100 Days But There is NO BLOCK in Hardcore Minecraft
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• created by: @IJAMinecraft
hi guys, thank you for watching my silly video and subscribing to my channel! you made a normal asian dude's dream come true :)
#minecraft #hardcore #but
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• current subscribers: 6,529,998
• created by: @IJAMinecraft
hi guys, thank you for watching my silly video and subscribing to my channel! you made a normal asian dude's dream come true :)
#minecraft #hardcore #but
00:00:00Welcome to no- oh my god. I just landed on a half a heart. I didn't even know I was falling.
00:00:04Well, welcome to no block in Minecraft. In this crazy game mode, you only get, uh, no block.
00:00:11As you can see, I am literally walking on air. You might be thinking, how on earth am I supposed
00:00:16to survive and get any resources in this world? Well, you can't. Goodbye. Just kidding. There's a
00:00:22special thing right over here, and this egg is very special because it will give us access to
00:00:27everything in Minecraft. So let's go ahead and hit the egg. Oh yeah. It is called a mysterious
00:00:33egg, and it tells me to place it down. So let's place it right at this green particle. Oh,
00:00:38there's a countdown. Three, two, one. Oh, we got a little five by five area with Douglas on it.
00:00:45Yeah, Douglas is back. But the egg will respawn right now, which means I can collect it again
00:00:51and place it down to generate a brand new island that is custom made. Let's see what we get.
00:00:56Oh, got a cherry blossom tree with a sheep on it. And this prompt says eggs create random structures
00:01:01depending on where they're placed. And the egg is how we get resources in this game mode.
00:01:06Technically we have no blocks, but we have an egg. And this one egg can generate over 900
00:01:11different custom built islands, all created by this guy, the legend himself that created one
00:01:16block that basically blew up my channel. So if you're watching this, thank you. You're amazing.
00:01:21So let's go ahead and mine this tree that we have and see if we can survive 100 days on no block.
00:01:26Honestly, for how short and stubby this tree was, I'm very surprised it got me 16 pieces of logs.
00:01:31That was a Kevin size tree. Well, let's turn all these logs in the planks and craft ourselves some
00:01:35basic tools. Oh yeah. All right. Let's mine this chair tree. Oh, there's a chest inside of it.
00:01:41Wait, what's in here? Oh, I got another egg in here. Oh, and saplings too. Okay. I was worried
00:01:46I wouldn't get any saplings from these leaves, but I got lucky with this. And what's inside this
00:01:50chest? Some apples and a torch. Oh yeah. Wait, where did Douglas go? Oh my God. He scared me. I
00:01:55thought Douglas died again and fell off, but let's go ahead and mine all of this wood. Our goal is
00:01:59to generate this entire world using this very special egg until we reach the stronghold at
00:02:03the very bottom to beat the game. There we go. I got a ton of wood and let's also get rid of all
00:02:08of these leaves. I wish I had shears because you guys know I love leaves. It makes me so sad mining
00:02:14this and not getting any leaves. All right, let's grab the two chests that I got and set up camp
00:02:18right beside my very special egg and throw all of my items in it. This is going to be the start
00:02:23of the craziest 100 days video ever. And honestly, it is so weird being able to walk on air. Every
00:02:28single time I walk from the grass block onto here, my heart drops thinking I'm going to fall to my
00:02:33death, but let's grab another egg. And the next one comes in one minute. So let's spawn in some
00:02:37more islands. Put one over here and one over on this side. Let's see what we get. Three, two,
00:02:43one. Whoa. We got another grass biome with some pumpkin scarecrows. Oh, we got a rabbit and
00:02:48another chest. Oh, with another mysterious egg in it. Some birch saplings, an XP bottle.
00:02:55Don't, don't die. Don't die. Let's throw this on me. And oh, whoa. I've never seen mycelium
00:03:00underneath the spruce tree. Okay. We've got mushrooms as well. We're getting a ton of
00:03:03different resources here and using these guys, I can make a farm to get unlimited mutton to eat.
00:03:09Well, since I don't have a bed, I'm going to spend the entire night mining all of the blocks
00:03:12that I have to gather resources. That way I can continue living on one singular block.
00:03:16All right. It's a brand new, beautiful day. I made a little grass section right here. So don't
00:03:20lose grass and also a mycelium section. Oh wait, there's a wall right here. Okay. Is there a wall
00:03:25here? Oh wait, I'm trapped inside. I didn't even know. Is there a wall? Oh my God. I thought I was
00:03:29falling. It seems like we are trapped inside of a no block barrier and there's no way for me to
00:03:34fall off and die. So that is good news. I do have two more mysterious eggs. So let's place another
00:03:39one here and let's place one here. All right. Let's see what we get now. Ooh, we got a mushroom
00:03:46biome. Oh, we got a cow. Yo, what up cow-a-miss? Let's go. We're getting a ton of animals and
00:03:51yes, we got carrots. Just when I was running low on food. Perfect. Okay. And our first source of
00:03:55water. We're slowly progressing guys. Let's expand this farm here. Let's mine the grass underneath.
00:04:00Oh, there goes my shovel. Let's craft a new one. Let's use this dirt and expand this farmland in
00:04:05every direction that I can and hoe it up. All right. The only thing I have are carrots. So
00:04:10let's place those down. I am starving. I'm only at two and a half hearts. So I got to be really
00:04:15careful. Just also grab my wheat seeds and plant them right here. Also use this dirt and grab my
00:04:19saplings and just build a little tree farm over here where I have space. Oh yeah. Wait, wait a
00:04:24second. I can literally just, hold up. I can just make a giant spruce tree and bam, bam, bam,
00:04:28bop, bop, bop, bop. Oh yeah. That will get us a ton of wood, which will make expanding this no
00:04:33block world way easier. Let's start exploring this biome. Let's get rid of these giant mushroom tips.
00:04:38Oh wait, there's a tree in here. There's a chest in here. I can't even run anymore.
00:04:43What's inside? Oh yes. More food, more carrots. Wait, what is this? A mysterious document. What
00:04:48is it? What does this do? Can I, can I plant it down? I can't. This thing is useless. Let's set
00:04:52this cow free though. Please do not die somehow. But let's also clear out this island. Just gather
00:04:56resources because everything is pretty scarce. But every single egg that we place will give us
00:05:02a different Island, providing different resources in Minecraft. So everything is really random,
00:05:06but if I ever get an Island with bricks on it, I'll invite my friend brick to play with me.
00:05:10Okay. There goes that. And I finally got some cobblestone. Let's finally light up my area
00:05:15because I seem to always forget. Let's place down these here and a torch right here. Anyways,
00:05:21let's slap this egg. And the next one is in a hundred seconds. It's getting longer and longer
00:05:25as we go. Let's see what we get. Maybe we get a brick Island. Oh yes. Even more farms. Oh,
00:05:31and more water. Oh yeah. Let's grab all of this. Let's mine the grass to try to get some seeds.
00:05:36And we are getting a lot of sheep so we can make a farm soon. Let's plant down these seeds and mine
00:05:40out this Island as well. Oh yeah. All right. The sun is setting and I'm just going to spend the
00:05:44night collecting these eggs. I'll see you guys on day three. And it's a brand new day. I got
00:05:48five mysterious eggs. Oh yeah. Did my crop farm grow at all? Um, it did a little bit of progress.
00:05:55Wait a second. We got a conjoined twin tree. Wait, what kind of mutation is going on here?
00:06:01This cherry tree has grown into the spruce tree or the other way around. Oh my God. And the,
00:06:07and the Oak tree before we mine all of this wood though, and use it to build a platform.
00:06:11We can actually stand on. Let's use all of these eggs. It's open one here, one here,
00:06:15and one here. Let's expand the no block world. We got a normal forest here. We got, Oh, we got
00:06:19another mushroom biome and Oh, we've got a swamp with some mangrove wood. Okay. Okay. The further
00:06:25we expand out though, and the deeper we get, the more rare the biome spawns. But right now we're
00:06:30only getting the basic biomes that we've already seen. And there goes my shovel. Okay. So our goal
00:06:35is to expand as far out and as deep as possible until we reach the nether and the stronghold at
00:06:39the bottom. I can't wait to see that so far. We haven't revealed any really cool biomes yet,
00:06:43and we've only got four pieces of cobblestone. So I'm assuming the deeper we go into this no
00:06:48block world, the more stone we're going to get. Why, why are these animals looking at me? Like,
00:06:52why? Yo, stop checking me out. Yo, yo, yo, yo. Why are you chasing me? Pigs don't eat potatoes.
00:06:56They're like, yo, drop it, drop it, drop it. Look at their heads. They're like bobbing to like some
00:07:00music. Okay. Well let's grab this egg so we can have this reset. Let's throw in the chest. Let's
00:07:04also grab my dirt and expand this farm since we have, Oh, we don't even have room. Nevermind. We
00:07:09do have some water over here though. So let's expand this side. Oh yeah. And I got some potatoes
00:07:14to plant down. Let's plant these. And let's also grab this carrot and plant that. Oh yeah. We got
00:07:19a full farm. Look at us. I'm also going to use my cobblestone to craft myself a stone ax. But
00:07:25let's spend the rest of the night just mining wood. So we have resources to use to expand the
00:07:29no block world. And that got me over a stack of spruce logs and a little bit of other wood.
00:07:33Let's grab all my mysterious eggs and let's try to go underneath now. And hopefully we can get
00:07:38some stones. So let's try to, uh, let's, let's do it right over here. Let's unlock an Island
00:07:43underneath me. Let's see what we get. Please give us stone and cobblestone. Oh my God. We got like
00:07:47a little cave. We got a bunch of path blocks and root blocks for some reason. Oh, we got iron. Yes.
