00:00Even if I explain it carefully, I will forget it the next day.
00:05Tonight's topic is the explanation of how to deal with comedians.
00:10The manager of the company announces the secret behind-the-scenes operation.
00:14It's cute.
00:18What kind of management is that?
00:22I don't know how to propose.
00:25The first recording after Ariyoshi's marriage.
00:32It's terrible.
00:33It's not like that.
00:43Two days after the announcement of the big news.
00:47Today, eight comedians have gathered here.
00:51But they haven't told us about their plans yet.
00:54This is too much.
00:57What are you going to do?
00:58You don't know?
00:59What I'm going to do...
01:01You're going to tell us now?
01:03First of all, I'm going to...
01:05Oh, never mind.
01:11I'm going to do my best.
01:17I'm not going to do my best.
01:20I'm going to do it lightly.
01:25I've never seen that before.
01:29I've been waiting for this.
01:32I'm nervous.
01:33I'm nervous because I'm getting married.
01:37Congratulations, Ariyoshi.
01:41I didn't expect this.
01:44It's the first recording after the announcement.
01:47I thought I had to tell you.
01:48I didn't expect you to bite me so badly.
01:53This is the worst way to bite in the entertainment world.
01:57I pretended to throw it at you, but I tried to bite you.
02:01You're always good at this.
02:05You're supposed to be good at this.
02:09That's how good you are, right?
02:12You're good.
02:14You can get married to a public figure.
02:16That's you.
02:18You can get married to a public figure or an announcer.
02:22Why am I suddenly a public figure?
02:27Today, we have a guest who was with us in the previous recording.
02:35This is the guest.
02:36Who is it?
02:37No, no, no.
02:43You're here.
02:46You're always being teased.
02:50You don't have a chance to tease Ariyoshi.
02:54You're always being teased.
02:56Are you going to join us?
03:00Here, here, here.
03:02You're married, right?
03:04That's right.
03:05You don't have a chance to tease me.
03:08You don't have a chance to tease me.
03:13You're always being teased.
03:20I'm surprised. Where did you hear this?
03:22Are you recording this on Friday?
03:24No, I'm not.
03:26I'm recording this on Friday.
03:28You look like you're getting married.
03:31I'm curious.
03:32I'm curious.
03:33Ariyoshi is getting married.
03:35It's Friday.
03:36It's Friday.
03:37It's Friday.
03:39I'm recording this on Friday.
03:41Between the first and the second recording,
03:43I'm the manager of Skeeter.
03:45Do you have any recommendations?
03:47Stop it.
03:49It's Friday.
03:51Tell him.
03:52It's Friday.
03:55There's only one thing.
03:57There's a fan that puts in ice water.
03:59It looks cool.
04:00It's very cool because it puts in ice water.
04:04I'm here to tease you, but you're being teased.
04:07You're being teased.
04:11There's a lot I want to ask.
04:14I want to ask about the amount of tapioca.
04:20You're weak.
04:21It's Chassaba!
04:23It's not Chassaba.
04:26It's not Chassaba.
04:28It's not Chassaba.
04:29It's not Chassaba.
04:31Wait a minute.
04:35I want to hear what you want to propose.
04:37I want to hear what you want to propose.
04:39Can I go first?
04:41I'll go first.
04:43What was that?
04:44You have to say it first.
04:46That's not polite.
04:48You have to say it first.
04:50Say it first.
04:51Wait a minute.
04:53I'll tell you what I want to propose later.
04:55That's enough.
04:57I don't want to hear it.
05:00He wants to hear it.
05:04You're the Cinderella of Disneyland.
05:08You're wearing crows' shoes.
05:10You're kneeling.
05:12You want to be my Cinderella.
05:14That's what you said.
05:16You two are divorced, aren't you?
05:21Have you ever heard about a divorce from a married woman?
05:25That's what you said.
05:27You said it's not helpful.
05:29No, that's not what I mean.
05:32Since then?
05:33I don't know.
05:35You're asking me to take out my bubbles.
05:37At that time, bubbles are a trend, aren't they?
05:40You're not what I imagined.
05:43You're not what I imagined.
05:45There's a lot of embarrassing stuff, so let's just leave it at that.
05:50That's why I want to hear what you have to say about the proposal.
05:53Yeah, but that's a private matter, so it's not something you should say in public.
05:58Yeah, that's true.
05:59I'm not that dirty.
06:02Well, he's the one who said it.
06:04You're the one who just got married, and you're saying that?
06:10Dirty Friday?
