Becoming IRON MAN in Roblox Build a Boat…
Join Dash in Roblox!
This video Dash, Cam and Ruby compete to see who can make the best superhero build in Roblox Build a Boat! With some insane builds, will Dash win? Watch to the end to find out!
#Roblox #Dash
Join Dash in Roblox!
This video Dash, Cam and Ruby compete to see who can make the best superhero build in Roblox Build a Boat! With some insane builds, will Dash win? Watch to the end to find out!
#Roblox #Dash
00:00Today me and my friends are going to be doing a superhero build challenge in roblox build a boat
00:05But what they don't know is that i'm gonna go all out and actually build a real iron man suit
00:11Yep, you heard that right in roblox build a boat
00:14Apparently there's a way where you can actually build a real iron man suit that's like stuck to your body and has cool abilities
00:20And stuff and i'm going to be using this to absolutely destroy them in the build challenge
00:23There's no way whatever they build is going to be able to defeat an actual iron man suit anyways
00:28Let me go up to them and start the build challenge. All right, guys. You ready to start this build challenge?
00:32Oh, yeah, uh, what's the build challenge again? So you guys know the theme it's gonna be superheroes
00:36We just gotta build something cool. That's superhero related and whoever has the coolest build wins
00:41Superhero related cool. I know what i'm gonna do. Okay, i'm gonna go. I know what i'm gonna build too. Bye
00:46All righty. Well, let the build battle begin i'm gonna go here on my plot
00:50All righty now to get started on this iron man build
00:53We need to actually pull up this youtube tutorial that I found because uh, i'm not gonna lie
00:57I have no idea how to actually build it myself
01:00But I found this youtube video that goes over exactly how to do it
01:03And all right, here it is movable armor tutorial in roblox build a boat for treasure
01:08So check it out. This guy literally made armor that's attached to his body and he can move around
01:12Look at how cool this looks. This is just like the bare bones basic of this whole setup, too
01:17Imagine how much cooler this would look if I go ahead and color everything iron man themed and if I actually go ahead and give
01:22It eyes, but anyways, this should be pretty easy to build looks like this guy built it on mobile
01:25So if he can do that, then I can definitely build it with keyboard and mouse
01:28Anyways, let's see. How is this thing actually built?
01:31It looks like to start off the guy put down two wooden rods and then a seat
01:36Okay, this seems pretty simple so far next up. He's grabbing a cake. All right, this is good. I've got cakes
01:42We can do this. This is all so far
01:44Um good to go. So he puts a cake inside of the chair
01:47i'm pretty sure this is like a popular glitch for attaching blocks to yourself because for some reason
01:51The cake attaches to your body parts and build the boat. I don't know. It's strange
01:54Anyways, next up he's putting some blocks around him. There's no way i'm gonna memorize all this all
01:59I'm, definitely gonna have this playing in the background while I build it and okay now he's grabbing some glue
02:04Okay, he's gonna put the glue on the sides if this actually works
02:07This is gonna be so cool because not only are we gonna have a cool movable set of armor
02:12But we're also gonna be able to attach weapons onto it like a cannon or like a minigun
02:16Anyways, next up he's pulling out the scale tool and then he's making the wood really really thin
02:22Okay, so far this resembles nothing
02:24This doesn't even look like iron man at all yet, but I think we're getting there
02:27All right, it looks like he's just making them a very specific height
02:30I think he's making it like so that the wood reaches the bottom or sorry the top of the chair
02:35That looks about right and then he's putting down more pieces of wood here
02:37Oh those pieces of wood are misaligned. You gotta get that right. All right, i've skipped forward a little bit
02:41It looks like what he's done is just attached a bunch of glue blocks
02:44To every single limb on his body like his head his arms and his legs and now he's going ahead and making them transparent
02:50So I think the glue blocks are what's gonna connect the armor to you. Okay, so he's got the glue blocks next
02:56I'm, guessing he's gonna grab. Yep the metal blocks. All right, this is where the suit is coming into play
03:01Let's see. So he's putting down the metal blocks
03:04I'm, just gonna skip forward a little bit to see what's going on
03:06And then he has to move the metal blocks into the glue blocks so that it covers his arm
03:10Okay, so far this looks pretty simple
03:12This actually looks pretty easy to do which i'm glad about because uh if this was more complicated
03:16Then I don't know if i'd be able to build it
03:17Anyways, it looks like he's just putting all the metal blocks in place
03:21Um, all right, this all looks pretty simple. I can do this
03:24What I want to know is how he starts it up though at the end now
03:26He's going ahead and coloring it and then he's oh he's putting the eyes
03:30This is the coolest looking part the glowy eyes. He looks like a terminator. All right, and now okay
03:34I think he finished everything now
03:36All he has to do is just delete every single piece that isn't part of the build and then i'm guessing he's gonna have to
03:41Unanchor everything he has to select everything hit on anchor and now he can walk around that's sick
03:46Okay, and the best part is you can also make these glue blocks on the side 100% invisible
03:51He's got them like 75% invisible, but we'll be able to make them 100% invisible and it'll look even cooler
03:56Anyways, I think there's enough information now. Let's get to it. Dash. Are you there? Why haven't you started building yet?
