Homesickness Hymn: The Chipettes try to comfort a homesick baby penguin by singing the song My Mother, which is set over a montage of said penguin chick remembering its happy life in the wild before captivity.
Human Sacrifice: Well, talking chipmunk sacrifice to be exact. The Chipmunks are taken prisoner by a Fijian tribe that, later, attempt to sacrifice them to a volcano.
I Have Your Wife: At the film's climax, Klaus and Claudia capture the kids by telling them they have Miss Miller hostage. It's a lie, of course — at that very moment she's driving to the airport to pick up Dave.
Incest Subtext: Klaus and Claudia are siblings, but sometimes they make you wonder if there isn't anything more going on between the two of them. Though they're probably just that close.
Intercourse with You: The song "Getting Lucky". Here the Chipettes have to get past a swarm of snakes and charm them with this song (that sounds as if it has them propositioning snakes!).
Interspecies Romance: The Egyptian sheik falls in love with Brittany and intends to make her one of his brides. + The Mexican girl who kissed Alvin◊ in their "I, Yi, Yi, Yi, Yi (I Like You Very Much)/Cuanto le Gusta" number.
Kick the Dog: Klaus to Claudia after the duo are finally caught by Jamal.
Know When to Fold 'Em: When it looks like the Chipmunks and Chipettes are going to escape the Furschteins at the airport, Klaus suggests he and Claudia call it off, as the chase is already drawing too much attention. Claudia once again overrules him, instead using a desperate bluff that Ms. Miller is their captive to draw back the kids.
Laser-Guided Karma: The Chipmunks and Chipettes both sign up for the race set up by the very obviously shady European duo not just to win the money but also to outdo each other. This reckless decision winds up nearly getting them kidnapped and whisked away by the Furschteins when they return home, already having discovered the plot behind the diamonds. Unsurprisingly, they are not awarded any money when the villains are finally arrested, and Dave and Miss Miller clearly don't intend to let their foolish actions go unpunished.
Lesser Animals: In addition to the anthropomorphic Chipmunks and Chipettes, the film contains non-anthropomorphic dogs, horses, lizards and sharks, cobras and alligators with slightly human traits, and... penguins that live in igloos, sleep in carved wooden beds, and carry lockets with photographs of their families. The line is... a little blurry.
MacGuffin: The dolls.
Made a Slave: The Fijian natives force Alvin and Simon to become slaves, to Theodore.
Manipulative Editing: The 'Munks use this through recording Dave's phone call to trick Miss Miller into thinking Dave has to meet them in Europe, so they can sneak out of the house and make it to the race.
Messy Hair: The Chipettes' hair gets all frizzy after having a run-in with a hurricane.
Mineral MacGuffin: The diamonds hidden in the dolls.
Human Sacrifice: Well, talking chipmunk sacrifice to be exact. The Chipmunks are taken prisoner by a Fijian tribe that, later, attempt to sacrifice them to a volcano.
I Have Your Wife: At the film's climax, Klaus and Claudia capture the kids by telling them they have Miss Miller hostage. It's a lie, of course — at that very moment she's driving to the airport to pick up Dave.
Incest Subtext: Klaus and Claudia are siblings, but sometimes they make you wonder if there isn't anything more going on between the two of them. Though they're probably just that close.
Intercourse with You: The song "Getting Lucky". Here the Chipettes have to get past a swarm of snakes and charm them with this song (that sounds as if it has them propositioning snakes!).
Interspecies Romance: The Egyptian sheik falls in love with Brittany and intends to make her one of his brides. + The Mexican girl who kissed Alvin◊ in their "I, Yi, Yi, Yi, Yi (I Like You Very Much)/Cuanto le Gusta" number.
Kick the Dog: Klaus to Claudia after the duo are finally caught by Jamal.
Know When to Fold 'Em: When it looks like the Chipmunks and Chipettes are going to escape the Furschteins at the airport, Klaus suggests he and Claudia call it off, as the chase is already drawing too much attention. Claudia once again overrules him, instead using a desperate bluff that Ms. Miller is their captive to draw back the kids.
Laser-Guided Karma: The Chipmunks and Chipettes both sign up for the race set up by the very obviously shady European duo not just to win the money but also to outdo each other. This reckless decision winds up nearly getting them kidnapped and whisked away by the Furschteins when they return home, already having discovered the plot behind the diamonds. Unsurprisingly, they are not awarded any money when the villains are finally arrested, and Dave and Miss Miller clearly don't intend to let their foolish actions go unpunished.
Lesser Animals: In addition to the anthropomorphic Chipmunks and Chipettes, the film contains non-anthropomorphic dogs, horses, lizards and sharks, cobras and alligators with slightly human traits, and... penguins that live in igloos, sleep in carved wooden beds, and carry lockets with photographs of their families. The line is... a little blurry.
MacGuffin: The dolls.
Made a Slave: The Fijian natives force Alvin and Simon to become slaves, to Theodore.
Manipulative Editing: The 'Munks use this through recording Dave's phone call to trick Miss Miller into thinking Dave has to meet them in Europe, so they can sneak out of the house and make it to the race.
Messy Hair: The Chipettes' hair gets all frizzy after having a run-in with a hurricane.
Mineral MacGuffin: The diamonds hidden in the dolls.
Short film