00:07:53Oh, and cool. Oh my gosh. We'll be doing this the entire time. Oh yeah. Oh wait. It continues to
00:07:57expand. Oh my God. Oh. And the chat says rare structures can now appear on this layer, which
00:08:02is the bottom layer from where we started. Oh, we got our first mob. It's a zombie and he's got a
00:08:05helmet on. He's ready to kill me, but I got a wooden sword. I can't even reach him. I have
00:08:09short little dinky arms. Honestly. What if we trapped him as the first zombie ever to exist
00:08:14in this no block world? Let's grab all my spruce planks and turn them into slabs. So we can make
00:08:18a platform somewhere because as we continue to like expand the entire world, it removes the no
00:08:23block. So I do need a platform up here. So let's just try to surround everything that I can with
00:08:27some spruce and build a nice little platform. Okay. Let's grab some fences and build a little
00:08:31jail cell right here. All right, buddy. Let's try to get them onto the Island. Oh, here he comes.
00:08:36Oh my God. I thought he was going to knock me off the edge. All right. Come on. Okay. This zombie
00:08:40is a little, a little slow in the head. Oh wait, he can't, he can't get up. And now the pig fell
00:08:44in here. Move. Here we go. Oh, I got to be careful. I'm actually going to die. Okay. Let's
00:08:48help him out there because I knew he was going to fall anyways. And let's try to get him trapped
00:08:53right inside this jail cell. Come on in season. And now let's place this. Oh yeah. We trapped
00:08:59the zombie. Oh my God. Okay. We got our first prisoner. He did do a lot of damage to me. So
00:09:03let's eat some apples to heal up and let's start exploring these new islands that I got. We got
00:09:08some coal. We got a new chest here. Oh yeah. Some more coal. Let's mine some with this stone so I
00:09:12can upgrade all of my tools. And now I can mine some coal and some iron. I know you're hiding
00:09:16right here. I've seen you. Yeah. You can't hide from me. Yes. We have unlocked iron. Oh wait,
00:09:21there's a mushroom cow in here too. What the heck? Let me set you free. Be free. Go inside this
00:09:25chest. Ooh, more coal, some leather. There's more coal on the ground. Is there any iron hiding
00:09:30anywhere? Oh yeah. Give me that. I need to make a shirt that says, oh yeah, on it. Just because
00:09:35Brick and I say it so much, but now let's spend some time mining away all of this stuff. I got
00:09:39to collect them all. That was a Pokemon reference. If you guys didn't get it. So that got me a ton
00:09:43of cobblestone and dirt, which is really nice. But all of my animals are stuck down there now.
00:09:46But since we mine an island lower than the main floor, I need to be really careful not to fall.
00:09:51It's getting kind of scary. Now, the more islands I unlock, the deeper the world grows. Honestly,
00:09:57I might just leave the animals down here and build my animal farm here because they're already kind
00:10:01of trapped. So let's cross some more spruce fences and take advantage of this hole that I have.
00:10:05Let's separate these guys. Let's put the mushroom cow here. Move cat. Move. You're in the way. All
00:10:10right, this cat is just taking it. He just taking it. He doesn't want to go anywhere. This is his
00:10:14corner. Okay, fine. You can have it. Let's separate the sheep and the cow. Get over there, boy. Let's
00:10:20push the Douglas' into this corner. Let's have the sheep right beside the cows. Damn. These animals
00:10:24are so well behaved. They must be tripping out because we're on a no block. There we go. Animal
00:10:28farm is done. I should probably give them some dirt and grass to eat, huh? Maybe one day. For now,
00:10:32I really need to start organizing my chest and just setting myself up because there's a lot
00:10:37going on right now. Oh, I do have some wool here too. That means I can craft myself a bed. Oh,
00:10:42yeah. My first ever bed. I can sleep the nights. Let's also grab all of my chests and build a
00:10:48little chest room somewhere. Let's extend the platform out this way. Oh, got a case of wood.
00:10:53That is a brand new island. Yeah. And let's build a brand new chest room over here. Oh, yeah. Looking
00:10:59good. Let's destroy my first chest ever and start organizing all of my junk because I have so many
00:11:04things. There we go. Okay. We're a little more organized now. Let's also snag my bed and slap
00:11:12it right in the middle here. And my island still looks like a fat mess. This is bothering me a lot.
00:11:17Let's just do some work around. Let's plant my potatoes. Let's replant my farms because everything
00:11:21is grown up now. And let's go ahead and mine all of my trees down again because I want to redesign
00:11:25my island. Well, after a few days, I managed to get about four more stacks of slugs and that would
00:11:30definitely help me expand this platform here. Oh, my God. I totally forgot I can fall in here. So,
00:11:36yeah, that is one thing I want to make sure I avoid and that is falling into death traps like
00:11:41this. And now the island is way cleaner. I got a nice little tree farm that is organized. I got
00:11:45actual chests here with all of my items in it. So now I can finally grab some more eggs and start
00:11:50expanding. Let's open up some more space along the main floor here. Let's see what we get. Another
00:11:55mushroom and another spruce. Oh, and another cow. What up, man? A cow misses girlfriend. Let me push
00:12:00him over to his boyfriend. This is a forced relationship. Get in there. Oh, yeah. Boy cow
00:12:05miss, meet girl cow miss. Make love. Okay. This is very awkward, guys. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Okay.
00:12:12They made first contact and it's back to being awkward. And let's also push this guy to his
00:12:17family. Oh, go. Oh. Decide the right path. Do you know which side is your family's? The fate is in
00:12:23your hands. Which family do you want to be with? Don't look at me. You cannot make a family with
00:12:27me, bro. Okay. Now he's checking me out and I'm out. Okay. This guy's being weird. All right.
00:12:30Well, let's get a new egg and let's actually continue expanding down here because I really
00:12:34want to get some more ores and upgrade to like iron tools or something. Oh, wait. I should have
00:12:38made a fence here so the mobs don't escape. I think we're good. Oh, we got another cow in the
00:12:42perfect spot too. Oh, yeah. Nope. Nope. Nope. Go, go, go, go. I think all the animals can finally
00:12:47make love together. All right. They are already doing it. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Bro's thrusting.
00:12:52Okay. I have no more eggs left and the next one is coming in a minute. So I might as well mine
00:12:57away all of these biomes and collect the resources and break my axe. All right. Why did I craft
00:13:03another one when I have one in my inventory? Sometimes I question my brain. This is why I'm
00:13:07playing Minecraft and not in school, but kids stay in school, please. Oh my God. I did not see
00:13:12a zombie there. Oh my God. Oh, that was my first monster I've ever killed. He almost killed me.
00:13:19And there we go. All of those islands are mined out and I made sure to trap all of my animals
00:13:23inside with fences so they can't escape. And I should probably do it all around these walls
00:13:27because I will be expanding everywhere that I possibly can. Let's craft my first ever furnaces
00:13:32and bang and smelt up my iron. Oh yeah. We are rich. Okay. But I don't want to use the iron just
00:13:38yet. I want to continue expanding and see what we can really get. I have four more eggs. So let's
00:13:42come down here and let's see what we can get underneath my entire island. Three, two, one.
00:13:48Ooh, some more iron, another mushroom cow, and just basic underground stuff,
00:13:52which is actually really needed. So I'm just going to spend some time mining all of this away
00:13:56and collecting everything I can. All right, but let's put all of these items away. And I'm going
00:13:59to spend some time working on my farms because they are a little puny still. And I still don't
00:14:03really have a good source of food to eat. So let's harvest all of this. Let's grab an egg right here
00:14:08and expand it this way. Give me a rare island. Ooh, we've got another piggy with a stack of wood.
00:14:14Wait, this is dark oak wood, I think. Oh yeah. What's inside the chest? Oh, another mysterious
00:14:18egg. Let's open an island over here. And ooh, another swamp island. All right. But let's drag
00:14:24this Douglas over to the other Douglases. And let's finally feed all of my animals. Oh yeah.
00:14:31You guys can finally make love again. Hopefully it's not awkward and you guys worked it out. Yeah,
00:14:34the birds and the bees. Soon enough, this animal farm is going to be filled to the brim. But let's
00:14:38go ahead and mine away these islands now and expand the farm. The farm isn't much bigger,
00:14:46but it's bigger than before. And I planted all weed seeds so I can start feeding my animals and
00:14:50start eating their meat. Not that kind of meat. But my entire no block island is looking pretty
00:14:54good so far. The only hard part is actually expanding because these eggs only spawn every
00:14:59two minutes. So I'm literally going to sit here for a few days and just farm a ton of mysterious
00:15:03eggs. I just got lucky and got four eggs. Wait, I didn't even know that was possible. I got a buy
00:15:09one, get four deal just now. What kind of Walmart deal is that? Let's go. And I managed to get 25
00:15:16eggs. Oh yeah. I literally sat here just staring at my screen and clicking it every two minutes.
00:15:21I don't think I'm going to expand on top of here because everything is pretty basic. I want to keep
00:15:26going down and see what's on the third layer. Let's travel one more way this way. Let's see
00:15:32what we get because every single layer does give different rarities. Oh my God. Wait, wait, wait,
00:15:38wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I'm going to die. Oh my God. Oh my God.
00:15:42I'm playing ring around the Rosie. Oh my God. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going to die.
00:15:45I'm going to die. Oh, don't shoot me. Don't shoot me. Oh my God. I didn't know skeletons can spawn.
