• 14 hours ago
Xiegu G90 (affiliate link) https://amzn.to/4ifexUj
Yaesu 891 https://www.hamradio.com/detail.cfm?pid=71-002216&srsltid=AfmBOooDyRwF-aIZvf1ASnpuyJfoSchrYQoNyuo0qYieNwY-5dphsqrA

Power Supply I use for my Xiegu G90: https://www.gigaparts.com/intellitron-ps-2230mab-30amp-switching-power-supply-with-power-poles.html?srsltid=AfmBOooZ5nJAObx6t4sWNt0z11FUd-TibaA5Yevz5BnRWHRxEFDwkGwB

Attic dipole (Or put in a tree!) https://www.etsy.com/listing/1306951071/rugged-ultralight-40-6m-multi-band?ref=share_ios_native_control(video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEDa8LyTg64)
HOA Buster Rain Gutter Antenna: https://www.alphaantenna.com/product/hf-emcomm-hoa-buster-uhf-hf-antenna-gutter/

Vertical Antenna for ground or roof mount: https://www.dxengineering.com/parts/dmn-cp5h?srsltid=AfmBOop6f46i5skNCn36cD_B_pdcgRCxFJqZBQUzyypy9pehQvRjNX0B

Coax Cable (Connect your radio to your antenna):
Different length Coax (affiliate link) https://amzn.to/4ireHrK
BNC Cable (Coax cable type for connecting to the "dipole attic" antenna I linked: (Affiliate link) https://amzn.to/43DP6au
Window Pass Through (affiliate link) https://amzn.to/43w1nOg

My CW BUDGET field kit video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC-LRdOy6Pc&t=613s

Please Check out my FULL morse code key tour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hAm4dCsqqw&t=1175s

Key Manufacturers:
Begali Keys https://www.i2rtf.com/keys---paddles.html
UR5CDX https://www.ur5cdx.com
N3ZN https://www.n3znkeys.com/c/10/keys-paddles-in-stock
HA8KF https://www.dxengineering.com/parts/hkf-key-lr
March Magnetic https://sites.google.com/view/march-magnetic-paddles/home
9A5N https://www.9a5n.eu/models.html
KBX 380 Finnish key (Email Tapio): senioripalvelu@gmail.com
Kent Keys: https://www.dxengineering.com/parts/kmk-tp1-b

#hamradio #morsecode #cw


00:00All right, here's the video you guys actually wanted.
00:03Sharpen your pencils, get out your checkbooks,
00:06we're gonna talk money,
00:07and I'm gonna show you some of the Morse Code equipment
00:08you can buy today to get started in the hobby.
00:11Now, I am not gonna apologize for my last video.
00:14The first step, I really do recommend,
00:16get your amateur radio license
00:17so that we can actually talk in Morse Code eventually.
00:21When I'm twice my age, late 60s, hopefully retired,
00:24I really wanna be able to look back and think,
00:25man, I inspired some millennials, some Gen Z,
00:28some younger generation people to get into the hobby.
00:31So many, many moons from now,
00:33I'm talking to people in Morse Code still.
00:35Now, I'm not too worried about that.
00:36I do think amateur radio is in a great place
00:38and it is growing, but I want you to really get involved
00:41and that's gonna start with an amateur radio license.
00:43Now with that, I do admit I am a hypocrite
00:46because the first thing I did when I discovered Morse Code,
00:48like literally day one was I bought a paddle
00:51and a practice oscillator.
00:53So I do think it's completely legitimate.
00:55And so many of you guys have said
00:56that you've gone out and bought a paddle.
00:58Somebody said he made one.
00:59Man, that makes me so excited.
01:01And I'm gonna give you guys some resource today
01:03to do exactly that and get involved.
01:05So let's check out my Radio Shack.
01:09Fun fact, when I was in high school, I worked at Radio Shack.
01:13RIP, really sad that many of them have gone out of business.
01:18This is actually my QRP shelf.
01:19So I'm gonna link a video that shows the budget build out
01:22for kind of like the field operations
01:24that I really do on my channel.
01:26If you go to my channel and you see me outside
01:28with a small radio, that is QRP.
01:31Now you guys are gonna have to learn some of the language.
01:33So QRP just means five watts or less.
