager was friendly.
14:11But something felt off.
14:13What's suspicious here?
14:23The fact that there's no company logo anywhere and no branded material is a huge red flag.
14:29An empty office with no staff is super suspicious too.
14:33And that huge TV instead of basic office amenities, like a water cooler or coffee machine, is a clear sign that this isn't even an office.
14:43Looks like it's a showroom or a space used for something else.
14:47Richard gets an invitation to another interview nearby, so he decides to check it out.
14:53Instead of the regular questions, the interviewer asks Richard to quote popular online memes.
14:59Richard realizes the interviewer must be a blogger who is probably streaming all this live.
15:05What gave away the scammer?
15:15The office room seems rather normal, but what is that teddy bear doing there?
15:20One of its eyes looks bigger than the other.
15:23It must be a hidden camera.
15:25Richard doesn't give up and sends his CV to two more companies that are in the same office building.
15:31He sees two managers and realizes only the first company will most likely trick him.
15:37How did he figure it out?
15:46Do you see that envelope full of money?
15:49The manager of the first company is trying to hide it, so it could be an unofficial salary or even a bribe.
15:56The manager of the second company looks professional, and her watch is a sign that she values time and keeps track of things.
16:04So he chooses the second company and is from the creative industry.
16:09They need to see if Richard can think outside the box.
16:13The question is, what will you get if you add 5 to 500 five times?
16:27It's a creative company, remember? You'll get 505, 505, 505, 505, and 505.
16:36The interviewer has 15 colored pencils, 5 blue, 5 red, and 5 purple.
16:42The task is to divide them into two piles.
16:46One pile must have twice as many blue pencils as red pencils, and another pile must have more purple pencils than any other color.
16:54How many red pens would be in each pile?
17:05It sounds complicated, but this riddle is there to test your attention.
17:09The answer is zero, as we were talking about pencils, not pens all the time.
17:15Richard needs to figure out which principle this sequence is based on.
17:27The numbers are lined up in the alphabetical order of the first and second letters of their names.
17:328, 5, 4, 9, and so on.
17:36The final task of the interview is to find the way out of the room.
17:41The door has a combination lock, and this time, there seems to be no hint to guess the six digits.
17:48How can Richard get out?
17:49How can Richard get out?
17:59Well, no one said the door was actually locked. He just pushes it, and it opens.
18:05Richard receives two job offers, and must choose the one that is safe to accept.
18:10The first company instantly offers a high salary, but requires a passport scan and bank details before signing the contract.
18:19The second company offers a smaller salary and a trial period, but provides official employment and signs the contract first.
18:28Which company should Richard choose?
18:31You should never share your personal information like bank details before signing a contract.
18:37So, the first company is a scam. Richard should choose the second one.
18:42Hey, it's Richard's first day at work.
18:45In the morning, he reads a newspaper that has a weird headline.
18:50Workers want to make less money.
18:52He was so intrigued, he read the headline.
18:54And then it made perfect sense.
18:56What is this about?
19:08People working at the Mint and literally making money felt overworked and underpaid.
19:13So, they wanted to work less.
19:15Which, in their case, means making less money, since they don't get paid.
19:19Richard arrives at the office, and he instantly notices something is really wrong there.
19:25Can you figure out what exactly?
19:35Look at the calendar.
19:37June only has 30 days.
19:39So, June 31st, well, doesn't exist.
19:42It was the first attentive test at work, and Richard passed it.
19:46His boss comes into the room and says,
19:49I can beat anyone who works here at arm wrestling.
19:52But if one of his employees wins, they would get a reward of 500 bucks.
19:57Richard wants to try, but other employees tell him not to, because he could get fired.
20:03So, he doesn't.
20:05The boss said he could beat anyone who works at the company.
20:09So, to eliminate competition, he would just fire the person who was stronger than him.
20:14The first day at the job went really well.
20:17Richard had to go through scans of the company's employees,
20:20and he had to figure out who was stronger than him.
20:23But he didn't.
20:25The next day, he got a call from his boss.
20:28He said,
20:30I can beat anyone who works here at arm wrestling.
20:32Well, Richard had to go through scammers, difficult tests, and unexpected traps.
