• 2 days ago
🐶 RICHE vs PAUVRE SHOPPING POUR ANIMAUX ! 🐱 Qui peut construire la maison pour animaux la plus luxueuse ? 🏡✨

Trois filles—Pauvre, Riche, et Giga Riche—entrent dans une animalerie ! 🛍️🐾 Chacune choisit un animal en fonction de son budget, mais le vrai défi commence lorsqu'elles construisent une maison pour leurs amis à fourrure ! 🏠💰

🐕 Fille fauchée : Bricolage d'une maison pour animaux de compagnie avec des objets de tous les jours ! Est-ce qu'elle peut la rendre confortable ?
🐩 Fille riche : Maison élégante pour animaux de compagnie avec des gadgets fantaisistes ! Est-ce qu'elle sera parfaite ?
🐾 Fille Giga Riche : Maison ultra-luxueuse pour animaux de compagnie avec des accessoires en or ! Est-ce que c'est trop ? !

💖 Quel animal aimera le plus sa maison ?
👀 Qui a construit la maison de rêve ultime pour animaux ?

Regardez jusqu'à la fin pour voir les maisons pour animaux les plus folles jamais vues ! 😂🏡✨
💬 Commentez ci-dessous : Quelle maison pour animaux est votre préférée ? 👇
👍 Likez & Abonnez-vous pour plus de défis amusants !

#RicheVsPauvre #ShoppingPourAnimaux #DéfiAmusant #RénovationMaisonAnimaux #RicheVsPauvreVsGigaRiche ❤❤❤ Cliquez sur "j'aime" sous cette vidéo et abonnez-vous à notre chaîne ! Activez la cloche de notification 😉🔔🔔🔔

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00:00Ah, the sales are slow today.
00:03Wow, it's a dream!
00:06Hello, I'm here to adopt an animal.
00:08Of course.
00:09Oh, not bad at all.
00:13A beautiful lady in creator clothes?
00:15You have all my attention.
00:17Hello, would you like a leash for your dog?
00:22I would like to speak to the manager.
00:25I want a new animal and I want it right now.
00:28Got it.
00:29So, why is it taking so long?
00:33Yes, what do you want?
00:34A dog.
00:36You have to pay first.
00:38I only have 10 dollars, is that enough?
00:42Hmm, yes.
00:44Well, where is he?
00:47Oh, wow, he's so cute.
00:50Good boy.
00:55Hey, give me a cute animal.
00:58Got it.
01:00Here it is.
01:02Oh, it's perfect.
01:05Let's go home.
01:07Give me the most expensive animal you have.
01:11That's not enough.
01:12And 15 gold tongues, is that enough?
01:15Plus the tickets.
01:17To take or to leave?
01:18I'll bring you a new animal.
01:20That's what I thought.
01:22Oh no, I don't have any more animals.
01:25Damn it.
01:27One moment, please.
01:29Come on, think.
01:31Oh, I know.
01:33I saw someone looking for food here the other day.
01:37Oh, why is it taking so long?
01:40Found it.
01:42She'll never know.
01:43Here you go.
01:46Yes, it's rare.
01:49I love it.
01:50I love it.
01:51Are you my new mom?
01:55Come here, cutie.
01:57Oh, good boy.
01:59Don't run away, okay?
02:02Oh, it's mom.
02:04Well, I'd better answer.
02:08Oh no, it's not working.
02:11Oh, I know.
02:14Oh, I guess I'll never know what she wants.
02:17And my butler will know what to do.
02:22Here you go, ma'am.
02:23This will help you.
02:26It's a mouse cage.
02:28Now she'll never run away.
02:31Huh? Wow.
02:33I'll never put her in there.
02:35Well, I don't have anything else.
02:37It must be gold.
02:41I'll extract the juice from the lingo.
02:44This cage will be gold in no time.
02:47Pure genius.
02:48It's cool, I'd say.
02:50All shiny and gold, ma'am.
02:53Wow, it's a new house.
02:55Do you want to see?
02:59A real improvement compared to this old hut.
03:01And it doesn't smell like garbage.
03:04Oh, he loves it.
03:06That makes one.
03:08What? Go.
03:09Very well, ma'am.
03:11A golden cage.
03:13You won't live in a cage.
03:15Better to avoid, yes.
03:17Let's see what we have here.
03:21Purchase-of-a-tree coins.