04:01Uh, yeah. Yeah guys. I'm here. I'm here. I'm gonna start building now
04:05I was just um drawing a sketch of what I was gonna build
04:10No, no, you can't see the sketch it's top secret, but uh, i'm just totally gonna win the build challenge
04:14I'm, just gonna let you guys know. How did you make a sketch if you're you know what i'm not gonna question you
04:18I'm, just going really hard on this build challenge. Okay. I am not going easy mode. It's part of his artistic process
04:23We shouldn't question it. Anyways, it's time to get started on this build
04:27We've already got the rod the cake and the chair now
04:29The next thing we need to do if i'm remembering correctly is put down these wooden blocks over here
04:34Hold on
04:34Let me go ahead and just uh check on the tutorial real quick if that's what we're supposed to do
04:38I'm skipping back i'm skipping back on it on my second monitor and uh, yep
04:42It looks like that's what we have to do except the guy in the video puts the cake blocks
04:45I mean the wood blocks down over here. So he puts them down here
04:49Okay, this is so far so good and then he puts the glue blocks on top of them
04:53Okay. Okay. That's the next step before making the wood block small. We gotta put the glue blocks on
04:56Let's see. Where are the glue blocks again? All right
04:58I've got 56 of them
04:59This should be enough the guy in the video put them a little bit to like the left of the wood but not that far
05:04To the left there was like a little bit of space between the glue and the wood. Hold on
05:08How did he do this? Let me see i'm watching the video right now
05:11Let me just go to the part where he puts the glue blocks. All right, it looks like he sets
05:15Oh, I see he sets the move thingy over here to 0.5
05:19Which then lets him put the glue blocks right over here. All right, that makes sense
05:23I didn't notice that the first time we watched the video
05:25All right, so we've got the glue blocks in place now
05:27The next thing we need to do i'm pretty sure is make these wood blocks thinner
05:31Yeah, so we just gotta make these wood blocks thinner so that they're just about the height of the top of the chair
05:37Wait, let me lower this number here on the scale tool. This will let me build however I want
05:41I think we just have to do it like that. I don't even know why we need these wood blocks here
05:44I'm, not gonna lie. There's a lot of things about this build that confuse me
05:47Anyways, I think we have the wood blocks in the right place
05:49Let me make this one a little bit longer. Maybe it has to be connected to the chair
05:52Alrighty, we've got this step done next up. Let's see. What do we have to do?
05:56We need to put down some more wood blocks. All right, we got to put down a wood block over here
06:02I think and then another one here. Let me check the video. Is this correct? Oh, hold on
06:05I think we have to move it a little higher. Wait, wait, hold on a second
06:08I just realized the guy in the video is standing up right now. How did he do that? Do I have to jump?
06:11Oh, oh, I think I had to jump. All right, we got that. So now our guy is standing up. This is good
06:16I think the guy in the video stood up a little bit earlier. I'm not gonna lie
06:19Um, this might mess it up, but I think I think this looks good. I think we're doing it, right?
06:23Wait, actually, hold on. No, we're not. No, we're not
06:24We are totally not doing this, right?