20:38But thanks to your help, he proved his intelligence,
20:41and finally landed the job he deserved.
20:44Okay, you ready for some brain-stumping riddles?
20:48Well, ready or not, here we go!
20:51Today's the final of the school's Olympics.
20:53Three swimmers are standing at the edge of the pool,
20:56waiting for their chance to jump in and win the race.
20:59Take a good look at the competitors.
21:00Which one of them do you think will win this race?
21:12The first guy has dark bags under his eyes,
21:15which means he's exhausted.
21:17This will slow him down.
21:19The third guy isn't wearing the proper swim cap,
21:22which can also slow him down.
21:24So, the guy in the middle will probably win.
21:27Three women are doing their regular yoga exercises at the park.
21:31They look innocent,
21:33but one of them recently escaped prison
21:35and is an extremely dangerous person.
21:37Can you figure out who it is?
21:49If you have sharp eyes,
21:51you'll see that the woman in the middle
21:53is wearing an all-black yoga outfit.
21:54And beside her,
21:56she has a black-and-white striped overall.
21:58That's her prison clothes.
22:00She's still carrying it around with her.
22:03On a Friday night,
22:05there were only two nurses on duty working at the hospital.
22:08One of them prescribed the wrong medicine to a patient.
22:11The doctor in charge is trying to figure out
22:13which one of the nurses is a fake.
22:15Can you help him out?
22:25The blonde nurse looks innocent,
22:28but something is off with the brunette nurse.
22:31Her uniform is not official.
22:33On her name tag, she has a red star
22:35instead of the plus sign,
22:37which is the official symbol for nursing.
22:40Mike and Bob are professional tennis players.
22:43It's their last match.
22:45Whoever wins it takes home the trophy cup.
22:48One of them is bound to lose, though.
22:50Can you guess which one?
22:54Bob, with the blue shirt, looks tired,
22:56but looks like he can play a good match.
22:58Mike, with the red shirt,
23:00is carrying an electrified racket.
23:02It doesn't look like he can win anything with that.
23:04A patient with the flu
23:06went to a local hospital to see a doctor.
23:08There were three doctors available
23:10to check him out.
23:12But one of the doctors didn't look too legit.
23:14Can you guess which one?
23:16Bob, with the blue shirt,
23:18looks tired,
23:20but looks like he can play a good match.
23:22Mike, with the red shirt,
23:24is carrying an electrified racket.
23:26Can you guess which one?
23:35The guy on the left
23:37has some blood on his jacket,
23:39but you can see he has a nosebleed.
23:41The guy on the right
23:43is trying to hide something.
23:45If you look closely,
23:47he's hiding a box full of his real clothes.
23:49He's a fraud.
23:51Bobby was setting off to college,
23:52and decided to drive herself
23:54from New York to Boston.
23:56When she arrived at the campus,
23:58she noticed that one of her tires was punctured.
24:00Somehow, she managed to make it all the way
24:02without having to stop to change it.
24:14That's because the tire that was punctured
24:17was her spare tire.
24:19Ryan was skateboarding in the park
24:20when he fell down and hurt his head.
24:22By the time he woke up,
24:24there were three different women
24:26saying they were her sister
24:28and saying they would take him home.
24:30Can you tell who Ryan's real sister is here?
24:41For starters,
24:43Ryan is brunette,
24:45and there's only one brunette woman.
24:47The other ones are blonde.
24:48Plus, they're both wearing a bracelet
24:50that says Smith's,
24:52which must be their last name.
24:55Sarah and David are late for work.
24:57They left their house in a hurry
24:59to get to the bus station on time.
25:01One of them is definitely
25:03not going to be able to catch that bus.
25:05Can you tell which one of them it is
25:07just by looking at the picture?
25:18David is trying to catch a bus
25:20that's already left the station,
25:22which means he may or may not
25:24succeed in doing it.
25:26But Sarah is running in the opposite direction
25:28of the bus.
25:30I mean, she's not catching that ride.
25:32Mrs. Franny is a beloved history teacher
25:34who loves to teach through riddles.
25:36She asked her students the following question.
25:39A person is 25 years old
25:41in the year 2000
25:43and 20 years old in 2005.
