• 5 hours ago
A mom goes viral for her Disney-inspired parody songs about parenting.


00:00I want to be where the grown-ups are.
00:04I want to talk without interruption.
00:08A lot of it was like, oh my gosh, like relate.
00:10Some people are like, do you have a camera in my house?
00:13Like, because it's like, that's the lives that all of us live.
00:16I think one, I just have young children.
00:18And so Disney is obviously in the house all the time.
00:22And really it was me singing it out loud.
00:27And then my mind was just kind of thinking like, ha ha,
00:30like actually I kind of do, like I have these thoughts and feelings
00:33just in a little different way, you know.
00:36We were actually watching it and actually singing it.
00:38And I was like, man, I really feel that.
00:41That is just the reality of the season of life.
00:43I mean, as a mom, I stay home with my kids full time.
00:47And the reality is, is like kids go through a lot of laundry.
00:51We're potty training. We're doing all these things.
00:54And oh my gosh, you think you have it all caught up.
00:57And the next day you have like four loads and you don't know how.
00:59And so I think that is just a very not glamorous part of motherhood
01:04that no one talks about.
01:06There's such a wide spectrum of what it means to be a mom.
01:10And for other people to see like, oh, I see her.
01:13She has laundry too. She's doing dishes too.
01:16You know, we're all actually walking this out together.
01:19To me, motherhood can bring so many different demographics of people together
01:23because regardless of what you do, there are aspects that are going to stay true.
01:27Everyone can relate to that no matter what part of life you come from.
01:32And so, yeah, I like touching on those topics just on my social media in general.
01:36I'm just trying to, what was it? Sleep.
01:41Those videos, I didn't intend for them to do.
01:43Honestly, what they did, I was just kind of in this pattern
01:47of posting a specific type of content because that's what other people were liking.
01:51But I was like, I'm going to just do something I think is funny because I think it's fun.
01:55But I think what my favorite thing that happens between my platforms
01:59is the conversations that start in the comments between the moms.
02:03That's when it starts feeling more like a community, right?
02:05Is when someone's like, oh my gosh.
02:07And especially the women that are out of that season
02:10who have adult children that are like, I remember this.
02:13Don't worry, girls. You're going to get through it.
02:15And I love that aspect of watching the different generations of mothers come together
02:20because you can learn something.
02:22And I love any video that sparks conversation.
02:24They're fun to discuss and talk about.