01:36So it's probably not hard to understand,
01:38but like this radio has less power out than this one.
01:41This is 100 watts, this is five watts.
01:43And what QRP really means is it just like
01:45the direct translation stands for cool.
01:49So if I ever see a guy and he's like big into QRP,
01:51I'm like, oh my gosh, that guy's cool.
01:55CW, this is critical.
01:57So this stands for continuous wave.
01:58That's how you say Morse code guys.
02:00I actually, when I learned Morse code, I didn't know that.
02:03I had my ham license, but I did not know
02:05that CW stood for continuous wave or Morse code.
02:08So we're gonna go on a walk.
02:10I'm gonna show you guys a few radios
02:12that I would recommend to get started with.
02:14Again, this type of field stuff is,
02:17I already have a video for that.
02:18It's linked in the description.
02:19It's a full build out for a field operation QRP setup
02:23under $350.
02:25The video today is gonna be a little bit
02:26more expensive than that.
02:27I'm gonna show you some kind of pricey paddles,
02:30some good budget entry level paddles.
02:32I'm gonna show you some good radios to get started.
02:35And I'm gonna show you some killer antennas
02:37because that's kind of the recipe.
02:38You're gonna need a rig.
02:39Sorry, that's an amp.
02:40You're gonna need an amp.
02:42You need a rig, a paddle and an antenna
02:45and a power supply, possibly a tuner.
02:47We'll get into some of that.
02:48So stick around.
02:49Let's go out to my garage first.
02:51I lied, not my garage.
02:52I am actually gonna show you really quick
02:54that I do have a little station in my,
02:56this is just kind of like a cold storage area.
02:59And prior to last year,
03:00I had never built anything in my life with my hands,
03:03like as far as like soldering, electronics.
03:07I have built radios.
03:08I'm actually, this is a new antenna I just got.
03:10I'm gonna build a new antenna.
03:12I love building.
03:13And I just taught myself how to use a soldering iron
03:15and you can save so much money in this hobby
03:17if you're willing to do some DIY.
03:20So just wanted to show that briefly.
03:22And yeah, you should totally get a soldering iron
03:26and start building stuff.
03:27It's kind of.
03:28And when I say build stuff,
03:29I mean literally follow instructions
03:31like you're building Legos.
03:32And I'm being dead serious.
03:33I don't understand any of the schematics,
03:35the electrical engineering.
03:37I don't know any of it.
03:38I just get a little kit.
03:40If it has good instructions,
03:41I can typically build it successfully.
03:43It's not that hard.
03:44My friends are always like,
03:45dude, how can you afford all those nice paddles
03:47and drive a G-Wagon?
03:49It's hard work guys.
03:50Just put in the work.
03:52So this is probably the most unnecessary thing in the world,
03:55but it is a garage base station.
03:57And I did that because I live in a free country.
04:02This is the G90.
04:04And this is the radio I'm gonna recommend
04:06to like 90% of people.
04:09And the reason being is it's a step up from QRP,
04:12but it is still very portable and it's 20 Watts.
04:16But here's the thing.
04:17It has an incredible feature set.
04:19Most of those small radios I showed you,
04:21in fact, all of them except for one, are not all band.
04:24This is all band.
04:25I think it's 80 through six meters,
04:29which is, that may mean nothing to you,
04:31but this is just a very good radio
04:35for covering all the scopes
04:36that Morse code is gonna be sent on.
04:38And it's really, really affordable in the world of radio.
04:42It does have some features that are really, really nice,
04:45like the built-in antenna tuner.
04:47And while I could do a separate video on this,
04:50I do not recommend becoming reliant on a decoder,
04:53but this does have a decoder where it'll read to you
04:55the Morse code that's being sent.
04:57So if you want it to monitor like rag chews
04:59or people having conversations,
05:01if it's a good signal and it's a good fist
05:03from the person sending code,
05:05you'll actually be able to see it on this radio.
05:07So I have some really good friends that love this radio
05:10and use this radio often.
05:11My buddy, Tim K5YHY just did a few videos on this,
05:15but this is an awesome radio.
05:16An honorable mention for a few hundred dollars more
05:20is the Yaesu 891.
05:22This is like my number one radio that I use.
05:25I actually have it mounted in my truck.
05:26And then this is my second one.