06:11Dirty Friday!
06:13I'm not dirty, I'm clean!
06:15Go home!
06:16Go home!
06:17Go away!
06:20Go away!
06:21So I'm the star of the show today?
06:23I don't know why you're being called here.
06:26I see.
06:27Do you have anything to say about the proposal?
06:29I want to hear what you have to say about the proposal.
06:31I don't have anything to say about the proposal!
06:33Why can't I say anything about the proposal?
06:35You're married, right?
06:37Get out of my way!
06:39Let's just leave it at that.
06:41Just leave it at that?
06:43Just leave it at that?
06:44Well, I went to my wife's house, and before I got on the train, I asked her if she wanted to marry me.
06:57I'll give it to you.
06:59Not yet, not yet.
07:01I'll give you this air.
07:02You're looking at me like this?
07:04Should I wrap this up?
07:05Should I take it home?
07:06It's okay.
07:07You don't need it?
07:08I'll give you this air, even though I'm naked.
07:10I'll give it to you.
07:12I'm so scared.
07:13Please sit down.
07:14Say it!
07:16Say it!
07:17Say it!
07:18You're looking at me like this?
07:19Please sit down.
07:20What is this?
07:21If you have a chance, please let us know.
07:24So, today's topic is this.
07:27How to treat comedians!
07:33How to treat comedians, and what to be careful about when working with comedians.
07:39We'll announce the survey we asked our manager.
07:44I want you to tell us.
07:45We're so careful.
07:46I know, right?
07:47We've never worked with comedians before.
07:50What's wrong with you today?
07:52What's wrong with you today?
07:53You're so mean!
07:54You're so mean!
07:55You're so mean!
07:56You're so mean!
07:57You're hurting our good manners!
07:58It's okay.
07:59Even if you marry me, don't let the poison fall on me.
08:01That's good.
08:04Okay, let's begin.
08:05First, this person.
08:08Oideyasu, Oda.
08:11He won the M-1 Grand Prix last year.
08:13He's a 42-year-old comedian.
08:17His manager is surprisingly considerate.
08:20This is from his manager, Takahashi.
08:23When he's not in a good mood, he'll be happy if you tell him that you're praising Oda.
08:29That's why you have to check his tweets regularly.
08:34That's weird.
08:35Did you know that your manager does that?
08:37No, I didn't.
08:38Let's call him.
08:39Manager Takahashi.
08:41He's coming out?
08:42He's coming out.
08:45What are you doing?
08:46How do you search for tweets that make you happy?
08:50For example, Oideyasu, Oda is cute.
08:57You search for it and you're attracted to it.
08:59For example, Oda is cute like a fox.
09:04Are you happy?
09:05Stop it!
09:08You should be praised for your looks.
09:10I've been scared of being praised for my looks for 20 years.
09:15That's why I'm happy.
09:18Do you remember what made you the happiest?
09:20I was happy that I looked like a hamster.
09:27You want people to think you're cute.
09:28That's right.
09:30By the way, there's a note about your looks.
09:33There was a time when you didn't sell well and you were wearing pink glasses.
09:38Please don't touch it.
09:42Is that the manager's opinion?
09:45The person in front of him or the person in front of him said that I was lost.
09:53It's scary.
09:56It's scary.
09:57It's sudden.
10:00It's like an impulse.
10:11Can you do this with your eyes?
10:12Can you do this with your tongue?
10:14It's Ijirisu.
10:16It's not.
10:17It's Ijirisu.
10:18No, it's not.
10:19You're trying to do it with your left eye.
10:21It's cute.
10:23It's cute if it's a flow from the wrist.
10:26It's weird.
10:27It's not scary at all.
10:28Do it again.
10:33It's Chijoi!
10:34What is this?
10:35What is this?
10:37That's right.
10:41What is this?
10:43What is this?
10:45Let's move on.
10:46Next is Dian Tsuda.
10:50He is treated as a composer in Donper.
10:52He is a veteran with more than 20 years of acting experience.
10:56How does his manager treat him?
10:59I'm Yoshimoto Kogyo's manager, Nakamura.
11:01Tsuda is not in a good mood when his LINE messages are short.
11:07So I try to express my feelings by using exclamation marks and dots as much as possible.
11:15What is that?
11:16It's annoying.
11:17It's annoying.
11:20The previous manager's messages were very short.
11:24I didn't like it.
11:25I asked him to call me.
11:28He was a very short-tempered person.
11:30I think so.
11:33I want him to express his feelings more.
11:35You were slippery today.
