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Use Code Xamy In The Fortnite Item Shop #ad #epicpartner

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#fortnite #funny #xamy #challenge #fortnitechallenge #insane #newupdate #chapter6 #fortnitechapter6 #fortnitechapter6season2 #fortniteseason2 #fortnitechapter6
#pwr #ranked #fortniteranked #racetounreal #unreal #bronze #pwrwinter #winter #fortnitebronzetounreal #racetounrealinseason2
00:00Hey, today I've challenged Winter to a race to Unreal.
00:03We have one hour on the clock to get as much rank as possible before the timer ends.
00:08Make sure you subscribe and let's get into it.
00:10Winter mate, you're going down in this race to Unreal.
00:12Let me start the one hour timer.
00:14Bang, it started.
00:15Whoever gets the closest to Unreal wins.
00:17What do we win, mate? What do we win?
00:19You win a thousand dollars, Winter.
00:21Hey, so I need you guys to use code ZAMMY in the Fortnite item shop to help me sponsor this video.
00:25I'm locking in for this.
00:27One thing I didn't tell you about is every single elimination you get,
00:31you need to swap your whole loadout with theirs.
00:34This is going to be an extreme race to Unreal, mate.
00:36Jesus Christ.
00:39Wait, what if they have nothing?
00:40Then you use nothing.
00:41You have to use a pickaxe.
00:43Bang, dead.
00:44Okay, what do I get? What do I get?
00:45I get a gray AR.
00:47Yep, dude, sick.
00:49Wait, can I pick up guns after I've killed someone?
00:51No, you're stuck with their weapons and geez, you can eliminate someone else.
00:54Oh my gosh, I should have looted more.
00:56You got to use shields and stuff before you eliminate someone.
00:58Or then they might not have any.
01:00All right, I'm going to heal up and then go for an elimination
01:02because Winter is already getting eliminations, bro.
01:06Oh wait, hold on.
01:12Oh no, oh no.
01:13I need to beat him, bro.
01:14There was a thousand dollars on the line.
01:16Just give me my money.
01:19Winter, Winter, Winter, just give me my money.
01:22It's your turn, your turn, your turn.
01:24Just give me my money.
01:26I hope you die, you know, so then I can get my rank.
01:29Oh, I want to take these minis so bad.
01:30I want to take these minis so bad.
01:32All right, bro, where is everyone at?
01:34Okay, I have a Mammoth Pistol and a Drum Shotgun.
01:36This ain't looking too good right now.
01:39I need a good rank for my first game.
01:40I can't sell.
01:42I'm going to push for one of the new vaults on the map.
01:44That one's getting taken, so I'm going to go Crime City.
01:46I've run into a tree.
01:51Well, it was a great first game while it lasted.
01:54No, Zam, your stupid challenge, bro.
01:57Stupid challenge.
01:59What do we get?
02:00God damn it, dude.
02:04Oh, that's not great.
02:06Okay, there has been fighting here.
02:09I don't want to eliminate anyone.
02:10Okay, we're working with Gold 2 for our first game.
02:13Oh, dude, with a thousand dollars on the line,
02:15having a Gold 2 first game is not great.
02:18Okay, let's probably get some quick cues
02:19because we've only got an hour on the clock.
02:20So I need to be getting cues instant, dude.
02:22Otherwise, we're going to be wasting too much time.
02:24I need to play this so safe.
02:25There's so many people here.
02:33I'm on a launch pad.
02:34There are too many people here, bro.
02:36I'm scared.
02:37Give me a shield before I eliminate him.
02:45I don't want to lose this purple shotgun.
02:48That's a complete other guy.
02:49Oh my god, there's two people on me.
02:51I need to get out.
02:54Hey, we got a game.
02:55We got our game.
02:56Thank the lord, dude.
02:57I do not want Zam to be getting too far ahead of me.
03:03The ultimate pickaxe.
03:05Life is good when you're using Code Zambi in the Fort Artifact.
03:08I'm going to pretend like I don't know he's there.
03:20He had a purple shotgun.
03:21Oh my god.
03:22Okay, I've got a new strategy going into my next game here.