06:25My guy looks completely different from the guy in the video
06:28My back right now is like bent backwards in the video. The guy had his back straight
06:32I think what I need to do is remove these glue blocks. Here we go and then put them back
06:36Hey guys, wait, wait, can I know what you guys are building?
06:39Just like I know that we're not building the same thing. I'll give you a hint. I'm building something iron man themed
06:45I'll give you a hint. I'm making something spider-man themed. Wait, i'm doing something something spider-man themed
06:50Oh looks like you guys both picked the same thing. Well, ruby mine's gonna be way better than yours
06:54So no, well, hold on there's still a lot of things that you can be building that are spider-man themed
06:58Maybe you guys are building like very different things. Maybe what are you building?
07:01I'm building something. Don't worry about it
07:06Anyways for the big piece of wood that goes down here
07:08It looks like I need to put one long piece of wood
07:10This is what the guy in the video did
07:12And then the next thing I need to do hold on i'm watching the video right now
07:16We got to put down glue blocks right underneath these wooden slab thingies that we have
07:20Okay, so we put the glue blocks right there and apparently these are supposed to connect to the legs so far
07:24This looks pretty good. This looks promising
07:26All right
07:26now we've got our legs and our arms connected the only other parts that we have to connect is the head I think and
07:32The way the guy in the video does that is by putting some more wooden rods over here in the back
07:36Hold on. Where does he put these wooden rods? He puts one. Oh, I see
07:39We need to put it a little bit lower
07:40I'm gonna make sure to follow every step of the tutorial as closely as I can so that we don't have any room for error
07:45Here we go. All right, we've got some wooden rods. This looks good next up
07:49We got to place a wooden rod in a t-shape right over here
07:52There we go, and then we need to grab the glue again, this is actually such an easy build it's not even that hard
07:57All right, so we've got the glue block here
07:59This is looking good. And um, I think we're pretty much done the build
08:02I think now the last things that we have to do is just add those metal blocks
08:06Wait, wait before we add the metal block. Oh, no. Wait. I deleted one of the glue blocks
08:10Hold on. Give me that glue block back the guy in the video before he adds the metal blocks
08:13He makes all of the glue blocks 75% transparent now
08:17Every time you click a glue block it disappears
08:19It like disconnects the glue so I need to select everything and then unselect everything that isn't a glue block so that i'm not
08:24Clicking the glue blocks if that makes sense. But anyways now let's go ahead and make the glue 100
08:28I mean 75% trans whoa, what the heck is going on with my back?
08:33Hopefully hopefully that's normal. But anyways, we've got the glue 75% transparent
08:37Now the next thing we need to do is the fun part. We just got to add the metal
08:41All right, sick. So let me go ahead and grab the metal
08:43I don't think there's really um a lot of complicated steps to this part
08:46So I should be able to just throw the metal wherever i'm gonna try not clicking on the glue blocks because I do not want
08:51Them to disappear
08:52I'm, just gonna put the metal down over there and then we can move it up like this
08:56And then finally we can move it inside the arm. Yo, this is actually sick
09:00The iron man suit is being assembled. Let me just watch in the video real quick
09:04Am I doing the same thing as what the guy is doing?
09:06Okay, it looks like looks like I am so the metal block needs to be like halfway in my arm
09:11Halfway in the glue block. I think I have to make it a little bit thicker
09:14Here we go. Just like that. Yeah, I think that looks pretty good
09:17Okay, and uh, yeah, it looks like that's that's this is all we have to do now
09:21We just have to put these metal blocks all over myself. This is like the armor. All right, cool
09:25So next step let's go ahead and clone one of these metal pieces to the other side
09:29We can just pull this up to the right side to the right arm. There we go
09:32Let's do the same with the leg. Let's clone that down over here. Actually. Wait, let's do the leg later first
09:38Let's do the head we can get the full upper body done first. All right, this is looking pretty good
09:44I think we have to uh, actually this looks good looks kind of blocky I will say but that's fine
09:49This is build a boat. Wait, wait, wait, I gotta move the head a little bit down
09:51I just realized my chin is like sticking out don't want that
09:54Let's make sure there's a little bit of room between the arm pieces of metal and the head piece of metal just so that I
09:59Can move everything around easily. All right, this looks pretty good. Let's see. What's the next step?
