00:00I had to jump from one car to the other as it was there.
00:03I've never done it before. I never tried it, just went for it.
00:05It's like you're kids again on the playground, you know, going pew, pew, pew.
00:10Women are, you know, surprising, intelligent, you know, dynamic.
00:15They do everything. They control everything, practically, as far as I'm concerned.
00:19Congratulations, Gangs of London, season three.
00:22Your character's been in it from the start,
00:23so you know more than anybody how brutal this show really is.
00:27And no character is safe.
00:29Firstly, how does it feel when you find out that a character's been killed off?
00:33And do you find it more painful as an actor or as a viewer of a show?
00:37Oh, I think it depends on the emotional attachment that you have to the character.
00:45Look, I remember watching The Wire and when they killed off their lead character,
00:50everybody was like, but it was a brilliant thing to do.
00:54It serves a purpose. You know, the writers are writing it for a reason.
00:58So I think there are people who lament characters going
01:03and then there are others who sort of like, you know, go,
01:06and let's see what happens next. Yeah.
01:08Can you ever relax or do you find yourself kind of like skipping to the end of a script
01:13just to see if you make it?
01:14I guess, you know, I mean, when I've watched shows, it's, you know,
01:18where the death count is pretty high, you know, you are going,
01:23sometimes it's great to be, you know, sort of like surprised,
01:26you know, to be like really, really surprised and just not see it coming.
01:31But there are times when you can see what's going to happen.
01:34You know, you kind of, but yeah, surprise is always good.
01:39My mistake was not recognising how weak my family were. Divided.
01:45This show is pretty brutal, to say the least,
01:48and you're part of some of the most intense sort of like fight sequences in this season.
01:55What was it like to film some of those?
01:57Like, do you have a sort of standout memory of that?
01:59It was great fun. It's great fun because,
02:02you know, it's like you're kids again in the playground,
02:05you know, going, you know, it was great.
02:08And the one I enjoyed most was probably the pool hall,
02:12the scene with Billy when we go in and tick on all the junkies.
02:15That was just, it was good fun.
02:18Yeah. Can you remember any sort of the challenges of having to film some of those?
02:22The challenge was not to break anybody's bones with my fighting stick.
02:27Because we had to get quite close for the misses.
02:31You know, like when you cheat it. So we spent a lot of time,
02:35you can't, so the stick has to be held here.
02:38If it's there, that means, or if there's less of the, this bit,
02:42it means it's too close to their face and you've got to stop.
02:45And I mean, they're incredibly, the stunt people are amazing
02:48and they wouldn't let that happen. But the back of your head,
02:52you're always worried. Oh, I don't want to, I don't want to mess up here.
02:55You know, I don't want to hurt anybody.
02:57Or that you're going to get a blow to the back of your head.
02:59Well, that's not as bad because, I don't know,
03:01it's just, I just, you just don't want to hurt anybody, you know,
03:04and if somebody else hurts you, you can go, oh, don't worry about it now.
03:07But yeah, it's all about looking out, looking out for everybody.
03:11Your voice is trespassing.
03:14Gangs of London Season 3, congratulations.
03:17Your character is new to this season.
03:20Firstly, what's it like coming onto a pretty well-established set like this?
03:24Like, did anybody kind of take you under their wing
03:26and make you feel kind of part of the gang?
03:29Part of the gang.
03:32Yeah, I mean, from the beginning, I was, I spoke to Peter McKinnon,
03:36the writer, Hong Sung, the director, and Michael, the producer.
03:39They were enthusiastically telling me about the character.
03:41So they gave me this whole backstory about him.
03:43They kind of, they were explaining passionately about who he is.
03:46And then we were discussing what I could do with it,
03:49the way, maybe psychology and all this stuff.
03:51At the same time, Zeke's a bit of an outsider.
03:54So when you're joining a TV show, which I've done a couple of times now,
03:59you always feel a bit of an outsider, a bit of kind of work,
04:01because Zeke is an outsider, I think, yeah.
04:03Yeah, so you kind of work that into it.
04:05Yeah, method, method.
04:09Someone on the outside helped him.
04:12So your martial arts background, your, like, extensive martial arts background,
04:15means that you bring such a unique physicality to all of your roles.
04:19How did you prepare for some of the pretty brutal fight scenes in this?
04:24Yeah, I mean, we've got Adam Horton, stunt coordinator, who,
04:28I mean, we discussed about what his style should be.
04:31I mean, I guess for me at this point,
04:34I mean, even though I've still got so much to learn in my martial art journey,
04:37but it's about picking and choosing which tools to use for things.