11:36Why did you say that?
11:38You were slippery today in front of the heart mark.
11:40I'll kill you.
11:42He has a loud voice.
11:43He has a loud voice.
11:44He has a loud voice.
11:45He has a loud voice.
11:46He has a loud voice.
11:50Let's call him.
11:51Manager Nakamura.
11:53He is very nice.
11:54He is jealous.
11:55How do you express your feelings?
11:58I say, I'm sorry.
12:00I say, I'm surprised.
12:02I say, I'm sorry.
12:04I say, I'm surprised.
12:06You seem to be in a good mood.
12:08That's right.
12:09When do you use exclamation marks?
12:10When I say something negative, I use exclamation marks.
12:14I express my feelings.
12:16You express your feelings.
12:18It's annoying.
12:20It's annoying.
12:21It's annoying.
12:22It's annoying.
12:23You are less human than me.
12:26You are great.
12:29You look cool.
12:32You are in a good university.
12:34Kyoto University.
12:35Kyoto University.
12:36You are in Kyoto University.
12:37How do you express your feelings?
12:39Sometimes, I think I'm childish.
12:42When I meet him in the corridor, I feel like I'm walking in Tokyo.
12:45But I walk with a sore shoulder.
12:48What's wrong with you today?
12:51You're always reading it.
12:53Is this a reaction to happiness?
12:55To flatten it?
12:57There are many things that you can't say
12:59after marriage.
13:03The word order is amazing.
13:05By the way, there are other
13:07theories about LINE.
13:09Magical Lovely's Yoshimoto Kogyo
13:11is the manager of Ryogoku.
13:13Noda usually doesn't
13:15read LINE, so when he gets a reply
13:17he sends the next one
13:19so that he can read it right away.
13:21That's not good.
13:23Ryogoku manager.
13:27it's getting faster,
13:29but I send it
13:31at 12 a.m. the day before
13:33and send it at 5 a.m. the next day.
13:35That's not good.
13:37If it says it's been read,
13:39you can read it now and send it
13:41right away.
13:43So I prepare the next one
13:45as soon as I get a reply.
13:47That's amazing.
13:49Did you know about this?
13:51I actually read it.
13:53You can read it by long pressing.
13:55You don't have to read it.
13:57I read the questionnaire
13:59so that I don't have to read it.
14:01After the questionnaire
14:03is read,
14:05if it takes a long time to reply,
14:07I send it out.
14:09He thinks a lot.
14:11He thinks a lot.
14:13I want people to think
14:15that I'm a genius.
14:17I want people to think
14:19that I'm a genius.
14:21I actually read it.
14:23After I read it,
14:25I send the questionnaire
14:27as soon as I get a reply.
14:29I write it down
14:31and put it in my notebook.
14:33He thinks about it
14:35until 5 a.m.
14:37That's too late.
14:39Don't you think
14:41he's a genius
14:43because it took a long time?
14:45I don't think so.
14:47Is it okay
14:49to postpone the questionnaire?
14:51I don't mind.
14:53I don't mind.
14:55I don't mind.
14:57Let's do it.
14:59Let's do it.
15:01I'm not a genius.
15:03Let's do it.
15:05Let's do it.
15:07YouTube is a hot topic
15:09just for eating.
15:11Okarina has a mystery.
15:13How does the manager
15:15handle it?
15:17I'm Nakano,
15:19the manager of Yoshimoto Kogyo.
15:21What does he take care of?
15:23Okarina regularly
15:25checks his face.
15:27If he goes once,
15:29his face gets swollen
15:31and becomes a scab.
15:33So I have to tell him
15:35what to do.
15:37Let's ask him.
15:39It must be hard
15:41for you.
15:43Do you have to
15:45adjust your schedule?
15:47I got a scab just before
15:49and I couldn't hide it
15:51with makeup.
15:53Does it become a scab?
15:55I want to get a strong one.
15:57You want to get a strong one.
15:59No, no.
16:01It's better to get a strong one.
16:03It becomes a scab
16:05in a week.
16:07Do you have a scab?
16:09Yes, I do.
16:11I just didn't notice it.
16:13You have a white image.
16:15No, I don't.
16:17So you have a scab.
16:19Yes, I do.
16:21Do you have a scab
16:23since the time
16:25I went to your house?
16:27Yes, I have a scab.
16:29I see.
16:31I see.
16:37It's not good for your skin
16:39if you do it too much.
16:41I want to get a scab
16:43once a month.
16:45You can get a scab
16:47in a month.
16:49You can get a scab.