10:03So i'm watching the video right now
10:05The guy just put on his head and then he put on the other arm and okay now he's putting on the legs
10:09Okay legs seem easy enough. Let's go ahead and do that
10:11Next you can put a block over here and then extend that up a little bit and shorten the bottom
10:18And then we just gotta move this part in. Hold on. Uh, how do I pull this in? Oh, it's over here
10:25Here we go. That looks good
10:26We only have to get one leg done and then we can just copy it over to the other side
10:29Hold on. Let me see how the guy in the video does it again
10:31It looks like he has a good portion of his leg sticking out of it actually like that
10:35And I think we need to move this down a little bit so it's not super connected to the chair
10:39But it still needs to be kind of connected to the glue block
10:41Let's move this forward a little bit so that my guy's leg is fully covered up like that
10:46All right
10:46I think this is looking good now that we've got one leg done
10:49All we gotta do is just clone it over to the other side and then we'll only have one thing left to do the body
10:55All right. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. I gotta move this leg inwards a little bit. Let's move it in like that
10:59Is that looking good? We gotta make sure it's like halfway inside of the glue block
11:03Is this halfway inside of the glue block? I can't tell I think it is. Yep
11:06It looks like it's halfway in the glue block. I think we're good
11:08Is this other one also halfway in the glue block? Yeah, this looks good. All right, cool
11:11I think we have both the legs done now. Hold on
11:13I want to see how the guy in the video does the body. How does he put the body parts on?
11:20Okay, it looks like he puts a block on the cake and then he just makes it smaller, okay cool looks pretty simple
11:26All right. Hopefully all of this works though because um, this is like a very delicate thing we've set up
11:30I feel like if I do one thing wrong if I make one wrong move
11:33I hit the wrong button then all of this is gonna break. So this better all work. There we go
11:37We've got the body parts set up. Let me just watch the video again. Am I doing it the same as the guy?
11:42It looks like the guy in the video sticks the body out a little bit like that
11:45Okay, I don't want to stick it out too much
11:46I'm not i'm not that fat and he also makes the back go out a little bit
11:50I guess this is just to make sure that it's really connected to the cake and hold on
11:53I think we're done now. All we gotta do is color it all in. Oh, yeah, that is the fun part
11:58So, uh guys, how's your uh, how's your builds coming along?
12:01I just finished with the main build and i'm adding some finishing touches right now
12:05Oh, okay. I'm actually also almost done with my guy. My guy looks insane. I think I have to hurry up a little bit
12:12Okay, so we've got the colors. This is looking like a rough sketch of iron man
12:16But now we gotta add the glowing eyes is the coolest part of it all
12:19This is what puts the build all together
12:21Let me check the video real quick to see how the guy puts the eyes on it looks like he just connects it to the face
12:25And then all right, it looks looks pretty straightforward. Nothing. I can't do let's go ahead and add the eyes
12:30Oh, did I break one of the glue blocks? No, the glue blocks are still good
12:32This glowing block is so bright. It messes with my eyes. What if we just make it black? Well, let's make it easier
12:38Oh, there we go. Now I can see exactly where it is. The glow isn't in my way anymore
12:41Let's go ahead and shape the eyes now. I'm thinking what we need to do is hold on. Hold on
12:46I gotta move this in a little bit
12:47I'm thinking what we do is just make one eye and then clone it over to the other side of the face
12:51That should be good. All right, what do iron man's eyes look like again?
12:54It looks like he's got two big blue eyes. All right, we can have one of the eyes over here
13:00Oh, this is actually gonna look so sick as soon as I make this blue and glowy. It's gonna look insane
13:04All right. I think that looks good. Now. Let's go ahead and paint it a glowing blue color
13:10Oh, this looks so cool
13:11This doesn't look like the most detailed iron man for sure
13:15But it looks like a rough sketch and it looks good enough and the fact that it's in buildable is still nuts
13:19Here we go. We've got the eyes and all right, I think I think that's it for the face
13:22Alrighty now, let's see if we're ready to launch. Is this the final step? Let me check the video real quick
13:28Okay, it looks like the guy in the video is still adjusting his guy's face
13:31But then the next step after that is to delete all the wood blocks
13:34All right. Hold on before we do that. I'm gonna quickly save a copy of this build just in case something goes wrong
13:38I don't even know if saving a copy of this is gonna be helpful because i'm gonna need to get back in the cake block
13:43Area, I don't know if I can do that with a save
13:45Anyways, it looks like all I have to do is just start deleting wooden blocks
13:48So let's start with this one this one this one these ones down here. Okay. I'm really nervous right now
13:53This is the moment it all comes down to look at how cool this guy looks though
13:57Looks a little bit uh wide I will say but that's uh part of the design
14:01Anyways, I think we have to break the chair. Wait, do we have to break the chair?
