In an exclusive conversation with India Today, astronaut Sunita Williams's mother shared how she was a child and how the family has kept it together as Suni completes her nine-month-long mission in space.
00:00Delighted to tell all of you joining us right now that Sunita's mother Dina Panda also with us right now ma'am
00:06Let me come to you first. How's it as?
00:12As you know Sunita's mother to be
00:15Away from your daughter for so long and what's it been like for you?
00:22Her mom is Bonnie Pandya and this is her mom right here. Yes, and I'm Dina her sister
00:30If you could take my question apologies for the confusion if you could take my question to to Sunita's mother
00:39What is the question
00:41Think hasn't been without her. Yeah
00:46Yes, ma'am, you got that right
00:47How has it been for you to you know be out of touch with her for so long and to be away from her for
00:53Nearly nine months. What's that been like for you?
00:56Sure. Oh, it's it's been
00:58You know
01:00very good
01:03Missed her. I wish she would come down, but we talk all the time on the phone. So
01:09It's you know, she's close
01:14Tell us tell us tell us more about you know
01:16Sunita as a kid that this whole dream that she would possibly have had at one point to be a NASA astronaut ends up being
01:23Exactly that tell us what the conversation between the mother and the daughter used to be back then
01:30Which is a conversation between you and Sonny about her becoming an astronaut growing up, oh
01:37Well, she didn't want to be an astronaut at first. She was gonna be a
01:45the way it turned out she went to the Naval Academy and one thing led to another and
01:52She became an astronaut
01:57you know, we just
02:00Talked about it. I said do what you like, you know, you're gonna be doing this for a long time. So
02:08That's what she did
02:11You know, how does it make you feel that you know
02:15We played it out for our viewers just a short while back that there are prayers being held here on
02:21Indian shows, you know back in the village where you know, Sunita's got roots from where where the father's from
02:28You know, there are prayers being done. There are people waiting with bated breath and praying for a safe return
02:33How does that make you feel?
02:42How does it feel that people are praying for Sonny and Jalassan and everywhere else around you know
02:48It's feeling very good, you know
02:50I'm so thrilled that so many people are following her career and her adventure in space and
02:59You know, she's a good role model for everybody and the kids especially they all love her
03:08Is all
03:12But are you are you nervous? Really? You know, it's it's taken too long
03:16There's been a failed attempt in the past as well right now. We're just about four and a half hours away
03:21Is are there any nerves that you were experiencing?
03:25I'm not nervous at all
03:27This is what she does. This is her career. I
03:31Support her and everything that she she's done so far and I'm just proud of her
03:38What else can I?
03:41Right, tell us tell us about the last time you had a word with her ma'am
03:48Last time she talked to my mother yesterday
03:53Yesterday night. Yeah. What was that conversation? Like if you could give give us some insight
04:02Insight what did you talk about? Oh
04:05Well, she was all anxious about coming back down she was a little
04:13She loved it up there she was happy to see all her new friends that came up there are three
04:20three women from the
04:22Air Force Academy the Naval Academy and West Point and
04:28It was great to see three women from three military
04:33Academies all together on the space station who are astronauts
04:38So she was all happy about that. They took a picture with the three of them
04:43but she's gonna miss her friends that are up there and
04:48You know, eventually they'll all be together again on the ground sometimes so
04:54You know, they have a very close relationship
05:00If you could also, you know, tell us about what's really kept her spirits up this whole while
05:06Was there a conversation that you had on those lines?
05:08Because you know when she took off from the earth
05:12It was supposed to be a eight day nine day mission ended up being a nine month long mission for her
05:17So what's really kept her spirit up in all in all of this?
05:21Yes, well, I think truly she wanted to do a long duration and she happened to get the first pilot or you know
05:29the first time on the Starliner and a short duration which turned into a long duration and I think she embraced it and she
05:36really enjoyed being up there after you know, the decision was made for her to be there and
05:42She just did a great job
05:45Sharing what she did with a lot of many many people all over the world
05:49Or what she's you know what she sees everything
05:53going on
05:54right, you know just
05:57Tell you that the Prime Minister Modi has written a letter in fact to her
06:02Wishing her all the very best and and hopes that you know at some point
06:06India is given the opportunity to host Sunita Williams
06:09How how does that make you feel firstly and is there a point at which you're planning that trip to India sometime later this year?
