🧜♀️ D'une SIRÈNE à un VAMPIRE SOMBRE ! 🦇 Relooking désespéré pour gagner l'amour d'un vampire 💔
Une sirène ringarde et peu séduisante est transportée sur le continent et rencontre un beau vampire ! 😍✨ C'est le coup de foudre au premier regard—mais il y a un problème... il DÉTESTE les sirènes ! 😱💔
Déterminée à conquérir son cœur, elle se lance dans un relooking VAMPIRE EXTREME ! 🖤⚡
💄 Crocs, mode sombre, glamour effrayant—est-ce suffisant ?
🦇 Peut-elle vraiment se transformer en vampire ?
💘 Le vampire tombera-t-il enfin amoureux d'elle ?
Regardez jusqu'à la fin pour voir son look final ! 👀🔥
💬 Pensez-vous qu'elle a fait le bon choix ? Commentez ci-dessous ! 👇
👍 Aimez & Abonnez-vous pour plus de transformations folles !
#SirèneEnVampire #AmourVampire #TransformationRelooking #GothGlam #IncroyableTransformation Partage et abonne-toi si tu aimes la vidéo : https://goo.su/2BJZ
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Musique par Epidemic Sound : https://www.epidemicsound.com/
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La vidéo suivante peut mettre en scène des activités pratiquées par nos acteurs dans un environnement contrôlé. S'il vous plait, faites preuve de jugement, d'attention et de toutes les précautions nécéssaires si vous prévoyez de les reproduire.
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Une sirène ringarde et peu séduisante est transportée sur le continent et rencontre un beau vampire ! 😍✨ C'est le coup de foudre au premier regard—mais il y a un problème... il DÉTESTE les sirènes ! 😱💔
Déterminée à conquérir son cœur, elle se lance dans un relooking VAMPIRE EXTREME ! 🖤⚡
💄 Crocs, mode sombre, glamour effrayant—est-ce suffisant ?
🦇 Peut-elle vraiment se transformer en vampire ?
💘 Le vampire tombera-t-il enfin amoureux d'elle ?
Regardez jusqu'à la fin pour voir son look final ! 👀🔥
💬 Pensez-vous qu'elle a fait le bon choix ? Commentez ci-dessous ! 👇
👍 Aimez & Abonnez-vous pour plus de transformations folles !
#SirèneEnVampire #AmourVampire #TransformationRelooking #GothGlam #IncroyableTransformation Partage et abonne-toi si tu aimes la vidéo : https://goo.su/2BJZ
Active la cloche de notifications 😉🔔🔔🔔
Musique par Epidemic Sound : https://www.epidemicsound.com/
Cette vidéo est réalisée dans un but de divertissement. Nous ne faisons aucune garantie quant à sa faisabilité, sa fiabilité ou les risques qui l'entourrent. Toute action basée sur les informations recueillies dans cette vidéo n'engage que vous et nous déclinons toute responsabilité en cas de dommages ou de pertes. Il relève de la responsabilité du spectateur de faire preuve de jugement, d'attention et de toutes les précautions nécéssaires en vue de reproduire ces actions.
La vidéo suivante peut mettre en scène des activités pratiquées par nos acteurs dans un environnement contrôlé. S'il vous plait, faites preuve de jugement, d'attention et de toutes les précautions nécéssaires si vous prévoyez de les reproduire.
Tous les produits et noms de compagnies apparaissant dans cette vidéo demeurent les marques commerciales™️ ou marques déposées®️ de leurs propriétaires respectifs. Leur utilisation ne suggère aucune affiliation ni approbation de leur part.
00:00Oh, I've never been in this part of the ocean before!
00:06Oh no!
00:08Oh, it's a whirlpool!
00:13Oh, it's dry here!
00:16Can someone make the water flow?
00:23Oh, I have to go back to the sea.
00:31Bite me!
00:33Me too!
00:35As you wish!
00:37Me too!
00:39I'm going to need some refreshment.
00:43Get out!
00:45So, that kiss, handsome?
00:52He turns them all into beautiful vampires!
00:55It's my dream!
00:57Can you give me a kiss too?
01:01What a look!
01:03It's so embarrassing!
01:05Look at that!
01:07Let's get rid of your algae.
01:11Oh, yes!
01:14Oh, but...
01:20You'll never be like us!
01:24You meanie!
01:26Why do they hate me?
01:29Is it because I'm a nintendo?
01:32I can't blame them.
01:34They probably don't have a nanny like me.
01:37It's not fair!
01:41Why am I so ugly?
01:43What's that?
01:47A needle to become a vampire?
01:50I need a ball of skin.
01:52I need a ball of skin?
01:55But how?
01:57Maybe the shells I found on the shore can help me.
02:01I'll put them all in this bowl.
02:03Then I'll crush them until they turn into powder.
02:09That should be enough.
02:11It's perfect!
02:18I'm smooth!
02:21Now let's add some color to my face.
02:24No mermaid colors, please!
02:27Why not some red?
02:32Maybe some black too?