14:04I can't tell if the guy in the video did it. Let's break that. Oh, wait a second
14:08Uh, I think I made the arms a little too short. It's fine. It's fine. We don't have gloves
14:11All right, that's uh, we just don't have gloves on our guy
14:13My hands are sticking out and wait, wait, wait, hold on
14:15I can't tell if this guy deleted the chair or not in the video. Oh, wait. No, he he did delete the chair
14:19All right, so he deletes the chair. I should do the same. Let's go ahead and get rid of that thing
14:24There we go, this thing is looking so cool and now I think all we have to do is just unanchor everything
14:29Let me re-watch the video one more time just to make 100 sure that we're doing this, right? Yep
14:34We just got to select everything and then unanchor it. Okay, cool. Here we go moment of truth
14:38I'm just gonna select everything and uh, all right guys, are you ready for the build challenge? Um, the time's almost up
14:44I'm, actually 100 ready. All right. All right. Um now it's time to unanchor everything. Let me hit the unanchor button and
14:52Looks like it kind of worked. It looks like um, we're having some problems with the body, but it kind of works
14:57Wait, wait, wait. Now we have to make the glue blocks 100% invisible. This is gonna be the finishing touch
15:01This is gonna be what makes our thing look absolutely insane. Let me select all of these glue blocks real quick
15:06There we go. Gotta select the one in the back too. How am I gonna get that one?
15:10There we go. Now, let's make it all 100% invisible and boom. I am now iron man
15:15Although I look a little janky. This is kind of sick. Wait a second
15:18Why aren't the arms moving around with me? Only the body and the head are moving around everything else looks a little uh, wonky
15:23Wait, wait, wait, this doesn't look anything like the guy in the video. Wait, what?
15:26Uh, I mean, I guess it looks a little bit like the guy in the video, but my limbs aren't moving around
15:31What is going on? Is it all unanchored? Yep. It's all unanchored. Maybe I made it too thick
15:36Oh, no, did I make the body too thick? Oh, wait. No, I just broke the body now. It's sticking out. Oh gosh, this is bad
15:43I'm hearing some screaming from your plot you guys. Um, let's just say my build is a little bit damaged right now
15:48It's in a little bit of a damaged condition. Have you been fighting super villains or something?
15:52You could say that hold on. Can I move this in?
15:54Did this fix it? Oh, no, this looks so but this looks horrible now. It's not even
15:59I think I just broke the entire thing. What is going on over here? All right guys, I think the build challenge is over
16:05Let's go ahead and reveal our things. Um, what are you introducing iron man? Look I made an entire iron man suit
16:12That's actually cool. But
16:14Does it does it actually does it do stuff? It looks a little bit fat right now
16:18But uh, it does actually do stuff. Hold on. Wait, let me put on a jet pack. Look I can fly
16:23Uh, okay. I think it's a little heavy. I'm not gonna lie. You look like a mcdonald's french fry box
16:28Yo, stop calling me a mcdonald's french fry box. I look sick
16:31Okay, i'll have you know
16:32I put a lot of effort in this thing
16:33the only reason it looks messed up is because I uh
16:35Kind of made the body parts too thick I think yeah, i'm not gonna lie
16:38It does look kind of cool, but if it done something it would have been you know, one million times cooler. That's true
16:44That's true. Oh, hold on. I can still do stuff. I can still do stuff. Don't get me wrong on that part
16:47Just give me a second. Let me go ahead and grab one of these things real quick
16:51Um, I didn't go ahead and add the finishing touch
16:53All I got to do is just add one of these over here and then um, hold on. Don't worry about this
16:58Let me just unanchor it
17:00Let me go ahead and increase the transparency and all right
17:03You want to see the best part about my build the invisible gallon gun you just put on your head it can do stuff
17:07Oh, i'm shooting laser eyes out
17:10Okay, that would be a lot more accurate if it were from your hands. I can move it into my hands
17:15I think hold on. Does that work? Wait? No, it's gonna come out of my eyes. I'm gonna shoot out of my eyes
17:18That's gonna be way cooler
17:21Okay. All right. Well your build's kind of cool, but I think we should show my build name
17:24My build is sick. All right, ruby. Check it out. I'm shooting out of my eyes. Take that. This is sick
17:28Stop shooting me. Stop shooting me if the limbs actually walked properly
17:32This would have been way cooler, but um, my bill is kind of insane, right? It's okay
17:36I think it could use a little shaping little shaping. Yeah. Yeah, maybe it I think my build needs to hit the gym a little bit
17:43Anyways, let's go see the next build. Whoa, you built spooter, man. Yes, I did. Hold on. I'm still trying to get up here
17:48I'm a little heavy. Can you drive this? Does it work?