03:24They got this at the park.
03:27It's another game.
03:29I ordered it in a creative store,
03:31not in a workshop.
03:33It's so annoying.
03:34How pathetic.
03:36Yes, ma'am.
03:38Oh, I can just ask someone to fix it.
03:41Hello, listen.
03:42Yes, ma'am.
03:43Turn this into a purchase-of-a-tree.
03:45Only 500 dollars.
03:47That's enough.
03:49Let's assemble this purchase-of-a-tree.
03:51First, the base.
03:53I'm going to saw it to get the right shape.
03:55Then, I'm going to spray it with a beautiful golden color.
03:59Now, wrap the rope around the branches
04:01and this cover around the base.
04:04It's perfect.
04:05But we're not done yet.
04:07We need a few curtains and a few more floors.
04:09Now, it's perfect.
04:12Oh, isn't it great?
04:15I love it.
04:16It will keep my claws in place.
04:22I'm going to make you a house too.
04:26Wait a minute, buddy.
04:28You'll live like a king in no time.
04:30You're kidding.
04:31It's disgusting.
04:32Now, it's time to dig in the garbage.
04:35Oh, what is this?
04:36Adorable little...
04:43I'm going to take it off for you.
04:45Bananas don't make a good crown.
04:47Especially not a rotten one.
04:50There must be something I can use.
04:53This one.
04:54But it has holes.
04:55I can't use this.
04:58I'm going to turn it into a pillowcase.
05:01First, I'm going to put it around the pillow.
05:03It's big enough, so I'm going to have to fold it in a few places.
05:07And there you go.
05:08Your own pillow.
05:10Don't you like it?
05:12I can't blame you.
05:16Very good.
05:18Finally, a well-deserved break.
05:21I don't have to make any noise.
05:23I'm just here to borrow a very small thing.
05:26You won't even notice that it's gone.
05:30Let me just tidy this up.
05:32And I'm off.
05:34I'm ready to go back to work.
05:37Rotten fruit.
05:39You won't believe what I got for free, buddy.
05:42This little table is going to be your bed.
05:45But first, we need to make a few changes.
05:47I'm going to add some walls and a window.
05:49I want to make it pretty.
05:51I'm going to stick colored adhesive tape on all sides.
05:54The more colors there are, the better.
05:56It's done.
05:57What do you think?
05:58It's so comfortable.
05:59Do you know what would make it even better?
06:02A pillow.
06:03Oh, yeah.
06:04Thanks, Mom.
06:05I'm the luckiest dog in the world.
06:08Yeah, I swear.
06:09A package for you, ma'am.
06:11Oh, a treasure chest.
06:13What do you have for me?
06:16Oh, a piece of paper.
06:18What are these confusing shapes?
06:21Let me explain.
06:22It's a plan for the most sophisticated of cages.
06:25It was designed by the best engineers
06:27who calculated the dead weight of all materials
06:29to make it resistant to earthquakes,
06:31typhoons and apocalypses
06:33for your little furry companion.
06:39That's too much information.
06:42That means it's ready.
06:43Oh, let's get to work.
06:46It's simple, I assure you.
06:47I'm going to take a big cardboard and cut it into pieces.
06:50Then I'll glue them together to make a labyrinth.
06:53To make it more fun, let's add a few balls.
06:56And now it's ready.
07:01Uh, ma'am?
07:04Oh, wow!
07:06It looks so much fun.
07:08I'd love to play with it.
07:10Why don't you make me a bigger one?
07:12Come on, try it.
07:14You've really outdone yourself.
07:16I could play with it for hours.
07:18I wonder what's in the next room.
07:22Giant gloves!
07:24Phew, that was close.
07:26Now if only I could go through these rings
07:29and these things that look like fries.
07:31They certainly don't taste the same.
07:33Wow, what an adventure.
07:36I can't wait to live it again.
07:38Well done, Chou.
07:40You can do that as many times as you want.
07:44Hey, do you want to play with me?
07:46Of course.
07:47Let me just finish playing.
07:51Come on.
07:53Oh, poor Chou.
07:55Here, catch it.
08:01Freeze, Mom.
08:02Let's play.
08:04But we don't have any toys.
08:07Oh, yes.
08:08That's what I want.
08:10And this pink ball is the one I want.
08:13She won't know anything.
08:15She can keep this one.
08:17I know.