02:34Thank you!
02:36Now let's move on to the paint.
02:39I'll take some red
02:41and draw some fine lines under my eyes.
02:45Then I'll take some black paint
02:47and apply it to my eyelids
02:50and my eyebrows.
02:52Finally, I'll add some gems
02:54to give some relief.
02:58I look terrible.
03:00But my lips are still pale.
03:02There must be something I can use.
03:08There must be a lipstick here somewhere.
03:14How did that happen?
03:24Oh, a doll!
03:26Not today!
03:28Oh my, what a disappointment!
03:30Hey, over here!
03:34Hands up!
03:37Oh, is that for me?
03:40Thank you!
03:42First, I'll put it in my mouth to get the colors.
03:45Then I'm going to put it on my lips.
03:48And voila! We have bloody red lips.
03:51What could be more vampiric than that?
03:57Let me go, you crazy people!
04:03Help, someone!
04:07Oh my god!
04:09Oh, maybe there's hope for my hair.
04:12They say that aloe vera does wonders.
04:15Even for electrified hair, I'm going to extract the juice from this plant.
04:20And brush it on my hair.
04:23I'm going to brush it several times, until I untie the knots.
04:28Then I'm going to take some hair from the front and tie them to the back.
04:32That's what I call a deadly hairstyle.
04:34Huh? How did you get in here?
04:39What the...
04:41Let me go!
04:51You look much better on my head.
04:53I look like a vampire princess.
04:55Oh la la!
04:59But I still need some curls.
05:01Oh, Mr. Beast!
05:03How did I get to look more like you?
05:07It stinks!
05:09I have a simple solution to that.
05:11Two chewing gums will do the trick.
05:15I look like an idiot.
05:19Hi, you!
05:21Hi, SpongeBob!
05:22What are your teeth?
05:27Mine too!
05:29Hey, look at this.
05:32It's chewing gum.
05:36This is what happens when people make fun of me.
05:40Oops, I made a huge mistake.
05:45Wait a second.
05:46I have some chewing gums now.
05:57This vampire life is fun.
05:59Before continuing with the relooking,
06:01make sure to subscribe
06:03and like the video while you're at it.
06:07Super, thank you.
06:15It's just me.
06:17Oh, Sebastian!
06:20You look different.
06:23It's just makeup.
06:26I brought you flowers.
06:29Oh, thank you.
06:33What is this?
06:37What about the flowers?
06:39I prefer this.
06:46A third eye!
06:50Stop it!
06:51Stop right now!
07:071,000,000,000 savors!
07:08The treasure chest!
07:22Don't forget to take me under the right angle.
07:25Oh, this dress!
07:27It's a designer's creation.
07:30It was just a dream.
07:34What happened?
07:36Oh, my crown!
07:38Here you are.
07:43This outfit doesn't make me a vampire at all.
07:46What should I do?
07:48It's time to go shopping.
07:50Shopping is a good therapy.
07:53It looks ridiculous.
07:55Where can I find new clothes?
07:59Here it is!
08:00The treasure chest from earlier.
08:02What's in it?
08:10It's exactly what I wanted.
08:12I'm so happy!
08:14I'm so happy!
08:16I'm so happy!
08:18I'm so happy!
08:21It's exactly like in my dream.
08:23Or should I say,
08:25it's my dream outfit.
08:28Oh, beautiful.
08:31But something is missing.
08:33A bloody red necklace.
08:36Oh, I ate with this one.
08:38Let me put on my gloves.
08:40I don't want to get my hands dirty.
08:42I'm going to put it on my left arm.
08:45And the right one.
08:47Now I'm ready.
08:49I'm scared.
08:51Oh, no.
08:53My scales are not the right color.
08:55Luckily, I can change them with the back of my hand.
09:00Every detail of this outfit is simply incredible.
09:04Bow down, vampires.
09:06Your new queen has arrived.
09:09And she is full of blood.
09:11Let's go.
09:16Who is she?
09:21I'm new in town.
09:25Someone wants to visit me?
09:33Hey, girls.
09:40Where did you cut your hair?
09:46Is it a picture of me?
09:53Oh, my God.
09:57I'm going to teach you my methods.
09:59What just happened?
10:07Oh, no.
10:08We have a red code.
10:16Lunch is served.
10:20Hello, Emily.
10:22I'm hungry.
10:26Take your wound with a sparadrap.
10:29That's better.
10:31Be careful next time, okay?
10:33Thank you, my dark prince.
10:37He is so cute.
10:40Halloween contest.
10:41I should take part in the Halloween contest to impress him.
10:44I'm impressed.
10:49Oh, I forgot to close the door.
10:56Oh, no.
11:00My vampire senses are speaking.
11:02I'm coming.
11:10I'm still in one piece.
11:13Are you okay?
11:17Come here.
11:19I have to go.
11:23He is so handsome.
11:28My prince is here.
11:32Hi, Timmy.
11:36What's that?
11:45It's just tomato juice.
11:48Try it.
11:53Tomato juice?
11:55Let me help you.
