• 3 days ago
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Use Code Xamy In The Fortnite Item Shop #ad #epicpartner

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#fortnite #funny #xamy #challenge #fortnitechallenge #insane #newupdate #chapter6 #fortnitechapter6 #fortnitechapter6season2 #fortniteseason2 #fortnitechapter6 #loserfruit #lufu #pwrwinter #winter #pressthebutton #button #fortnitebutton #pressthebuttonwin100000 #mrbeast #mrbeastgaming #mrbeastpressthebuttonmrbeast #karl #karlgaming
#pwr #noskii
00:00Hey! I have three YouTubers in front of me, and in front of them is a red button.
00:05If you press the red button, you will get a random challenge, or you can get an insane prize.
00:12You guys all have to discuss who wants to press the button first.
00:15I'm not clicking it first.
00:17Ladies first.
00:19Ladies first, indeed.
00:22I'm gonna end the video at the very start.
00:24Find the correct button.
00:25Off you go, Lufu.
00:27Enjoy that.
00:28Okay, I'll be back, I'll be back.
00:30I'm going next, I'm going next!
00:32Flappy Bird?
00:34Complete the Flappy Bird course.
00:35Do I leave it?
00:36Do I just leave it?
00:39Nah, I have to press it, I have to press it, I have to press it.
00:41A quiz.
00:43Oh, brother, here we go.
00:44Quiz, go complete the quiz.
00:46Good luck, guys.
00:46All right, we got Lufu.
00:48Where even is Luzafruit?
00:49Oh, there she is.
00:51She's so small with all these big buttons.
00:53Oh, it's gonna take her a while.
00:54Oh, no.
00:55Okay, Flappy Bird.
00:56I know how to do my Flappy...
00:59I've already died.
01:00I've already died in the chat.
01:01Are you kidding?
01:04Dude, I hate Flappy Bird.
01:05I hate Flappy Bird so much.
01:08Oh, Winter.
01:09Nearly finished the first course already and he's done.
01:14Oh, I'm so good.
01:16Are you gonna, are you, are you gonna wait?
01:18Are you gonna wait?
01:18No, I'm going straight back in.
01:21Oh, break the ice.
01:24Winter, yeah, you remember the old ice cream trucks, right?
01:27The Tommy's has a million HP.
01:28Otherwise, I'm alt-F-boring.
01:29I'm telling you that right now.
01:31Maybe not a million, but 20,000.
01:34Okay, so it's reflex.
01:35It's reflex.
01:36Do you use Code Sammy?
01:37Yeah, of course I do.
01:38Longest gap between seasons was 147 days.
01:41I saw this somewhere.
01:42First collaboration.
01:43Thanos was before John Wick.
01:45Thanos was before John Wick.
01:46When was swimming added?
01:47It was like straight off the...
01:48Or chapter...
01:49Or season three was the water season, was it?
01:51No, it was, it was straight away.
01:54I'm so smart.
01:55When was the rocket event?
01:57Season three?
01:58I don't even know my own question.
01:59Uh, I actually don't know this.
02:01I think it was...
02:02I think it was season four.
02:04I'm kind of making good progress.
02:06I'm already 5k down.
02:07Dude, I keep hearing an item spawner behind me.
02:09What is this?
02:16Why'd you say...
02:17Oh, what was that?
02:20A Brutus minigun.
02:23Oh, hell yeah!
02:24Winter found the...
02:26The minigun, bro.
02:29Oh my god.
02:30What is that, bro?
02:3210,000 HP chicken?
02:39Oh my god.
02:40Thank goodness I'm done.
02:41Oh, thank goodness.
02:42This is going to be the prize right here.
02:45Defeat Fortnite bosses.
02:47Okay, no, I can do that.
02:48That's a little less monotonous.
02:49Freaking pressing buttons!
02:50Okay, we're going to pickaxe the rest of it, I reckon.
02:52Finish it where we started.
02:53Come on.
02:55Give me that!
02:57Oh, I'm going again.
02:59I'm playing every game...
03:01Oh my god.
03:01I've played Flappy Bird, now Crossy Road, dude.
03:03Like, yep.
03:05Wait, it can kill me!
03:06It can kill me!
03:07It can kill me!
03:08No, this is ridiculous.
03:09This is the most overpowered chicken in all of Fortnite.
03:13Oh, I'm so good!
03:19I'm too good!
03:24Damn, what's going on here?
03:27These are so easy!
03:28Oh, yeah, it went down?
03:30Well, do you want to, you know?
03:32Oh, Luffy's just going to press it first.
03:34Oh, Glass Bridge.
03:35Hey, best of luck.
03:36Oh, Glass Bridge.
