Here’s a crazy story submission that kind of creeped me out! Comment if you have any crazy stories and I might make a video about it!
00:00She had a nightmare about someone trying to kill her and that nightmare might have saved her life.
00:04Just listen to this story.
00:05For about two weeks straight, this girl had the same dream every single night.
00:09About this very specific looking man who was always chasing her or trying to kill her in her dream.
00:14Literally, for those two weeks, every time she slept, this man was trying to do something crazy to her.
00:20Well, one night, she was at a gas station, filling up gas.
00:23It was very dark and there was not a lot of people around.
00:26She finished pumping her gas and got in her car.
00:28The second she turned her car on, somebody slammed their hands on the hood of her car.
00:32When she looked up to see who it was, it was the same exact man from her dreams.
00:37And he had a crazy look in his eyes.
00:39She was immediately terrified and felt like she had to puke.
00:42The man then started to climb on top of her car.
00:45But before he got too far, she laid down on her horn very hard.
00:49He flinched and kind of fell off the car and then she just sped away.
00:52She said that it was the craziest night of her life.
00:55She had never seen that guy before, but she knew who he was from her dream.
00:59And she truly believes that her fight or flight response saved her life that night.
01:03Yeah, me too.
01:04That's insane.