• il y a 3 jours
Toutes les émissions de Clique sont à voir gratuitement et en intégralité sur myCANAL 

Clique, c'est présenté par Mouloud Achour, tous les jours pour les abonnés, en deuxième partie de soirée sur CANAL+


00:00Est-ce que c'est différent quand on est une femme, parce qu'on a forcément une pression supplémentaire, on vous juge sur la moindre apparition,
00:06la moindre tenue, le moindre look, le moindre écart ?
00:12Yeah, I do. I'm really lucky that I...
00:16Especially now, I've made it a priority in my life to...
00:22sometimes do something different than what Young Thug was talking about, which is...
00:25really look for a community and be like, hey, I was really struggling with this, how do you cope with this ?
00:35Because I find that it can actually be a very solitary and committed career, but we all do.
00:43So I do reach out to other artists, especially people who are in the industry,
00:48and I'll be like, hey, how do you deal with TikTok ? How do you deal with social media ?
00:51How do you deal with your comments ? How do you actually manage to impress a million ?
00:55How do you deal with social media ? Do you read the comments ?
00:58Because these are things that can influence us.
01:00And what do they say to you ?
01:02Everybody has different things.
01:04For example, there's been friends that I ask about TikTok, and they're like, oh yeah, I go on TikTok, but I just don't look at the comments.
01:09For me, it's just too much stimulation, I just don't look at the comments.
01:13Then other people, for example, are like, oh, I'm in the studio, and you know, I'm overthinking, and it'll be like, oh my God, I had the same thing.
01:20And for me, it's the same thing.
01:22We all share the same experiences, and we realize that we're all normal, and that we're not alone here, and that helps us a lot.
01:31But I do think as a woman, it's...
01:35I don't know, because I don't know what it's like to be a man in the music industry.
01:39As a woman, it's hard, because there's different layers.
01:43It's your physicality, it's what you look like, are you skinny enough, are you hot enough ?
01:49Are you getting old, are you getting ringy ?
01:52Are you sexy enough, are you too sexy ?
01:56It can be so exhausting, because there's always something.
02:02It's never going to be either too much or not enough for you.
02:08It's kind of a blessing, because then the only way is to just follow what's true to you.
02:14And I think that's like life.
02:16It's like you're always...
02:18There's always going to be a problem.
02:20So the best thing to do, just being who you are, is to be yourself.
