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Mr Jenkins is the new teacher and a documentary crew will be showing what he gets up to in the classroom and the staffroom. Will he survive his first day or do the students pranks tip him over the edge?
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Mr Jenkins is the new teacher and a documentary crew will be showing what he gets up to in the classroom and the staffroom. Will he survive his first day or do the students pranks tip him over the edge?
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00:00Good morning class! Now listen carefully, I'm going off for a few months because I'm having a baby.
00:05What? Again miss? How many kids is that now?
00:08Yeah, who's the daddy this time miss?
00:10Ah! That is none of your business!
00:12Hello there Miss Barney, do you need a hand in your car?
00:16Oh my gosh, who do you think our new teacher's gonna be?
00:19I don't care if it's raining outside, now you go out there and run me 10 laps
00:23and I'll stand here carrying them all in the nice warm hall. Have a good day.
00:28Oh no, not Mr Hawthorne, that guy's a right drill sergeant.
00:31What if we get Mr Gray, the geography teacher? Oh snoozefest!
00:36I have an exciting lesson planned today. We will be learning about longshore drift.
00:42Please, please don't go anywhere.
00:44Ah shush class, it's neither of them.
00:48Where is it then?
00:49He's an ECT, a brand new teacher, so be nice.
00:52Oh, so that's your fifth child now. Do we know who the father is this time?
00:58I bet she don't, Skandra, she's a right hussy.
01:02Oh that's lovely. All right, we'll fill in the forms later, you know the drill. Bye!
01:07Yeah, and what do you want?
01:09Oh hello, I'm Mr Jenkins. I'm here to start a Sloan High School today.
01:13Oh, so you're Miss Barnett's replacement. Hmm, good luck.
01:18Oh dear, there are lots of students like that here.
01:21No, that's the sound of a supply teacher quitting again. Fifth one this week.
01:26Welcome to Sloan High School, Mr Jenkins. It's a pleasure to have you.
01:30No, I believe it's a little bit different here.
01:32You seem to have a film crew documenting this whole new teacher vibe.
01:37Yes, I believe they're here to interview the students too,
01:40kind of to see how effective my learning style is, sir.
01:43Ah well, I'm sure it'll show our fine school in a positive light.
01:47I wasn't able to meet the class during the interview.
01:51What are they like exactly?
01:52Well, 7B, well most of them are a bunch of failures, so you can't really go wrong.
01:56Well, unless you lose them on a school trip, then we'll have to fire you.
02:00Chances are you might lose one of the ones we don't really want back.
02:04That way we'll have to promote you.
02:06I worked as a naval officer for five years, and in that time I learned discipline,
02:11hard work, and always be prepared. The school is like my ship. The teachers are my shipmates,
02:17the students are the enemy, and of course the parents are the sharks of the waters.
02:21Now, unless you have any other questions about your class,
02:23I think I'll take you down there now to meet them.
02:27So, don't you dare scare him off.
02:29The last thing I want to do is have to come back early to teach you lot again.
02:32It's almost like they can smell the fear.
02:36In you go.
02:39Oh look, fresh meat.
02:42Right, let's switch seats for Mrs Gone, alright?
02:45I reckon I'll get this guy to quit by the end of the week.
02:48Oh do come in Mr Jenkins, they don't bite.
02:51Well, not anymore.
02:55Stop it Max!
02:56Heel Max!
03:00Last, would you all be welcoming Mr Jenkins, your new teacher for the rest of the year?
03:09But what do we know about our target?
03:11I'm just googling him now.
03:13Says here he's single.
03:14Supports Norwich City.
03:16And he's a Swifty.
03:17Oh he's a Swifty!
03:18Make that three days.
03:20This guy is going to be begging to leave soon.
03:23Name's Harry.
03:24Class clown of all trades.
03:26I provide laughter in the classroom for the students that are getting bored
03:29at the expense of the teachers by roasting them.
03:31If your lesson's boring, expect distractions.
03:34You know what I mean?
03:35Right, well if there isn't anything else Mr Jenkins, I'll leave them to you.
03:38They're all yours.
03:40Good luck.
03:41You're gonna need it.
03:43I got into teaching for three simple reasons.
03:46Number one, the holidays.
03:47There's so much of them.
03:49Number two, we get to leave off at 3pm.
03:51And number three, unlimited stationery that I steal most weeks can take home.
03:56Makes Christmas very cheap.
03:57And all failing that, if I don't like any of it, I'll just have another baby.
04:02Come on Jonny, let's go.
04:04I mean Miss Barnett.
04:06So it says here you've been learning about Romeo and Juliet.
04:09Who could bring me up to speed with what you've learned so far?
04:12Yeah, Leonardo DiCaprio is proper fit.
04:14Hi Leo.
04:15Right, that's what happens when you ditch your mates for a bird, isn't it?
04:19Um, what materials have you been using to learn about Romeo and Juliet?
04:24Yeah, we just watch films like Romeo and Juliet, West Side Story, you know, the classics.
04:30Okay, why don't we have a little test?
04:32Everybody knows Kahoot, right?
04:36All right.
04:42Okay class, let's just go through the names here.
04:44Um, it'd be good for me to get to know you all.
04:46Droopy Wiener, Leaky Bum, Oliver Closeoff.
04:49There are Tess, Testy Culls, Mike Roch.
04:53Is there an Amanda Hugging Kiss here?
04:56What's Ligma?
04:57I know what Ligma is.
05:00The whiteboard seems to have stopped working.
05:02Sorry guys, um, does anyone know how to fix it?
05:04Oh sir, that happens all the time.
05:06Yeah, just go and see the school secretary and ask for a long wait.
05:11Oh honestly Sandra, I walked in, he's got all these glue sticks lined up like an army.
05:15It's so strange.
05:17And then never guess what, he was bent over and he's trapped.
05:21Yeah, what do you want?
05:23Sorry to bother you, um, the whiteboard in my classroom's not working.
05:26The student said I need to get a long wait from you.
05:29Of course Mr Jenkins, you take a seat there darling, I'll sort you out in a minute.
05:33Sandra, did you hear that?
05:35They got him good this time.
05:37Sorry to interrupt, but have you got that long wait I asked you for please?
05:41Oh darling, I think you've just had it haven't you?
05:44Look, you've got to be sharp with that 7b class,
05:47otherwise it's going to be a long year here at Sloan High School.
05:51I hope Mr Jenkins stays here forever and maybe I'll have my first ever teacher friend.
05:56I'll give Mr Jenkins two days.
05:58Which class has he got? 7b?
06:01I'll give him one hour.
06:02Well that was fun while it lasted I suppose.
06:04I'll give him three days.