08:19Wow, it's pretty.
08:21I'm sure she won't get mad.
08:23Let's cut it.
08:27All I need is this little piece.
08:30I'm going to tie a few knots
08:31so it has an interesting shape.
08:33Here, buddy.
08:37Over here.
08:38Come get it.
08:40That looks familiar.
08:42Is it...
08:44No, impossible.
08:46Oh, poor Chou.
08:48Why don't you play with your tree?
08:50But I'm already bored with that.
08:52It's so hard to satisfy.
08:54I'm going to buy you a toy
08:56you won't be able to resist.
08:58Hmm, not quite chic.
09:00Oh, that's what I'm talking about.
09:04Oh, come here, cutie.
09:08Come back here!
09:12I'm hungry.
09:14I have an idea.
09:18It's so hot today.
09:20I'm going to get another bottle.
09:22Oh, that's exactly what I needed.
09:24But it could be bigger.
09:27Oh, jackpot!
09:30Well, back to the...
09:33I really hope no one needed that.
09:36I'm going to cut this bottle in half.
09:39Then I'm going to stick the cap
09:41directly on the cone.
09:42I'm going to do it with a few bottles.
09:44Then I'm going to use a little hot glue
09:46to soften the plastic.
09:47That way it's not sharp.
09:49Do you have any treats for me, buddy?
09:51Of course I do.
09:54Hold on tight.
09:55Mmm, delicious.
09:58Let me try.
10:00You're right.
10:01It's delicious.
10:02Sharing a snack with your dog?
10:05You'll never see me do that.
10:07My cat has its own food.
10:09And it only comes from this automatic dispenser.
10:12With a single push of a button,
10:14my cat gets all the tuna it wants.
10:16It's raining food.
10:18What is this?
10:22Let's play.
10:24Oh, where did it go?
10:26Oh, no.
10:27It's not in its place.
10:29Where could it be?
10:31It ran away.
10:33Oh, my baby.
10:37This mouse is somewhere around here.
10:39Over there.
10:40Oh, that's strange.
10:42The rats must be partying.
10:45Oh, the games with Barbie
10:47must have gone too far.
10:50Come here.
10:52He's so cute.
10:54Put me down.
10:58I told you to put me down.
11:00Doctor, I need help.
11:03I'm a doctor.
11:04Let me take care of it.
11:06I know what to do.
11:09Let's get out of here.
11:15Not me, but the cat.
11:17But I'm not a vet.
11:19I'm hungry.
11:20I know.
11:21I'll give it a snack.
11:23I always have something to nibble on.
11:27Here you go.
11:29It's so cute.
11:30That's enough.
11:32It's back on its feet.
11:34Everything's fine.
11:35Thank you, Doctor.
11:37You just needed something to eat.
11:39I'll give you all the snacks you want.
11:42Look at this.
11:43I have a cat.
11:45A cat?
11:46It's so cute.
11:49Pet me, human.
11:50A real cat.
11:53A cat that breathes and purrs?
11:55It's adorable.
11:59It stinks.
12:00It's unacceptable.
12:02This perfume will do the trick.
12:04Be careful.
12:06Be careful?
12:08Not me, but the cat.
12:11I'm sorry.
12:12Your turn, little cat.
12:15No more bad breath.
12:17It smells so good.
12:18What if we keep petting you?
12:21You deserve it after a life in the street.
12:24You're right.
12:25It's so nice.
12:27My mom used to clean me like this when I was little.
12:29Your mom used to clean you like this when you were little?
12:31Let's go faster.
12:33Here you go, little cat.
12:37It's a little weird.
12:38It's time for me to go.
12:40Clean this up.
12:45Clean this up right now.
12:49I know what to do.
12:51I bought it for my stuffed cat, but he never used it.
12:54What's this doing here?
13:01You can do your business here.
13:04Here, little cat.
13:06What do you want?
13:07I found you a toilet.
13:09Wait a minute.
13:11I don't have a choice.
13:14It's disgusting.
13:17But I have to try.
13:19The smell will quickly attract the cat into the box.
13:22It's going to work.
13:26In the litter.
13:28I'd like to go for a walk.
13:30Look at this.
13:31I'd like to eat a snack.
13:34A sausage would be nice.
13:37And a nap.
13:38That's how you usually do it, isn't it?
13:40What are you doing?
13:42Are you really afraid?
