• 16 hours ago
HARK! The incomparable, show-stopping Michelle Visage has entered the realm for her rightful seat on MY Royal Court!!!! 🏰🐉💜

This was a DREAM COME TRUE. Thank you, Miss Visage, for being an icon and my fragrance inspiration.

And OF COURSE thank you to my unbelievable team and crew for making this show possible.

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Shop Brittany Broski: https://broski.shop


00:00You've expressed interest in hosting a talk show with your best friend, Leah Remini.
00:04Have you considered calling it, It Takes Two to Make a Thing Go Clear?
00:10Where's the sniper?
00:11Cue the sniper.
00:21Welcome to Royal Court, the show where pop culture royalty compete for a spot on my trusted council.
00:26I am your host and queen, Lady Brittany of House Broski.
00:29And today, I'm joined by the mother of all mothers, the queen of all queens.
00:33Whenever she's around, it's a lovely day.
00:35Please welcome, Lady Michelle Visage.
00:42Glam, glam, glam.
00:43This doesn't throw very well, but that's okay.
00:46Hi, Brittany.
00:47Hi, my love.
00:48I made it.
00:49You smell great.
00:51Just for you.
00:52I appreciate it.
00:53How are things over at the House of Magnifique?
00:55Oh, wonderful.
00:56Thank you very much.
00:59Should I do a little check-in?
01:01Okay, well.
01:01Thank you, Wikipedia.
01:02Well, a quick Google search, and that's all I could come up with, so all this is really nothing.
01:06Okay, perfect.
01:07Hope you're ready.
01:08I'm born ready.
01:10Without further ado, let the trials begin.
01:14How's that light?
01:15I love it.
01:16Your glam team's shitting their pants over there.
01:18I said all they want to see is nostrils.
01:24You are a mother to children, both drag and regular.
01:29Specifically regular.
01:30Specifically regular.
01:31Have you ever had a moment of peace in your life?
01:36And I don't want it.
01:38Peace is boring.
01:39You and peace wouldn't mix well.
01:41Although I would love it for the world, but not necessarily for my castle of chaos that
01:46I live in.
01:48Well, you've monetized it, so that's what matters.
01:50You were an announcer for hot oil restaurants.
01:52Oh, my God.
01:53How did you dig?
01:57The archive runs deep.
01:58We have a lot of-
02:00I was a hot oil wrestling announcer at Goldfinger's in New York City.
02:04Not Goldfinger.
02:08For the virgins at home, can you explain what hot oil wrestling is?
02:12And to me as well.
02:14So when you go to a strip club, there is a normal stripping situation that's happening
02:18on the main stage.
02:19And you go, and then there's the VIP rooms.
02:21We all saw a Nora.
02:22We know what happens in those VIP rooms.
02:24We're familiar.
02:26Hot oil wrestling was, we had our own room with a boxing ring in it.
02:28It used to be Foxy Boxing, but it changed to hot oil wrestling.
02:31But the hot oil wrestling was wonderful because there would be bachelors, and there'd be like
02:35three to five of their friends, sometimes more, huge parties.
02:38And there'd be one bachelor.
02:39And he'd get into the ring, and I would raffle off one of my girls, the hot oil wrestlers.
02:44They'd all have fun names.
02:45But I was a real bitter, like, 20, 25, 30, 30 years old.
02:48I did the whole thing.
02:51I was an auctioneer on top of the emcee.
02:52And the girls would just terrorize this bachelor.
02:56Take off the whole suit.
02:57He was left in his underwear, would be pulled around his neck, full on wedgie.
03:01It's a bachelor party?
03:03This was the Christian Club that you worked at in New York.
03:05Christian Mingles was the sponsor, yes.
03:06Oh, I do love that.
03:07Yeah, that's really special.
03:08Me too, me too.
03:09Who do you think would win in a lubed up wrestling match, you or Ru Paul?
03:12Probably me.
03:13Yeah, I think so.
03:14Although Ru is very long and lean, so it'd just be like trying to keep up with 6'4",
03:18and I'm 5'4".
03:19Look, you're going for speed versus, you know, length.
03:22It'd be like a slip and slide.
03:24I'd just go right off the other side.
03:26Does being allergic to everything...
03:28I was waiting for this question because I am an actual fucking nightmare.
03:33I am a nightmare, but go ahead.
03:35Okay, does being allergic to everything mean that you're a very cheap date?
03:40So cheap.
03:42Can you?