05:28This is the only radio I've ever bought two of.
05:30And this little face detaches.
05:32The only issue with this radio,
05:34one, it's not gonna have a decoder like that
05:35if you care a lot about that, and a lot of new CW ops do.
05:38But again, I don't recommend a decoder.
05:40It doesn't have a tuner either.
05:42So this having a tuner is important
05:44because if you do want to transmit on frequencies
05:46or frankly hear frequencies better,
05:48having a good match will impact
05:50your receive and your transmit.
05:52Somebody in the comments could contest that,
05:53but that's my understanding.
05:55So these are the two radios I'm gonna recommend.
05:57Both are linked in the description.
05:59This is 100 watts, so a big difference.
06:01This is a much more powerful radio,
06:02but 20 watts you'll do just fine with the right antenna.
06:05All right, so I just covered the two radios
06:07I would recommend.
06:08I'm now gonna show you guys
06:09two to three different antenna types.
06:11And with that, we're actually gonna climb a ladder.
06:14So the things I do for my channel.
06:19Let's not fall to our death.
06:21But guys, really fast actually, before I get in my attic.
06:24The reason I'm gonna show you these next two antennas
06:26is I understand a lot of you may be limited.
06:29Many of my friends are in apartments
06:30or they live in a home,
06:32but they're in a very restrictive HOA.
06:34A lot of times antennas is the biggest challenge
06:36for a ham radio operator to do right.
06:39And it's probably the single most critical part
06:41of the recipe.
06:42In fact, it is.
06:43This is very, very important.
06:44And I'm gonna include two reasonably priced antennas
06:48that in my opinion, perform well enough.
06:50They do a good job.
06:52And they're very friendly for like sticking in an attic,
06:56which is what I'm about to show you guys.
06:58So I'll link a video,
06:59but I have a video of myself
07:01briefly putting this in my attic.
07:03So I just run a coax cable.
07:05You can see it's actually really bent up
07:06because I have to put a board here,
07:07but this works great.
07:08And I just run a coax BNC down to my radio jack.
07:14Let's see down there.
07:18I don't know if you'll be able to see it.
07:19There it is right there.
07:20Can you guys see that little wire?
07:22So I have, I can't remember how long it is,
07:23but it starts in the middle
07:25and wraps all the way to the front
07:27and then wraps around and I place it down in that corner.
07:30So I do not care how tight your space is.
07:32If you have an attic,
07:34you can do an attic dipole,
07:36which is kind of a gangster antenna setup.
07:40And guys,
07:41hold on, let me not die.
07:45I've talked to,
07:46I'll see.
07:47I've talked to Hungary.
07:50I've done tons of DX.
07:51DX means long distance.
07:52That's another language.
07:53So far you've learned QRP, DX, and CW.
07:56Drop it in the comments if you learned all three.
07:58I've done DX.
07:59I've talked to Hungary on that antenna.
08:02Now I'm bouncing my signal off the ionosphere, guys.
08:03We're not using cell towers.
08:04We're not using the internet.
08:06Off the ionosphere,
08:07that attic dipole linked in the description,
08:10I've done tons of DX.
08:11So dope.
08:15First off, RIP to our snowman.
08:19He was a good man.
08:24So this is kind of extreme,
08:25but I have some vertical antennas on my roof
08:27because I don't live in an HOA.
08:29So that's usually what I use.
08:30I'll link some of those in the description,
08:32but right now what I want to show you
08:34that I think may be more relevant
08:37is you can do a vertical in your yard.
08:41Like you could do a DX commander,
08:42which is like a really big...
08:44In fact, they make them where they don't even need guy lines.
08:46You just dig a hole and you stick this vertical up.
08:48So you can do that.
08:50But what I want to show you guys is this.
08:54So this is called the HOA Buster by Alpha Antennas.
08:58You connect it to your downspout
09:00and then your rain gutter becomes an antenna,
09:03which is kind of insane.
09:05But I've done DX on that too.
09:06I've talked to other countries off of my rain gutter.
09:10So if you, again, this isn't...
09:11I definitely wouldn't recommend this as like
09:13the best antenna, but if you're restricted by an HOA,
09:17this will do the job.
09:19Okay, so connecting your antenna to your radio
09:22will just be like a BNC or like a coax cable.