13:45I'm going to rest somewhere else.
13:48Clean this up.
13:53I'm awake.
13:56It's school time.
14:01We have to go.
14:04Don't leave me, meow.
14:06What do we do?
14:07Think of the same thing as me.
14:09We just have to put a camera in it.
14:13Now we can watch what he's been doing since school.
14:16Great idea.
14:19Meow, what is it?
14:21She's going to love you.
14:24Come on, we're going to be late.
14:26Goodbye, little cat.
14:28Yes, yes.
14:30Meow, the house is mine.
14:33They're going to regret leaving me here alone, meow.
14:37I'm the king now.
14:39I'm not doing any construction work.
14:40I'm redecorating.
14:43What is that?
14:48I love cat videos.
14:50Come in.
14:52If this is your first time, it's a kind of experiment.
14:56Yeah, I told her.
15:00What happened?
15:01Let's take a look at the video.
15:03I don't remember.
15:05Mom's going to be furious.
15:07The cat?
15:08The cat?
15:09How could he do such a thing?
15:11It's a wild cat, really.
15:13It wasn't me.
15:15Meow, you're a bad boy.
15:17You think the same as me?
15:19Yes, we're on TikTok.
15:22Hey, little cat.
15:23I'm filming.
15:24He's adorable.
15:26I really have to do this.
15:28Meow, it's true that I'm adorable.
15:31Oh, I'm posting.
15:33I have to go.
15:36But first, I have to get changed.
15:40Okay, I'm ready.
15:44Hey, look at this.
15:46A Pokeball?
15:48What's inside?
15:50It's really sticky.
15:52I'd better steal it.
15:54What is that?
15:55It's covered in dirt.
15:57Don't worry, I'll clean you up.
15:59You just need a little rinse.
16:02It's much better.
16:05Oh, it's a dog.
16:07Hello to you too.
16:08It's a real dog.
16:10Adopt me.
16:11Do you need a house, my little dog?
16:13Of course.
16:15Let's go.
16:17Say hello to your new house.
16:19Please, don't turn around.
16:26Oh, my God.
16:27What could have caused this?
16:31Yes, Mom?
16:33Just a few things.
16:34I'm not stupid.
16:35Dogs are not allowed here.
16:37But I don't have a dog.
16:39That's strange.
16:42That was close.
16:45It's really heavy.
16:47I hope you like your new room.
16:49Oh, look.
16:50My favorite toys.
16:51I think we have a little problem here.
16:53You're right.
16:54We should hide you.
16:55What do you think about here?
16:57It's too small.
16:59Let's think about where I could hide you.
17:01See you later.
17:03You fit perfectly in there.
17:06I'm going to build you a bed.
17:08But I need a ton of wood.
17:11There you go.
17:12Can I use this?
17:14Let's drill some holes.
17:16Oh, my God.
17:17This thing is huge.
17:19Does it work?
17:20First, let's get the screw in, everyone.
17:23I think I'm too strong.
17:25Now for the paint.
17:27I hope you like blue, my little one.
17:32What do you think?
17:33I need something more personalized.
17:35You need a house.
17:37This is what we're going to do.
17:39There you go.
17:40Like that.
17:41I built you a house.
17:44I don't see a house.
17:46You're right.
17:47It's the facade.
17:51There you go.
17:52One more thing.
17:53Now we know who lives here.
17:55See you later, Gaspar.
17:58I love it.
17:59It's so soft.
18:05I'm so sure.
18:07Honey, I brought you some strawberries.
18:12What is that?
18:14My house.
18:16It's really soft.
18:18Hey, Mom.
18:23Is this thing straight enough?
18:26Maybe there's a better place to fix it.
18:29I know!
18:30Is there something on my face?
18:32You have the prettiest face.
18:35I have a better idea.
18:38Come here, little puppy.
18:40It's going to be fun.
18:42Say cheese.
18:44Aren't we cute?
18:46Pretend to laugh.
18:48Come on, get down.
18:50That's enough for now.
18:52I'll be right back.
18:54Where are you going now?
18:57Look at that.
18:58What a lovely picture, isn't it?
19:01I'll put it here.
19:03So I can look at it every day.
19:05And look at this one.
19:08Look at us.
19:09Excuse me?
19:13I need a hand.
19:16Wait a minute.
19:17I have an idea.
19:20The lights connect everything, see?