16:51It's hard to get a scab.
16:53Do you have a beauty salon?
16:55I don't spend money.
16:57As a junior
16:59of a female entertainer,
17:01I can't laugh
17:03because I spend too much money.
17:05With Yui-P?
17:07Yui-P is on a diet.
17:09Even in the dressing room,
17:11she only talks about beauty.
17:13It's hard to get along with her.
17:15I've never been told that.
17:17You're like an actress.
17:21Nakano is nodding.
17:25My manager told me
17:27to take care of my skin.
17:29That's why you care about your skin.
17:33My skin is beautiful.
17:35It's not just your skin.
17:37Why don't you say anything?
17:39I did.
17:41You didn't say that.
17:43I did.
17:45Don't say that.
17:47I'm in the news, too.
17:49You're leading them.
17:53You're leading them.
17:55You're leading them.
17:57I told my stylist
17:59not to use pearls.
18:01I'll bring them.
18:03I'll bring them.
18:05Next is Anri.
18:07She's 26 years old.
18:09She's never been in a relationship.
18:11How does she treat her manager?
18:13How does she treat her manager?
18:15She's the manager of Yoshimoto Industries.
18:19She said she'd be happy
18:21if she could meet people.
18:23She's motivated by finding
18:25her favorite male staff.
18:27She'll tell her man
18:29if he's handsome.
18:31She's motivated by finding
18:33her favorite male staff.
18:35She's motivated by finding
18:37her favorite male staff.
18:39Does she check the handsome guy
18:41every time?
18:43Does she check the handsome guy
18:45every time?
18:47She did.
18:49I haven't seen him.
18:51The guy in the yellow hoodie, the 12th person.
18:54Ah, yes, yes.
18:56He's famous for being good-looking.
18:59He's always there.
19:01What's his name?
19:02Everyone likes him.
19:04I see.
19:05He's not just good-looking, but he's also manly.
19:09He's the type of person who has a big camera.
19:12Like Shinichi Shinohara.
19:15It's hard to say he's not.
19:18It's hard to say he's not.
19:20Mr. Chihonman.
19:23No way!
19:25Don't make me say it!
19:26That's mean.
19:27Don't make me say it!
19:28That's mean.
19:29Don't make me say it!
19:30What's your daily routine, Anri?
19:33Recently, there's a manga called Host Club that's popular in Borjuk.
19:39I talk about it in the dressing room.
19:41What if I become a host?
19:43I fantasize about it.
19:45You were talking about Okarina.
19:47You're not a host, but you're a host.
19:49I'm interested in it.
19:51I'm looking up the price of the first episode with Mr. Tanabe.
19:54With Mr. Tanabe?
19:55You're going with Mr. Tanabe?
19:57With Mr. Tanabe?
19:58Mr. Tanabe is going to be tricked.
20:00I'm just going with him.
20:01You're going to be hooked.
20:02No, no, no.
20:03You're going to be hooked.
20:05You're going to be hooked by the host next to you.
20:07What do you think?
20:08You're going to be hooked by the host next to you.
20:09More host.
20:10You're a former host?
20:12You're a former host.
20:13I'm not the kind of host I'm looking for.
20:16What's the name of the host?
20:18Kiyoshi Matsumoto.
20:19That's right.
20:20Kiyoshi Matsumoto?
20:22You like girls, don't you?
20:24You like girls, don't you?
20:25Kiyoshi Matsumoto.
20:26I do.
20:27You're going with Kiyoshi Matsumoto?
20:28Just say it straight.
20:30Kiyoshi Matsumoto.
20:31Next is Mr. Takagi.
20:34Mr. Takagi.
20:35This is a mystery.
20:37He's a former baseball player.
20:40He has a very positive personality.
20:43What does the manager of the baseball club say?
20:46The manager of the grape company, Yoshida.
20:48Since he has more than half of the work to do,
20:51he is careful about how to organize his schedule,
20:54such as loosening up the next day for a big job.
20:57Also, considering the burden on the shoulders and elbows,
21:00throwing the ball is basic and expensive.
21:03No, no, no.
21:04The day before the game, he won't let me throw the ball because it will be a tie.
21:08He limits the number of balls he throws per game to 30.
21:14He's an athlete.
21:15He's an athlete.
21:16He can throw 100 balls.
21:17He's being protected.
21:19Let's ask him.
21:20The manager of Yoshida.
21:23Mr. Takagi has to be careful about this.
21:26That's right.
21:27Because of his personality, he overdoes it.
21:31I see.