09:25I'll drop some of this in the description.
09:27And if you have like the outdoor one,
09:29the rain gutter antenna,
09:30you can easily run an outdoor antenna via a window.
09:33So check out this little cable that's flush.
09:36You can close your window on this
09:38and then run your coax inside.
09:40You don't have to like drill through your...
09:41Okay, so both of the radios and the antennas
09:43are in the description.
09:44And I mentioned this a few times,
09:46but all of those, the antennas and the radios
09:48that I showed you, the rain gutter antenna,
09:50the wire antenna in my attic and the rigs,
09:52the radios are all band.
09:54And if you don't know this,
09:55the way the sun works or space weather
09:58and the way the ionosphere works is different bands.
10:01So think of it as like different frequency ranges.
10:04So there's like 80 meter, 40 meter, 20 meter,
10:0630 meter, et cetera.
10:08They work differently during different times.
10:11And sometimes they don't work at all.
10:13So it's nice to have a wide spectrum
10:15of bands available to you
10:17if you're wanting to get involved in the hobby,
10:18because maybe you're listening
10:20and during the day a certain band's not working,
10:23but you can just tune up to a different band
10:24and hear people operating Morse code.
10:26Okay, let's jump into the,
10:29probably the coolest part of the video.
10:30Paddles, baby.
10:31Well, these are bugs.
10:33And if you really love Morse code,
10:37inevitably you will end up on one of these
10:39because bug life, baby.
10:41By the way, if you ever do get a bug,
10:43these stickers, free of charge,
10:45shoot me an email.
10:47Literally, they're free.
10:48Just hit me up.
10:48You just have to get a bug,
10:49but probably don't start on one.
10:51I mean, maybe, maybe do.
10:53These are Morse code paddles.
10:54So you have dual levers.
10:57You have single levers.
10:59You have bugs like I showed you.
11:03You have straight keys.
11:05I'm not very good at this.
11:07And I've got a big collection.
11:08So I'm gonna show you what Morse code paddle
11:12to probably start out with.
11:13And remember that small paddles
11:15kind of go with like our field kits,
11:17but you can get one that small.
11:18You don't need to go hard like this.
11:19You can get a small rig, a small paddle.
11:22Go watch my budget video linked in the description,
11:25but I'm gonna show you guys
11:27the perfect paddles
11:29to pair with the radio and antenna I just showed you.
11:33All right, guys,
11:34welcome to the paddle part of the video.
11:35This is the part I'm most excited about.
11:37This is my favorite part of the hobby.
11:39I love collecting them.
11:40Some people have asked like,
11:41why do you have so many?
11:42Why, you know, I'll have videos with paddles
11:43where I have two or three,
11:44and they're like, why do you have those?
11:47So a lot of people ask me that.
11:48Either a lot of people or my wife
11:50with some burner accounts,
11:52that could be possible.
11:54But the answer to that is because I can,
11:57and they're fun and they're cool.
11:58And there's a lot of different types of manufacturers,
12:00and there's a lot of origins.
12:01I have paddles from a bunch of different countries,
12:04but you don't need to do that.
12:06You can just buy one really good paddle
12:08and enjoy Morse code,
12:10or you can collect as many as you can.
12:12You should totally do that.
12:14With that, I'm gonna introduce you guys to a few resources.
12:17The first resource I am gonna show you guys
12:19was actually a video that was really helpful to me.
12:22It was influential in my CW journey,
12:25and he's gonna share a few points
12:28that I really want you to just kind of hit home
12:30with you guys.
12:31And I also just really like the sound of his voice.
12:33So we're gonna listen to him talk together.
12:37And let me make sure I'm sharing my sound.
12:42Sorry, just getting my sound up and running.
12:46Boom, let's go.
12:47But learning how to send CW accurately is just as critical.
12:51And for that, you'll need a good key.
12:54A straight key isn't gonna work for this class.
12:56You can get 10, maybe 15 words per minute
12:59out of those things.
13:00But as you move up much past that
13:02to 20 and 30 words a minute,
13:04they'll just hold you back.
13:05You'll have to have an iambic key or a semi-automatic.
13:11Okay, so he just said a straight key will hold you back.
13:13You need an iambic paddle.
13:14That is a savage thing to say in the world of CW.