03:43Okay, great question.
03:44What Brittany says before I so egregiously cut her off was, what can you eat?
03:50And the thing is with me, because I have an autoimmune, I eat by the autoimmune protocol.
03:54And you and I will discuss this off the camera because it goes into medical boring stuff.
03:59You'll show me an infographic after this.
04:00I will.
04:01I have a PowerPoint.
04:02Get ready.
04:03I am a very cheap date, but it means that nothing that can cause inflammation will be
04:08put into my body unless it's Botox.
04:11So anything else that doesn't cause inflammation is being kicked to the curb.
04:15So yes, I am a cheap date and very difficult to feed.
04:19Well, you look great.
04:20Thank you very much.
04:21That's all that matters to me.
04:22My husband said to me last night, can we go on a date?
04:23Can you eat anything?
04:24I was like, no, but I'll watch you eat.
04:25I'll drink some tea.
04:27Like that's the kind of date I would do.
04:29I've got a similar thing where they're like, no bananas, no avocados, no this.
04:32I said, well shit, girl, just give me the grain from the like pig trough.
04:35You can't eat that either?
04:36I can't eat any of that stuff because it spikes my testosterone.
04:39I'll grow a penis.
04:40Oh, well that sounds like fun.
04:42I should look into that actually.
04:44You should.
04:45I wouldn't be humping furniture.
04:49Yeah, don't sit on any of these chairs out here.
04:51It's kind of a health risk.
04:53You've been married for 28 years.
04:54Can you believe it?
04:55I can't.
04:56In this city.
04:57In this God-fearing city.
05:00How is that possible when you're only 26?
05:02I mean, the check is in the mail.
05:05I love you, Brittany Brassey.
05:06You are welcome.
05:07You can at least say 36.
05:08I mean, don't be ridiculous.
05:10I mean, look, the Botox is, it's Botox day.
05:13Actually, I'm due because I can move.
05:15Both of your kids ran track.
05:18I was a track and field mom.
05:19Were you a track and field girl like when you were young?
05:23No, not at all?
05:24So what kind of sports mom are you?
05:25Are you bringing snacks?
05:26Are you yelling at them from a...
05:28That's me.
05:30You're coaching.
05:31And there are so many videos of me.
05:32I've gotten kicked out of soccer games.
05:34I actually became the announcer at the track and field meets when they were home.
05:40Because I was so involved.
05:41I was actually really good at it too because I did 20 years of radio.
05:44So I was like...
05:45I know a microphone hates to see you coming.
05:48They will be used and abused.
05:49I cringe when I watch the videos now.
05:51Me going, faster, use your arms.
05:53Lily, dig, dig.
05:57Yes, screaming.
05:59But Lily was top notch hurdler.
06:02So it was because of my screaming.
06:04Nothing to do with my husband's coaching.
06:06No, he's irrelevant.
06:07It's really about the verbal abuse that you go through as an athlete that propels you to be better.
06:11Were you an athlete?
06:12Oh God, no.
06:13Do I look like I was an athlete?
06:14I was a theater kid.
06:17Both of your kids are also Pisces.
06:19Oh my God, yes.
06:21What is that tissue budget in your household like?
06:23Virgo mother?
06:25It is not a great match.
06:27Sensitive father, Sagittarius, so he understands the Pisces a little bit more.
06:31But me, like my husband will say to me,
06:33could you be a little nicer?
06:35Could you be a little nicer?
06:36Your approaches.
06:37No, I can't.
06:40That was my response.
06:41No, the world is not nice.
06:42My mother was a Pisces from Brooklyn.
06:44She didn't give me much advice, but what she did was,
06:46the world ain't easy, so toughen up.
06:48So I tried that approach with my kids.
06:50It was like, the world's not rainbows and Skittles,
06:52so snap the fuck out of it or you're going to have a tough time.
06:56The world isn't rainbows and Skittles, it's dildos and ADHD meds.
06:59If you're lucky.
07:00We love some Adderall.
07:01You're a bargain hunter?
07:02Oh, I love a bargain.
07:03You love a good deal.
07:04I love a bargain.
07:05Now I want to know what was the worst deal you ever got,
07:08and why was it the seduction record deal?
07:10It was the worst deal I've ever done in my life,
07:13and I still signed it.
07:15Oh my God.
07:17Oh my God.
07:19That is so true, Brittany.
07:22Do you know why?
07:23Because I was 19 and I wanted to be the next Madonna.
07:27And this was my opportunity.