21:32He's a hard worker.
21:33So he limits the number of balls to a certain extent.
21:36He looks like a representative of a baseball club.
21:40He looks like a member of a major league team.
21:43But you weren't good at managing things like that, were you?
21:46I did a little bit of baseball,
21:49so I can understand the feeling of fatigue.
21:53Do you do icing after the game?
21:55Icing was prepared by the producer.
21:58He's a real pitcher.
22:02When we were shooting, there were two trainers and icing.
22:07Did you get a massage?
22:10Is there a job that requires you to throw so many balls?
22:14I get a lot of requests.
22:17I don't want to get hurt.
22:20I want him to throw the ball for a long time.
22:23He's a baseball player.
22:24He's a baseball player.
22:25That's strange.
22:26He started baseball with a grape company.
22:29He's never been taken care of like that.
22:31How many years is the contract?
22:37He's an important player.
22:39He's a player.
22:42Next, Panser Ogata.
22:44Oh, it's you.
22:46You've been slacking off too much.
22:53Don't worry.
22:54I have a lot of bad luck today.
22:56That's right.
22:58You have a lot of bad luck.
23:00He's doing his best.
23:02Don't say that.
23:04Don't say that again.
23:06He's doing his best.
23:08He's doing his best.
23:10Ogata is doing his best in everything.
23:13How does the manager treat him?
23:17Manager Yoshida of Yoshimoto Industry.
23:20Ogata has a bad memory.
23:23Even if you explain it carefully,
23:25he forgets it the next day.
23:27You have to explain it every time.
23:30On the other hand,
23:31if you take advantage of his bad memory
23:33and you don't have a temporary job,
23:36you'll be fired from your schedule.
23:39I don't remember that.
23:40You don't remember that.
23:41That's amazing.
23:42He's an idiot.
23:43I didn't notice it at all.
23:44Let's hear it.
23:45Manager Yoshida.
23:46Are you hungry?
23:47I'm not hungry.
23:49What are you talking about?
23:51Why are you so hungry?
23:54He's my manager.
23:56He's hungry.
23:57He's hungry.
23:58He's a rugby player.
23:59He's a rugby player.
24:00Stop being hungry.
24:01If he was hungry,
24:03he would have been fired.
24:05That's right.
24:07Manager Yoshida.
24:08You have a bad memory.
24:10I have a bad memory.
24:12I don't remember the recording
24:14or the way I came here.
24:16I have to explain everything.
24:20If you say you have a temporary job,
24:23you don't have a problem.
24:25Why do you want to be fired?
24:27When I started,
24:28I said I had a temporary job.
24:30But I've been fired many times.
24:34What are you talking about?
24:36He's irritated.
24:37He's irritated.
24:38It's been two years.
24:39But if you get fired,
24:41you'll be fine, right?
24:42That's right.
24:43I don't notice it.
24:44Basically, I don't notice anything.
24:47Then you can afford it.
24:49He doesn't notice anything.
24:51That's right.
24:53It's easy to handle, right?
24:55It's easy, right?
24:57I don't have any trouble.
24:59This is bad.
25:00I forgot.
25:01You think I'm stupid, right?
25:03That's right.
25:04That's right.
25:07It's been two years, right?
25:08It's been two years,
25:09but it doesn't matter.
25:10As long as you have money.
25:12Are you not hungry?
25:15You don't have the management ability.
25:18I didn't do it.
25:19You didn't, right?
25:20You didn't, right?
25:21You didn't, right?
25:22You didn't, right?
25:23You didn't, right?
25:24It's been two years.
25:25That's amazing.
25:26Next, Nishikigoi Hasegawa.
25:29Here it is.
25:30He broke up at the age of 49.
25:33It's a big deal.
25:37What kind of kiss did he have?
25:40Tagami, the manager of SMA.
25:43Hasegawa was so poor that he ate the bread with mayonnaise.
25:50The food and drinks he received were not for himself,
25:55but for Hasegawa when he came.
25:59What is this?
26:00What is this?
26:01It's a great episode.
26:03Tagami, the manager.
26:04What kind of reaction is this?
26:06Here comes a great manager.
26:08What is this?
26:13Hasegawa, who has no money, is in charge of preparing food.
26:20Tagami, the manager.
26:22What is this?
26:23Here comes a great manager.
26:25What is this?
26:26This is bad.
26:27This is bad.
26:28This is bad.
26:29This is bad.
26:30He's a writer.
26:32He's a writer.
26:33He's a writer.
26:34He's a writer.