13:18And I love the confidence with which he says it.
13:21And I 100% agree with him.
13:24This was so impactful for me.
13:25I was trying to learn on a straight key,
13:26getting my butt kicked.
13:28I switched to a paddle and I said out loud,
13:30you've gotta be kidding me.
13:32And I was dead serious.
13:33Alone in my room, I said, you've gotta be kidding me.
13:36Because I was using a paddle
13:37and it was just so much easier.
13:38So guys, look, there's nothing wrong
13:40with starting on a straight key.
13:42If you wanna do that, I really respect that.
13:45Some of my really good friends only use straight keys
13:47and they slay them.
13:48That's super cool.
13:49A lot of people in my comments have said
13:50they like the straight key.
13:51If you don't know what a straight key is,
13:53so let's go like Morse code,
13:56straight key, pull it up, boom baby.
13:59This is a straight key.
14:00Up and down, that simple.
14:03If you wanna start with that, go for it.
14:05But I am so glad I went to a paddle very quickly.
14:08Now I'm going back to straight keys.
14:09So now that I can use a paddle really proficiently,
14:11I'm going to bugs and straight keys and I love it so much.
14:13But if you're learning, man, get on a paddle.
14:17Manic key like a bug.
14:20There's a lot of different iambic paddles out there.
14:23So how do you choose?
14:24How does a hand choose?
14:26I will reassure you that any of the high quality keys
14:29that are available out there,
14:31they'll all work just fine for you.
14:33But there are some must have properties.
14:36Number one, weight.
14:38They need to be heavy.
14:39They need to be heavy enough
14:40so that they don't slide around the table.
14:42Three pounds is a good target.
14:4510 pounds would be better actually.
14:47They need to stay put.
14:48Boom, bingo.
14:51The paddles need to be as heavy as possible.
14:53Three pounds is a great benchmark.
14:54I love that he says 10 pounds.
14:56That's obviously a joke,
14:57but the point is if it's in my shack under no circumstances
15:01whatsoever should it move.
15:02If I'm sending on it, I do not want it to move.
15:04I have some paddles that look really, really cool,
15:06but they're just kind of light and they suck to send on.
15:08I want my paddle to be so heavy
15:11that a crane has to arrive at my house
15:12and drop the paddle into my basement
15:15and then cause foundation damage to my house
15:17because it's that heavy.
15:19Narrow spacing is also important,
15:21particularly for operators that want to send quickly.
15:25So we're talking about 516s to up to maybe a half an inch,
15:29but anything above that makes
15:32operating at high speed more challenging.
15:35Spring versus magnetic return.
15:38Not a deal breaker for me.
15:40I've used both types.
15:42I think magnetic return's a little smoother,
15:44but I've had good experience
15:46with some spring return devices as well.
15:49Okay, so really fast, I'm pulling up a paddle
15:51to demonstrate what he's saying.
15:52So when he says narrow spacing,
15:53he's actually talking about the spacing
15:55between the movement,
15:56how far you have to move the paddle to make contact.
16:01So this is the dock contact on the right side.
16:03This is the DIT contact on the left side.
16:05Some of them are really sloppy and they have a lot of play.
16:08Most really good operators like a pretty tight spacing.
16:12In my experience, pretty much any paddle you buy
16:14is going to have the ability to go pretty tight.
16:17That's actually just an adjustment you'll make.
16:19Now the magnetic versus spring,
16:21this is a spring tension paddle.
16:23And what that means is when I move the DAW or DIT side,
16:27what keeps it from sticking on the DAW?
16:30That would be the worst thing in Morse code
16:31is if your paddle gets stuck.
16:33So the thing that returns it
16:35to its original resting position
16:37is either a spring or a magnetic return.
16:39So in this case, I actually own this paddle.
16:42This is my exact paddle.
16:43You can see my call sign here at the bottom.
16:45This is a spring return.
16:46And then if you come up to like a March Magnetic,
16:48I'll show you these in a second.
16:50This is like a big magnet and it returns.
16:52So a lot of paddles are magnetic or springs.
16:55Magnetics are typically more expensive,
16:57but I agree with Christian
16:58that they don't necessarily mean they're better.
17:00I have some spring tension paddles
17:02that are just as good as my magnetics.
