• 3 days ago
Los Tigres del Norte presentan "La Loteria"


00:00Life is like a lottery, because life is always like that. Sometimes we do well, sometimes we do badly, but we make our own lottery, because the way you behave in your life is the way it goes. So behave well so you win like the lottery.
00:23It talks about the daily life of people. Not only do people play the lottery, but life is like a lottery. Sometimes you win, but very few people win the lottery.
00:42This song talks about the daily life of our people, our country of origin. In this case, it talks about Mexico. It talks about the circumstances that happen in Mexico. It talks about the United States. It talks about immigration. It talks about the daily life of those of us here.
01:04So it is very important that you listen to it first, that you watch the video, so that you can get an idea of ​​what the lottery is in the song of the north tigers and the video directed by Sergio Arau.
01:19I think there is a way to collaborate with Sergio, because he collaborates in the lottery with us, making the drawing, making the video. He is the director of the video. He did all the work for this video, which is a video that he narrates with incredible security.
01:41It is something very beautiful that we have achieved through his work, because he is a person who really knows the Mexican lottery, the Latin lottery, and above all because he has had a great knowledge of what our Mexican community is.
01:59The situation in the United States is currently a serious situation, because there are many deportations, because the motto of the current government is always to dispense with the migrant, to deport him to his country of origin, making us see or making people think that we are a problem for this society,
02:20when in reality we have contributed a lot to this country and many of the functions of the Latin community in the United States have to do with the root work that is done in the United States.
02:35And I think that saying this, we have to go with that message of hope and above all of support and struggle. We have to be united and we have to be fighting for our rights to be valued and above all to be well informed, because we are not exempt from the fact that at some point something may happen to us.
02:56And we have to be well prepared so that if that moment comes, we will know what our rights are and how we can defend ourselves and always raise our hand to be able to move forward.
03:08There are different themes on this album so that it is a little different, so we have several surprises, very beautiful songs that come there included, so hopefully when everything comes out on the market, they can get it and give us their opinion.
03:30The people who go to our tour of Aquí Mando Yo can expect many surprises. Every night we work is very different from the joy that is transmitted above the stage, the joy of the people, the people who accompany us to our events, every night is different and that gives us more encouragement to move forward and continue singing more songs like La Lotería.
03:53We are going to Ontario on March 29 to the Honda Center, we are going to Alburquerque, we are going to be in Laredo, we are going to be at the Bésame Mucho festival on April 5, Auditorio Nacional on April 3 and 4, we are going to our tour, we are going to the Madison Square Garden on May 24 in the city of New York and then we are also going to have our tour around Europe again, where we will be in Spain from June 29 to July 10, more or less, to close the tour.
04:23The first part of the tour of Los Cires del Norte with our new tour, La Lotería.
04:28A very special greeting to People en Español, your friends from Los Cires del Norte.
