when it's a moon i turn into were-dunk
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00:00This is music!
00:01Oh, that's nice!
00:02Woah, what is this now?
00:03John Williams made this one?
00:04If I just stop here, this is a 10 out of 10 game.
00:15Today I'm playing Sonic Unleashed Recompiled.
00:18I'm unleashing the full power of this game.
00:24That's Star Wars, man.
00:25Oh, here we go.
00:27Don't kill him!
00:37He's a Sonic!
00:44That's who that is?
00:48Eggman blew up the Earth?
00:56He's looking at how much this cutscene cost to make.
01:01He did all that to make that theme park from Sonic Colors.
01:08Hey, dude!
01:18This must have been the first game after Sonic 06, that's why they're trying so hard on this
01:24Where'd the money go?
01:26Uh oh!
01:30He's dead.
01:34He's dead.
01:35He's dead.
01:36Don't pick him up like that!
01:47He got him niche!
01:55This is the real me
01:57Pretty cool, huh?
02:00Looks good, don't it?
02:02That's a remastered ice cream. What about your memories?
02:06I'll just lose them in the next game Sonic settle down you said he's lost his memory
02:11I don't think they ever did that in the game before this guy's one of the most important characters
02:17They're pretty slick for this oh
02:20Oh, this is a make-or-break moment is he faster than the seagull in this one. Yes, he is
02:27Donkey kick up. Oh, this is a good game same input. It's the Sopranos game. Boom. Donkey kick. That's what I'm talking about
02:34I think what happens with this game is that I play it until I turn into this guy and then I turn it off
02:39Did you eat something funny?
02:54When I'm werehog, I want you to call me wanting
02:59It has battle music like Milan Wonderworld, oh, oh combo here we go devil may cry
03:06Those are chaos orbs chaos
03:10Open this chaos door
03:1262 hit combo don't make me go to the hundred hit combo. There it is
03:15I'm getting the s-rank off of that. Well, my crush score was phenomenal
03:18But could have had more combo there. Definitely if you're feeling tricky try hammering the B button. Oh, yeah
03:39There's something to die hey tails
03:42Sonic ready to die. Oh cool. Tony. I see you in there. You can press right trigger to push boxes faster
03:49Oh, this makes the game 7% more fun
03:53This drummer is unleashing
03:58At the VHS tape what it's Tony Hawk
04:02We got here as fast as we could 16 minutes and 42 seconds
04:10Couldn't we do that in the level we would have beat it in 30 seconds dark Gaia
04:14I have to kill dark Gaia. Luckily dark Gaia has yet to be fully reborn
04:19I don't think hold X to move the Sun it kind of undermines the werehogs
04:25Power that normal Sonic can just go through this guy like this
04:30It's like a million times more powerful as normal son, that's s
04:35That's bad, can we level up the speed on werehog? How do you get here so quickly I'm playing as the normal Sonic
04:50Warm on the sled
04:56I'm on the wheel
05:01With my sonic sled I can accomplish anything
05:07What is happening what is happening
05:17The world is bad. It's done Faccio. Oh you gotta do down Faccio's missions. I'd rather be dead
05:28What what level does my werehog have to be to do unlock this move?
05:32I want to do that this level makes me wanna unleash
05:36Critical attack critical attack critical attack
05:40Critical attack unleashed critical attack, you know, who would be really good at this game people who deliver pizzas
05:58Thought you could swing around this about thinking of Bayonetta
06:05Please don't die. Please don't die. Please don't die. I don't want to ring anymore doorbells, please. Oh my god
06:11Oh my god. Oh my god. Okay, okay
06:17If I die to the platforming now and lose all my doorbells and lose my s-rank I'm gonna unleash in real life
06:25That could have been bad that could have killed I can't see no no, no that could have been death. Okay still gone
06:33Where's the circle?
06:36That was a three-foot drop and I have to do it all over again
06:57Died again
07:01Now this time I'm gonna go this way
07:08I just got 700 gamer cred for that Texas move up
07:13What would happen if you threw that guy into the river
07:16He would die chip this sicko want some chocolate
07:25Bye-bye birdie
07:27Have fun with your chocolate by
07:29Your dinner doctor. I mean they did a pretty good job on a sandwich ding-dong ding-dong
07:35Another s-rank for me. I'm talking ding-dong. Never play a Sonic again. Another s-rank for me
07:40How can you ever get an s-rank on blue Sonic though? He doesn't even have the doorbell attack
07:47Oh my god
07:56When he says feeling good, that means you're on your way to a s-rank
08:02You said feeling good you liar
08:06Whoa, what did I just
08:10Okay, it's feeling good he's feeling good I
08:12I was pretty slick there with that
08:23Sonic's feeling good. I'm feeling good
08:26No way, would he say that that many times if he wasn't actually feeling good about my s-rank
08:31Bring leader. Come on. Come on
08:38This is the fastest and slowest Sonic at the same time
08:42Werehog Sonic is like a tank with peanut butter wheels blue Sonic the rings in the level can't even catch up to him
08:48He's moving so fast. The difference is literally night and day