07:28When you come from nothing, and you have nothing,
07:30when it's in front of you and dangled like a carrot,
07:33they know it.
07:34They know what they're doing.
07:35You signed your name on it.
07:37And I did.
07:39I got zero dollars from it.
07:41It was a good experience.
07:43And I got to tour the world and play sold out venues,
07:47like 30, 40,000 seat arenas.
07:50At 19 years old, who else is going to do that?
07:52And Celebrity Big Brother.
07:54You brought an air freshener in case people had shit.
07:59What other cursed items are probably in your bag at any given time?
08:01I think that everything in my purses are probably cursed at all times.
08:07There's always a lip plumper.
08:09There's always a perfume sample.
08:11There's usually some kind of travel potpourri,
08:14like we were talking about for the toilet.
08:17Because when you got nature calls, you got to go and you don't want to leave.
08:19You got to go.
08:21I have compression socks.
08:23It's a good one.
08:24I have a pill.
08:26I feel very, very grandma.
08:27But it's more the health consciousness.
08:30I have an autoimmune cereal, a bag of cereal that I can snack on.
08:33That's cursed.
08:35That's cursed.
08:37You're like, I got my pocket CPAP.
08:39It's very there.
08:41I always have a mask.
08:43Love that.
08:44Even to this day.
08:45So we're rolling with something from the pantry, medical equipment.
08:50At all times.
08:51Love it.
08:52You've expressed interest in hosting a talk show with your best friend, Leah Remini.
08:56Have you considered calling it It Takes Two to Make a Thing Go Clear?
09:03Where's the sniper?
09:05Cue the sniper.
09:07And hello to Leah, by the way.
09:10Okay, Michelle, with that, you've passed.
09:11Thank you!
09:15Well, Lady Michelle, you did so wonderfully in the royal interrogation.
09:18Are you down for a little meal?
09:19There's nothing I'm able to eat, but yes, I'm down.
09:21We can look at it.
09:25Why, thank you.
09:29I could eat that.
09:30Who's hungry for some dick?
09:31Oh, me.
09:32Some spotted dick.
09:33I love a spotted dick.
09:35Guess what?
09:36It's good.
09:38It's really good.
09:39Are you going to have it?
09:40I'm going to eat some.
09:41And we did.
09:43Did you see that?
09:44For those who don't know, Michelle loves a glass bottle of water.
09:48I won't drink out of plastic.
09:49I know that.
09:50Look it.
09:51That's the sound I love to hear.
09:52That's the sound of wealth.
09:53Are you going to eat spotted dick?
09:54Yeah, I'm going to have a little bite of dick.
09:56Have you ever had spotted dick?
09:57I have.
09:58Okay, why did you have spotted dick?
09:59I can't have it because I'm celiac, so I'm going to turn that around.
10:02You should know that in your deep dive, by the way.
10:04Oh, 100%.
10:05Somebody let you down.
10:06Well, it's when you have gay people working for you.
10:08They're not that smart.
10:09Do I have straight people working for me?
10:11Show me one.
10:13Show me one.
10:14Glam, are you straight?
10:18No, with emphasis.
10:21On the right syllable.
10:24Michelle, it's time to get into it.
10:25Give the kids what they want.
10:26We're going to talk fragrance for a second.
10:30Are my hands the right color to my face?
10:33Shablam, are they different colors?
10:36We forgot to tan my hands.
10:38It's part of the image.
10:39It's part of the magic.
10:41No, you need the orange face and the white neck.
10:45The truth is told.
10:47She's Italian and Irish.
10:50Okay, you and I have very...
10:52Here's the thing.
10:53When you're talking about fragrance wrecks...
10:55Is that how you found me?
10:56No, God no.
10:58I have been watching Drag Race since I was 14 years old.
11:01You're welcome.
11:02I've been putting in my time.
11:03I appreciate that.
11:04And I'm 48 now.
11:05No, you're not.
11:06But I...
11:07Part of my, like, in high school, my friend group...
11:10Because, of course, theaters, the theater gaze, was...
11:13Have you watched the show called Drag Race?
11:15And I was like, what is this fuckery girl?
11:17Turned it on, addicted.
11:18First episode, addicted.
11:19I started season four.
11:20Oh, that's a classic season.
11:22Have to.
11:23Have to.
11:24From there on, I've just been, you know, a loyal follower.
11:26So, no.
11:27When I saw you had a TikTok, I was like, thank fuck whoever downloaded that shit on her phone.