17:04But yeah, just as a differentiation for you guys.
17:08Some of these, by the way, can be big.
17:10These devices can take a lot of space.
17:13So make sure you have enough on your table.
17:15All right, semi-automatic versus an iAmbic.
17:19So we'll actually skip ahead and we'll wrap up here.
17:24Be either way.
17:26Okay, so put your seatbelt on.
17:27These things are not cheap.
17:29We're talking about 150 bucks probably
17:31for the lowest entry key.
17:35Average probably closer to $250.
17:40Again, there's just like in life,
17:42lots of cheaper options.
17:43But buyer beware on those.
17:46The less expensive keys have a lot of plastic
17:49and you'll hate them and you'll drop out of my course.
17:52All right, so this is...
17:54Boom, that's it.
17:55That's the video on paddles
17:57that really changed a lot of things for me.
17:59He said two or three critical things.
18:01One, he said, ditch the straight key,
18:04get a paddle, make sure it's heavy.
18:06And then he's like, Forrest,
18:07I'm giving you financial permission
18:08to go as hard as you possibly can.
18:11That's what I heard at that moment.
18:13And I hope that resonates.
18:14So the principle there with Morse code,
18:20really with anything is buy it nice or buy it twice.
18:23Now that doesn't mean
18:24that there aren't good affordable options.
18:25I'm about to show you a ton of affordable options.
18:27But if I show you something that's on the $150 side,
18:31that's very entry level for Morse code paddle.
18:34Now, if you want something a lot cheaper,
18:35I've shown you guys this already on my channel.
18:37They make $30 3D printed keys.
18:40And this is a great key.
18:41It's just kind of more for field use.
18:43It's not really for like in a base station.
18:45Of course I could, I could mount it in my base station.
18:47And there are guys that do that.
18:48But if you like the higher end kind of designer
18:51will last you literally your lifetime paddles,
18:53that's what I'm about to show you.
18:55So let's jump back into the screen share.
18:59And I'll show you,
19:00these are the most notable manufacturers in the world.
19:02And I'll show you a few kind of lesser known,
19:05and I'm probably gonna leave out some.
19:06So if you have a paddle type
19:07and you want to drop it in the comments
19:08that you really recommend, please do.
19:10This is supposed to be just a
19:12all encompassing resource of options.
19:15The first option is Begali.
19:17And Begali is like the premier designer.
19:21I want you to think of Begali
19:22as kind of like the Gucci of Morse code paddles.
19:24And they definitely charge that way too.
19:27So I have two paddles right in front of me right here.
19:30It's one of them's like that big silver bug
19:32that I have next to another paddle.
19:34They are extremely, extremely expensive.
19:36I'm not gonna recommend those
19:39unless you want to go extremely hard.
19:41Like one of my favorites,
19:42I actually don't own this as a Sculpture Janus,
19:44528 euros is extremely expensive for a paddle,
19:48but it's worth it.
19:50It's that nice, I promise.
19:52So what I'm gonna recommend on the Begali front
19:54is literally the first paddle I ever bought from them,
19:56which was the Simplex Professional.
19:59You can spend, I believe, yeah,
20:01it says it right here, 179 euros.
20:04And they have some cool color designs.
20:05I really love this turtle.
20:07I think my buddy Jason just got this color
20:09or he got one of these.
20:11His wife actually got it for him, which was cool.
20:14Shout out Jason, Kentucky Fried Ham on YouTube.
20:16Go check him out.
20:18The Simplex is,
20:21I don't know the difference between the Pro and the Simplex.
20:22I got the Pro because it said Pro,
20:24but this is 20 euros cheaper.
20:26This will do just fine.
20:27So you can go get one of these.
20:29This is actually a mono.
20:30So the difference between a dual and a mono
20:32is a lot of things.
20:35I'm actually not gonna cover it in this video.
20:36So you'll have to go look at that on your own.
20:40But yeah, if you wanna spend like a hundred more euros,
20:43like the Contour Expeditions,
20:44I think Evan K2 EJT, his YouTube channel, he has this.
20:48There's a lot of guys on YouTube.
20:49All of these videos,
20:50all of these paddles have respective videos on YouTube
20:52if you look them up.
20:53A few guys do full videos,
20:54but Begali's like very high end.
20:56Just reach out to him, email him.