06:20He said about the letter, yeah, we were very
06:24Happy that she got a letter from Prime Minister Modi. It was so nice. I know
06:31To send her a letter
06:34So we're happy and hopefully
06:36We'll all go to India after she recovers from her trip. We'll see
06:42That's that's lovely to know that that that thought has crossed your mind
06:46And of course after Prime Minister Modi has already said it on behalf of all of us
06:51India awaits to welcome as Prime Minister Modi in that letter said one of
06:56its daughters
06:58Tell us tell us more about you know the kind of mood that that's been you said that
07:03They've been friends who came over. They were all very
07:06Excited what is it going forward that you have in mind as we approach closer to?
07:13AM Indian Standard Time
07:22How do we feel as it approaches the time she'll be coming down
07:26So yeah, exactly as we move closer to that mark as we move closer to that time here in India
07:32It's going to be around 3 30 a.m
07:35So so, you know as we approach closer to that mark, is there something that that you've planned around that time?
07:42Where will you exactly be seeing all of it?
07:43Is there a place you plan to go to to see the whole thing pan out or what is it like for you?
07:52Well, we're planning a watch party, you know with some friends and family just all whoever would like to come over
07:59You know to watch together, you know, we'll we'll be doing that. Yeah, very exciting
08:06Okay, the the other thing, you know people in India look at
08:11Sunita as a source of immense
08:13Inspiration, you know for the kind of journey for the for the roots that she has here in India
08:18She becomes a real benchmark of excellence when space especially when it comes to space does that?
08:25Make you a proud mother and and what what sort of message would you then go to people who aspire to be more like?
08:37You mean the children
08:40Yes, ma'am
08:42Yeah. Yeah there well
08:45You know, she has a great following with all the kids. They all love her
08:50They all want her to come into their school
08:53talk to them and
08:56In fact, she went to one school. She had a
09:01radio ham radio talk with one school in Sarasota where I live and
09:08the little
09:10The student who was a sixth grader
09:13She told her teacher. She said I know her grandmother. She lives right near my grandmother
09:20So they happen to call me and ask me if I'd like to come and I said sure I'd love to come and the kids
09:27Were wonderful kids are so cute. I just love them
09:35Just just be just be with us, ma'am
09:37Also with with us right now here on India today is Falguni Pandya who were introduced earlier
09:43But unfortunately couldn't get across Falguni. This is you know, I'm finally happy to be speaking with you
09:50You heard that conversation. It was it was you know, interesting to get those anecdotes about Sunita
09:56But as her cousin shared some of your the anecdotes that you possibly have with her
10:05Namaste everyone. Namaste to Aaj Tak viewers. Thank you for
10:12Covering Sunny. Sunny is Sunny means everything to our family
10:18Just like all other members mean everything to us. We are a very close-knit family
10:25Dina and Joy are the three cousins of my husband's
10:30My husband and they all grew up together. I have known Sunny for last 30 years and Aunt Bani
10:36We recently have lost Deepak Kaka who is Sunny's father
10:43but his blessings and
10:46His teachings are guiding us all
10:51Ask me specific about
10:54any questions about Sunny's
10:57Anecdotes that you're you want to know
11:02That tell us tell us about tell us about the time that you know
11:05She would talk about being an astronaut any any conversation that you recall as youngsters growing up
11:13So my husband grew up with her
11:15I have known Sunny ever since I married into the Pandya family and she has been a sister ever since
11:22What I do remember is
11:26She is
11:27she was
11:29going to go up to space and
11:31my son was bragging in his school that my aunt is an astronaut and she's going up in space and he was in kindergarten and
11:39His friends didn't believe him and they were making fun of him. So
11:44What she did and she found out that you know, he was being made fun of because kids didn't believe so what she did is
11:50she made
11:51She traveled all the way from Texas to New Jersey and showed up at his school
11:58obviously planned by us parents, but she made it a point to show up for her nephew and
12:05Spend time with the children and I think she is very passionate like aunt Bonnie said
12:12She's very passionate about children. She's very passionate about youth empowerment
12:17Education and encouraging them to go further in life
12:21So she has exhibited that from day one and to this date
12:26She continues to make time for children and one thing I do remember during her over
12:322007 visit when we were in India together and she was giving speeches and she would say that to all the girls
12:39especially that
12:41the machine she operates or
12:43All the work she does does not differentiate between whose hands are operating those
12:49It could be a boy or a girl man or a woman
12:52so she was very encouraging for women empowerment as well and
12:57We have I have been personally very inspired and I think she's a great role model for my children and all children in the family
13:07Okay, stay with us I'm going to be coming back to you as well ma'am
13:11The Sunita's mother continues to be with us alongside her is Sunita's cousin as well
13:20Before I go to Sunita's mother. Let me come to Dina first Dina. Tell us what's it been like for you to be around?