17:50Yeah, you can drive spider-man, but the coolest part is that he actually shoots webs. Wait dash stay there. Um, I don't like this
17:58Hey get that web off me. Wait, this web isn't even white. There's a poop web on ruby stand right there. There you go
18:03Okay, now what this is literally a poop web stuck there forever. No, no
18:07Wait, oh guys my leg. It works. Oh, whoa. That looks cool. I fixed you. Wait, wait, what happened?
18:14What in the world happened? I think I fixed you with my spider-man. I clicked on something and then I made it work
18:18What did I click on? Did you click on the spider-man? I don't know what I clicked on
18:20Wait, let me try it again. Uh, do I have to click here? Oh, no
18:23My other leg just got disconnected. Oh, bye leg. My armor is starting to break now. This is bad
18:28I think it was your gatling gun thing that fixed it. I can click stuff on you. Yo, don't click stuff
18:32That's the glue blocks. That's the glue blocks
18:34Hold on. Come here. Hey, hey, no, you're removing my armor
18:38You know every armor has its faults, right? My armor has its weaknesses just like any other armor
18:42Yo guys guys. Yeah guys. Trust me. You don't want to click. It's not as fun as you think it is
18:45Let's just let's just go look at the other build. Let's just go look at the other build
18:49You don't even look like iron man. Now. You look like a little you look like a little troll
18:52Oh, yeah, hold on a second. Let me go ahead and grab one of these things
18:55Wait, what if I put a harpoon on here? Okay, come over here and look at my build already
18:59I'll come look at your little build in a second ruby. Let me go ahead and just uh, do this real quick
19:04All right, let's go. Oh, look at this build. What in the world is this supposed to be? It's a spider-man hand pose
19:11spider-man hand pose
19:13That's last time I checked ruby spider-man doesn't have this like web thing on the inside of his glove
19:17This is supposed to be the inside or the outside. What are we looking at here?
19:20This is the the hand proposed. This is like his right hand like, you know
19:25Why does he have harpoon guns sticking out of his fingers
19:29You know, you can make them invisible, right?
19:31Wait, guys, you want to see something cool though? Everyone stand in front of me. I can see the harpoon attached to your head
19:35It's not a harpoon. It's wait game. Stand still stand still stand still move out of the way. I'm gonna move it
19:39It's a double harpoon. Oh, oh I missed
19:43You missed both. Hold on. Hold on. That's because you were moving. Okay, i'll stand still you get one and then uh
19:48Let me get the other one and it's so laggy. What is happening? We're getting dragged away now
19:52It's time for you guys to come with me. I'm fighting crime. Yes crime has been fought sacrifice yourself
19:58My armor is actually the only functional one. My thing can actually fight criminals. I don't know. I think my build's the best
20:04I think dash's build is the best mine would have been way cooler if it actually worked properly
20:09I can't believe the limbs didn't walk around like the guy in the video. I rate dash's uh, four out of ten ruby's like a
20:15three mom
20:17You can't rate your own bill
20:17That was pretty crazy
20:18And if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now