03:38I love Glass Bridge.
03:39I love it.
03:40This is great.
03:42How's your chicken going, Noski?
03:43Bro, this is the craziest chicken I've ever seen.
03:46Damn, man.
03:47It's a god chicken.
03:48I'm pressing the button.
03:50Appledge, what is that?
03:52Come on, come on.
03:53This is so silly, bro.
03:55I'm just shooting a chicken over and over.
03:57Come on, man.
03:58I should have let someone else press the button.
04:00Whatever Noski's doing seems painful.
04:02It's very painful, but it is almost finished.
04:05It is done.
04:06Oh, thank god for that.
04:07I think I just press it again.
04:08I'm just gonna...
04:09I surely I don't get another stupid challenge like that.
04:12Red light, green light.
04:13Oh my god!
04:16Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on!
04:18This is too easy!
04:20Oh, look at them all down there.
04:21Too easy.
04:24I'm at the top, bro.
04:26Another one done.
04:27Are you gonna wait, Winter?
04:29I'll wait for him.
04:30I think Lufu's on our final tile.
04:31I'll wait, I'll wait.
04:32You're gonna get us to do the work for you.
04:34You don't reckon it's the prize?
04:36Yeah, it is the prize.
04:39Watch this.
04:40Dropper, drop me the prize.
04:44Go and complete the dropper, Lufu.
04:46Noski's nearly done.
04:47You could wait for him, Winter.
04:49Come on.
04:51Get me there.
04:52Oh, I'm done, I'm done.
04:54I want you to have the prize, man.
04:56The prize is on this next press.
04:58If this is a bad challenge, Winter, I'm gonna be severely disappointed.
05:01You know what I'm saying?
05:02But you know what?
05:03I'm doing it.
05:04I'm gonna do it.
05:05Amaze, awesome, great.
05:06Hey, see you in a year's time.
05:09Come on, what do I get?
05:10Fuck off!
05:11Oh, god damn it, dude.
05:17I did it, I did it, I did it, I did it.
05:19Yay, yay, yay, yay.
05:20Oh, my god.
05:21Prize, give me.
05:28Pitch Black Room, enjoy that.
05:30Wait, editor, put a giant picture of Zam's face on the walls.
05:34That makes it a horror maze.
05:36Just kidding, that wasn't very nice.
05:37I'm sorry, bro.
05:38Put code Zammy on the walls.
05:40I'm running through a code Zammy maze.
05:41Wait, there's a map.
05:42There's an actual map.
05:43Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.
05:46Light work.
05:47All right.
05:48Can I see how far Winter is on his parkour?
05:53I'm so bad at parkour!
05:55That was the final jump, I couldn't mantle.
05:57Why couldn't I mantle?
06:01Just like that, and then...
06:07What do I do?
06:08You gotta try and find the escape in the Pitch Black Room.
06:12This is a massive room.
06:13I can't see anything, Zam.
06:14How am I supposed to do that?
06:19I just don't know if I'm hitting a wall or not.
06:22I will tell you right now, you are, and you look pretty stupid.
06:27Oh, I'm free!
06:28Move out of my way, Noski!
06:30Move! Mine!
06:30My button, my button!
06:32Yeah, you can take it, you can take it.
06:33It's not the prize, it's not the prize.
06:35Land in car.
06:37Another dropper.
06:39This one will be.
06:42Catch yourself with impulse?
06:44What is this?
06:45Oh, it's just a timing thing, is it?
06:49Oh my, it's all about timing, bro.
06:57That's what I'm talking about!
06:58Give me that!
06:59Oh my god, that parkour actually was so...
07:00Bro, that parkour sucked.
07:02What do I get?
07:03Balloon catch.
07:05What does that even mean?
07:13Oh, this is so hard!
07:15Okay, maybe I throw it and then I've gotta land.
07:18Like this.
07:24Oh my god.
07:27What is this?
07:27Oh no.
07:28Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.
07:34I'm in.
07:36Oh, oh, perfect, okay.
