• 4 days ago
At a Senate Budget Committee hearing earlier this month, Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) questioned OMB nominee Dan Bishop about how he manages his finances.

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00:00Well Congressman, I'm glad you're here. Thank you. Good luck with your job.
00:04I love it when the Democrats talk about following the law. When I was governor
00:06of Florida, because I wouldn't expand Medicaid, Barack Obama cut a billion
00:10dollars out of my Medicaid program. Like that. Not one Democrat said that was a
00:15problem. Not one Democrat. He cut a billion dollars and all the way it was
00:19it was a program that went to hospitals that did more uncompensated care. A
00:22billion dollars gone and didn't come back until we got a new president. So
00:29congratulations. Why do you want to do this? And what are you gonna get done
00:32in your in your four years? Thank you, Senator. Uh, and if I might real quickly
00:36to say in response to what you just said, I think there are many such
00:39examples. If you think about orders that President Biden issued in the last
00:42administration that were plainly contrary to law, even after the Supreme
00:46Court issued opinions on student debt cancellation, for example, he, uh, did
00:52more of it. Um, so there, but I but and I want to make clear because I think
00:58that there is something that needs to be said, which is that I haven't talked
01:01about violating the law talked about. There may be issues about the
01:04Impoundment Control Act and its constitutionality and what exactly the
01:07contours are of the historic power to impound. And that's probably going to
01:12and President Trump has made clear that's going to be looked at. Um, so
01:16that's part of, I think, in answer to the question what I what I hope to do. I
01:20think what President Trump said last night in a speech, I'm not sure I've
01:23ever seen a better state of the union address, but he said there's going to
01:26be action. The American people are so ready for action, and I spent five years
01:31in the Congress in the House of Representatives ready for action that I
01:34never saw take place. And I don't even know that it's conservative or liberal.
01:38It's common sense, and it's actual change. The reason I'm looking forward
01:44to this job more than any job I've had in my life is because I know Russ vote.
01:49I know what the president of the United States intends to do in terms of action
01:53to see change. And I and I am thrilled. Should I be confirmed by the Senate to
01:58be part of it? You think you can balance the budget? Absolutely. I'm certain
02:02that can be done. So have you done that in your personal life? I certainly have.
02:06Gosh, how do you do it? It's amazing. My wife is the key to so many things. You
02:12like, find out what you're gonna make and not spend more than that. And that
02:16must be really look for opportunities to save and not pay for some things that
02:20we paid for. At one point time, we find not to be worthwhile. You have a credit
02:23card. Uh, I did. Do you review it to see if if it's proper? Uh, the way the
02:29review works in our household is that if something's on it, it's not supposed
02:32to be there. I hear about it from the boss. And have you ever, like, changed
02:37your telephone plan to get a better deal? And that's a constant source of
02:40discussion. Internally, I've got the cheapest plan you could imagine.
02:43Senator, be glad to tell you about it. Yeah. So so we've seen a 2% increase in
02:49population five years in a 53% increase in federal spending.
02:53How? How on God's green earth can we live within this? Every American who
02:58had an opportunity to focus on that number would say that's absurd. Yeah. So
03:03um, my colleague from Ohio and others here, we just went through campaigns. I
03:09went through my reelection and I tell people when they come up here because
03:12they're raising my office now asking for money.
03:15And here's what I tell him. I said, You know what? Let's say I don't know.
03:18Let's say a 1000 events in last year. Nobody won. Not one person. My state
03:23asked me about that program. But you know what they did ask me about? Why
03:27isn't the border secure? And why is the cost of living going up?
03:31That's all they asked me about the whole. I mean, the whole campaign.
03:34That's what they I was at a I was at a Jimmy John's restaurant the other day,
03:38and the lady was just say, Look, I moved to Florida because you're the
03:40governor. I could get a job. But he says the cost of the cost of living is
03:44just skyrocketed. Groceries are out of out of whack. So what are some of the
03:48things you think that you can get done? And by the by the way, do you think we
03:51can get inflation under control if we don't balance the budget? No, sir, I
03:55don't. I don't think so. I don't know. And whether you have to actually get
03:57the balance to get it under. I think you could get inflation under control
04:00probably short of that target, but it still needs to be done to be sustainable
04:03over the long term. But I think the plain thing is that President Trump has
04:07made it clear over and over in his state of the union last night. He made
04:11it clear how relentlessly he is focused on that. He's he's laid out strategies
04:16that are plausible in terms of, for example, unleashing American energy
04:20production, lower the cost of energy. You not only reduce the cost of every
04:24time somebody makes an energy related transaction, but energy goes into
04:26everything that is done in the goods and services across the economy. That's
04:31a businessman's judgment. If I can say that to you and seeing Senator Marina
04:34next year, think about the Senator Johnson, Senator Ricketts. Um, and I
04:39think that's so refreshing to the American people to hear. But those are
04:42the things that are affecting their lives. What? What prevents them from
04:46getting to the end of the month successfully? And so I think that's
04:49right, Senator. That's good. When I was when I was in business, I read the
04:52lines of my budget, right? I had 342 hospitals went through the budgets.
04:57Surgeons went through the budget. Everything. Every business manufacturer
04:59companies went through the budget. When I was governor for 4000 lines of the
05:02budget. Um, I went through every line every year. They had a written purpose.
05:05You think we ought to do that with the federal government? I think there's no
05:09substitute for it. It requires sort of a preparedness to confront a tedium and
05:14work through it because it has to be done as a job. We can't find a purpose
05:17or it didn't do it. Should we just keeps doing it because we did it before? I
05:21don't. That one doesn't sell for me, Senator. Uh, ever think we ought to
05:25consider everything I knew every time. Thank you, Mr Chairman. Thank you, sir.
