Pushing boundaries and breaking the typical formulas with abstract visuals, meet BEST EXPERIMENTAL nominees. Some music videos follow trends, and some create them. The category honors the risk-takers, the artists who dare to defy expectations. They have transformed music videos into immersive art experiences, proving that innovation knows no limits.
The countdown is on! Secure your tickets (linked in bio) and experience these mind-blowing creations live at the festival from June 12th to 14th.
CREDITS (in order of appearance)
clipping. - Run It @clppng
Director & Editor: Lawrence Klein @lklein1836
Label: Sub Pop @subpop
qrauer - Subtlerejection @qrauer
Director: Jonny Polka @jonnypolka
DOP: Albrecht Ernst @aernst_music
Editor & VFX: Christian Grochau @crochaux
Fjaak - Hustle @fjaak
Director: Maximilian Mouson @maximilian.mouson
Production Company: Okaycool Production @okaycool.eu
DOP: Lucas Aurel Köppe @lucasaurel_
Editor: Julian Scheinkönig @julian.scheinkoenig & @suessmaus.studio
Art Director: Veronika Chrysagi @veronikachrysagi
KCPK - Eveything Is… @kcpkofficial
Director: vanbecz
Production Company: P.O.P @pop_proseonpixels.fr
Editor: Sylvain Connat
Max Baby - Nothing Ever Changes @maxrbaby
Director: Alex Acy @alexacyyy
Production Company: QUAD @quad_productions
DOP: Jowly @jowly.mov
Editor: Jules Harbulot & Jean Lund @julesharbulot
Creative Director: Julien Lacroix @julienlacroix1
VFX: 2xvroum @2xvroum
Label: Animal63 / Believe @animal63music & @believemusicfrance
Ok Go - A Stone Only Rolls Downhill @okgo
Directors: Damian Kulash Chris Buongiorno @damiankulash & @chrisbuongiorno
Production Company: Park Pictures @parkpictures
Editor: Justin Clare @_el_justino__
Art Director: Benjamin Voutour
BARBARELLA - Hold On @soundslikebarbarella
Director: Sophie Bramley @sophiebramley__
DOP & Editor: Jon James Smith @jonjamessmith
Mola Oddity - Half a Sadday Saving Time @molaoddity
Directors: Laurent Nathan Grey + Baku Hashimoto @laurent_nathan_grey & @_baku89
DOP: Hirohito Itagaki
Art Director: Pierre-Alexandre Fillaire @pafillaire
Label: Nomad City Records @nomadcityrecords
Richey V - INFAMIA @richey_v
Director: Manuel Esposito @manuelespositodirector
DOP: Luca Esposito @lucaespositodp
Editor: Filippo Lorenzi @filippolorenzi_editor
Label: D.P.T.H. Records @dontplaythisathome_records
The Gaslamp Killer & Jason Wool - Chaos In The Brain @gaslampkiller & @jasonwool_pianos
Director: Marielle Tepper @marielle_hyperballad
DOP & Editor: Jan Bormann @bormann4ever
Label: CUSS Records @cuss
The countdown is on! Secure your tickets (linked in bio) and experience these mind-blowing creations live at the festival from June 12th to 14th.
CREDITS (in order of appearance)
clipping. - Run It @clppng
Director & Editor: Lawrence Klein @lklein1836
Label: Sub Pop @subpop
qrauer - Subtlerejection @qrauer
Director: Jonny Polka @jonnypolka
DOP: Albrecht Ernst @aernst_music
Editor & VFX: Christian Grochau @crochaux
Fjaak - Hustle @fjaak
Director: Maximilian Mouson @maximilian.mouson
Production Company: Okaycool Production @okaycool.eu
DOP: Lucas Aurel Köppe @lucasaurel_
Editor: Julian Scheinkönig @julian.scheinkoenig & @suessmaus.studio
Art Director: Veronika Chrysagi @veronikachrysagi
KCPK - Eveything Is… @kcpkofficial
Director: vanbecz
Production Company: P.O.P @pop_proseonpixels.fr
Editor: Sylvain Connat
Max Baby - Nothing Ever Changes @maxrbaby
Director: Alex Acy @alexacyyy
Production Company: QUAD @quad_productions
DOP: Jowly @jowly.mov
Editor: Jules Harbulot & Jean Lund @julesharbulot
Creative Director: Julien Lacroix @julienlacroix1
VFX: 2xvroum @2xvroum
Label: Animal63 / Believe @animal63music & @believemusicfrance
Ok Go - A Stone Only Rolls Downhill @okgo
Directors: Damian Kulash Chris Buongiorno @damiankulash & @chrisbuongiorno
Production Company: Park Pictures @parkpictures
Editor: Justin Clare @_el_justino__
Art Director: Benjamin Voutour
BARBARELLA - Hold On @soundslikebarbarella
Director: Sophie Bramley @sophiebramley__
DOP & Editor: Jon James Smith @jonjamessmith
Mola Oddity - Half a Sadday Saving Time @molaoddity
Directors: Laurent Nathan Grey + Baku Hashimoto @laurent_nathan_grey & @_baku89
DOP: Hirohito Itagaki
Art Director: Pierre-Alexandre Fillaire @pafillaire
Label: Nomad City Records @nomadcityrecords
Richey V - INFAMIA @richey_v
Director: Manuel Esposito @manuelespositodirector
DOP: Luca Esposito @lucaespositodp
Editor: Filippo Lorenzi @filippolorenzi_editor
Label: D.P.T.H. Records @dontplaythisathome_records
The Gaslamp Killer & Jason Wool - Chaos In The Brain @gaslampkiller & @jasonwool_pianos
Director: Marielle Tepper @marielle_hyperballad
DOP & Editor: Jan Bormann @bormann4ever
Label: CUSS Records @cuss
00:30Tired of life, time to work out
00:33I'm so tired
00:35It's okay
00:38To feel this way
00:41Linger with an undertone
00:44But all has to be hidden in my heart
00:49I don't want to be saved