26:35He's a writer.
26:36He's a writer.
26:37He's a writer.
26:39I'm not understanding what he's saying.
26:43It's not funny because I'm used to being told.
26:47This is because he's not a writer.
26:50What was it, Tagami, the manager?
26:52I forgot.
26:53It's an opposite.
26:54It's an opposite.
26:55When I had an appointment at a company,
26:57It's unfair.
26:58I was making the food for Hasegawa.
27:04I feel like my grandchild came to visit my grandparents' house.
27:09Oh, you're going to leave it.
27:11I'm going to eat it.
27:13I'm going to prepare it at the office.
27:14You're a cute grandchild.
27:16Where is it?
27:18Where is it?
27:19Your teeth haven't grown yet.
27:21This side too.
27:22Your teeth haven't grown yet.
27:23I'm hungry.
27:25Your teeth haven't grown yet.
27:27It's different.
27:28Your teeth have grown a lot.
27:29Yes, my front teeth have grown.
27:31Your front teeth have grown.
27:33Only your back teeth have grown.
27:35Your back teeth have grown.
27:37What else are you careful about?
27:40When I slip, I don't know the reason.
27:45I'll explain it to you from the beginning.
27:49You're going to explain it to your manager?
27:51Do you understand when your manager explains it to you?
27:55I think it's like that.
27:58That's it.
27:59You don't seem to understand.
28:02Basically, I'm the same as Daiyu Koume.
28:11Are you the manager of Daiyu Koume?
28:14Yes, that's right.
28:16It's different.
28:18I'm Daiyu Fujimo.
28:20You're not Daiyu Koume.
28:22Do you want to go home together today?
28:28Wait a minute.
28:31Are you a taxi driver?
28:33Why do I have to go home with this person?
28:35Are you a taxi driver?
28:37Yes, I'm a taxi driver.
28:41Let's move on.
28:43Next is Okazu Club.
28:47I'm the manager of Yoshimoto Gougyo.
28:50Okarina loves rice balls.
28:53When there are rice balls in the dressing room, I get excited.
28:57When I tell her that I want to have a catering service, I always tell her that I want to have rice balls.
29:02What about today?
29:04There were rice balls in the dressing room.
29:06I didn't have rice balls today.
29:08That's why you told her.
29:10You thought you could tell her.
29:13Manager Nakano.
29:15Yes, I told her.
29:17She prepared rice balls for me.
29:20There were rice balls in the dressing room.
29:23Can you do that on YouTube?
29:26Can you do that on YouTube?
29:28I just want to eat rice balls.
29:30There is a video of you eating rice balls.
29:32I want to see it.
29:34Today, I'm going to eat rice balls.
29:39What is this?
29:41I eat rice balls.
29:43I also eat spaghetti with rice balls.
29:45It's a round video.
29:47It's small.
29:49It's not a round video.
29:51There is no wrinkle.
29:53There is no wrinkle.
29:55You look happy.
29:59You don't speak.
30:01You only eat.
30:03I speak from the middle.
30:05I speak a little at first.
30:07You eat a lot.
30:09You look like Sayama Satoru.
30:11Thank you for the meal.
30:13Is that all?
30:15That's too fast.
30:17The video was watched 130,000 times.
30:19That's great.
30:21What do you think is a good rice ball?
30:26Since I like salmon or cod,
30:28I like the one with salt outside.
30:31I'm not good at the outside of it.
30:33Call Okarin to cheating.
30:35Then, can you put the rice ball on your collar?
30:37It seems that it can be caught on him.
30:39If Okarin can be caught,
30:41It seems that it can be caught on him.
30:43Okay, we're going next.
30:45Next is Magical Lovely Noda.
30:51It's a pleasure to meet you, Tan Noda.
30:54Now that the number of TV appearances has increased, what is the manager doing?
30:59Manager, Ryogoku Manager.
31:01When it's time to say goodbye, Murakami leads the way and the two of you go.
31:06But Noda gets nervous when it's Pin's turn.
31:09So the manager also goes around to say goodbye.
31:13An actress?
31:15Was she here today?
31:16Yes, she followed me all the way here.
31:18She's being taken good care of.
31:19Why don't you go by yourself?
31:20Is it impossible?
31:21First of all, she asked me to go to the dressing room to say goodbye.
31:25She looked a little unpleasant.
31:27But there aren't many people who want to go to the dressing room to say goodbye.
31:32That's right.
31:33Especially now.
31:35I have a rebellious spirit that I don't have to go.
31:43I don't think a genius goes.