00:15:53I was actually close. Oh, he's hiding in the cows. Let's jump down and kill him. Oh,
00:15:58my ass broke. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. Hide behind the giant weird shape. I'm very
00:16:03glad that they're too dumb to walk around and hit me. Yes. And kill this stupid zombie. Oh my God.
00:16:10That was kind of intense. Oh, there's another zombie. Okay. I got to be careful because I feel
00:16:13like the more I go down, the scarier is going to get, but let's go ahead and mine away all
00:16:17of these blocks. Bam. I got some more iron and some coal with this extra space. I can unlock
00:16:22more of the world. Let's first go to sleep though, because I am a tired man and let's unlock the
00:16:28third layer. Let's see what we get. Let's do one at a time. What is going to be different? Maybe
00:16:32it's still stone and Oh, it looks like it is. And now the zombie has a sword, bro. I literally don't
00:16:38even have armor. Oh, we got gold though. I haven't gotten gold yet. So far back up. I don't want,
00:16:42I don't want to deal with you. And there's a chest over here. Please have diamonds in it.
00:16:46Just give it to me. Ah, I thought it'd be cooler stuff. Let's see what's on this side. What is it
00:16:52going to be? Another cave Island with another zombie. Ooh, there's more iron though. Okay. Okay.
00:16:57We're getting some more ores. Oh, I thought that was more iron, but that's just mushrooms.
00:17:02Where'd he go? Yo, the zombies are running from me. Yo, you can't hide. You know what? I'm gonna
00:17:08trap you in there. We have a great idea. Hold up. See this on me right here. Let's grab some gravel.
00:17:12Oh wait, that was, that was suspicious gravel. I just broke it. I could have got a sniffer egg
00:17:16from that, but using this let's suffocate them. Wait, how's he breaking it? Oh my there's a,
00:17:22of course he picked one with a mushroom on it. I thought he outsmarted me.
00:17:27Suffocate boy. I don't think I've ever done that. All right. But since I have 21 eggs,
00:17:31let's also unlock another custom Island right over here. Maybe we'll get even more ores.
00:17:36Ooh, a rare structure. I do see some more suspicious gravel right there. And for some
00:17:40reason they're scaffolding in here. I don't know why, but I'm going to take it anyways.
00:17:44That's a more dark Oakwood. It looks like like a little mine shaft type thing with the raw copper,
00:17:48which I don't think I've gotten yet. Some more ores in the middle, which is really needed.
00:17:56Oh, I couldn't even mind that gold. I just, I just wasted it. And a chest with five resistance
00:18:01and some coal. Not too bad. I got some clay, right? Oh my God. Wait, that's a dog.
00:18:05It's an Ashen dog. No way. I don't have any bones at all. So I really hope he doesn't despawn. Oh,
00:18:11yes. Oh yeah. I really hope everybody says, Oh yeah. With me when I say it,
00:18:16let's keep unlocking. Let's see what we got. And we've got some more clay and Oh, another dog.
00:18:23Oh my God. Why is he chasing me? Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo. Is this aggressive dog? Why is he chasing me
00:18:27so bad? Oh yeah. Oh, maybe they're long lost brothers. This dog was so eager to find his
00:18:32brother. Yeah. They've been reunited. I'm gonna call you Frank and Marcin. Oh yeah. Let's just
00:18:38hope they don't jump and kill my sheep though. I'm going to break this actually just in case.
00:18:42There's another chest. It's underneath some suspicious gravel, so I don't want to mine it yet.
00:18:46What is this? Is this a mob spawner, but with no mob spawner, there's a bunch of chains and
00:18:52everything. This is kind of creepy with a chest in the middle. What's inside? A stone pickaxe
00:18:56with a finger see one. Oh yeah. There's even more iron too. Okay. I did unlock more than 10 islands
00:19:01though. And there's a lot of resources to mine here. I do want to save these 10 eggs for more
00:19:05layers underground. So I think I'm going to spend the tedious task of mining all of this away
00:19:10because I do need resources. The Oh my God. All of the islands are mined out now. And they're
00:19:15just a giant void right here. I'm still scared that I'm going to fall down and die. I keep
00:19:19forgetting that there's barrier blocks everywhere keeping me alive. Let me show you guys what I
00:19:23hauled in for mining all those things. And yeah, there wasn't not much. I threw it all into the
00:19:30void. I got a whole double chest of items, including 20 pieces of raw iron and a ton of
00:19:36cobblestone and just a whole lot of resources. So let's melt up all of this iron. I even have some
00:19:41more in here to throw in, which makes 38 and just organize everything that I mind into the chests.
00:19:47Whoa, I got lucky again. That's the second time. It gave me four eggs instead of one. But since I
00:19:52spent a few days mining all of those islands, a lot of my crops I've grown up already. They're
00:19:57off to college, so let's mine them all. Let's replant it. Somehow I still do not have enough
00:20:01seeds to fill up the whole farm. How is that possible? And I only got 18 wheat. I swear I
00:20:04would've got like 40, but let's breed my animals again because I want to eat their meat. I'm kind
00:20:08of sick of eating carrots. Oh wait, there's some stuff here. Oh, but there's the other 40 wheat.
00:20:13I swear. I was like, there's no way I only got like 18 wheat from that. Let's finish the farm.
00:20:18Let's grab the egg and also harvest all of my potatoes. Let's go. And since I have a stack of
00:20:22potatoes, I might as well finally smelt them and make me some baked potatoes. Yes, I finally have
00:20:28potatoes to eat. We are slowly upgrading. And also I got 38 pieces of iron and 10. Holy cow,
00:20:35I already have 48. Okay. With this, I can finally craft myself a full set of iron armor after days
00:20:42and days of just being naked and use the rest of my iron to craft tools. Yes, this feels so good.
00:20:49I feel like an actual human functioning Minecraft society member, but so far we've only gone three
00:20:54layers down and we've built a pretty decent looking island, but this is only the start,
00:20:58but right now I'm looking pretty good on resources. So let's actually just continue exploring. I want
00:21:02to see all the other islands that, oh my God, I keep forgetting that there's a big cliff right
00:21:06here. I want to see all the other islands that I can get. So let's continue going this way
00:21:10because the further you go out, the rarer things spawn into thingy. Okay. Things look pretty normal
00:21:16still. Oh wait, I totally forgot. When I was mining, I destroyed all of the suspicious gravel.
00:21:21I didn't even try to get a brush. I probably just broke two sniffer eggs, three. Oh my God,
00:21:26are you kidding me? There was literally a brush inside of that chest and I broke all my sniffer
00:21:31eggs. Oh wait, what is this? Is this an iron ax? Yo! Oh my God, it's a full durability one. I
00:21:36didn't even need to craft it. Let's continue exploring. Let's keep going this way. But I
00:21:39think I'll be going down after this. Oh, wait, I'm getting new things right now. It looks like
00:21:44there's a house. Is there a villager in here? There's a lot of barrels inside the chest. Oh my
00:21:48God. Another egg, jump boost, and an enchanted shovel. Ooh, some wool. But now let's head deeper
00:21:54down to the fourth level. Let's see what we got down here. And, oh my God. Wait, we're getting
00:22:00deep. Oh my God. We've got another rare structure with a panda. Oh, there's an ocelot. It's so cool
00:22:05that all of them like combine together too. Like they're not just all random. They actually like
00:22:09conjoin. Wait, this is so cool. There's a skeleton right here. There's a lot of sugar cane. Let's
00:22:15collect all of this. Oh wait, this is so awesome. And my entire inventory is full. That is how many
00:22:20resources we're running into right now. Okay, let's head back to base. Let's put some things
00:22:24away and let's continue exploring. Let's see what we get. Oh my God. Oh, oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. We
00:22:30got, whoa, whoa, wait, we got a mob party. Wait, did you see all those blue particles? Oh, I'm
00:22:36going to die. Oh my God. There's so many mobs. Oh my, how'd he hit me? What the, this dude sniping
00:22:44me through blocks. Let's go to war. Oh my God. Bro was capping me. Wait, how much health does
00:22:48he have? Okay. There goes one skeleton. Oh my God. Oh, okay. There's another one. And let's kill this
00:22:55zombie over here. There's so much going on. Wait, this guy trapped himself. Bro, you're smarter than
00:23:00that. Come on. Don't make me kill you of gravel again. Embarrassing. Why are they always standing
00:23:06on a non-gravel block? I'm just embarrassing myself to be honest. Okay. Monster party is over.
00:23:11That was actually very scary, but we've got some more sugar cane, a lot of more cats. And of course
00:23:15a mooshroom cow. Can't forget them. They spawned out of nowhere. And Ooh, wait, why did I get a
00:23:20trident from this biome? It's like a lushy jungle-y biome. I'm not going to complain. I got some more
00:23:25bones as well. I can finally tame those dogs hopefully. Oh wait, there's a house right here.
00:23:29What is in here? Ooh, who's living in here? Ooh, jungle sapling. That's new. And a fishing rod. Ooh,
00:23:34this is brand new too. Redstone. We're getting deeper and deeper. And my entire inventory is
00:23:39full already. Oh my God. Oh my God. The world's getting so big that mobs are spawning now. That
00:23:43is our first ever creeper. Okay. But since there's mobs spawning now, let's actually craft myself
00:23:49a shield. But since I'm scared of mobs, I'm actually just going to sit here and AFK this
00:23:53egg for like an hour. That way I can just spam everything and unlock a huge chunk of the world.
00:23:5957 eggs. That took me a very, very long time. I literally just sat here AFKing. It was kind
00:24:06of tedious. I'm not going to lie. And look at my dog just capping out these sheep. Leave them alone.
00:24:11But let's start unlocking a bunch of the world. I'm actually really excited to see what we get.