11:32I did that.
11:33I did it!
11:34You did it?
11:35I did it myself!
11:36Why don't we just shriek?
11:37I do it myself, Brittany.
11:38You have to do subtitles.
11:39I am willing and able.
11:40I am a Virgo.
11:42And I also have trauma.
11:43And my trauma is ultra-independence.
11:47I don't want anybody doing anything for me because they fucking ruin it.
11:49I agree.
11:50No one does it better than you.
11:51So I do it myself.
11:52I'm not very good at it, which is why it's shit and basic.
11:54No, but it's part of the charm.
11:56I just learned how to do an overlay, so now I can show notes.
11:59And you're self-aware.
12:00You'll do millennial pause.
12:02Well, that's what people were saying, but can I just bring up a good point?
12:05When people are like, millennial pause, LOL, it's like, no, that's called professionalism
12:10because what are you going to do?
12:11Hi, everybody!
12:12No, you got to let the room breathe.
12:14Give it a beat.
12:15Give it a beat.
12:18Okay, back to fragrance.
12:20So I found you on TikTok.
12:21You came up on my For You page, and I was like, no fucking way.
12:22And I saw you were talking about fragrance, and I was like, let's fucking go.
12:24Yeah, because you love it, too.
12:25I'm addicted.
12:27How did you get into collecting it?
12:30I started in high school.
12:32Like, very young.
12:33My mother would not buy me Giorgio of Beverly Hills, which, by the way, you want to talk
12:37about the Eihakuji.
12:39That is the, that and White Diamonds are the, but by the way, I love them both.
12:43Do you have any past signature scents like that, any other ones?
12:46I have past signature scents that I still love, like Cher's Uninhibited was probably
12:49my first signature scent, so I've been at it for a long time.
12:52So my point was my mother wouldn't buy me Giorgio, so I would go to like CVS or Rite
12:56Aid and get like, you want Giorgio, but you're going to get Rodeo Drive.
13:00And it was a knockoff.
13:02It was the dupes, but they didn't have the word dupe back then.
13:04So here's the thing about fragrance recs is you have to have a similar nose, right?
13:09So like, I like your recs because we both like a bergamot-y, musky, gourmand-y, ooty
13:16That's what I love as well.
13:19So when you give recs, yes.
13:21Patchouli, yes.
13:22But patchouli has to be...
13:25It needs to be in a note.
13:27It needs, it can't be the full word.
13:31Are there any underground fragrance houses right now that you're just like, I know you
13:35love Penhaligon's.
13:36What are some others?
13:37I love Penhaligon's.
13:38You turned me on to Penhaligon's?
13:39Penhaligon's is straight class.
13:41Born to Stand Out is a house that I love.
13:44They are Korean.
13:45And every single scent they make, every freaking one of them, is amazing.
13:51And they're all really...
13:52They're all really sexual.
13:54They're fucky.
13:55All of them.
13:56They're so good.
13:57Okay, so let's get into the drag race of it all.
14:00I guess.
14:01If you have to, twist my arm.
14:02I fucking guess.
14:03You've said that the last thing you look for in a queen is looks, right?
14:08What is the first thing that either draws you to a queen, that endears you to a queen,
14:12and what do you think is the mark of a great drag queen?
14:15Confidence is the first thing that draws me to them.
14:18I can see somebody wearing crazy clothes, looking some sort of way, but if they are
14:23out there selling it, I fall in love instantly.
14:27That's different to me judging on a drag television competition, where as the brief is,
14:32you need to look like lettuce.
14:34Lettuce, behave.
14:36That's the runway.
14:37So if you're not doing the brief, then that's what it is.
14:40So that's when it comes down to really picking apart what you're wearing, what you're doing,
14:44how we can make it better, how you can make this brief in particular work better for you
14:49and your brand of drag.
14:50I love versatility, and I think casting directors love versatility as well.
14:55And that's what I am there to do, is to help expand that 15 minutes we're all given
15:00into 15 years, if we're lucky.
15:02I think it's really important for the kids that learned how to do drag from YouTube,
15:05and or Instagram, and or RuPaul's Drag Race, to get out there in the real world and perform.
15:10Because nothing beats a seasoned performer.
15:13Because then you're ready for everything.
15:15If you're just doing it in your bedroom, or for your friends and your parents,
15:19which is lovely, you have to start somewhere.
15:20Practice makes perfect.
15:21I absolutely agree with that.
