• 3 hours ago
NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has been used to discover Earth-size planet TOI 700 e. It is "orbiting within the habitable zone of its star – the range of distances where liquid water could occur on a planet’s surface," according to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.
The TOI 700 system is about 100 light-years away.

Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Robert Hurt/NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center


00:00NASA's TESS found a second Earth-sized world in the habitable zone of the TOI 700 system.
00:11This planet, called TOI 700 e, is likely rocky and orbits closer to the star than its sibling
00:17TOI 700 d, another Earth-sized planet.
00:23Planet e orbits within the star's optimistic habitable zone.
00:27These are distances from the star where liquid water could exist under the right conditions.
00:33Planet d is in the conservative zone, where it is more likely that both an Earth-like
00:37atmosphere and liquid water could exist.
00:42This discovery emerged from TESS's second survey of the southern sky.
00:49Scientists hope to find more of these exciting new worlds in the ever-growing data from TESS.
00:57NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