20:59Yeah, it says here,
21:00that says check if it's available.
21:01I would email him as well
21:02and check if the key is available
21:04because I've ordered paddles from them
21:06and they're not available.
21:07So just double check what they have.
21:09They might have a paddle available
21:10in a different color than you want.
21:12UR5CDX, these paddles are great
21:14and they're highly underrated
21:15and they're extremely cheap.
21:17They do update the website every single month.
21:18So these are new products for March.
21:20He's already sold out a few.
21:22So like the one I would recommend,
21:23I really like, I own myself is the CT599MX.
21:28It's 188 bucks.
21:29This is USD.
21:30There might be some additional dollars.
21:32So like on the Begali,
21:33which is 179 euros or this, that's 188.
21:37You'll pay 20, 25, 30 bucks for shipping.
21:39So keep that in mind.
21:40You'll be out the door a little over 200 bucks.
21:43But again, these are nice paddles
21:44that'll literally last you a lifetime.
21:46It looks like the ones he has in stock right now.
21:48He does have the same one I was just showing.
21:51I don't know if it's the same size or weight,
21:56but this is like the brass version,
21:58which is really cool.
21:59If you get your call sign,
22:00you can actually have it engraved right here.
22:02That actually looks smaller than the one I have.
22:03So 0.8 kilograms.
22:05It says 0.8 kilograms.
22:07What's the weight on this?
22:10Ooh, I wouldn't buy that lightweight one.
22:11So let's see if he has one in stock right now
22:14that you could go get.
22:17Some of these higher ones,
22:18I have like a single lever that's higher.
22:20This might be fine.
22:20So that's a good weight.
22:21So this might be fine.
22:23I like my UR5CDX with the low center of gravity like this.
22:29I actually kind of like how small this is,
22:31but I would rather have it be heavier.
22:33So check this maybe beginning of April.
22:35If he has this guy, the CT599MX,
22:39this low center of gravity at 1.6 kilograms,
22:42buy this puppy.
22:43Even though it's actually lighter
22:45than the Simplex Professional,
22:46but because of its low center of gravity
22:48and the fact that these little paddles
22:50almost touch the desk, it doesn't move at all.
22:53Such a good key.
22:54N3ZN, this guy rocks.
22:56Now his paddles are kind of,
22:57they're a lot more money,
22:59but again, buy it nice or buy it twice.
23:00Phenomenal value.
23:01And I love kind of the custom color schemes he does.
23:04You can do different things.
23:05Like this is actually ZN9X.
23:07I have this, extremely heavy.
23:08It's like 3.7 pounds and you can do different colors.
23:12These little round ones are pretty heavy too,
23:13but N3ZN rocks, they're just a lot of money.
23:16American manufacturing, American made.
23:19One of the more underrated on the market,
23:21I see very few guys with this paddle.
23:23I actually own this paddle.
23:24I have the square base.
23:25I kind of dig this round base though.
23:27They are in stock 279.
23:29You should get free shipping, I hope, with these guys.
23:31If not, it might be some shipping there.
23:33But this is from Hungary.
23:35And dude, if a paddle's from like an obscure,
23:37like not obscure, but like an Eastern European country
23:40or like Japan or somewhere just kind of crazy,
23:43I'm like, like my favorite paddles,
23:45two of them are from Croatia.
23:47I'll show you right now.
23:48I think it's sick.
23:50But this is magnetic return.
23:51By the way, magnetic return on N3ZN,
23:54magnetic return on this.
23:56The Begali is spring tension, the simplest professional,
23:59but some of the higher end ones,
24:01they'll actually say right here,
24:02you can see if they're magnetic return or not.
24:04It doesn't really matter.
24:05Okay, people don't like the looks of these paddles.
24:09And it's really funny.
24:10I've got to stop sharing my screen
24:11because I got to show you guys this.
24:13I've done videos on this,
24:14but these are the sickest paddles on planet Earth.
24:18If you watch my videos and you watch me key these,
24:20these are the only paddles I own that don't make noise.
24:24They don't have any mechanical sound.
24:26Now, some people really like the mechanical sound.
24:28I love bugs.
24:29So I love an extremely obnoxious clickety-clack,
24:33but this is my pink sock paddle
24:35because sometimes I wear pink socks
24:37and people point that out in my videos.