25:46How is this possible?
25:48Can you answer this question?
25:58It's possible because the person lived
26:00before the common era we're living in now,
26:03and years were counted in a different way.
26:07Sarah is an influencer,
26:09and she interviews millionaires
26:11asking them how and when
26:13they earned their first million.
26:15She boarded a train in Paris
26:16waiting for the next person to interview.
26:18Inside the train cabin,
26:20there were three people that looked really rich,
26:22except that one of them was faking it.
26:24Can you tell who?
26:35The first woman is carrying
26:37a designer bag that looks legit.
26:39The elderly man is wearing
26:41a really expensive suit.
26:43But if you look closely,
26:44the blonde man's sweater
26:46has a tag written polyester in it.
26:48It's such a cheap material,
26:50he's definitely not rich.
26:53Mark and Lisa said
26:55they could bring cakes to their office parties,
26:57but both of them are having
26:59a tough time baking the cake.
27:01Can you figure out who is having
27:03a worse time baking it, though?
27:05Mark is trying to mix ingredients,
27:07but doesn't have a blender to mix.
27:09And Lisa's doing the same,
27:11but the oven won't turn on.
27:13So Lisa is having the worst time.
27:15Mark can mix it with a spoon,
27:17but Lisa can't cook without an oven.
27:20Becca and Emily were
27:22freshmen in university.
27:24They needed to pass a challenge
27:26to get into a cooking school.
27:28But they didn't know how to do it,
27:30so they had to learn how to cook.
27:32They needed to pass a challenge
27:34to get into a very selective sorority.
27:36The test was to pick 25 red apples,
27:3947 green apples,
27:41and 3 yellow apples in a huge garden.
27:43Who do you think is doing a worse job here?
27:55It's Becca, the girl on the left.
27:57She thinks she is picking apples,
27:59but she is picking pears.
28:01She should've noticed
28:03they were a different shape.
28:05Martha is getting married,
28:07and she invited her bridesmaids
28:09for a dress fitting.
28:11The girls went to the shop
28:13to get their dresses measured.
28:15They were beyond happy
28:17to see their friend living her dream.
28:19Martha was happy that Bridget,
28:21her pregnant friend, could join as well.
28:23Can you figure out
28:25which of the girls is Bridget?
28:32Oh, it's the lady eating the pie, of course.
28:35She's definitely having
28:37one of those irresistible craving moments.
28:40Bob is the CEO of his own company.
28:43He is known to be the best boss around,
28:45which is why his employees
28:47decided to throw him
28:49a surprise party for his birthday.
28:51One of the employees is Jenna, Bob's sister.
28:53She's the one leading the whole thing.
28:55Take a look at the picture.
28:57Can you figure out
28:59which one of them is Jenna?
29:01Although Bob's looking
29:03at the woman on the right,
29:05his sister is on the left.
29:07They both have the same birthmark
29:09on their necks.
29:11Good eye if you caught that!
29:13Sandy and Priscilla
29:15are longtime friends,
29:17and they meet every Wednesday for tea.
29:19This week,
29:21one of the ladies took Jake,
29:23her younger son, along.
29:25Can you figure out
29:27who Jake is?
29:29It's Sandy,
29:31the woman on the left.
29:33She's got the same hair color as Jake.
29:35Plus, she's got a necklace
29:37with the letter J on it.
29:40It was Paula's wedding,
29:42and everyone was beyond excited.
29:44When did the bride and groom
29:46get together?
29:48Well, it all started
29:50a few months ago.
29:52It was a special day
29:54for Jake and Priscilla.
29:55It was their wedding,
29:57and everyone was beyond excited.
29:59One of the bridesmaids
30:01had just caught the bouquet
30:03and was happily talking
30:05to the other ladies about it.
30:07Can you figure out
30:09who caught the bouquet?
30:14It's the lady on the left.
30:16If you notice,
30:18she's surrounded by bees,
30:20who were definitely attracted
30:22by the flowers falling.
30:23Bebe, Jenna, Miriam, and Jackie
30:25were called to the principal's office.
30:27It started to rain
30:29just before they got to school,
30:31and one of the ladies got in
30:33at the last minute.
