stop and search is an ever controversial topic in the UK
crooks ledge that is an ineffective way of policing and causes people to be targeted unfairly
however supporters say that it's an essential tool in cracking down on the ever rising tide of crime
on the various powers police in the UK have the right to search anyone they suspect of being involved in a crime or for being in possession of banned substances
in this video we see a textbook example of stop and search
officers from Cambridgeshire Police are patrolling an area known for anti-social behaviour
the spot three men two of whom are known dealers and one is a known user
with these three is a fourth man who is not known by police
let's review this arrest and see how the police did in exercising their powers
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#police #stopandsearch #rights #audit #commentary #reaction #london #manchester #liverpool #england
crooks ledge that is an ineffective way of policing and causes people to be targeted unfairly
however supporters say that it's an essential tool in cracking down on the ever rising tide of crime
on the various powers police in the UK have the right to search anyone they suspect of being involved in a crime or for being in possession of banned substances
in this video we see a textbook example of stop and search
officers from Cambridgeshire Police are patrolling an area known for anti-social behaviour
the spot three men two of whom are known dealers and one is a known user
with these three is a fourth man who is not known by police
let's review this arrest and see how the police did in exercising their powers
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#police #stopandsearch #rights #audit #commentary #reaction #london #manchester #liverpool #england
00:00It didn't need to go like that, did it?
00:04Oh, okay.
00:05Hello, are you alright?
00:06A police officer approaches four men.
00:09Two of them are known dealers, one is a known user.
00:14What are you up to? Anything exciting?
00:18So what are you three doing sat here then?
00:20Just chilling.
00:21What, can we not chill by the river anymore?
00:24You can most certainly chill,
00:27but if you are congregating with known dealers and users,
00:30police officers may decide to speak to you.
00:33I'll tell you something,
00:34them lads didn't take that in a bad way.
00:36I don't know why he's taking it as a dig, mate.
00:38I was just asking.
00:39Because police always do this, man.
00:41I can talk to them if I want.
00:42I'm sorry, but...
00:44You know what police are like, innit?
00:46Yeah, you're not being really bad, but...
00:48I'm sorry if I come off rude.
00:50There's no question that if you are being constantly stopped by the police,
00:53this would become very irritating.
00:55But a reasonable person would ask themselves,
00:57what about them catches the police's attention?
01:00I mean, I'll tell you why we're here, essentially.
01:04We get a lot of class A drug dealing right here.
01:07You two have both run away from us in this area,
01:11and you've been found with weapons and drugs.
01:15Class A drug user, or you were?
01:17I don't know if you are anymore.
01:20And obviously, as soon as we get here,
01:22as soon as we get here, you walk off.
01:26So do you see why I'm engaging with you?
01:29The officer does an excellent job of explaining why he's speaking to the men.
01:33No, I was just saying why we're here.
01:36Oh, yeah, yeah.
01:38So are you saying why...
01:40Do you understand why...
01:41Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:43He's just doing a job as well, innit?
01:45That's the thing, you know.
01:47Under Section 23 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971,
01:51the police can stop someone if they have reasonable grounds
01:54to believe that they are in possession of drugs.
01:58Lads, this is what's going to happen in a minute.
02:00Essentially, all three of you are going to be detained
02:04for the purpose of a search under Section 23 of the Misuse of Drugs Act.
02:06Hear me out.
02:07I'll tell you why.
02:09You can carry on eating while you listen.
02:12I've come over here...
02:15I've come over here.
02:16We have some issues with this location, with drug supply.
02:19Just listen, with young lads, okay?
02:21Which I think you're all young lads.
02:24By your own admission, you were, slash are, a class A drug user.
02:27When I've got here, this gentleman's walked away under the bridge.
02:31And you two have recently had interactions where you've had drugs on you.
02:37Because you're with them and I think you were interacting with these people.
02:41That makes me suspect that you've got class A drugs on you.
02:44Many people have a misconception that for the police to stop
02:47and search someone, they already have to have firm knowledge
02:50of some kind of criminal activity.
02:52But this is not the case.
02:54Do you understand what I'm saying?
02:55No, you can search me.
02:57I'm Peter James at Thorough Police Station in Peterborough.
02:59If you want a legal record of the search, you may have one,
03:01like a receipt, that's fine.
03:03Just you sit down for now.
03:04The objects of the search are going to be drugs.
03:07Do you understand everything I've said?
03:08If he's under 18, doesn't he have to have a reasonable adult with him?
03:12Yeah, that's just for a strip search.
03:13We can stop and search anyone on the street.
03:15Yeah, yeah.
03:17Call your higher-ups here because you're not going to search me for no reason.
03:21What's your name, bud?
03:22You have not done anything.
03:23What's your name?
03:24While it may appear that the search is for no reason,
03:27the officer has already set out why these guys have been stopped.
03:32That is, this is a known area for dealing and two of the men are known dealers.