24:38So I got a pink sock paddle in retaliation.
24:41Just kidding, in support.
24:42Most people were very supportive of the pink socks,
24:45but you can do custom.
24:47So again, like this is a wood.
24:48So if you come to his website and you want to get,
24:50you can ask him for like the silver top.
24:53And then if, check this out,
24:55guys, this is the thing that's so sick.
24:56His low, so this is the custom paddle.
24:58So you pay a little bit more for these custom paddles.
25:00I like that it drops down low.
25:02And then I got this in pink.
25:05This is the plum wood.
25:06Tell me that that picture doesn't do it justice.
25:09Look how thick that piece of wood is.
25:12Oh, and it feels so nice.
25:13It's so soft.
25:15It's like, imagine you just,
25:16you're taking a shower and you just applied
25:18Garnier Fructis conditioner to your hair.
25:21And then you got out and you're like,
25:22honey, feel this.
25:24She's like, no, I don't want to.
25:27The, oh my gosh, I love these paddles so, so much.
25:30Don't let the writing on top kind of turn you off.
25:32Nobody cares.
25:33Get your call sign engraved.
25:34Solid State CW Paddle Life, freaking rocks.
25:36Okay, KBX 380.
25:38This is a phenomenal value.
25:39This might be one of the cheapest options
25:41I've shown you guys.
25:42Oh crap, I'm not sharing my screen.
25:43What the heck am I doing?
25:44Oh, I just wasn't even sharing my screen
25:46during the wood portion of the conversation.
25:49Okay, this is what I've shown you guys.
25:51Finger pieces.
25:53Right here.
25:53So that's what the picture is
25:55compared to what I just showed you.
25:58And then this is the custom finger pieces.
26:00But this is NA5N.
26:01Was I showing you guys any of this?
26:02These are his paddles.
26:04What just happened?
26:05Go back.
26:07And yes, people don't like this writing.
26:09There's a single lever and a dual lever.
26:11I probably should talk about the difference there,
26:12but I'm not going to for now.
26:15I don't have time.
26:17You can find out.
26:18But KBX 380.
26:19So this is what I was going to show you guys.
26:21You can't see my camera.
26:23It's like too small now,
26:23but this KBX 380 is just so cool.
26:26It's from Finland.
26:27Did I not tell you guys
26:28that I like paddles from random countries?
26:31Really affordable, like 144 euros spring tension.
26:34Good, good paddle.
26:35And the cool thing about his stuff.
26:36So let me see if I can show you a few examples.
26:37He has like a ton of custom.
26:39You can choose like any color base
26:40and he has funky colors on keys and the little pieces.
26:45I love KBX 380.
26:46Really good price.
26:49A few that aren't in stock
26:50that I would keep your eyes out for.
26:52I have videos on these.
26:53Kent, kind of hard to find.
26:55It says it would ship in June.
26:57This is a really good price key.
27:00Spring tension, but just a solid key
27:02with a long track record of being solid.
27:05Another website.
27:06Again, these will all be in the description.
27:08I would just bookmark and maybe check occasionally.
27:10You could also email him.
27:11I think he'll make you a key if you just email him.
27:14A little bit pricier between 300 and 400 bucks.
27:17This one is actually mine right here.
27:18You can barely see the KI there.
27:20He made this for me.
27:22I really, really love March Magnetic,
27:25magnetic return keys.
27:27I think that's pretty much it.
27:30Am I missing anything?
27:31There's some other really cool manufacturers
27:33I've mentioned on my channel, like RE1 AOM,
27:36but you're gonna be handmade in Russia
27:38and it's gonna take four or five months.
27:41But if you can get him to make you a key, definitely do.
27:45Okay, guys, thanks for joining me
27:46on the how to get started with Morse code
27:49by spending a lot of money video.
27:51I hope this was helpful
27:52and go get your amateur radio license,
27:54but if you wanna go spend some money too
27:55and get some cool gear,
27:56by all means, knock yourself out.
27:58It's a ton of fun and I totally get it.
28:00To get your hands on the equipment,
28:02it'll provide some really good fulfillment
28:05with continuing to gain proficiency in Morse code
28:08and just having fun in the hobby.
28:1073 and I'll see you guys soon.