00:24:15Okay. Oh my God. There's a monster party. Oh, it's just one creeper. Honestly, that is a scary party.
00:24:20And this zombie is so dumb. He's just climbing this vine. Anything in here? Ooh, a turtle shell
00:24:24helmet. Another egg and some glow berries. All right. Ooh, a chest hiding right here with coal.
00:24:30Everything is looking pretty basic though. Nothing too crazy or rare. And the further I go out,
00:24:34it just doesn't seem like I'm getting anything new. I thought I would be, but since we unlocked
00:24:38a bunch of the world, I'm just going to continue mining because there is a lot of iron spread
00:24:41around all of these islands. Okay. I think I explored most of the area and mined everything
00:24:46I could. I don't want to use the rest of my eggs around here because everything here is jungly,
00:24:50but I think it matters on where I am placing these eggs. So maybe if I unlocked a bunch of
00:24:54the world over on this side, it would be like an ice spice biome instead of jungle. So let's
00:24:58kind of try it. Let's branch off over to this way. Is there anything in here? It seems like
00:25:03it's just underground stuff. Anything inside of here? Ooh, a chest with nothing. Ooh, and some
00:25:08iron. Okay. Well, let's go down in a straight line to see what new biomes that we can possibly find.
00:25:13And surprisingly, there were no new biomes. Honestly, I thought I'd run into the craziest
00:25:18mushroom biome or something if I go further enough out, but it's just all stone and a cave.
00:25:24Yeah. At least there are a ton of ores that I uncovered. But after all of that, I got 37 pieces
00:25:28of iron and even more resources. All right. But soon, using all these materials, I'm going to
00:25:32expand the main floor island here and build myself an actual house. But for now, I really want to see
00:25:37what's on the fifth layer since layer four was kind of disappointing. Ooh, I got lucky. Oh yeah.
00:25:44There's another four eggs. Okay. Let's head down here and do my best to light up this entire area
00:25:49because I don't want to... Oh my God. Does this guy have power nine? How did they do so much
00:25:53damage? They're way too... Watch this. Watch this. I'm going to get this creeper to blow up all of
00:25:56them. Oh yeah. Oh, they still lived. Thank you. Oh my God. Did that creeper have bat babies? Why
00:26:03did so many bats come out of them? Okay. But I think everything is lit up now and let's finally
00:26:07move down to layer five, which will be... I'm so excited to see. What is it going to be? What is
00:26:13it going to be? This was all lush. Now we have an ocean. No way. Okay. Oh, we got another mystery
00:26:19egg, some redstone. It seems like this layer is going to be all ocean. Oh my God. There's drowns
00:26:23already. I'm jumping down. Okay. We might have uncovered the underground ocean. Is it all going
00:26:30to be water? Oh my God. It is. Is there anything in it? Nope. How about the chest? Oh, turtle egg,
00:26:35some emeralds. Yes. And an efficiency one iron pickaxe. We're unlocking new parts of the world.
00:26:39This is exciting. What am I going to get more? Oh my God. An axolotl. Oh yeah. Kill him for me.
00:26:45Oh yeah. Let me just help you out. We've got a mini boat right here though with
00:26:50visibility. We're getting enchantments now on tools. This is awesome. Let's continue unlocking
00:26:54some chunks and see if we can unlock an ocean monument. That will be pretty swag. Oh, a turtle.
00:26:59Oh, another turtle. We got emeralds and iron and coal on the ceiling. I'm not uncovering diamonds
00:27:04just yet. So maybe in the next layer below the ocean, we will. Before I continue exploring
00:27:08though, I do really want to fix up my island and just be prepared. And I'm kind of falling behind
00:27:13in the living department, if you know what I mean. I have nothing here. So let's start working
00:27:18on expanding the main floor, unlocking all of this area. So I have more room to build a bigger
00:27:23home and be prepared for more things. Whoa, we've never got this yet. What is this? This is like a
00:27:27little market. Ooh, potatoes. I got a piggy. Let's continue expanding this way so I can make a way
00:27:33bigger farm. What are we going to get? Oh my God, we got a monster party. We got a bee party. Ooh,
00:27:37Barry Benton, leave me alone. Should I be killing these bees? I feel like I need them. I can make
00:27:40a bee farm or something. Oh, too late now. I already killed all of them. Unless I keep this
00:27:44guy alive. Oh, we got a slime. What's up, bro? Die, die, die, die, die. Wait, I'm on top of the
00:27:49layer. I'm walking on every single block. I can just build my home up here. I think I found a
00:27:53cheat code. Oh my God. Should I do it guys? Should I build my entire island above the world or should
00:27:59I play legitly and unlock the world? That way I actually need to grind for space. I think I'm
00:28:06going to play the legit way. I'm going to stay down here and unlock the world because that's
00:28:09just the game and it'll be more fun if I follow it, right? Let's unlock one more layer. What are
00:28:13we going to get? Oh, we got another monster party with more bees. Yo, chill. Wait, why are there so
00:28:18many? Oh my God. I just want to be your friends. I literally have no friends around here. Come on.
00:28:23Yo, these bees are doing somersault. Wait, this one's friendly now. Bee friendly. Oh,
00:28:27he's friendly now too. Wait, why? Wait, they're all, oh, I'm at one heart. I'm at one heart.
00:28:32I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
00:28:36whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Half heart, half heart, half heart. Um, chill, chill, chill, chill,
00:28:40chill. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm
00:28:45sorry. I didn't do anything wrong. They're, they're chasing me. They're chasing me. I need to heal. I
00:28:50need to heal. I think that one's friendly. I think they forgot about me. Hello? I think they're nice.
00:28:54Yes. Oh my God. It only took me almost dying for them to realize I'm friendly. That was actually
00:28:59close. Imagine if I lost the entire world and all my progress because of a bee. That would be
00:29:04embarrassing. Well, at least we unlocked a bunch of the world now. So it doesn't seem like we got
00:29:07any new biomes, but we did get a ton of more blocks. I just need to spend the time to harvest
00:29:11all of it now and to clean it all up. So while I was clearing out all of the islands, I realized
00:29:15that I left a really nice field and all I got to do is fill in these little gaps and I do have a
00:29:19ton of dirt. So this would be a way nicer floor than making everything out of spruce wood. It'll
00:29:23look way more natural because it's grass and it's basically free because the island spawned it in.
00:29:27So this is going to look awesome. Oh yeah. Now with all this grass, I'm going to build myself
00:29:32a house. I first need to get all these animals out of the way though. Come with me. Let me take
00:29:36you guys to your home. A floating void. I'm sorry, but you guys don't get special grass treatment.
00:29:42Only I do. Maybe one day I'll set you guys free and you guys can live on grass. But for now,
00:29:46you guys got float in the void. All right. But now that this area is cleared out, let's start
00:29:49working on a little shack to live in. Let's first build out the frame. I don't want to build a too
00:29:54big of a house yet because I do want to upgrade it eventually as I expand more of the world. So
00:29:58let's just have it this size. I think this is pretty good. This little square. It is turning
00:30:03nighttime. So let's collect this egg, sleep, and continue working on this frame. All right. This
00:30:07is what I got so far. These big gaps are going to be windows except for this area because I might
00:30:11put some chests here. And I decided to make some floor to ceiling windows. Can I stand here? Oh,
00:30:15I can't. I forgot. I'm always scared that I'm going to fall into the void because everything
00:30:18is just clear. And for the floor, I'm going to use some oak slabs. And I'm actually going to do some
00:30:22floor to ceiling windows because I just want the best view of the no block floating world.
00:30:27It's just a void. But let's continue building this house.
00:30:34Yeah, there we go. It's a pretty simple house. It's actually a lot smaller than I thought it
00:30:39would be. But now I just need some glass. I don't even know if I have sand yet. Do I have any? I
00:30:44don't. Oh no. I did just unlock the ocean down there. So hopefully it comes with some sand
00:30:49somewhere. But for now, my house will be windowless. If a tornado comes by, yeah, I'm
00:30:54cooked. I might as well just run into the tornado face first. Anyways, let's grab some chests and
00:30:59start moving in. There we go. Everything is moved in and I have a little bit more space to work with
00:31:06now. Since all these brand new islands that I'm unlocking is bringing a lot more resources. I
00:31:10definitely needed the extra storage. I even put my bed in here. It's going to be cornered by two
00:31:14giant windows. I can totally see a creep just watching me sleep. I might as well just put my
00:31:18bed outside because this has no privacy at all. The very last thing I need to do is add some lights
00:31:23using some lanterns and add a door. Let's make it pink because why not? Oh yeah. Add some color.
00:31:29And honestly, this door is still useless because I have all of these walls just wide open. There's
00:31:34literally no point of this door. Since I need some glass to enclose this house and sand doesn't even
00:31:38exist yet, I'm going to sit here and grind all of these mysterious eggs so I can start unlocking
00:31:42more of the no block world and get some brand new resources. Now I have 41. Yeah. Let's go to bed in
00:31:48my beautifully secure home. And also while I was grinding all these eggs, I realized I am in a
00:31:53slime chunk now. They're like jumping boogers. Go away. By using all of these eggs, let's start unlocking
00:31:59more of the world and try to get some sand. Well, let's unlock level six, I think, below this ocean.
00:32:04Maybe it's going to reveal some sand. I really need it for windows. Come on. Oh yeah. Oh my God.
00:32:08I did not think a guardian would come. Does my shield even work? Oh, it does. Yo, this guy's so
00:32:13quick. Yo, you're cornered now. You're not going anywhere. Oh my God. That was kind of scary. But
00:32:19yeah, we unlocked some sand. Let's go. It's probably not going to be enough. So let me
00:32:23unlock some more over here. Come on. Oh my God. Was there two? Oh no, there's just one. Okay.
