• 3 days ago
In 1935, when his train is stopped by deep snow, detective Hercule Poirot is called on to solve a murder that occurred i | dG1fRS1ZSmpXb2FuQ28
00:00The city is Istanbul. The time is the 30s.
00:11The people are famous.
00:13Monsieur Hercule Poirot, famous?
00:17Famous and infamous.
00:21Some are conspicuous by choice.
00:24Some are insignificant by nature.
00:28Others are incognito by right.
00:31On the Orient Express, how else?
00:45Ladies and gentlemen, you're in distinguished company.
00:48Moreover, you're in dangerous company.
00:52For you're about to join Hercule Poirot, the international detective no less,
00:56in the most celebrated whodunit ever conceived by the mastermind of Agatha Christie.
01:20I beg of you, you must solve the mystery.
01:27How did you know it was a man?
01:29Because I've enjoyed very warm relationships with both my husbands.
01:35Did you leave your room?
01:37No, not till morning, in my bed.
01:44He had the means to do it.
01:47It was found in an ashtray by the dead man's bedside.
01:50Then someone planted it there.
01:52He did it. The butler did it.
01:57It seems like I'm kind of incriminating myself.
02:02Not now. Not now. When it's all over, when it's behind us, then.
02:05When what is all over, Miss Stenner?
02:09Am I to be accused of hiding it in my suitcase?
02:16My life has been threatened, Mr Poirot.
02:19And I can show you this.
02:23Starring Albert Finney, Lauren Bacall, Martin Balsam, Ingrid Bergman, Jacqueline Bissett,
02:30Jean-Pierre Castell, Sean Connery, John Gielgud, Wendy Hillam,
02:35Anthony Perkins, Vanessa Redgrave, Rachel Roberts, Richard Whitmer, Michael York.
02:42So many stars.
02:44Together, they comprise the most entertaining ensemble who ever gathered to play their part in Murder.
02:51So many stars.
02:53Together, they comprise the most entertaining ensemble who ever gathered to play their part in Murder.