19:24What do you think?
19:25Now everyone will know that we're best friends.
19:28What would I do without you?
19:30We've traveled to so many places.
19:32Of course we need good filters.
19:37Wow! What do you think?
19:39Well, I could use another hand.
19:42Looks like she likes spotlights.
19:47What's wrong?
19:48Where are the toilets?
19:50You have to go.
19:52Number two?
19:55Okay, no problem.
19:57Hide right here.
19:59There you go.
20:01Not bad, huh?
20:02Stay calm, okay?
20:04Advertising again.
20:09Yes, Mom?
20:11What is it?
20:15Well, I ate a lot of chocolate today.
20:19It's delicious.
20:23There's nothing to worry about, Mom.
20:27Very well then.
20:29We have to run.
20:30You look fit.
20:35It doesn't smell good.
20:37Okay, the way is clear.
20:39Ah, that's much better.
20:41Now do your business.
20:43It's already done.
20:47You weren't kidding with number two.
20:49I never joke with number two.
20:51It's time to pick it up.
20:53Here, try to catch it.
20:57You hear that?
20:59I'm hungry.
21:02It's really nice.
21:06I want some too!
21:07Please, stop barking!
21:10A cookie?
21:12But they're not for dogs.
21:14Seriously, now?
21:17I'm sorry.
21:18Okay, wait.
21:20There's something for dogs here.
21:23These things should work.
21:26Okay, that should do it.
21:28It's your lucky day, Ibi.
21:32Be patient.
21:33First, some flour.
21:37Then, we need two eggs.
21:39Who needs a spoon when you have hands?
21:42And here's the best.
21:45Dogs really like these kinds of things.
21:47Come on!
21:50It's not exactly what I like, but I like ketchup.
21:54The perfect amount.
21:57Let's go!
21:59Oh, wow!
22:00It's really soft.
22:02It smells good, doesn't it?
22:04I can't wait!
22:05I think they're going to be great.
22:07They're beautiful.
22:08A shape you'll like for sure.
22:15Very good.
22:17They're so cute.
22:18There's only one step left to go.
22:21This is where things really get hot.
22:24I can't wait any longer.
22:26They're ready.
22:27Are they burnt?
22:30Wow, it smells so good.
22:32Homemade dog biscuits.
22:35This one looks like you, Ibi.
22:38Bon appétit!
22:40Oh my god, they smell so good!
22:42You can eat the rest later.
22:45Let's go.
22:47I said hurry up!
22:49Let's stay here for now, okay?
22:51Good girl.
22:54I'll go get them.
22:56Oh no!
23:01They're actually really good!
23:03They can't suffer...
23:04from what they don't know.
23:06Are you having fun, sweetie?
23:11Are you sleeping?
23:13I understand.
23:15These tires won't let them down, will they?
23:19A perfect fit!
23:21Oh, Evie!
23:23Your dog bed is on its way.
23:27I'm a lot stronger than I thought.
23:29But let's make it even more beautiful.
23:33It's already better.
23:35Evie's favorite thing in the whole world.
23:38Nothing like the most comfortable pillow for you.
23:42It looks nice, doesn't it?
23:45But I love pokeballs!
23:49Let me think for a second.
23:50I've got it!
23:51I've got something perfect in here!
23:54Look at the magic!
23:56If you want more,
23:57well, you've got it!
23:59A poke pillow!
24:02And it's perfect for you.
24:04It looks super soft.
24:06I'd like to lie down in this thing.
24:07Are you ready?
24:09I was born to be ready!
24:11My eyelids are suddenly so heavy...
24:13It feels good to sleep on my pillow!
24:16What dog doesn't like a little fun decoration?
24:18Ruff! Let's play a little, Finn!
24:21Hey! You've got a good throw!
24:23And... catch!
24:24This one gets to the point!
24:26Go get him, my girl!
24:30Oh no! It's Mom!
24:34We have to hide!
24:35Get in there!
24:36Ruff! No! I want to play!
24:38That was close!
24:39Finn! It's because you're so...
24:43Evie! No!
24:44It's a dog!
24:46Please, Mom!
24:47Can we keep it?
24:49Well, yes!
24:54You're allergic!
24:55I know!
24:56I can take pills against allergies!
24:59Thank you, Mom!
25:00Thank you, Mom! I love you, Finn!
25:06It's the new doggy!