00:32:28Try to kill this. Oh, there's two. Oh my God. Okay. That's one. And die. Die. Where'd you go?
00:32:36Where'd he go? He just, oh, he's over there hiding. No, my ax broke. I'm going to beat you my shovel.
00:32:40Yeah. All right. But let's start collecting all of this sand. Hopefully this is enough to fill
00:32:44up all of my windows in my house because I don't want to creeps like brick staring at me. If it's
00:32:48sage mommy, then I'm okay with it. But there is a chest right here. What's in here? A bucket of
00:32:52tadpole. Wait, that was not on my bucket list. See what I did there? Bucket, bucket list. Cause
00:32:58it's a bucket. Okay. I ended up getting 32 pieces of sand, which I don't think is going to be enough,
00:33:03but if I turn them into pains, it might be. So let's see. Please. Yeah. I finally have windows.
00:33:10No more creeps staring at me. Other than this guy. There's a wandering trader. They're always
00:33:14the creeps that give you no good deals. I am completely out of food though. Luckily though,
00:33:18all of my potatoes are grown. So let's harvest all of this. And I do have a lot more space now
00:33:22to expand this farm. Since my chest room isn't here anymore. Pretty sure I have potatoes here
00:33:26too. Oh my God. I do. Let's replant all of this. Let's smell some more potatoes. And let's also
00:33:31grab some dirt. Craft my first ever bucket. I think. Oh, nevermind. I think I already crafted
00:33:36one before. Buy myself a hoe and let's expand this potato farm. And this is the farm. It looks
00:33:43pretty good. I decided to remove it completely and integrate it into the ground here. So it just
00:33:47looks way better. And it integrates so well into the house. I added some fences, some lighting,
00:33:51a chest, and it looks pretty awesome. And let's start cleaning up this wheat one. Let's remove
00:33:55this mob jail cell that I have no idea where the zombie went. He actually just vanished or died of
00:34:00starvation. I don't know. I also don't need this anymore because I have this giant grass layer
00:34:04here. Clean it up and fix up this farm. Oh yeah. That looks way better. And I decided to just keep
00:34:20it elevated and just make this little staircase up. So it just adds a little bit of a terrain
00:34:25to my base. It looks better. Do you remember how we first started literally with nothing? Now we
00:34:30have all of this. Looking pretty good. But since we have upgraded the entire island and we have 42
00:34:35eggs now, let's go expand more of the world and see what we got here. Let's see what there is.
00:34:40Oh wait, there's guardians. Oh, please don't tell me there's going to be three. Oh my God. What is
00:34:43that? Oh my God. Oh my God. There's so many guardians. Oh, there's a fat one too. Get me
00:34:49out. Get me out. Get me out. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm running. I'm running. Oh
00:34:55no. Yo, could they just de-spawn please? I don't even want to try to fight them. I just put my
00:35:00render distance to two chunks and let's pray it de-spawns. Oh, I still see him. No. What can I do
00:35:07to fight these guys? I have a trident. I'm going to just stand up here. Oh, there goes one. All
00:35:14right. There goes my second one. I tried. And you know what? I'm hopping in there. Oh, I killed him.
00:35:20Wait, did I kill him? Why is he? Why is he? Oh my God. I didn't kill him. Oh my God. I can't
00:35:23even hit him. I'm so dead. I'm cooked. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead.
00:35:34Surprisingly, I didn't die, but I got my trident. And I think the other guardians did de-spawn
00:35:38though, which is amazing. Dude, how much health does he have? I should probably break this open
00:35:43so I can have an easier way to get out and have minor fatigue. I forgot. Nice. All right. I'm
00:35:46going in. Come here, daddy. Yes. Okay. All the other guardians are gone. I did get a wet sponge.
00:35:51So we've got this red sand dune looking one with a chest in the middle, a bucket of salmon,
00:35:56a stone pickaxe, which is kind of poop, and a bunch of magma blocks. Okay. There's another
00:36:00chest here. Okay. It's actual poo still. And more poo. Awesome. I love the ocean. Let's go.
00:36:08There is some more sand, which I can collect. And I'm going to be honest. I don't really want to
00:36:11continue expanding left and right in this layer because I don't want to fight a guardian every
00:36:17time. So I'm actually just going to skip the ocean level and unlock what's underneath it.
00:36:21I feel like it's going to be some type of block or cave because I already hit the ocean floor here.
00:36:25What is it? What is it? I can't see. Come on. Show me. I'm eager. Oh my God. Wait,
00:36:29I got a wandering trader. What is under here? Oh, okay. It looks like we're in a desert. Let's
00:36:33block up the water. Anything in here? Ooh, redstone, some XP bottles. Okay. Seems like
00:36:37that is it. It is really cool that all the worlds kind of transition because the top of here was
00:36:42red sand and unlocking the island below it is more red sand. So that is pretty awesome. Maybe
00:36:47there's more ores or diamonds or something too. There's gold. Okay. There's redstone down here
00:36:51too. All right. All right. Let's start unlocking more left and right. Let's see. Show me the juice.
00:36:56Oh my God. Okay. We got some husks. Oh my God. Why is there so many? I'm already mob farming
00:37:00them though. Let's kill all of them. And there's a chest here with armadillo scoot. Anything in
00:37:04these barrels? They're just a few. What's over here? Oh my God. A rusty fox. Rusty is back. He's
00:37:10finally not alone. If you guys remember from the dog mini series, we had a rusty dog that was so
00:37:14alone and why is he, why does he look so sad? Oh my God. This might be the same dog. He looks mad
00:37:19at me. He just standing over in the corner. Don't worry. You'll be my friend. I saw a bone here.
00:37:24Oh, he doesn't want to be my pet. Okay. I'll tame you one day. Just stay alive. Oh my God. There's
00:37:30a giant Emerald block right here. Oh yeah. With a chest. Oh my God. There's a lot of stuff in here.
00:37:34More skin, some redstone dust, and a strength bottle. Yo, check out this door guys. It leads to
00:37:39absolutely nowhere. Oh wait, it does lead to somewhere. But other than that, there's a ton
00:37:42of ores or red sand everywhere and not much else. It seems like we're in the desert underground
00:37:48layer. Nothing fancy just yet, but honestly, everything that I get is going to be helpful.
00:37:52So I'm going to spend some time collecting everything that I can. The next thing I want
00:37:55to do is actually build a little platform on this layer. So I'm not always falling off this cliff
00:38:00and scaring myself. Every single time I'll walk over to my unlocked chunks. Let's be a little
00:38:04careful because I know these wolves will kill and pounce on my sheep. So look at them. I was
00:38:09literally going to place the slab right here, but I know he's going to kill him. So let's place it
00:38:14over here, far away from the sheep. Let's build it out this way. Then build a staircase, like
00:38:20coming down to this layer here. And let's also connect this pathway over to this area. Just so
00:38:25I have a place to walk in, it doesn't feel like I'm going to fall into the void every single time.
00:38:28Let's connect it into all of these chunks as well. And having this will just let me run away
00:38:33from mobs. So when I'm just about to die, I can run to safety and also give this cow some freedom.
00:38:38But there we go. It's looking a lot better now. Let's unlock some islands underneath these animal
00:38:42farms. I really hope it's a flat ground so they don't fall in. Please. Okay. Okay. What's going
00:38:46to be underneath the pigs? Please don't be a pit of lava. That would be crazy. Okay. Let's do the
00:38:52cows. And okay. More caves. Oh my God. There's a monster party below them. Let's continue unlocking
00:38:58these chunks on the second floor so I can make this farm look a little better for these guys.
00:39:02Okay. But let's remove this first layer of stone and replace it with a bunch of dirt. Oh yeah,
00:39:07it's looking better already. So now I just need to get some grass over here. I can either bring
00:39:11it from here because there's little bits of grass, or I can bring it from up there. I have no idea
00:39:16which one's going to be easier. Let's just try from here. Let's mine this away. Okay. There's
00:39:20grass here. Let's just build a pathway that will lead all the way over to this farm over here. And
00:39:26hopefully the grass will just grow and just populate this entire platform. That is the plan.
00:39:30You know what? I'll even light up the dirt. Maybe it'll help. I don't know, dude. Should I give it
00:39:34a motivational speech? Come on, grass. You got this. The entire cookie army believes in you.
00:39:39All you have to do is grow from this piece to this one, and to this one, then to that one,
00:39:45all the way over there. Humanity depends on you. Don't let us down. Yep. That didn't work. Okay.
00:39:50We'll just wait and see. All right. But let's craft some more fences and let's expand this farm.
00:39:55Oh, yeah. It's a little off-centered. Wait, this is really off-centered. Why is this one so much
00:40:01bigger? My three brain cells cannot count. Oh my God. Let's check on our grass, actually. Oh,
00:40:06it actually has grown. Oh, yeah. It's slowly getting there. We've made it about two blocks,
00:40:10I think. Progress is progress. And let's start transporting all of these animals. Let's destroy
00:40:15this down, break down the wall. Oh, wait, wait, wait. Maybe I should... Oh, I goofed. Wait, wait,
00:40:18wait. How did I just kill that cow by punching him with a fence? I should have done this
00:40:23separately because now it's going to be even harder to separate these cows. You know what I
00:40:27mean? Let's try to bring the mooshroom ones over here. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. And stop. You
00:40:31stay. Let's bring these other cows, lock them up and build the wall like Trump and kill this guy.