04:41So Zeke's style is very efficient, brutal killer,
04:44more in line with, like, MMA kind of just efficiency
04:49and cold-blooded, kind of ruthless, what works,
04:53rather than anything too fancy.
04:55So to pick and choose, yeah, you pick those tools, you decide on that.
05:00And then our first scene to shoot was, for me, as Zeke, was a CCTV fight scene.
05:06And so that was the first time I got to play with his style, figure it out,
05:10and Adam gave me, we just found it then, and then going, this is it.
05:14And of all the stunts that you've done in your career,
05:17is there one that really stands out to you
05:19that was, like, the hardest technically or physically to shoot?
05:23I mean, a lot of them provide different challenges.
05:26Warrior, because I'm TV's The Warrior.
05:31Shameless plug.
05:32Everyone can know, right? They all know that.
05:34Season four, season four.
05:37That brought different...
05:39There's always different technical things,
05:41like fight scenes can be different, the stunts in particular.
05:44One of my earliest memories was a stunt double for Hong
05:49in Fast and Furious 6, I think it was.
05:52And I was winging it at the time, I didn't really know.
05:57We showed a pre-vis, pre-visualisation of, like, a storyboard of the fight
06:01and the stunt coordinator said, can you do this?
06:03Like, yeah, yeah, I can do it.
06:05And I was jumping from one car to the other, moving.
06:09We were down this airplane, air runway,
06:12and there's all these cars going on, Fast and Furious,
06:14and then I had to jump from one car to the other as it was there.
06:18I'd never done it before, never tried it, just went for it.
06:21You know, we all lie on our CV, but that's a pretty big one.
06:24Yeah, I guess so, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:26Still around, still around.
06:28Volatile power struggles, family rivalries, shocking character deaths.
06:33And you're also in Gangs of London as well.
06:35I mean, does that, do any of those things kind of, like,
06:38bring you back to Game of Thrones, another huge show that you did?
06:43What's more dangerous, a Gangs of London business meeting
06:45or a Westeros battle?
06:47Well, definitely Westeros.
06:49So you prefer your chances in...?
06:50Well, thousands, hundreds of thousands die in Westeros,
06:53whereas, you know, dozens die in those shootouts.
06:59So definitely, yeah, Westeros is crazy.
07:02Who would you rather have on your side, Marion or Catelyn?
07:07Oh, gosh, yes, yeah.
07:08You know, Marion is a very clever woman.
07:10She's a very, she's a smooth operator.
07:13Not that smooth, but she's a survivor.
07:16She will do everything she can to not get killed.
07:18I think if Marion gets killed in this, it's because she wants to get killed.
07:23I would imagine so, she's had enough.
07:26But she wants to survive at this point, so I'd be with her.
07:31And what draws you to these, like, complex, powerful, very protective women?
07:37I mean, thankfully, they come to me, you know, so,
07:41but I mean, I think it's always a challenge to play.
07:44Women are complicated.
07:45Women are strong.
07:47Women are, you know, surprising, intelligent, you know, dynamic.
07:52They do everything.
07:53They control everything, practically, as far as I'm concerned.
07:56And, you know, so they should be portrayed like that, you know.
08:02There are many types of women in this world,
08:05and you don't have to, of all ages, who are strong.
08:10And it's important that that is shown.
08:12I have to ask you, I mean, if Dondarrion had the ability to come back to life,
08:17if you were given a chance, would you like to see him return
08:20in any kind of, like, Game of Thrones reboot?
08:23Oh, definitely.
08:24I love that guy.
08:26Oh, he's such a nice guy.
08:27I mean, he's just, he's almost so nice, he was sickening.
08:31You just look at him and go, come on, what's your, you know,
08:33what's wrong with you?
08:34Everybody's got a flaw.
08:35We needed that, though.
08:36We were so starved of that.
08:37Genuinely, he was the only truly, truly nice person.
08:41There was no bad in him.
08:42There wasn't one bad thing in that guy.
08:44He was honourable, trustworthy, you know.
08:48He was just, he was a gorgeous guy.
08:51We can defend those who can't defend themselves.
08:53It's very rare you get to play someone who's that kind of pure.
08:57You know, but also heroic.
08:59He was very heroic.
09:00A flaming sword.
09:02I got to work.
09:03Yeah, I used to go to work and go...
09:05I mean, who wouldn't want to do that?
09:09I mean, hey, maybe we could see one in this.
09:12Or is that...
09:13I don't know.
09:14Yeah, maybe.
09:15I don't know how that would work.
09:16A crossover.
09:17Like the multiverse.
09:18Game of Gangs.