31:45You don't need a genius.
31:47That's where it is.
31:48A genius is waiting.
31:51I want you to come.
31:52I want you all to come.
31:54That's right.
31:55I want to see it.
31:57I want to say, let me say hello to Noda.
32:02You can come if you like.
32:04Can I go?
32:07I want to go.
32:09I'm sorry.
32:10Can I say, is there a genius?
32:14That's enough.
32:16You're a genius.
32:17From now on, Ryogoku Manager will be like that.
32:20I understand.
32:22You accepted it.
32:23You don't have to say hello to Noda.
32:27That's right.
32:28Only Ryogoku-san can go.
32:32I don't know.
32:34Ryogoku-san can't go.
32:36Ryogoku-kun has to come.
32:38What does Takagi-shi do when he says hello?
32:40I'm always behind him.
32:42Are you there?
32:43I'm guiding him.
32:45If he says hello, can you not go?
32:48That's right.
32:50I respect his opinion.
32:52There's no one here.
32:54It's fine.
32:55It's fine?
32:56I'm selling anti-inflammatory drugs in the dressing room.
32:58I don't want you to come.
33:00What should I do?
33:02You should quit right away.
33:04You should quit right away.
33:07You should quit.
33:09You won't accept it?
33:11If it's not good, you should quit.
33:13It's not good.
33:15It's not good.
33:17It's definitely not good.
33:19Marijuana is good.
33:21It's not good.
33:22You should quit.
33:24You should quit.
33:26It's easy to stop him.
33:28He has a strong sense of justice.
33:30I feel like I don't want to get involved.
33:33I feel like I don't want to get involved.
33:35Next, Anri.
33:38You are the manager of Yoshimoto Kogyo.
33:40You don't eat a lot because you want to eat delicious food.
33:45You don't wear clothes that show your body line.
33:51Let's ask her.
33:53I don't eat a lot because I want to eat delicious food.
34:00You care about your diet.
34:03You don't eat a lot because you want to eat delicious food.
34:06That's fine.
34:08How much do you actually eat?
34:10Sometimes I eat a lot.
34:11What do you mean?
34:13But I don't want to be challenged.
34:15You don't want to eat a lot?
34:18I actually eat 10 plates a day.
34:20You eat 10 plates a day.
34:23You can.
34:24It's possible.
34:25You should work.
34:26I don't want to eat.
34:28When I eat, I don't want to make a bad expression.
34:31What's your body image?
34:33I don't want viewers to look at me with an evil eye.
34:35I don't look at you.
35:37We're gonna make it
35:54To the
35:56Yoshimoto Kogyo Nakamura manager
35:59Tension the he could eat okay. I can't go. I don't eat okay. What I don't fight. I don't care
36:03Ma, umetai toki, nada. What do you got game now?
36:09So, no, it's got so the same a second. It's a game. No, but I don't have any
36:15So, yeah, it's on the knee. They might look again. I'll eat it. Okay. Don't you want to eat it?
36:20I'll say you got that. Okay. They won't ask a question. I didn't even look at the heat I eat the car
36:33Good good
37:03So it's a good idea to be the
38:03Don't think I should my name's a order. I'm sure look already know what you can look at all you know, this is a
38:09I cut out a coca can work. I'm not going to come up to them. I'm not that cool to come on
38:12I'm so not so that I'll order a meeting it up to sort of all you know, they got you
38:16Yeah, they were they killed a kid. Oh, that'll hold me honest. I get it. Oh, I can't know so that I'll miss a night
38:26So the money just I'm kidding my show Takahashi manager
38:28Naka don't say more. Yeah, buddy. Oh, don't know who got my new date
38:32I had a little bit of a win this kid. Oh, I can't get my new day
38:35I get some of my mother to pass it. Oh, yeah
38:38Okay, I got no more hands. They stay night. Oh, she can't deny it. Oh, me too. No, I got to eat in that
38:43No, I got it. So it's me. I'm sorry. I can't be done. I got a cost. Oh, I'm kidding. I didn't know that
38:49Don't want this kid. Mm-hmm. I'm good in there, man
39:52Don't know
40:59To eat a panther Oh God, oh my name is Yoshimoto. Go go. She's a manager
41:03I'm about it. So I'm not a dice key there. I can't be kind of yoku no day
41:06Chicago de Kato Kuro Saga, St.
41:08Oh, I don't be there. Oh box. I'm a mechakucha. See
41:12Sugar is that I got another shigoto, but no king pen y'all. Oh, come in. Stay woke
41:47Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun.
