• 15 hours ago
कोतवाली थाना क्षेत्र के हिनौता गांव की घटना, पुलिस मर्ग कायम कर जांच में जुटी


00:30This is what life is all about.
00:37Today, he was working as an agent in the post office in Trinata Patoli.
00:45What kind of an incident was this?
00:48He was shot by a licensed revolver.
00:51He was an agent in the post office.
00:53He is our elder brother.
00:55He is our elder father's elder son.
00:57Like every other day, he left the house and came to the post office.
01:02What was the situation in the middle of the road?
01:04His mentality had changed.
01:06He brought a gun from his house and killed himself.
01:10What is the main reason for this incident?
01:12What is the possibility?
01:14There is no reason for such an incident.
01:16Because we were all together in Holi.
01:19And like we celebrate Holi with Harshaullah,
01:22everyone celebrated Holi with us.
01:29What was the incident?
01:31What was his name?
01:33Santosh Kumar.
