• 4 days ago
Polda Metro Jaya Proses Laporan Sekuriti Hotel Fairmont terhadap Koalisi Masyarakat Sipil
00:00Hey! Hey! Hey! You're pushing!
00:05Friends, how are we going to be repressive today?
00:08We are carrying out the function of monitoring as a civil society.
00:11We reject the state of the discussion inside.
00:14We reject the state of the function of the fire, friends.
00:17Ladies and gentlemen who disrespected, who said they wanted to be respected but actually hurt the people.
00:22Stop the process of ruling this country! Stop it! Stop it, ladies and gentlemen!
00:31We ask you to stop because the process is being done silently and covertly.
00:42Return the military to the West!
00:47Return the military to the West!
