When a mishap during a delivery knocks out the sentries who man Cape Suzette's cliff guns, Baloo and an old codger, who hasn't fired the guns in years, are forced to man the guns to stop Don Karnage and his gang from attacking.
Don Karnage is sick of many a failing attempt to get into Cape Suzette. When he watches Baloo deliver lunch to the guards, he comes up with the idea of stealing The Sea Duck to infiltrate their defenses. When Louie and Baloo get wise to their plan, they only have the time it takes the Iron Vulture to get from Pirate Island to Cape Suzette to re-arm the cliff guns.
Don Karnage is sick of many a failing attempt to get into Cape Suzette. When he watches Baloo deliver lunch to the guards, he comes up with the idea of stealing The Sea Duck to infiltrate their defenses. When Louie and Baloo get wise to their plan, they only have the time it takes the Iron Vulture to get from Pirate Island to Cape Suzette to re-arm the cliff guns.