03:38The thing is, right, you are going to get searched.
03:43Sit down.
03:44You are going to get searched.
03:46Yes, you are because I'm detaining you for a search.
03:48But what did I do?
03:49Tell me of suspicion of what?
03:50I've told you.
03:51I've told you.
03:52What have you got on me?
03:53Okay, you're sat here.
03:54Listen, are you going to let me speak?
03:55I can go through my grounds again with you.
03:58You're sat here in an area where we know young lads deal drugs from.
04:02You're talking to...
04:03Have you seen me around here before?
04:04Listen, it doesn't matter.
04:05Listen, you're talking to a known Class A drug user,
04:08one of which then walks away under the bridge,
04:10which makes you suspicious as though they've just got something from you
04:12they don't want us to find.
04:14You're sat with two lads
04:15who've recently been found with drugs and weapons on them.
04:19And your defensive behaviour...
04:20But how...
04:21Yeah, because it's not fair.
04:22...makes me suspect that...
04:23You see what, like...
04:24All we need is reasonable grounds to suspect.
04:29But all we need is reasonable grounds to suspect, mate.
04:32To search you, which is what I have right now.
04:35No, because I haven't been suspicious, so you can't...
04:38No, it doesn't work.
04:39It's not...
04:40No, we don't need to do that.
04:42We don't need to do that.
04:43You're going to get searched.
04:44People have been present here, we believe, selling drugs.
04:48That's what you said, wasn't it?
04:49Yeah, yeah.
04:50Right, so, because he's sat here, you automatically...
04:53That isn't... No, that isn't...
04:54That isn't just that.
04:55I've just been through them three times, okay?
04:57I'm not going through this over and over again.
04:59I've said on camera three times my grounds, okay?
05:01I can't be more clear with my grounds.
05:04Right, Arumus, we're going to search you now.
05:06Yes, we are.
05:07Finish eating that.
05:08I haven't done anything, no.
05:10I've tried to explain to you three or four times, stop and search.
05:13You don't have to have committed defence to get searched.
05:16I haven't done anything.
05:17I have a reasonable ground to suspect that you've got drugs on your person.
05:20I'm not even involved, I don't care.
05:22I'm not going to search.
05:23You are.
05:24I haven't done anything.
05:25And we can do it by force if we have to.
05:26We don't want to, but we can.
05:27But why the...
05:28Why, why?
05:29What the...
05:30Right, I will go over it one more time whilst you're finishing off your pastry.
05:33We have arrived at this location.
05:35This specific point, we have a lot of issues with lads dealing drugs, okay?
05:39And carrying weapons here.
05:41Yeah, these two have been caught with drugs on them here, correct?
05:44As we've come over here, you've been engaging with a known drug user,
05:46and one of them has then quickly walked away under the bridge,
05:48which makes me suspect...
05:49These drug users are none of my business.
05:51Yeah, but you're engaging with him, yeah?
05:53Which makes me suspect he might have got something from one of you
05:57that he doesn't want us to find, okay?
05:59Your behaviour was immediately defensive,
06:01which makes me suspect, because of your location,
06:03your behaviour, and who you're with,
06:05and the knowledge we know about the people you're with,
06:07that you're carrying drugs, okay?
06:09A stop and search under the Misuse of Drugs Act
06:11does not require a person's consent.
06:14Of course, their cooperation is desirable,
06:17but it's not a requirement.
06:19That's why.
06:20I can't be any more clear than that, alright?
06:24This is your last chance.
06:25Are you going to stand up and let us search you?
06:31Why are you going to search me?
06:32I haven't done anything.
06:33I've told you before.
06:34I haven't done.
06:35I'm literally innocent.
06:36Come on.
06:38I haven't done anything, bro.
06:39What are you...
06:40What are you doing, bro?
06:41Don't touch me.
06:43Don't touch me.
06:44Don't start.
06:46Oh, my days.
06:47He's mad.
06:48What is wrong with you?
06:50What is wrong with you?
06:53Stop it, bro.
06:55Oh, my days.
06:57Right, you're going to go on the floor
06:58if you don't calm yourself down.
07:01For public policy reasons,
07:03the way the system works is
07:05if you are stopped and searched
07:07and the police have either broken a law,
07:09a rule or a procedure,
07:11you have to complain after the event.
07:17It didn't need to go like that, did it?
07:21Oh, okay.
07:23I don't know what that is.
07:25At 14.50, you are under arrest
07:28on suspicion of possession of a bladed article.
07:31So you do not have to say anything,
07:32but it may harm your defence
07:33if you don't mention with questions
07:34something that you are allowed to rely on in court
07:35and if you need to maybe give an evidence, okay?
07:37Do you understand?
07:39The man who was caught with a knife
07:41is 20-year-old Arumius Leonavicius
07:44and he was jailed for 22 months
07:46for possession of a bladed article
07:48in a public place.