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Cameron Brink has seen all the memes about the L.A. Sparks holding tryouts for male practice players ... and she's praying to the basketball gods that whoever makes the final cut isn't a creepy horndog.


00:00WNBA star Cameron Brink is looking for a few good men gay men preferably
00:07To know what you think to practice what you think for practice
00:12So this is you right here. This is Cameron on her
00:16podcast talking about a call-out that the LA Sparks did looking for
00:22male basketball players to come in and they would essentially be
00:26They're putting together a practice practice with it's a practice squad against a practice squad, right?
00:31Right there. They want the Sparks to go up against some men in practice that we should just like lay this out up front
00:39uh-huh, she's just beautiful and
00:41She does a lot of modeling. She does a lot of modeling a lot of guys are
00:46Really into her. Yeah, and apparently it's created some problems with certain players on the court
00:53Exactly so after they put out that call-out Cameron started noticing some of the responses online
00:59And this is her concern about upcoming practices. I'm really eked out by
01:05The potential new practice players. Okay, what I haven't seen the post
01:10Give me can you give me an example? It's basically just like a flyers like me DeRicka Rekia and Kelsey
01:16Uh-huh, and it's like male practice players wanted. Yeah, and usually we use like USC
01:22College guys that also like do it for the women's team at USC. Okay, and all the comments are like
01:28Like let Cameron Brink back me down
01:33Kelsey and I'm just like first of all, we need to heavily vet these men. Oh truly
01:40Who are we trusting coming into this gym?
01:42Yeah, I'm not boxing anyone out that Lynn her new coach is gonna be screaming at me for not rebounding. I'm like, I'm not
01:53This treats all men like they're sex craze maniacs who can't even put sex aside for like 10 minutes to play basketball
02:00I agree with you Mike that no not all men are but she is reading the responses that are coming up on those aren't from
02:06The players get it, but she doesn't know that well, she doesn't know that she knows they're not from the players
02:12Charles they're not gonna pluck the creeps from X to go and play against Cameron Brink
02:16They're gonna be there's gonna be a tryout. We're max has a jump shot and he goes down for oh my god
02:21I mean, I you know, I'm trying to figure out I just kept wondering
02:26Am I supposed to be offended that she's saying only gay guys should apply? I guess not
02:32I'm jealous. I can play basketball. She's not saying gay guys can't play basketball
02:36You know, I wouldn't be interested in her the same way. You know what we do Charles. Here's what we're gonna do
02:41We're gonna send in Harvey almost scoring on Shaquille O'Neal. Yes
02:48There's a video LA Cameron Brink, no do your show
02:53That's not the shot. You want to see I almost I almost made a basket against him
02:58Why are we showing that because if there's a we're trying to get you down there for practice moment
03:04We're trying to get you down there for practice. That was a bad moment. You're not showing I
03:09Almost showing the missed shot. Oh, I almost scored. I mean I did
03:16You did almost Cameron would swat his shot out of the air
03:22Hi, my name is Kumar from Atlanta and you know what I have to second Cameron Brink on this one
03:28You don't want anybody creepy, you know, she has to box them out and also the other WNBA players there
03:33They have worked really hard to keep up their reputation
03:36So if she wants to have just all gay men or if she wants to have
03:42Then I say go for it that makes them feel more comfortable
03:45But again, you can get some former Olympians out there too, but don't be offended. She didn't mean it
03:50But they got to be gay is what you're saying
03:56What kind of what totally co-signed she's totally cosine oh my god, okay
04:00This is a good opportunity for gay basketball players what you're putting like a post out saying gay men, please apply
04:07I mean this is read I know and then if she didn't want the gay men to come down and play then then what?
04:12Oh god, let's just move on