07:39yes oh my god i did i did i did i did it yes you're gonna press it though winter so yeah
07:53i'm going straight in bro i'm going straight in where's peely oh oh wait these are fun
07:59i like these oh my god this is so nerve-wracking no no no no don't don't don't don't don't
08:06don't don't don't fall off let's go back that way no no no no no it's gonna be in the most
08:14absurd spot i can already tell oh my god i'm so good i'm so good luther's completed six
08:26challenges i'm a challenge demon yes oh winter you went to another one oh no it's gonna be
08:33it damn it oh i love escape rooms escape the room i got it i got it i got it once wait don't tell
08:43me i have to do it again oh this is stupid bro this is i got it twice i got it i got it i got
08:51it oh hey nasty i'll take the prize off your hands man don't need stress no no no oh oh
08:58thank the god bitch like are you actually kidding me like what am i doing
09:04i'm just getting that is massive bit of brick right there that is a massive bit of brick
09:10i'm just telling you now i would press the button i'm not trusting you you little
09:14peely banana you slippery little yellow guy no like i would actually press it now
09:20yeah noski we all gotta contribute here all right okay fair enough move aside
09:28find the gold ice cream
09:34i actually like refuse to do this oh okay no no no it's gonna be this one this one this one
09:42this one maybe it's in this one oh yes i don't want to i just don't want like i'm not going to
09:50i'm just going to wait for one of them the other ones to win give it give it fruity fruity like you
09:55could win the insane prize it could be worth to try the platform you know like not noski winner
10:00i'm okay with the next buttons is win i'm okay with it like i'm okay with it what what oh thanks
10:06fruity oh okay i'll press it then let's go let's see me what i got brick shot oh my here here here
10:14just just just like you just you know make it slow like
10:30all right i'll hit this first go watch this
10:35plays noski out here you know i'm saying yeah we hit those we hit those
10:39oh wait let's get the trick shot is this gonna be the one give it to me
10:43a death run oh that's okay i'm okay with death runs i i got you here i'll do the first one
10:52there you go
10:58hey how are you doing it how are you doing it come here i cannot analyze you yeah just show
11:03me how to do it like only just touch the gray part and then you gotta sprint and turn around
11:08bang next one sprint turn around bang there we go this is a quarter this is a quarter this
11:14is a quarter this is a quarter this is a quarter i hate it i i'm not doing it i'm not doing this
11:18video how's your fishing life going does this sum it up hey i'll give you a hint you have to
11:29fish something that's not really water you win
11:44oh no bro of course why would you do that
12:19i saw the end can i just jump to there yeah you probably could you probably could sprint jump yeah
12:26and mantle mantle where there's nothing to mantle onto this
12:35yes yes yes yes i baited it
12:39oh i got it i got it oh my god no way you got a winter oh my god who's gonna press it first
12:51come on come on come on what do i get no
12:57i know i'm not i'm not complaining that i'm not completing it
13:02hey i'm so good dude first go on the impulse parkour one second put a pause to our chat
13:08winter come on i'll help you no no no no no no no no no helping ah no helping winter winter i
13:16need your i need your help on something real quick okay i'll come home i'll come home what's up
13:23he's getting killed by the peely no helping no helping
13:33okay no no no no no no no i had to delay him from pressing the button somehow come on man
13:39i'm pressing the button bro come on come on give me something good five ways to die what
13:46enjoy that mate next button press could be it you know you you could you could you know okay
14:01so winter you gotta find five different ways to die first way and that's my first way done
14:08oh gas gas gas can come on come on blow me up blow me up fire wait what okay that's went out
14:15of a boom i guess that's two drowning drowning okay i know this one get under here yeah well
14:22now we've just got a sad a long and sad way of dying right now i'm done i'm done i'm done i'm
14:29done i gotta press it i gotta press it this is my time to prove myself
14:36i'm in it coursing right now bro i hit it cost naski listen the next one could be the prize
14:44or the one after that could be the prize winter is nearly done are you gonna wait for him what
14:52if it's the next one though oh dude i don't you know what i after going through all those
14:56crazy minigames i might just wait i just wait i'm just gonna wait i'm just gonna take it easy
15:07oh okay drowning two more ways to die two more ways a century come on kill me kill me
15:16kill me yes oh my god hit your shots mate please
15:24thank you yes yes tell me
15:30bro i've already died by fall damage i've already died to drowning i've already died
15:33to an explosion i've died to a pistol what else is there you need some help not not he can you
15:39kill me i'll let you spin first if you want i'll let you decide like however the button gets pushed
15:46oh my god yeah yeah five ways to die hey noski and winter can press the button but who wants it
15:56first i think you should go next i'm not trying to do that again bro i'm not trying to do that again
16:01what if what if what if this is the button or what if the next one is the button this is all like
16:07like winter's allowing you to have your own decision here why are you playing mind games
16:12down here bro why are you playing mind games here noski you want me to press it press the button
16:18i'm pressing it ah do it oh winter has won and your prize is every single subscriber on this
16:29video you get one v-bucks so you could get like infinite amount of v-bucks here winter
16:34i sort of press the button my god for the rest of my life is this is this forever
16:39holy okay everyone please subscribe if you enjoyed this video make sure you click this
16:44video right here it's actually like a pretty it's a pretty banger i'm not gonna lie ain't
16:49it guys pretty banger yep thank you and also subscribe