CG News: छत्तीसगढ़ के रायपुर में इंटरनेशनल मास्टर्स लीग टी-20 फाइनल पर छत्तीसगढ़ के उपमुख्यमंत्री अरुण साव ने कहा की यह सौभाग्य की बात है कि रायपुर में इतना बड़ा टूर्नामेंट हो रहा है। हमने फाइनल मैच देखने का आनंद लिया। हमने इस टूर्नामेंट के माध्यम से अपनी संस्कृति का भी प्रदर्शन किया।
00:00We have come to watch the final match of the International Masters League with the whole family.
00:10It is a big thing that there are 7 matches of the International Masters League in Chhattargarh, Raipur.
00:18Both the semi-finals and the finals.
00:21And it is a great thing that there is such a big tournament in the stadium of Veer Narayan Singh in Raipur.
00:28For the people of Chhattargarh and Raipur.
00:31And India reaching the finals and winning the finals, this is going to increase the joy many times.
00:39So we all have enjoyed this exciting match.
00:43It was a lot of fun.
00:44It was a lot of fun.
00:45Sir, how much excitement do you get from such events to the players and children of Chhattisgarh?
00:50Look, this shows that after retiring from international cricket,
00:56at such a young age, playing like this, being completely fit,
01:03this inspires young cricketers that at such a young age, people like Sachin, Yuvraj,
01:11are playing with such intensity.
01:14So this is definitely inspiring.
01:17And being in Raipur is a matter of joy.
01:21Sir, we can also see the music of Chhattisgarh behind you.
01:24Yes, definitely.
01:25We have tried that the art and culture of Chhattisgarh should spread all over the world.
01:30So that our Raut dance performance, our Panthi dance,
01:34and other cultural events of Chhattisgarh should reach the world.
01:39Our culture and civilization has been achieved through this tournament.
01:43So definitely this is also a big thing.