15:23You're not going to get what it feels like to flop.
15:25You have to flop.
15:27You've been there.
15:28I've been there.
15:29Hey, what the fuck?
15:30You're a theater kid, so I know you've flopped.
15:33Anybody that's been in theater has gone on stage and forgotten lines,
15:36forgotten choreography, forgotten blocking.
15:38It happens.
15:39You got a bomb to soar.
15:40That's it.
15:41So you have to flop to succeed.
15:42And that's what makes a great drag queen, is getting out there, come hell or high water,
15:46whether you suck, you made $2, you made no dollars, you made $5,000.
15:49That's what you got to do.
15:51Pay your dues.
15:52That's it.
15:53You have talked a lot about the main differences between British drag and American drag.
15:59How has your experience with Drag Down Under been?
16:02And how would you fit that into the binaries?
16:05I hate the binary.
16:07The Drag Down Under is very similar to British drag in the sense that they lead with the heart.
16:12They're so funny.
16:15They're so fun, so funny, so talented, hearts of gold, tenacity.
16:20You name it, they've got it all.
16:22It's the twisted sense of wicked humor that they have.
16:26Where American queens, I think, so much focus on the outside.
16:30And it's not being shady that they're fabulous in their own way and they're beautiful as well.
16:35It's just a different aesthetic.
16:37And I'm here for it.
16:39I'm here for digging deeper than just what we see.
16:42That gritty, nasty, stinky.
16:45I'm with you.
16:47That's why I like older queens in a sense.
16:50Because they have paid their dues.
16:52They have worked it.
16:53They have done the hard yards.
16:55They might not look like that pretty young one, which I love as well.
16:58Listen, we all love to look at pretty things.
17:00I just want them to smoosh into one.
17:02I want that grittiness to get into the young pretty ones so they see that there is a validity to it.
17:08And vice versa.
17:11I want any sect of drag to turn their nose up at any other sect.
17:14Because in the end, we're all in this together.
17:17You met Rue in the 80s.
17:18I did.
17:19You've worked together in nightclubs, radio, TV, podcasting, porn.
17:24Well, that's the highlight.
17:25That's coming up.
17:26Do you have a favorite medium to collaborate?
17:29With Rue?
17:30This is the honest God truth.
17:32We finish each other's sentences.
17:36No matter what we do is going to be my favorite.
17:38We've done it all together.
17:40I love doing our TV show.
17:41Our old TV show, our talk show.
17:43I love doing our podcast because it was just us talking, so maybe that.
17:48But our radio show was fucking brilliant.
17:51Nobody else was doing what we were doing.
17:52We beat Howard Stern, our first ratings.
17:54Everything I do with Rue feels like I'm doing it with my sister slash best friend.
17:57So I love everything that we do.
17:59You name it, we had fun doing it.
18:01And the more, the longer we went on, the more we got into doing these skits.
18:05Michelle, you passed.
18:08I hate failing.
18:10We need you to make your family crest.
18:13This is embarrassing.
18:14Because you didn't show up with one, so I'm just going to sort of have you draw one here
18:17with these unbranded markers in front of you.
18:20So while you're drawing, it's going to be hard.
18:22And I say this, but I'm being genuine.
18:23It's going to be hard to draw and answer at the same time.
18:25No, it's not.
18:27And we got that on camera, didn't we?
18:28I hate flowers.
18:29Well, I didn't write this, so that's funny.
18:32You said favorite flower.
18:33You hand-picked it.
18:34I did not do that.
18:35I'm telling you, gay people work on my team.
18:36They're being fired after this.
18:37So they should know that I hate flowers.
18:39How do you hate flowers?
18:40Where's black?
18:41They die.
18:42There's no black.
18:43We've got to have them.
18:44There's no black.
18:48Be gone.
18:49Yeah, get a little comfy in my castle.
18:50Yeah, yeah.
18:54Okay, here we go.
18:55You believe that you have to fail to succeed.
18:59We've talked about it a little bit.
19:00What was a moment in your career where you felt that you had hit a dead end, and right
19:03around the corner was a blessing that was waiting to happen?
19:06First of all, I have hit a dead end so many times.
19:08I'm the queen of reinvention.
19:09Thank you, Madonna.
19:10Love that.
19:11Only because if you fail, try, try again.
19:14If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
19:16And that's very important because sometimes in life we don't listen to the universe's
19:22stage directions.
19:23We say, oh, but I want to be a pistachio.
19:26Well, Michelle, a cashew's presenting itself to you.