12:00It was a nice gesture.
12:03It's very cold today.
12:05I have to go.
12:08So weird.
12:10It's time to connect the dots.
12:13Let's try to understand everything.
12:16The biggest detective in the world.
12:17No, not the other bad boy.
12:20Who am I?
12:21Blood moon.
12:22Cold skin.
12:24Super power.
12:25Red eyes.
12:27Super fast.
12:29Let me see where this is going.
12:31Okay, okay.
12:37I got it.
12:39It's a vampire.
12:41I have to do something.
12:46I got it.
12:48I'm spying with my little eye.
12:50Something that started with a capital V.
12:53That was a smooth landing.
12:55No kidding.
12:56Bring your old books to the library.
12:57I feel like someone is watching us.
13:00I'm just a plant.
13:02Let's go.
13:07I have to keep going.
13:10The high school again.
13:13I'm so hungry.
13:15Me too.
13:17Is someone here?
13:18What's that?
13:24Come to mommy.
13:35You, blood blocker.
13:40Stay there.
13:42Don't touch her.
13:44Very well.
13:45Next time,
13:52Don't touch me.
13:54Emily, stop.
13:55I love you.
13:57I'm a vampire.
13:59I know, but...
14:02I'm ready.
14:03Are you sure?
14:05It could sting a little.
14:17What are you doing?
14:22Party tomorrow.
14:23Come to my party.
14:24Of course.
14:25They are crazy.
14:28So close.
14:29A few more minutes.
14:33Not today.
14:35There are so many things to do.
14:39Mornings start too early.
14:42Shut up.
14:44Five more minutes.
14:54Stupid alarm clock.
15:01It's time to brush my teeth.
15:03And molars.
15:09Wake up.
15:10It's time to go to school.
15:16Frankenstein has a better breath.
15:18What do we have here?
15:20For a fresh breath.
15:21Why not?
15:26It needs some water.
15:28Much better.
15:29I'm ready.
15:32Let's go.
15:36Why is it strong?
15:39Hi, Mom.
15:40I'm getting ready for the party.
15:42What about your grades at school?
15:45Everything's fine.
15:47Don't worry.
15:49Let's see.
15:53One F less.
15:56No more parties for you.
16:00You'll stay home until you get good grades.
16:06It's unfair.
16:11Say hi to everyone.
16:12See you at the party.
16:15Are you sure?
16:17I have an invitation.
16:19Give it to me.
16:21They have a dress code.
16:24I have to go.
16:25What's wrong with that?
16:28It stinks.
16:33I have an idea.
16:34We can help each other.
16:41Teach me everything.
16:43What's the answer?
16:44I know.
16:46No, I'm dry.
16:48Try with guitars.
16:53Now, what's the answer?
16:58It's easy.
17:01It's round.
17:02You did it.
17:04Now, it's your turn.
17:06Give up glasses, tie, and books.
17:12To have a girlfriend...
17:14Come on, Romeo.
17:16Now, literature.
17:18Music first.
17:20Where's Greece?
17:21In the Mediterranean.
17:29Hello, sir.
17:31Well done, Timmy.
17:32You can come in.
17:33Thank you, professor.
17:39All your phones, young girl.
17:43Take them.
17:47I said all your phones.
17:53Where is it?
17:55That's all.
17:57Good girl, Emily.
17:58Come in.
18:00I love test days.
18:05I can't do that.
18:07I need help.
18:11Give me your hand.
18:14It'll help you.
18:15Ready to go?
18:19You can do it.
18:22That's all?
18:24Yes, I believe in you.
18:25I believe in you.
18:31I'll try.
18:34Good luck.
18:36One more.
18:40Let's see.
18:45I'm done.
18:57One more.
18:58Well done.
19:04I can't believe it.
19:07Let's see.
19:10I can't believe it.
19:11I'm so proud of you.
19:12Well done.
19:14I'm a proud mom.
19:19Let's get ready for the party.
19:22I'm ready for the party.
19:27What about you?
19:29The tie? The sweater?
19:30What's wrong?
19:32You see?
19:34We need to change your clothes.
19:40Are you serious?
19:45Pink? Pink?
19:49The final touch.
19:53It's too late now.
19:55Black is always a good choice.
19:56You see?
20:01You're so cool.
20:02But the final touch.
20:09Help me.
20:12I'm stuck.
20:15Let me help you.
20:20Let's practice.
20:22A tomato?
20:24You know.
20:29Like this?
20:38Not bad, right?
20:41I think you're ready.
20:48I can't see without my glasses.
20:51It's great.
20:52Don't worry, bro.
20:53I'll be back soon.
20:56It's her.
20:59Be cool, Timmy.
21:01Nice party.
21:03I like your T-shirt.
21:07It's not a belt.
21:11I think you need this.
21:12Are you sure?
21:18I prefer your old clothes.
21:22But I dressed like this for you.
21:24It doesn't matter.
21:25I like you.
21:28A lot.
21:29Let's dance.
21:30Come on.
21:33So good.
21:34Look at me.