• 2 minutes ago
Sure, the divorce rumors swirling around Barack and Michelle Obama are pretty...out there. But it's still hard to ignore Michelle's body language in her and her brother Craig Robinson's new podcast "IMO."


00:00Sure, the divorce rumors swirling around Barack and Michelle Obama are pretty out there, but
00:05it's still hard to ignore Michelle's body language in her and her brother Craig Robinson's
00:09new podcast, IMO. In the inaugural episode, the duo discussed a lot during their nearly
00:15hour-long conversation. One of those subjects was their dad's penchant for being an early
00:19bird, which prompted Michelle to talk about Barack and how he does not share that particular
00:25Part of the convo is where the weird body language occurs. Watch closely.
00:29"'Barack, you know, he had to adjust to what on time was.'"
00:35Did you catch that? Keep watching.
00:37"'I've got this husband who's like, when it's time to leave, it's 3 o'clock, he's getting
00:42up and going to the bathroom.'"
00:43See it yet? Here's a little more.
00:45"'Three o'clock departure means you've done all that, you know? It's like, don't start
00:50looking for your glasses.'"
00:52No worries if you didn't catch it. It's extremely subtle, but also very telling. In an exclusive
00:58interview with Nicki Swift, body language expert and behavior analyst Tracy Brown pointed
01:02out, see how she stiffens up and grabs her elbow? Whenever someone elbow grabs, there's
01:07lots of stress. And sure enough, if you watch other segments of the episode, she's not grabbing
01:12at her elbows at any point.
01:14So it was easy for Brown to conclude that this is a sure sign that Michelle is legit
01:17stressed out by her husband's perception of what on time means. Kind of a crazy thing
01:22when you think about it, right? Like, Barack was president of the United States for eight
01:26years. You'd think the guy would have the whole punctuality thing down. But hey, Michelle
01:30would know better than anybody, so we should definitely take her word for it.
01:34For plenty of folks listening to the podcast, her insight about the differences between
01:38her and Barack surely piqued interest. But still, her statement clearly wasn't intended
01:42to throw Barack under the bus. Instead, it seemed that she was simply noting the influence
01:47her dad had on her, and how that affected her marriage to someone with very different
01:51tendencies. She even added,
01:53"...but he's improved over 30 years of marriage."
01:57Couples often have behaviors and tendencies that don't align with one another. While sometimes
02:02these simple, seemingly benign misalignments can cause stress and struggle, other times
02:06they tend to bring people closer together in the end, especially if they work to meet
02:10each other in the middle and adapt their behavior and expectations over time. And it sounds
02:15like Barack has done just that.
02:17After all, this couple has been married for 32 years, so it's no surprise that there has
02:22been plenty of growth and change over such a long period of time. And seriously, who
02:26can really believe the divorce rumors that have bubbled up here and there lately? Beyond
02:31the fact that they've been together for more than three decades, there's plenty of evidence
02:34that suggests they're closer now than ever before.
02:38One of the most recent examples can be found on Michelle's Instagram gallery. For Valentine's
02:42Day, she posted a sweet selfie with her husband and wrote in the caption,
02:45"...if there's one person I can always count on, it's you, Barack Obama. You're my rock,
02:50always have been, always will be. Happy Valentine's Day, honey."
02:54Yeah, seems pretty clear, not just from her words, but from the smiles on both of their
02:59faces, that they'll probably stay together until the very end. Just a hunch.