00:40:36I'm sorry, but you're just segregated. I cannot let you live there. Now, let's move the sheep
00:40:41and the piggies. Oh, yeah. And my pickaxe just broke, bro. Let's now clean all of this up and
00:40:46let's replace all of this with grass or dirt because grass is still coming. My motivational
00:40:50speech is slowly working. It's making our way there. It's getting there. But now that this
00:40:54place is finally cleaned up, I can finally change this ladder into an actual staircase and just make
00:41:00it look way better and way easier to run up and down from. Oh, yeah. It's looking better already.
00:41:06We don't have a stupid ladder anymore. I can actually use my feet and not my arms. But since
00:41:10there's this extra space here, I'm actually going to build another farm and put all of my chickens
00:41:15in it because they are getting kind of annoying. These guys are literally living in my house.
00:41:18They're dropping bird poop and eggs everywhere. Come here, chickies. We're going to be turning
00:41:22you guys into some nice, solid fried chicken Popeyes. I probably shouldn't have said that
00:41:26before I trapped them, huh? Oh, yeah. There's my chicken farm. There we go. We have our new and
00:41:31improved animal farm. We just need to wait for all of this grass to grow. Come on, guys. But
00:41:35let's go ahead and breed all of these animals. Make some more babies so I can eat them. The
00:41:39entire island is coming together, though. There are still a ton of islands and different levels
00:41:43for me to explore. I'm only less than 10 layers down. And I really want to find me some diamonds.
00:41:48So let's start exploring some more with all these eggs that I have. Let's make me a brand
00:41:51new shield and some new tools. So honestly, it doesn't seem like there's much else inside of
00:41:56this layer. It seems like it's going to be all desert and red. Oh, no. Oh, yeah. I really don't
00:42:02like this layer. I don't like it at all. Oh, why is this one just sitting in its crate and just
00:42:08block him in? He's actually trapped. Yo, I trapped him. How does it feel to be a prisoner? All right.
00:42:13But I don't really want to explore more of this layer because it doesn't seem like there's much
00:42:16else. So let's continue going down. What is it going to be? Hopefully, we get some diamonds or
00:42:21something. Looks like we're heading into the mineshaft layer. Oh, there's lapis as well. That
00:42:26is going to be very nice. I can finally start. There's no way. Oh, my God. OK, I just need to
00:42:33expect mobs to be in every layer. At least we got some lapis. Let's continue expanding. Let's see
00:42:37what we can get. I'm scared, though. I keep my shield up. What is coming? OK, another stone
00:42:41layer. Ooh, granite as well. And diorite. I haven't gotten these blocks yet. Let's continue
00:42:46unlocking. What are we going to get? Ooh, a rare structure. Wait, this one has pistons. I didn't
00:42:51even know you can get this stuff. And a chest with even more resources. OK, over here, we got
00:42:56some cave spiders. This might be my first source of string, too. Oh, my God. There's diamonds. Yo,
00:43:04I'm so lucky I just unlocked that and saw that. Oh, my God. Our first ever diamonds in the no
00:43:10block world. Let's go. Wait, that means there might be more diamonds hiding around here. This
00:43:16might be the most important layer now. I'm going to unlock as much as I can and just go mining
00:43:19for diamonds. Oh, OK, there's a monster party here. OK. Oh, wait, they blew up a chest with
00:43:25diamonds in it. Mine around and see if there's any hidden diamonds. Show me the blue ore.
00:43:30Oh, yeah. Come on. Life is good. Life is good. OK, but this is actually huge. Let me go home and
00:43:37put away all of these junk items and come back and continue unlocking a ton of this layer. Oh,
00:43:42my God. Alleys. What the heck? I wouldn't expect that for this layer. What's up, guys? Here,
00:43:47have a potato. Oh, my God. A diamond sword and an enchanted bow. Oh, yeah. What is going to come
00:43:54after this if this layer is so good? I have no idea. I'm so excited. Whoa, I got an anvil. It's
00:43:59kind of half used, though. Yes. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. There's TNT right
00:44:07there with a button. Oh, I could have just destroyed myself right there. Yes. Oh, my God.
00:44:15That's a lot of TNT. Oh, my God. Is that killer? But
00:44:21golly. Oh, my God. A diamond axe. Oh, yeah. This biome is goaded. I've already used over
00:44:28ten eggs, and honestly, I want to continue using eggs because this layer is definitely
00:44:32the most valuable layer I've ever been in so far. Oh, yes. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh,
00:44:37yeah. You don't find any bigger veins than one, though, and it seems like there's only one diamond
00:44:41per chunk if there is a diamond for a chunk. Oh, yippee. There's a creeper. I have no idea how
00:44:48they're swan and there's so many torches everywhere. Oh, my God. OK, but my OK,
00:44:54and it just broke the second. I was going to say something about it. There goes my pickaxe. That
00:44:57was a very successful mining trip, though. I do have enough diamonds to craft myself a diamond
00:45:01pickaxe, though, which is what I'm going to do because I want to upgrade. Oh, yeah. I also got
00:45:06a broken anvil. Now that I finally have diamonds, I can finally craft myself an enchantment table.
00:45:11The only thing is I don't have any sugar canes. Do I have any in here? I'm sure I do. Oh, wait,
00:45:15I have 30. All right, let's build a sugar cane farm. I realized, though, I did a really messy
00:45:19job exploring all of these little islands. I literally branched out in every single direction.
00:45:24I really need to figure out a way to expand in an organized manner because it is really bothering
00:45:29me. For now, let's start working on this. Oh, hello. So let's use some of my eggs and unlock
00:45:37more area around my base so I have more space to build a farm. And there goes all of my eggs.
00:45:41Only have two left. Oh, wait, wait, wait. I have three left. Oh, I'm poor. But this is very nice
00:45:47to see having all this extra land unlocked. And with that, we got some more animals. Did I get
00:45:52anything new? I feel like I've explored all of this stuff already. Well, now let's destroy all
00:45:56of this stuff down, even the grass on the floor if it exists. And using all of this extra space,
00:46:00let's start expanding. The entire platform is covered in mobs. Yo, yo, yo, there's too many
00:46:05creepers. There's too many creepers. Oh, I'm dead. I'm actually dead. No, no, no, no, no,
00:46:20you monkeys. Actual abathins. This is not cool. This is actually not cool. How did that creeper...
00:46:26No. I'm killing you. I'm sorry. He was going to kill all my sheep. Oh,
00:46:29wait. My sheep's not even out. Whoops. I just killed that dog for no reason.
00:46:33Hello there. Yo, I didn't even see the creeper. I was hiding in the potatoes.
00:46:37No, no, no, no, no, no. I literally hit it. I hit it. I swear. Okay.
00:46:50Okay. I pretty much fixed the entire farm. All the animals are back in its place,
00:46:54except this one 360 no scope. I just ran out of dirt to fill in this giant gaping hole. I used
00:46:59all of the dirt on the platforms over here. I should probably light up this entire area too.
00:47:03Why is there slimes everywhere? Why were mobs even added to the game? I swear. One day I'm
00:47:07going to survive a hundred days in peaceful mode. Hey, on good news, the grass has finally grown.
00:47:13Yes. Oh, wait. I totally forgot. I moved my items to here. I do have grass.
00:47:18Yeah. I was doing that when I was brain dead. So yeah. Whoops. My brain doesn't work sometimes.
00:47:23Let's fix this up. There we go. Let's start building the farm right over here behind of
00:47:26my wheat farm. Oh my God. I'm going to start tweaking out. If I ever do a mob vote,
00:47:31the slime is going last. They are useless and you not even helping me kill them.
00:47:35All right. Let's get building.
00:47:44There we go. I built two sections here. So once these big daddies grow up, I can plant them over
00:47:48here. I don't know why I called it that, but let's add some fences and some lanterns now to spice it
00:47:52up. And it's looking real good now. If a slime spawns here, I'm going to tweak it. Oh my God.
00:47:56Not these guys. How are they still spawning? I put torches everywhere. Since I am running
00:48:01pretty low on dirt and I want to build the biggest Island in this no block world,
00:48:05I started expanding this way. So I can mine all of the dirt that spawns and place it over there.
00:48:10Ooh, I got melons. I think that's a new, I am using up all of my eggs again for this. I don't
00:48:14know if it's worth it. Oh yeah. It's so satisfying. It makes me so happy knowing that we're just like
00:48:20unlocking more of the world. Let's unlock this one and this one. Oh, hello Douglas. All right.
00:48:26Well, we just unlocked 20 more Islands here. There are a bunch of things like carrots,
00:48:30different types of trees, melons, more animals and bees, tents, mushrooms. But I'm actually
00:48:34just going to mine it all away so I can collect the dirt. Eventually though, when I have enough
00:48:38eggs later in the video, I will unlock a giant chunk of the world from top all the way to bottom
00:48:43and not touch it at all. I also spent a few hours just grinding eggs. So I managed to grind 38 eggs
00:48:50but I had to stop because I was getting sworn by more slimes. Look at my armor guys. It's literally
00:48:56hanging on by a toenail. I thought torches would do the trick. It didn't do anything. Look at my
00:49:01potatoes. Oh my God. Oh, you're kidding. There's a whole generation right here. I did clear this
00:49:09entire area, which leaves me a lot of room to work with, but at least my entire animal farm
00:49:13is all grass now, but let's get rid of all these slimes. And there goes my diamond ax. Oh my God.
00:49:18I only have four diamonds left. No, that means I need to go back to my iron ax. Oh, that's so sad.
