• 18 hours ago
As UK industries face a lack of people qualified for certain jobs we ask the people of Glasgow what they think about the UK’s job market.


00:00I think the issue with my job is there's no feeder trades into what I do, I'm a medical
00:04engineer by trade because we don't have the electronics industry that we once had or the
00:08TV industry so there's no feeder trades actually into what we do.
00:12I had a choice of jobs, absolutely, a huge choice of jobs. Nowadays I think it's the
00:20way they operate the job employment scene. You would go into a job centre before or look
00:28at an advert in a paper. Now it seems to be harder for the young people.
00:33We have to train our own people and put them through college ourselves so we don't actually
00:39have very, very few direct entry people nowadays.
00:43I'm retired, my ideal job, I don't think I have an ideal job, maybe a park stranger,
00:48maybe something that would be nice but I do feel for young people getting into the jobs
00:51market is so difficult, so difficult and I think we need to look at things a bit more
00:57seriously and help more people get into employment.