03:26I had a pretty bad first game, but that's because I rushed my kills.
03:30If I can just play my off-spawn off,
03:32get enough loot to be looted up.
03:34By the time I'm looted up, everyone I kill will have loot.
03:37Let's just get going.
03:41Oh my god.
03:42I've just been stream sniped.
03:44Twitch.tv slash ya boi Zam.
03:46What is going on?
03:51No, bro.
03:51He just gave me a worst loadout.
04:10Oh my god.
04:11I'm so bad at this game.
04:12Why did I say chat?
04:15He's one.
04:15He's one.
04:16He's one, but I'm also one.
04:17I can't pick up any heals, bro.
04:22Yes, yes!
04:24Oh my god.
04:25Chug chug!
04:27No way he had a chug chug.
04:28I need to try and eliminate someone that has the mythic.
04:30I need slurp barrels or a slurp truck right here.
04:34I know there's a slurp truck there.
04:35I think Winter is still in this game.
04:38There's 13 people left.
04:39I need to outplace him.
04:41This game is what matters the most.
04:42I need to outplace him.
04:43Look, I'm watching this damn guy stream and he's telling me...
04:46I think he thinks I'm still in this game.
04:48I don't think he realizes I've already been through two games
04:51in the time he's played just one.
04:53Someone has taken the slurp truck.
04:55I only have bandages.
04:56If I get in a fight, like, I have no shield for the fight.
04:58In a long bit.
05:01Oh my god, my pickaxe.
05:02This challenge is harder than I thought.
05:04Oh, it's a tree, bro.
05:05Okay, we are in our third game.
05:07And look, I've lived and I've learned, okay?
05:09I'm not landing on a high place this time
05:11where I can die to fall damage straight away.
05:13No one's got a medallion.
05:15Okay, what am I playing?
05:16I'm going to be playing this mod.
05:18Whoa, whoa.
05:19Where is that even from?
05:23That's my...
05:27Okay, we need to actually lock in.
05:32Okay, okay.
05:32They picked up that shotgun.
05:36Am I in bot lobbies now?
05:38I genuinely think I've been put into bot lobbies now.
05:43Oh my god, this guy's a sweat.
05:44That's a nerd, bro.
05:52This guy's got a shotgun.
05:54I need that.
05:58Oh my god, my saviour.
06:00He's not my saviour!
06:08Oh my god!
06:09That was the riskiest fight I think I've ever done in my entire life.
06:15What can I do, bro?
06:18But it worked out in our favour.
06:23What is it, though?
06:27That's his wall.
06:27That's his wall.
06:28Are you kidding me?
06:31I don't even care.
06:32I'm popping meds.
06:39How many shots did I miss on that guy?
06:40Okay, please, please, please.
06:41Give me a good percent, please.
06:44Gold two.
06:46Nearly gold three.
06:47I'll take that.
06:47Wait, I could low-key get the plat.
06:49That is low-key alright.
06:50Is Winter still in that same game?
06:52Winter died before me!
06:53Surely I'm in the lead.
07:03Oh my god.
07:04Give me, give me, give me, give me, give me all your loot.
07:06All your loot.
07:06Hey, Sam, you died, bro.
07:08Nah, you died before me, mate.
07:10I checked, I checked my friends list,
07:12and you are in a game with 47 people left.
07:14I've, I never died, mate.
07:16I don't die.
07:17I mean, I don't blame you for dying.
07:18There were some sweats in that game.
07:20No, that game was actually some bullshit.
07:22You know, I died at like 80th in that game, by the way.
07:24Yeah, I died.
07:24I've already, this is my third game.
07:27Wow, you son.
07:28Do you want to know what my rankings are?
07:29You want to know my rankings?
07:30I feel like I can tell you that.
07:31Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
07:33Gold two.
07:36What, what, what are you, what are you, what are you?
07:38No, I, I, no, I think we are the exact same right now.
07:40Nah, we went off because I lost percent in my last game.
07:42Yeah, I actually lost in gold.
07:44Yeah, look, it's been a long day.
07:45It's, it's been a long day.
07:46Does that say use code ZAMMY in the grave?