00:49:22I definitely need more diamonds, but for now let's harvest my shuriken because it's all grown. Let's
00:49:26plant it all down and this will get me unlimited paper now and also need unlimited leather. So
00:49:30let's breed these cows. Since I have 41 eggs now, let's continue exploring the bottom layer to get
00:49:35more diamonds. Here's some more alleys. Oh yeah. What's up guys? What does this button do? Oh my
00:49:40God. I want to F off for that. No. Okay. I think we're good. Oh my God. These alleys lived. Oh,
00:49:45and I found diamonds. Nice. That was worth it, but I'm actually going to go one layer down. Maybe
00:49:49there'll be more chances of diamonds down here unless it's like the deep dark biome, which would
00:49:53really suck. Oh, I got an investment. It's freezing. Oh, I think we're reaching an ice
00:49:57biome. Oh, we are. There's literally packed ice and water. That does not make any sense that that's
00:50:02down there. Um, okay. I guess I'm gonna stick to this layer. So let's continue exploring.
00:50:07Oh, right in front of my eyes. I'm not a gold digger today. I'm a diamond digger. Oh yeah.
00:50:12More diamonds. Oh, another killer bunny. Should I test how much damage it does? Let's see. Oh,
00:50:16okay. Okay. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Back up, back up, back up. Oh yeah. Maybe it's
00:50:23good that he's a one hit kill. Okay. Oh my God. Oh, monster party. I'm going to set it up to a
00:50:29mob farm. Come down here and just grind them. This is perfect. Oh wait, I can just use a
00:50:33creeper. Blow them all up for me. Oh yeah. And what do I get? A curse of binding. Okay. I hate
00:50:40my life. Oh, this is new. A redstone block connected with some redstone dust. Okay. I've
00:50:45never had this yet. And even more. Oh, a name tag. Ooh, diamond. Yes. Oh, another diamond. Oh yeah.
00:50:52Yeah. Oh, another. Oh yeah. I realized I am heading in towards my base though. I'm right
00:50:57underneath it, but I want to switch directions. I want to see if I go further out, if I get
00:51:01rarer biome. Oh my God. Oh my God. I'm going to double team right now. Both ways, both holes.
00:51:07Oh my God. Oh, that was close. I keep getting very close to death here. Maybe going further
00:51:21out is a little more dangerous. Oh, I am getting, oh, I got diamond helmet. Wait,
00:51:25I am getting way better stuff though. Maybe it is true. The further you go out,
00:51:28the better the loot gets. Oh my God. I saw a Vex. Where'd he go? Oh, I see him. That is
00:51:33a demon alley. Oh, I'm in pants. Yo, I don't even need to mine diamonds. I'm getting everything for
00:51:40free. Yeah. This alley actually loves me. The one with the potato. He's been alive since day one
00:51:49and just follow me around. Let's call him Joe, but I think I'm going to give it a little break
00:51:53for now. So let's head back home. Yeah, we're back. I did get a brand new music disc though.
00:51:58Is it worth it using one diamond for a jukebox though? Probably not.
00:52:03Wait, this is sick. I didn't know Minecraft makes so good music discs now, unless this is custom.
00:52:08This is awesome. Wait, this might be my favorite thing I'm going to put in the valuable chest.
00:52:12That was so worth one diamond. All right, but let's do some more work around the island. So
00:52:15I have enough food for everything and enough resources to build a full enchantment table
00:52:19later on when I finally unlock obsidian. I've harvested so much wood from my tree
00:52:25farm that I have so many stacks of logs. This is honestly my dream having this many spruce logs,
00:52:30but yeah, I still live in this puny little shack too. So I think it's finally time to upgrade and
00:52:36build a bigger and better base. So that means I'm going to need a lot more space again. Well,
00:52:41let's use all of these eggs and continue expanding the first layer of this world.
00:52:45What are we going to get? Any new biomes? It doesn't seem like it. Hopefully I get a ton
00:52:50of grass islands, which I think I am getting pretty lucky right now. All of these are coming
00:52:53in with some. Oh yeah. And let's go ahead and chop down all of these biomes again and replace the
00:52:58floor with some grass. There we go. We've got some extra land made and now we just got to build a
00:53:02new house. So I think my plan is to not actually destroy this. I might kind of continue it. So
00:53:07maybe I'll break this back end here, make a hallway and then build like a castle back here.
00:53:11I think that'd be a fun way to just continue the style and what we already have. Just give me a few
00:53:16minutes to cook and cook a miss. I did. Well, all I did was build some, some pillars, but this is
00:53:20what I got so far. This giant new home will connect to the original home that I built and
00:53:24it's just going to look like it's a part of it. You know, it's kind of like the house grew a big
00:53:29tumor, but now I just got to build up the walls using all of this wood that I have and try to
00:53:33make it look livable. Oh yeah. It's pretty basic for now. I want to add some floor to ceiling
00:53:39windows and some details on the outside. Kind of like how I made like a little skirt for this house
00:53:45around this thingy. It's going to look pretty swaggy. At least I hope so. I don't know. I'm
00:53:49not really a good builder, so we'll just keep building and see what happens.
00:54:04Oh yeah. I literally built a bigger version of this. It's like the big brother that's connected
00:54:10to them. That is exactly what I built. This might be the first ever home where I made a flat roof.
00:54:15Usually I built like triangle roofs, but this one I was kind of lazy and I just made it flat. So if
00:54:19it rains, I'm cooked. The entire roof is collapsing. Let's just remove all this grass and replace it
00:54:24with some wood. Yeah. Looks pretty good so far. This might be the most basic home I've ever built,
00:54:30but I actually kind of like it. It just looks cozy. I don't know. There's even a, even, even
00:54:34Douglas likes it. He's already made himself home. All right. But now it's for the windows. I don't
00:54:38think I have enough sand. How much do I have? I have 50 pieces. Oh yeah. Let's head down to the
00:54:43desert layer right there. Start mining some sand. I don't exactly remember what spawns though,
00:54:48so I guess we'll find out because I didn't really bring a good weapon. Oh my God. We got donkey.
00:54:52Yo, let me save you. Yo live. Oh, I got a villager. Wait, forget the donkey. Oh my God. I'm trapping
00:54:57them. Yo, we got a friend. Let's name it Megan. I got myself a girlfriend, a forced one. I didn't
00:55:02even have to pay. So far I'm not getting any desert sand stuff though, which is what I desperately
00:55:06need. I just keep getting dying donkeys. Where's all the sand out? Why is there so little? I have
00:55:10a mansion to build guys. Get me some sand. Nope. I keep getting Mesa. Come on. Come on. Come on.
00:55:17What? What is this? I can also use red sand. I'm pretty sure to turn it into class and let's
00:55:21unlock more biomes this way. Come on. Get some. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. That is what I'm talking about.
00:55:33Oh my God. I was like, that is a big donkey.
00:55:41Okay. Well I only have three more eggs left and we traveled out pretty far to the furthest we've
00:55:50ever been previously. That was the furthest that we've traveled. And now we're like maybe
00:55:5410 more islands away, which is pretty awesome. And with that, I got a ton of sand and red sand.
00:55:58So let's melt all of this up and get some glass and use all of this glass to finish up my mansion.
00:56:05Yeah, it's looking good in here. I actually did not need that much glass. I have way more than
00:56:09I thought I would have needed, but that's all right. Now all I got to do is bust away open.
00:56:13Let's demolish this wall right here. And we got an entrance in. All right. But my plan is to put
00:56:17the chest room over in this corner. I can have a furnace wall, maybe some crafting tables and
00:56:21utilities here. I'm going to build a second floor so I can access my balcony up here and maybe an
00:56:26enchantment table down here and whatever else I need. Let's move all of these things into the
00:56:30bigger part of the house. Yo, I got some fancy decor right here. Look at this. I got a nice
00:56:40ceiling string, like some hanging lights. My boy is just hanging his llama off of the roof, bro.
00:56:46Okay. You know what? Just stay there because it looks like some nice ceiling lights. All right.
00:56:50Appreciate it, bro. All right. But this is what I got so far. Just my normal chest room and
00:56:53utilities. I got a nice entryway right here that all rich people have. They have a giant room
00:56:57dedicated for just walking in to greet themselves. I don't know. I'm not used to this foyer or
00:57:02whatever it's called. But now let's start working on the second floor. Let's build some stairs and
00:57:06the floor up here so I can use my balcony. The house is coming together. I added a wall right
00:57:13here to separate this room from this room over here. I can probably throw an enchantment table
00:57:17here once I finally obtain obsidian. Maybe a bed or I can put my bedroom up here where I have a big
00:57:22balcony. I should probably finish this as well. Put down some fences so I don't fall off and break
00:57:26my ankles. And let's add some lighting so no creepers spawn. And let's actually place the
00:57:30bedroom up here. I'll place it against maybe this wall here so I have a nice double window to look
00:57:35out of. Let's build some frames, put some lanterns hanging from the ceiling. Okay. That's a little
00:57:40high. I don't know how I'm going to reach that with my short stubby arms. Let's put it on a fence.
00:57:44Here we go. And you know what's going to put me to bed every night? This right here. The jukebox.
00:57:50Oh yeah. This is some good sleeping music. I'm going to have some sick dreams with this
00:57:56playing. But this is all I'm going to do for now in the house because I still need to get
00:57:58myself an enchantment table. The entire island is looking pretty good. Oh my God. If you look
00:58:03at it from this angle, it kind of just looks like the overworld with how much land we've built so
00:58:07far. And all of this came from all of this mess, which I still need to clean up. It's not very
00:58:12organized. I do want to continue exploring the bottom layers though. I haven't gone very deep
00:58:16into the world yet and I only have eight eggs, so I have no other choice than to just AFK and grind
00:58:21this again. I wish there was an egg duplicator, but there isn't. And after over an hour, that is
00:58:26only 26 eggs. Nah, I'm just kidding. I got a whole nother stack. To be fair though, I did do this for
00:58:32over an hour and a half. So technically 13 days went by. It was very stressful, but we're not
00:58:38going to count that. Let's just say it was like five because 13 days is a little too much. Let's
00:58:41find ourselves some new land. But our main goal is obsidian because we need to make an enchantment
00:58:45table. Okay. Let's unlock some more. Maybe I got a polar bear or something. I got a rare structure.