13:29To be around in this space of
13:33nervousness anxiousness and this whole spell of of being in a territory which in which you don't know this this this whole
13:41Unknowingness or the unknown that you've been in for far too long. Now. What has it been like as a family member for you?
13:50I'm the unknown of her being up there for so long. Is that what you mean? Yes
13:57Well, honestly, I feel like once
14:00The decision was made that she was gonna be there for so long
14:04I think our family got used to that fact and we would meet with her, you know on the weekend
14:10With different family members and it was actually really nice. She kind of brought our whole family together every weekend and
14:19you know sharing of course what she's doing up there, you know, that's showing us the earth and
14:25Everything and you know what vehicles came what food they're eating what experience they're doing
14:30So to me I got very used to it and I was thinking, you know, I didn't mind it at all
14:35I was kind of like this is this is our life now or a little bit
14:41So, yeah, I thought it was it was it was a great experience great adventure for all of us
14:49Right now to Sunita's mother if I may ask ma'am
14:53When you look at when you look at you know, this tough journey because you know, it's still it's still that kind of a dream
15:00That you know parents at times are a little iffy about children as well
15:05Especially in some parts of the world as I still you know in two minds whether to aim that big or not of being an
15:11Astronaut for those who still have such doubts
15:14How would you as the mother of Sunita Williams quell all those fears quell all those doubts?
15:19And what's that boost of confidence if you could give to all those who may be second-guessing at this point?
15:29What's up
15:32You know like this advice what advice for the kids
15:35I didn't hear you advice for kids, you know to quell their fears of doing something. What would you say to them kids?
15:43For to quell their fear something like that
15:49Well, you know sunny
15:53Always says things don't always go your way you have to
15:59You know, if things don't work out just try again or go in another direction
16:05But don't give up. Yeah, just this is how life is
16:10you have to roll with the punches and
16:14So that's I think one of the things that she always
16:18Stresses to everybody, you know, nothing is always certain
16:25Okay, have you have you have you thought of what exactly is it again, you know the one thing once you back home after a
16:33Long time. I'm sure she'll be on a strict diet and all for quite some time
16:37But could you tell us what she'd be expecting you to make for her once?
16:41She's back and once she's allowed to eat everything that she feels like eating. What is it that you expect her to ask for?
16:49You know when she's back home
16:51I don't care. What what what food would you make for her? Well when she gets back? Oh
16:59You know, she likes doll dhokri
17:02that's something my husband had and
17:07We made it for Dina and the kids when I was here and
17:12Dina says I have to copy down this recipe cuz sunny and then we told sunny and she's oh, yeah
17:18When I get back I have to have some doll dhokri, so that's one thing but you know
17:25There's other things that she likes to
17:29Samosas she likes those
17:33Lot of Indian food she she's very happy to eat Indian food and so are we we all like it
17:43Only thing I don't like is okra
17:49Okay. Okay. Thank you. Thank you so much
17:51In fact, you know for sharing us all those insights a big
17:54Thank you to everyone who joined in and gave us those insights, especially from the Pandya family making time
18:01Especially when we're just about a few hours away in these crunch periods, but our coverage here on India today
18:07Continues as far as Sunita's landing back on the earth is concerned