07:50I hear footsteps.
07:51Hold on.
07:53I'm getting fought at the use code ZAMMY sign.
07:58Headed on me.
08:02Give me a loot, mate.
08:03Just give me a loot.
08:05Appreciate it.
08:05Oh, I'm in my next game.
08:07I think me and Winter are the exact same rank right now,
08:09and he's lost three games.
08:11So that doesn't make sense.
08:15Mate, don't you worry.
08:17I need to lock in.
08:18I actually really need to lock in.
08:20Loki crime city was kind of the play.
08:29That's good to know.
08:30That's great.
08:31See, we live and we learn.
08:33Say it with me.
08:33We live and we learn.
08:35Why are you landing here?
08:40Okay, well, I'm at a little hot.
08:42Come on, bro.
08:43I need weapons.
08:43I need weapons.
08:48But no, no, that wouldn't make sense because I killed them first.
08:51Okay, I'll take this one.
08:52Guys, we're back to square one.
09:00Wait, there's someone there too!
09:07How am I alive?
09:07How am I alive?
09:08Look, I'm gonna be real.
09:09I accidentally killed two people with the one loadout,
09:11but it was like back-to-back,
09:12so it didn't really count.
09:13Did it count?
09:13I don't know.
09:14Oh, fight over at the train.
09:16They're gonna have some good loot if they're coming from the train.
09:39My pickaxe missed him, but he has no loot.
09:42Okay, that's his shotgun.
09:47I can't build anywhere.
09:48Like, hello?
09:49No, sick.
09:55Like, I just can't build anywhere,
09:57and I can't find this guy's body
09:58because I have to switch loadouts with him
09:59because this is him, guys.
10:00Just so annoying.
10:01And yes!
10:02We got a raincoat.
10:03That's all that matters.
10:04Oh my god.
10:05Thank the lord we got a raincoat from that.
10:07Wow, why was that actually so much percent?
10:11Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme.
10:19Holy sweat.
10:20Is he friendly?
10:22I can't pick it up unless I kill him.
10:24Excuse me, sir.
10:25If you are in my stream,
10:26can you please pick that back up and let me eliminate you?
10:29No way.
10:29No way.
10:30No way.
10:32Yeah, booze.
10:33Shout out you, bro.
10:34Can we get a W booze in the comments?
10:36Hey, I wouldn't call this cheating.
10:38You know, like I wouldn't call-
10:39This ain't cheating, is it?
10:40I'm gonna go for the medallion.
10:42I'm confident.
10:42I'm confident.
10:45Oh, I want to pick up that hammer so badly, bro.
10:51All right.
10:52Gimme this, gimme this, gimme this.
10:57Holy crap.
10:59Holy crap.
11:08This is all the biggest nodes, bro.
11:11Come on, man.
11:13Come on.
11:15I didn't go down.
11:22Okay, we are in our fifth game.
11:25Look, it hasn't been great for us.
11:26I'm just praying it's been worse for Zam.
11:36This has not been a good race to Unreal for me so far,
11:39but I have a feeling we're turning it around this game.
11:41I don't know.
11:42He picked up the medallion Oh my god, there's no way I don't win this
12:05against winter bro Okay, I kind of don't want to eliminate anyone
12:08else because look at my loadout, you know?
12:10They ask you how you are and you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really
12:13fine but you just can't get into it because they would never understand
12:16Okay, we are in our sick game I think now Look, I've switched up skin, I've switched
12:27up pickaxes, we're taking it serious now I'm throwing on the sweat fit
12:31Holy crap, I'm sorry I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
12:40We mean business now, really, is what this really implies
12:45What has just happened?
12:46I just got destroyed, that's good Nice, dude, we are not playing well right
13:00now Can't have this guy see me
13:11Alright, this is my third game, I'm going back to crime city again
13:13I have to, Loki might be this easy Okay, look, we are very much skimming by
13:19right now, we do not have a lot to work with at all honestly
13:23Alright, landing, what's that, shotgun No, I just made a mistake, no, no, no, like
13:33I'm probably just dead here What, what, what has just happened?
