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Jordan Fabrics is a team of 18 people, including Matt, Donna, and their son James Jordan. We film, edit, cut, and sew everything you see right here in our Oregon workshop. Matt spends most of the day making very unique hand cut quilting kits, If you love sewing and quilting, but don't love the cutting, our fully pre-cut quilt and table runner kits are made for you! Visit jordanfabrics.com to view our full inventory and learn more about our kits, fabrics and pre-cuts.

View our other Tutorials here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNm8nvUq4ho&list=PLRUmC2rAbdmgmGA3GZ8_nrx5ekSIN1xzY&index=2

Jordan Fabrics Quilt Shop
1595 NE 6th Street
Grants Pass, OR, USA, 97526


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00:00Hi, I'm Donna Jordan from Jordan Fabrics. Today I'd like to make the Friendship
00:05Chain Pattern. This looks very interesting. I love the colors on it, but
00:10I want to use a multi-colored jelly roll, so we'll use this one from Moda and it's
00:15called Maeve. The pattern shows two distinct colors here. We've got the blues
00:20and we've got the reds. I think I want to just mix it all up. I think this would
00:25look good out of scraps and I think it will look good in lots of different
00:29colors. I'm gonna make the lap size, which is what's showing on the front
00:32side. So we need some strips, we need some background, and we need some borders. So
00:38let's get started. The cutting is pretty easy. Most of the strips, we're just going
00:46to cut them in half. So we have a piece that's about 20 by 2 1⁄2
00:55inches, so I'm going to go ahead and just slice all of these in half. Feel free to
01:04separate your strips into two color piles if you like. So we might pick out
01:10these darker and purpler ones for where the pattern calls for blue, and then we
01:15could use these pinker ones for where the pattern calls for red, and that will
01:21give us more of that chain look. The next thing we need are some background
01:27strips. There's just a couple different sizes. I can't give you the exact sizes
01:31because it's not my pattern, but Cozy Quilts patterns are very easy to follow.
01:36I like to use a little dumbbell weight here to hold my ruler down when I'm
01:42cutting strips. It's almost like a third hand up there, so I can hold it here, the
01:47weight will hold it there, and it tends to not move at all if you do that. I've
02:01got a few more to cut, but all of these strips also get cut right in half right
02:07along the fold. Next step is to make some strip sets. The first strip set is going
02:14to have one of these, then you can pick an alternate color, and then a background,
02:20and then we'll pick a different one from this stack, and a different one
02:26from this stack, and we'll end with that. So we're going to take these to the
02:32sewing machine and sew them side by side. To make the strip set, we've just got
02:38five strips, so we're just going to put one on, then the next, then the next, and
02:43I'm just lining up those pinked edges, stitching all the way down, and making
02:50sure I don't stretch either one of the strips.
03:00And I find it a lot easier if I finger press each seam as I go. So I'm going to
03:07press these all to one side, so I'm going to open this up here, kind of anchor it,
03:12and then pull my fingernail, or even the pad of my finger, right down this seam as
03:18I open it up with my hands there, and that makes it nice and flat. It'll make
03:23the ironing later on much easier.
03:30Actually, I had a second thought about the way this seam is going to go. Instead
03:34of going towards the light, I want it to go towards the dark. It's always better
03:39to go towards the dark if you can, then you won't get any shadowing from your
03:43seam allowance over here. So I'm going to press this away from the background, and
03:48I will do that with the next strip that comes on. I'll go away from the
03:53background and then towards the edge. Even though it's been finger pressed, we
03:58do want to iron it nice and flat, so I usually smooth it out with my hands so I
04:02can make sure I can feel those seam allowances going the way I want. And then
04:06I just press each one a little bit individually,
04:15and then add a little steam. I've gone ahead and stitched together the other
04:24two strip units we need. There's still five pieces in each of them, but the
04:29fabrics are in a little bit different order. We need multiples of all of these,
04:34but once we have all those done, the procedure is the same for every one.
04:39We're going to take these and we're going to sub-cut them. So I'm just going
04:45to cut off a little piece at the beginning here,
04:55and we'll get eight strip units just like this from each of these. So I'm
05:03going to make all of the rest of these and get them all cut up, and then we'll
05:07be ready to put them together to make our first block. I'm here at the machine.
05:11I've got two of this strip unit we made first, and then I've got two of the
05:20second one and one of the third, and we're just going to sew these side by
05:34And I am going to press these all the same direction, so I'm just going to open
05:44it up, give it a little finger press, and keep adding the pieces. We'll go ahead
05:51and give it a quick press, and because I separated the fabrics just a little bit,
05:59we are starting to see some little trails of color here, and I'm very happy
06:04with how that's turning out. For our second block, we're going to cut some of
06:09our remaining strips into squares, and we're going to make some half square
06:13triangles. Now the easiest method to make these is to mark a line right across the
06:20diagonal on the back, and I'm going to get a pencil and show you how I do it. I
06:23like to put the ruler down, not exactly from corner to corner, because the pencil
06:28has a little width, so I move it over ever so slightly so that when I draw it
06:34is actually from corner to corner. So now all we have to do is put one of these on
06:42top of one of these, and then stitch right along the line or slightly to this
06:48side of it, because when you fold we're going to fold it along that line. Fabric
06:54doesn't fold completely flat, and if we sew just a little bit to the side when
07:00we open this up, everything will match there. Now if you don't like to mark them,
07:07you can mark your machine. There's tapes you can put on your machine. If you're