19:29But I want to be a pistachio.
19:30But the cashew's right here.
19:32Listen and take the cashew.
19:33But I really want to be a pistachio.
19:36So it's that type of thing.
19:37I think if we hyperfixate on what we want and don't take advantage of what's being presented,
19:42it's a disservice to ourselves.
19:44I love that.
19:45So reinvent.
19:46Don't fight it.
19:49Pay attention.
19:50You once said, give me five minutes.
19:51I can work a room like nobody's business.
19:53Do you have any tips and tricks for me on how to work a room?
19:56I'm not slimy.
19:57I think you allow your real self to come out.
19:59If you be you in a room, you can't fake it.
20:04People see right through that.
20:05And right away you're going to go, ugh, you don't like.
20:07Okay, perfect example.
20:08Did you ever meet somebody and you're like, I don't like them?
20:11Well, yeah.
20:12And they say, why?
20:13And you don't know why?
20:14It's a vibe.
20:15It's a vibe.
20:17And when it's a vibe, you don't want that vibe to be a bad vibe, right?
20:21So when you go into the room, all you can do is genuinely be you.
20:24The people that are not genuine, those are the ones that ruin the vibe.
20:27This is the worst Ferris wheel I've ever been in.
20:30What is your favorite time you've been wrong?
20:35In your life.
20:36Oh, I'm wrong a lot.
20:38Probably when I said to my husband, I'm going to take this aspirin because I'm not pregnant.
20:43I did.
20:44I was like, watch, I'm going to take the Tylenol.
20:47I was pregnant.
20:48Thank God Lola's okay.
20:50But I've been wrong many, many times.
20:54I used to fight it and say, I'm never wrong.
20:57Because I really am rarely wrong.
21:00But I will say when I am wrong, I will give in to that.
21:04I will acknowledge that I'm wrong.
21:05Because there's nothing wrong with being wrong.
21:06It's important.
21:08That's how you learn.
21:09That's how you get better and stronger and wiser and faster and all that stuff.
21:12I love.
21:13That's the worst leopard print I think I've ever seen.
21:15We're doing vagina print right now.
21:18Looks like papayas.
21:20Little, little papayas.
21:22Okay, Lady Michelle.
21:23Present your shield to us.
21:25I have to see.
21:27Could you explain what you chose for each prompt, if you don't mind?
21:30That is a black rose.
21:32I like black roses.
21:35That is London.
21:36So that's Big Ben.
21:37I see it.
21:38I see it.
21:39That's, well, a really bad London eye.
21:44Is it good?
21:45The hanging chairs just like that.
21:47It looks very accurate.
21:48Literally Ikea chairs in hand.
21:50This is a mouth.
21:53Because my whole career has been because of my mouth.
21:56Literally, if I'm not singing, acting, dancing.
22:00It's been radio, talking, hosting.
22:02That's what I do.
22:03And this is a leopard print.
22:06Now, I painted almost this identical print on a white Ikea cabinet that I got in my apartment in New York City when I first moved in.
22:12Because I thought, I'm going to be artistic.
22:14It was not even on the artistic spectrum.
22:17Thank you, Michelle.
22:19Would you sign it for me, my love?
22:20I would be honored.
22:21Well, Michelle, with that, it is my honor and privilege to induct you into my royal court.
22:29And we shall proceed with the knighting.
22:32Stay where you are.
22:33I will.
22:34I knight thee.
22:35Oh my God, you see my hair?
22:36You see my Pamela Anderson blonde being stuck in this fucking mic?
22:38What happens?
22:39I knight thee, Lady Michelle, Belle of the Ballroom.
22:43Amex Platinum face card.
22:48And a parting gift for you.
22:52Oh my God, I got one!
22:54I don't drink coffee, but I'll use it for tea.
22:57And if I don't see that at TikTok, I'm suing.
22:59You will see it.
23:00Can you talk about me more in the Broski Report?
23:02You can't really do it here because that would be rude to the guests.
23:06Is there anything you'd like to promote to my realm, my people?
23:08You know, every drag race iteration, if I could speak every language, I'd be on them all.
23:12But no, my services were not needed.
23:14I'll just stay on the ones that I'm on.
23:16And we may have some things coming up, but I'm not the girl to speak before they're announced.
23:21Where can we find you?
23:22At Michelle Visage on things.
23:25Take her away.
23:26Thank you, Michelle.
23:28Thank you!
23:30Bye, Queen!