41:49You've been pranked.
41:51No, that's not it.
41:53There's no way I'm going to accept such a lame joke.
41:56I'll let you do it.
41:58Is that the manager's job?
42:00That's the manager's job.
42:02That's right.
42:04I'd like him to look it up himself.
42:08You'd think, why would a talent do such a thing?
42:11You'd think, why would a talent do such a thing?
42:13That's right.
42:14It's fate. We're like a family.
42:17He comes to my house a lot.
42:19Is that how you get along with your wife?
42:21What are you talking about?
42:23He's handsome and cool.
42:25He's cool.
42:26Have you ever met your wife?
42:29Yes, at work.
42:31Why? When?
42:33At a meeting.
42:35At a meeting, right?
42:36Don't touch me.
42:38You're laughing.
42:40We've met before.
42:42That's a lie.
42:44That's a lie.
42:46It's like, please tell your wife.
42:48That's not it.
42:50Don't laugh. Say something.
42:52I'm in trouble, too.
42:54I was invited.
42:56You met her at a meeting, right?
42:59A little.
43:00A little?
43:02How far are you going to go?
43:06That's a lie.
43:08It's a joke.
43:10It's a joke.
43:14there's one more person.
43:18This is dangerous.
43:20Fujiwara Yoshimoto.
43:24That's a lie.
43:26That's a lie.
43:28That's not true.
43:32It feels good.
43:34The next episode of TV Chidori is
43:36a great moment in the Grand Prix.
43:38In English,
43:40it feels good.
43:44It's Sunday.
43:48Fujiwara Yoshimoto.
43:50He's the manager of Fuka.
43:54That's strange.
43:56It's urgent.
44:00It's urgent.
44:02It's urgent.
44:04He'll make it now.
44:06He's the manager of Fuka.
44:08He's in a hurry to be a comedian
44:10because of his 7th generation.
44:12He said he wanted a job
44:14because he could do anything.
44:16He accepted the job
44:18but he said it was hard.
44:20But he was scolded
44:22because he had two years.
44:24He's carefully thinking
44:26about the pace of his job.
44:28It's not hard.
44:30What did he say?
44:32I have to go to a deserted island
44:34because of my 7th generation.
44:38You should go home.
44:40I'm not going home.
44:42I want to do something.
44:44It's okay because it's a deserted island.
44:46There's no one.
44:48It's okay because it's a deserted island.
44:50It's okay because it's a deserted island.
44:52That's strange.
44:54Let's do it in a row.
44:56Let's do a deserted island.
44:58A deserted island?
45:00Is that okay?
45:02What are you going to do in a deserted island?
45:04I'm going to catch a lot of things
45:06and eat them.
45:08I'm going to see if I can escape.
45:10I'm really looking forward to
45:12the summer festival.
45:14Don't say that.
45:16I'm serious.
45:18I'm serious.
45:20I'm serious.
45:22I'm looking forward to
45:24the end of the year.
45:26White vs. White
45:28White vs. White
45:30Why do you keep saying white?
45:32I'm going to escape after the song.
45:34I'm going to escape again.
45:36Are you going to make a joke?
45:38Are you going to make a joke?
45:40Are you going to make a joke?
45:42Are you a bad person?
45:44Why are you making a joke?
45:46Are you a bad person?
45:48I'm being pranked.
45:50Let's have a hundred babies.
45:52Let's have a hundred babies.
45:54I'm the one who's going to do it.
45:56I'm going to kick your ass.
45:58He's back with his arms outstretched!
46:01Next week, the next episode of Urekko Kakuzuke will be on air!
46:06This week's Ameton Walk is a show where Oda loves to go out and play.
46:10He wants to be hugged by a bunch of mobs.
46:13He's been rushed to Oda's side.
46:17Next week, at 6 PM.
46:19It's not mobs, it's a place where you can buy stuff!
46:22Next week, the next episode of Urekko Kakuzuke is on air!
46:26The house is going to collapse!
46:29There's nothing to be scared of.
46:32He's a comedian who's admired by the students of the comedy school.
46:35He's got a serious look in his eyes.
46:38Four, five, six...
46:41What's wrong with the remote-controlled Eiko-chan?
46:44I don't want anyone to see me with this person.
46:48Before that, let's review the past two episodes of Kakuzuke.
46:53He's so dirty.
46:55Marry me!
46:57I don't want to be a comedian.
47:00And the limited-edition Kakuzuke Battle of Legends will be on air!
47:04Please be quiet for once.