07:11really brave, you can just go from corner to corner. I've made so many of these
07:16that I will often do this. I will just start in this corner and aim for the
07:22other corner, and check before you do a whole bunch of them. Make sure that
07:32everything is meeting up there, and it looks like it is. So we'll go ahead and
07:36make a bunch of these. Next step is to fold this open, and I like to do that by
07:41putting the background down and folding open the print, making sure the edges
07:46line up, and then give it a little pressing. Then let's trim away these back
07:56two layers so we don't have so much bulk. So I'm going to cut it so there's a
08:00quarter inch seam allowance left. You can use your blade or you can use scissors
08:04like I did. Here's how the next block starts. We're going to use a print in the
08:10middle, and we're going to use four of these backgrounds in all four corners.
08:15Then we're going to pick four of these guys out, and we're just going to twirl
08:20them around the center. So this one gets twirled once. You can always just put it
08:25here, twirl it the same way. This one here, one twirl there, and it makes a little
08:32star. So all we have to do is sew them in rows. Sew the rows together.
08:45For pressing the seam allowances, you have to make a decision. I like to press
08:56these to the outside because there's extra bulk here, but that means we're
09:00pressing them towards the lightest color. So let's just see how that will work out.
09:05I really do think that will make the block the flattest, so we'll press those
09:09away, and we'll press these towards the center, which works out well because
09:14we've got these extra seam allowances there. And then these two will go to the
09:19outside, and this will lay nice and flat when we sew these rows together. To
09:24finish up the block, all we need to do is cut some strips out of this, and those
09:30will go on the top and bottom of this block. Then we'll take our remaining
09:35strips, sew them on either side of the background, cut it into strip units, and
09:41then those pieces will go here and here with these in the corners. And then our
09:47block, our second block, will be done, and we'll be ready to lay the quilt out. I've
09:51got all of each block done, and we're ready to lay them out. This is always the
09:56most fun part for me. So the block can be turned any way, it's the same in all
10:00directions. We'll do one of those, and one of these, and we're just going to
10:05alternate throughout the quilt.
10:11That's all the blocks. I haven't even looked to see if there's any color
10:16matches anywhere, so if I end up with two of the same here, I'm just gonna spin the
10:21block around. It just is automatically very balanced and very good-looking. Now
10:28is a good time to take a picture with your camera and make sure all your stars
10:32are turned to the right way. When I made them earlier, I had a couple blocks
10:36turned the wrong way. Very easy to stitch it together from here. You just make the
10:42rows, sew the rows together, then we're gonna have an inner border that's the
10:46same as the background, and we'll do a printed outside border of something
10:50flowery, then we'll get it loaded onto the quilting machine. I've got the quilt
10:55all loaded up, and now we get, whoa, to pick a thread color. There's lots of them
11:00that would work. I was interested in doing the gold. There are some gold
11:05prints in here, and it does make a nice neutral. That would work. Of course, we
11:11could use this dark lilac color here. Matches very well. I don't think I'm
11:18gonna want something that dark in the background. Same with this one. If you
11:23want your quilting to show, it would be a good choice. I just think I want
11:27something a little more subtle. This isn't gonna show at all in the
11:32background. Doesn't really fight with the top, but I do think the lavender is the
11:39best choice. Pink matches well. This blends a little better in the darker
11:46areas. For the quilting pattern, I'm gonna do posies. This is one of my favorite
11:51patterns. Let me make it a little bigger so you can see. Whoops, wrong way. I like
11:59the leaves. I like the flowers, and almost all of the prints in the quilt have
12:05flowers, so I think this will look really good.
12:51The friendship chain quilt is all done. I'm very happy with how it turned out. I
13:06used darker prints in all of the stars, so they are pretty prominent. So when I
13:13picked out all the fabrics I was going to use, I left those aside to use here.
13:16Then you can see a slight color change. A little bit pinker here, a little bit
13:23purpler here. Now you don't have to do that. If you're making this with scraps
13:26or a multi-colored jelly roll, this would look great even if there weren't some
13:32different color bands there. The pattern, it calls for 21 and 26 strips, but I was
13:41actually able to get it all from one jelly roll. So I had some pieces left like
13:49this, I had a couple strips left, and I had to take a couple pieces apart to
13:54make maybe the last few of these, but I didn't need any extra strips for my
13:58quilt. You might want to buy extra fabric because then you can get better color
14:03choices of what goes where. The quilting pattern, it's very understated, but you
14:10can see these flowers here. You can see that nice leaf. I love this pinkish
14:16magenta binding, and let's see what the back looks like. Ah, lovely print. Quilting
14:22totally recedes, but we've got these nice daisies here. I don't know if I mentioned
14:26this is a collection from Moda called Maeve. Really nice and cheerful. Very
14:31happy with how it turned out. Thanks so much for watching our video today. We
14:35hope you enjoyed it. I really have tons of fun making the quilts and making the
14:39videos for you. Now at the end of every video, we like to do a giveaway. Today's
14:44giveaway, this is a pattern from Antler Quilt Designs, and it's called French
14:48Twist, and it's got all these happy, cheerful daisies and blues and yellows.
14:53Very easy to enter the giveaway. Just click right below this video where it
14:58says giveaway and put in your name and email address. You might win this quilt.
15:03Now if you like our tutorials and you want to support us, the best thing you
15:07can do is subscribe to our YouTube channel. That really helps us out.
15:11Happy quilting!
