• 2 weeks ago
Missed Him by That Much: During "The Boys and Girls of Rock and Roll" showdown in Athens, the kids come remarkably close to being discovered by both Dave and the two shady-looking men chasing them. Dave even gets a hilarious Look Behind You moment at the very end of the song.
Mister Muffykins: Claudia's unpleasant little dog Sophie. She's even the image for the main page.
The Mole: The Furchsteins' butler, Mario, secretly works as an informant for Jamal, who appears to be a major rival to the Furchsteins' criminal empire. We learn later that the two men are actually police officers working for Interpol.
Music Soothes the Savage Beast: The Chipettes sing "Getting Lucky" to charm the cobras in Egypt so they can get their dolls back and escape.
My Friends... and Zoidberg
Near-Villain Victory: Dave shows up at the exact moment the Furschteins were about to take the 'Munks and 'Ettes away. And the Furschteins would've escaped as well if it weren't for Miss Miller accidentally running them off the road.
Never My Fault: Brittany refuses to acknowledge Simon's warnings about a hurricane forming near Bermuda (believing it to be just a lie to deter her and her sisters). Sure enough, that's exactly what the Chipettes run in to, much to the chagrin of Eleanor and Jeanette who scold Brittany on her arrogance. Brittany however seems physically unable to admit her mistake and changes the subject.
Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: Jamal's orders to have the Chipettes' balloon brought down in Egypt almost led to the girls being enslaved and a Forced Marriage for Brittany.
Nice Job Fixing It, Villain!: Claudia's orders to have the Chipettes apprehended when she discovers they've gone off course, fearing that the girls have discovered the diamonds and are trying to escape with them, leads to the Chipettes discovering the diamonds after one of the dolls is damaged in the ensuing attack.
Not Helping Your Case: Even after nearly getting kidnapped by the Furschsteins before being rescued by Dave and Jamal, Alvin insists that he and his friends are still entitled to the $100,000 they were promised at the start of the race, saying they had just busted a huge smuggling ring and deserve something for this fact. Dave and Ms. Miller both grow increasingly exasperated until Dave finally snaps and screams his iconic "ALVIIIIIIN!!!"
Obviously Evil: Both played with and played straight with FIVE characters. The viewers know what the 'Munks and 'Ettes don't know about the rich European "couple", but the two men following the kids, along with their shady employer, are actually cops, from INTERPOL, no less.
Oh, Crap!: The Chipettes when they discover the truth about the dolls. + Alvin and Simon when they learn Theodore is going to be sacrificed.
Only Sane Man: Simon and Jeanette. They're the only ones seemingly aware they're being followed, but were ignored.