30:35Their shoes got wet,
30:37and they stained the principal's carpet.
30:39Judging by the looks of it,
30:41who stained the principal's carpet?
30:49It was Miriam,
30:51the third lady in the middle.
30:53She's the one wearing high-heeled boots,
30:55and if you look closely,
30:57that's the shape that matches
30:59the footprints.
31:01You get all those right?
31:03Good for you!
31:05A lot of things can go wrong
31:07during a taxi ride,
31:09but you can save the day
31:11if you solve all the riddles.
31:13A woman got into a taxi
31:15with a light suitcase.
31:17Along the way,
31:19they made a short stop,
31:21and she stepped out of the car.
31:23The driver took her to the police.
31:34Her suitcase suddenly became
31:36much heavier after the stop.
31:38She must have put something inside.
31:40The driver noticed she was nervous
31:42and suspected that the luggage
31:44might contain illegal or stolen items,
31:46so he decided to take her to the police.
31:49A passenger took a taxi,
31:51and the ride cost $18.
31:53He gave the driver $50.
31:55The driver got distracted
31:57and accidentally gave back
31:59the $50 bill instead of a $20 bill.
32:01How much money did the passenger get
32:03as change?
32:12So, the passenger gave $50
32:14and received $50 back.
32:16Instead of getting $32
32:18as he should have,
32:20he got $62.
32:21Let's hope he was honest
32:23and told the driver about it.
32:28A passenger ordered a taxi,
32:30and two drivers arrived
32:32at the same time.
32:34Both of them claim
32:36they accepted the ride request,
32:38but one of them is honest
32:40and the other will drive in circles
32:42to increase the fare.
32:44How can the passenger figure out
32:46who to trust?
32:52The female driver has a taxi meter
32:54on the dashboard
32:56showing the fare and distance traveled.
32:58This means she is a legit driver.
33:00The male driver has no taxi meter,
33:02and there's a map on the front seat.
33:04He might be planning
33:06to take unnecessary detours.
33:09A woman ordered a taxi
33:11through an app
33:13and saw that the car number
33:15matched the one in the booking.
33:17But as soon as she got inside,
33:19she realized that the driver
33:21had a beard.
33:29The app showed that
33:31this was a licensed taxi,
33:33but inside there was no meter
33:35or official stickers
33:37with a license number.
33:39The driver's profile photo
33:41in the app showed a clean-shaven man,
33:43while the actual driver
33:45had a long beard that looked fake.
33:47Late at night,
33:49a man ordered a taxi
33:51through a parking lot.
33:53When the passenger got in
33:55and asked to change the destination,
33:57he suddenly refused to drive him.
34:07When the passenger got into the car,
34:09the taxi driver noticed
34:11that he had huge bags.
34:13He asked to change the destination
34:15from a point in the city center
34:17to a dark forest on the outskirts.
34:19The driver decided not to take the risk
34:21that the passenger had in mind.
34:23A passenger gets into a taxi
34:25and says,
34:27The driver remembers
34:29picking him up from the house
34:31a few days ago,
34:33so he knows the street.
34:35But the passenger doesn't want to tell
34:37the driver the house number
34:39for some reason
34:41and gives the driver one clue.
34:43My house number is a two-digit number
34:45that looks the same right-side up
34:47as it does upside down.
34:49What is the passenger's house number?
34:52It's 69.
34:57Sam picks up a man
34:59in a smart suit
35:01not far away from a jewelry store.
35:03He tells Sam,
35:05Take the shortest route to the airport,
35:07but don't pass by the police station.
35:09There's a traffic jam there.
35:11Sam does the opposite
35:13and drives the man directly
35:15to the police station.
35:22Did you notice the man
35:24has three golden watches
35:26and five heavy golden chains on his neck?
35:28He must have robbed the jewelry store
35:30and doesn't want to be
35:32anywhere near the police station.
35:34A man hailed a taxi in the city center
35:36and gave the driver an address.
35:38The driver looked at him,
35:40then at his phone,
35:42and said,
35:52The driver had just received an alert
35:54that a dangerous prisoner
35:56had escaped from an island prison.
35:58The description of the criminal matched.