13:49I'm versing literally like kids up Big Dabooga bro
13:51Yeah, I've versed a lot of that This is a straight car, bro, I'm in
13:58I'm in a sweat, I'm in a sweat car right now I've missed every, oh, that's so embarrassing,
14:05so embarrassing Oh my god
14:09Sam, I don't think you understand what I've been put through
14:21I don't think you understand what I've been put through, I'm destroying
14:24No, no, the fact that you still have a smile on your face pisses me off
14:29I've been to hell, literal hell and back, I'm not even going to lie
14:32Why the f**k does everyone that I kill just don't have a shotgun, like what's with not
14:35holding a shotgun in this season Do they get hit with a brick on the head, like
14:39are they good?
14:40Yeah, yeah, yeah, talking about mini boogers Oh, but that guy, look, you've got a shotgun
14:43mate, if you lose you're bad Pick it up, you've got to pick it up, oh f**king
14:49stupid bulls**t, what are you going through No, that's some bulls**t, this is some mini
14:57boogers Bro just gave you a f**king kill, oh I'm done,
15:00I'm He cranked on me
15:04Bro's just getting fed kills, bro is just getting fed kills
15:07Oh my god, okay, I'm actually getting pushed this time
15:13Up we go, see you later
15:18And if Winter somehow beats me bro, I swear I'm quitting Fortnite, like I've had the best
15:21time, I'm actually feeling a bit too good at the game right now
15:24Wait, I'm not changing my loadout, I'm just giving him something and getting it back
15:34Oh, there's people fighting here, oh, a bit too easy
15:39Straight in, I'm not confident, I'm sorry
15:44No way, no way, I win this, I just, I win this
15:48I actually just want to cheat, like I actually just want to cheat
15:50Okay, I just need to rush for kills, I need to rush for elimination
15:53I think this has genuinely been the hardest session of Fortnite I've ever been put through
15:58And it's all self-inflicted
16:17Winter, we have 2 minutes left
16:19Zam, I'm pretty sure I'm in your game also by the way, we've got 2 minutes on the clock
16:23Wait, what? 81 people left?
16:25I've got 81 people left
16:26Wait, wait, Lynn, the mountain above Crime City, let's have a pickaxe battle to end it
16:30Let's have a pickaxe battle to end it all
16:32I just don't think it's going to be terminal, but sure, let's just run over it
16:35Zam, why are we being conned on a grass mountain?
16:37I don't know
16:41What, what, what are you, what are you doing?
16:46Who is that?
16:47I don't know why there are people here
16:48I'm killing this, I'm killing them
16:53They're trying to kill me
17:01Yeah, you suck, bro
17:05Are you kidding? There's 30 seconds left, get one kill
17:08Oh my god
17:13He bought a rifle
17:15Bro, I've got 27 HP and a purple shotgun
17:18I'm just landing straight into Crime City
17:20Didn't you eliminate me? That means you're dead
17:22I'm just landing straight into Crime City
17:24Didn't you eliminate me? That means you should have no weapon
17:26Hey, f**k you bro, my rules
17:28Okay, well you have 20 seconds left, mate, make it count
17:30How long?
17:33You suck, you suck
17:39I actually got a good amount of percentage from that
17:41Surely, I have won this, I've had some pretty good games
17:45Okay, are you ready for the reveal?
17:47I hope I've won, there's no way I haven't won
17:51The fact that I'm wearing my sweatskirt is because I had to lock in
17:53And it did not work
17:55Bro, and this is also for $1,000
17:57Sponsored by using code ZAMMIE in the Fornite shop
17:59Change it to ranked
18:03Oh my god, wait, what gold are you?
18:05I'm gold 3, 57%
18:07Oh my god, that's actually so close, I'm platinum 110
18:09That's literally like one top 10
18:12Oh, I'm actually so dogged
18:14I actually hate this, I'm never playing this anymore, bro
18:16Easy win
18:18If you enjoyed that video, please click this video over here
18:20It is a banger video
18:22Like, actually a banger
18:24Like, it's pretty damn good
18:26You know you wanna click it, bro, just click it
18:28Come on, please for me, and also please, please, please