36:00The driver suspected
36:02that the passenger
36:04might have changed into his lawyer's clothes
36:06and decided not to take the risk.
36:08Jill picks up a passenger
36:10at 3.15 p.m.
36:12The passenger needs to reach
36:14the train station by 3.45 p.m.
36:16to catch a train.
36:18Jill has three route options.
36:19Which route should Jill take?
36:29Route C.
36:31Even though it's the longest,
36:33it takes only 20 minutes,
36:35meaning he'll reach the station
36:37by 3.35 p.m.
36:39and will have enough time
36:41to find the platform.
36:43The driver can choose
36:45one of three passengers in the app.
36:47They all offer to pay the same fare.
36:49The driver should pick Rick.
36:51The trip is short,
36:53but the fare is the same
36:55as for other trips,
36:57and he'll get some generous tips.
36:59A woman messages the driver
37:01through the taxi app.
37:03The driver immediately calls 911,
37:05and they rescue the woman.
37:07How did the driver guess
37:09she needed help?
37:14The driver immediately calls 911,
37:16and they rescue the woman.
37:18That house number
37:20looks really strange,
37:22so the driver guesses
37:24it's a code.
37:26I is the ninth letter
37:28of the alphabet,
37:30so it stands for nine,
37:32and A stands for one,
37:34so it was a call for action.
37:36It turned out that a stranger
37:38had broken into the woman's house
37:40and wouldn't let her call
37:42for help directly,
37:44and she had to get creative.
37:46A scientist who has
37:48some fragile equipment
37:50they want to transport
37:52is asking Tim to enter their house
37:54and help with the cargo,
37:56but they didn't specify
37:58on which floor they lived.
38:00Can you help Tim figure it out?
38:05There's clearly a family
38:07with a child on the ground floor.
38:09Look at all those toys!
38:11It's not clear
38:13who lives on the first floor.
38:15Maybe it's because
38:17of all the flasks
38:19and other equipment.
38:21Sam finished on his 10-hour shift.
38:23He left the taxi in the parking lot.
38:25When he came back the next morning,
38:27there was a stranger
38:29sleeping in the back seat.
38:31None of the windows were broken,
38:33so Sam doesn't understand
38:35how it was possible.
38:37Can you help him figure it out?
38:39The stranger
38:41didn't have to break the window
38:43because the doors weren't locked.
38:45Sam forgot to lock the car
38:47because he was really tired
38:49after the 10-hour shift.
38:52The passengers are in a playful mood
38:54and don't want to name
38:56the destination address.
38:58Instead, they give the driver a rebus.
39:00Can you figure out
39:02where they want to go?
39:09They want to go to the Eiffel Tower.
39:11Look at their berets.
39:13They're perfectly prepared
39:15for a photo shoot.
39:18There was a massive blackout in the city,
39:20but the taxi driver
39:22still noticed a dog on the road
39:24and managed to stop in time
39:26and avoid hitting it.
39:28What superpower helped him do it?
39:35No one said the accident
39:36happened at night,
39:38and during the day,
39:40the driver didn't need electric light
39:42to see the dog.
39:44Two daughters and two mothers
39:46ordered a taxi.
39:48The driver specified
39:50he had only three seats in the car,
39:52but it didn't stop them.
39:54How is it possible?
40:01They are a grandmother,
40:03a mother, and a daughter.
40:04Two of them are moms
40:06and two of them are daughters,
40:08so there's enough room
40:10for everyone in the taxi.
40:12Martha receives an order
40:14from Mr. White
40:16from a really shady neighborhood.
40:18When she arrives,
40:20she sees two men
40:22claiming to have made the order.
40:24She's afraid one of them
40:26could be a criminal
40:28trying to leave the area incognito.
40:30How can she figure out
40:32who actually ordered a taxi
40:35She just needs to ask
40:37to see the passenger's phone.
40:39The real Mr. White
40:41will have a ride request on it.
40:43All the passengers have arrived
40:45at their destinations,
40:47and all the taxi drivers are safe,
40:49thanks to you.
40:51Well done!
40:53That's it for today.
40:55So, hey, if you pacified your curiosity,
40:57then give the video a like
40:59and share it with your friends.
41:01Or if you want more,