00:58:50It's purple. This guy's in jail. Yo, what did you do? Let me punch him off into the void.
00:58:57Oh my God. I'm so stupid. I totally forgot that there's air blocks that blocks him.
00:59:01Packed ice. That is brand new. And I think snow is brand new as well. Diamonds. Yes. But this
00:59:05island didn't have as much water. Just a lot of ice. Let's go this way. Come on. Give me some.
00:59:10Oh my God. That is not what I was expecting. An amethyst island. That is brand new. And it
00:59:16totally doesn't even match the ice. What the heck? Oh, there's so many shards. Oh, some packed
00:59:22ice. And they're still giving me stone tools, bro. I need stuff better than that. What up, Jim?
00:59:26Okay. We got another snow biome. This one has no water, but we do have dirt. I think this is like
00:59:31the first dirt layer that we've gotten in a long time. Kill these zombies, the more snowballs and
00:59:36some blue ice this time. I might as well collect all of this dirt because dirt is a little hard
00:59:40to come by. I also need to remember to light up all of this area before like a mob party spawns
00:59:44down here. Some more ice. At least show me a diamond. We got lapis. That's cool. Show me that
00:59:48money. Oh my God. Hello. We've got a snowman and nothing else. And the final island. Let's see
00:59:53what we get. Oh, and a creeper. Bro, bro, bro. My Minecraft world is so scripted. It's always
00:59:59creepers. I'm telling you. Let's go down. Let's see what we get. We went from mineshaft to ice to
01:00:05snow. Wait, is this the stronghold? Wait, are we already that low in the world? Are we about to
01:00:09unlock the end portal? Oh my God. I don't even have obsidian yet. Oh wait, I have lava. That
01:00:14means I can get obsidian. This is actually huge. All right, sweet. Okay, but let's continue
01:00:18unlocking this area. Oh my, it's a zombie horse. Okay, we're unlocking more of the stronghold.
01:00:22There's no way the stronghold's already here, right? Did we already explore that many layers?
01:00:28Sorry, sorry, zombie. Sorry, zombie horse, you're dead. Oh, diamonds. But it seems like all these
01:00:34islands connect to one another. It's literally leading me to a path. Oh my God. Please just
01:00:38suffocate. Oh my God. The whole horde of skeleton horses. Surprisingly, they didn't do any damage to
01:00:43me. Oh my, I'm riding the dude now. Oh wait, boss. Oh, there's a diamond ax. Oh yeah. Things are
01:00:49looking good. I just need to find the end portal frame now, if it's even here. There is more lava
01:00:53though, which is definitely needed. What's inside this chest? Oh, a diamond sword. Y'all, I'm getting
01:00:58spoiled here. There's deep slate coal, which is pretty rare, I think. Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait,
01:01:03whoa. I thought that was a walking shadow. Where did this black dog come from? What's up, bro?
01:01:09Wait, I do have bones. Oh yeah. I got my first friend. And it's my favorite dog, the black dog.
01:01:15Let's name him Dinner, because I'm Chinese. Stronghold. Oh, creeper. Two creepers. Yo,
01:01:20you guys deserve to be in jail. Ooh, a cauldron. I've never had this yet. And a flint and steel.
01:01:26Wait, does that mean the nether layer is coming maybe? Wait, yeah. I haven't even been to the
01:01:30nether layer yet. Maybe I don't even need to build a nether portal. I totally forgot every
01:01:34single dimension is in this world. Oh, diamonds. Yes. Yeah. Will I get lucky? Oh, at least it's not
01:01:41creepers. Anything in the chest? Yes. I have full diamond tools. And I didn't even have to craft a
01:01:48single one, but I'm down to just 62 eggs now. I think I already used 30. Let's mine below me,
01:01:53and let's see what the level below me is. I'm guessing it's going to be like the nether.
01:01:58Oh, oh, maybe just the, oh my God. There's a bunch of obsidian down there. Oh yeah. Wait,
01:02:03is this just an obsidian layer? We got a rare one. Oh no. Not you guys. Even down here. At least we
01:02:11got obsidian in the chest. Nice. All right. Well, I spent some time mining all of this obsidian,
01:02:15so I can finally use it. All right, let's head home. We got our black dog here. You will be
01:02:20the greeter. Sit at the entryway foyer. Is he dead? Okay. So using this, we can finally
01:02:27craft an enchantment table. I made this shuriken farm so long ago. It's been multiple real life
01:02:33days. And now we just need some leather. I'm sorry, cowies, but your time has come. Let me
01:02:37breed you guys one more time. What a perfect time. The sun is setting, so it's time to say goodbye.
01:02:43Oh my God. We have eliminated their entire generation. I killed so many cows, I can
01:02:48actually see the grass. What is that? Why is this one covered in turd? Somebody tell me in the
01:02:51comments. Is that rare? Oh my God. And I have intruders already. Wait, I just searched it up,
01:02:55and I read that it's a 0.01% chance, a one out of 1000 chance of getting a brown mooshroom cow.
01:03:03We just got insanely lucky right there. Let me go buy a lottery ticket. Let me ask a girl out
01:03:08on a date. All right. Okay. Let's not get insane here. I'm not that lucky actually. Now using all
01:03:12of this paper and leather, let's craft some books and grab my diamonds. And now we can finally craft
01:03:18an enchantment table. Oh yeah. Let's put it here. All right. Now we just need bookshelves. Let's
01:03:26grab some wood. I got a ton of random disposable wood that I probably won't use. Dang. 14. That
01:03:32should be enough, right? Just place some here, some here, and do that. Oh yeah. Level what? 28
01:03:39only? How is this not enough? 14 bookshelves. I need more paper. Please be grown. Please be grown.
01:03:45All right. But while we're waiting, we might as well use these diamonds to craft myself a chest
01:03:49plate finally, and some booties. Oh yeah. A full set of diamond armor. I am balling now. Things
01:03:55are looking pretty good other than my exploration. But yeah, I really want to fix all of these
01:04:00islands because it just looks so bad. I want to unlock a huge chunk over here maybe that is just
01:04:05a whole wall of islands that is completely untouched so I can see every single layer.
01:04:10I feel like that will look really, really cool, but that would mean I need a lot of eggs for that.
01:04:15It's really hard to get these eggs. The shuriken is growing pretty quickly. I think this is enough.
01:04:18Oh yeah. Double oh yeah. Let's place it right here and level 30. And the first enchantment
01:04:25is efficiency four. Oh, that's perfect. Okay. Let's make a grindstone. Oh my God,
01:04:29I made a pressure plate. My brain is turned off right now. Now this should make a grindstone.
01:04:34Yes. Let's put it here. The reason why I made one is because I do have a pickaxe right here
01:04:37that I can just disenchant. Now let's grab some lapis and enchant my first ever level 30. Oh
01:04:43yeah. Efficiency four. I'm breaking three. No silk touch or fortune. Fortune would be goat,
01:04:48but I can't complain. I still have 44 levels though. So I might as well enchant everything
01:04:51that I have. Well, I got the chest plate and pants enchanted and some tools. I don't need
01:04:56the sword really. So let's throw this away and we're looking pretty good. I don't know if I need
01:05:00to do anything else up here. I got a giant mansion already. Beautiful farms and animal farms. So I
01:05:06might as well use the stack of eggs I have to try to find some new layers and get to the very bottom
01:05:10of this. Let's continue searching around this obsidian layer. Maybe we can get something rare
01:05:14because all we've been getting is obsidian. Oh, mining with this pickaxe is so much better.
01:05:19Ooh, lodestone with a zombie in it. Oh, another diamond shovel. It doesn't seem like there's
01:05:24anything special here. Oh, ooh, there's some dripstone. Um, more dripstone and more ugly
01:05:30slimes. Okay. This place stinks. Let's mine away some of this obsidian and let's head down. Let's
01:05:34see what it's the next layer. Ooh, we got an advancement dug too deep and we are in the
01:05:40nether, a brand new dimension. I'm like dropping into hell. Oh my God. There's pigment down there
01:05:46too. I'm dropping down. Ooh, there's, I didn't think there was three. Oh my God. Oh, they turned
01:05:50a zombie pigment. Oh, they still get mad at you. Oh my God. I'm being, I'm being sworn right now.
01:05:54Oh my God. Oh, that was scary. We have made it to the nether. There's definitely some cool things
01:05:58I can find here. Like all of the structures and brand new mobs. Let's unlock more chunks. I'm
01:06:03doing two at once cause I'm ballsy. Okay. Now the rack and Oh, another portal. Wait, this one's
01:06:10almost finished too. We can literally go right now. Watch this. I just need to put obsidian here
01:06:13and bam. Wait, there's sort of this depressed obsidian and we got ourself a portal. Oh yeah.
01:06:18Oh, and a diamond ax. Okay. Some blaze rods that can turn into blaze powder and I can just head
01:06:23into the end. Now I just need a supply of ender pearls. Maybe there's an enderman layer. That'd
01:06:27be cool. What is it going to be? Oh, soul sand. Okay. Anything in here? Blaze powder. Nice. And
01:06:35some fire charges. I can use this to light up the portal, right? Oh yeah. Let's go through. Is it
01:06:40going to be the normal nether or just a no block world? Let's see. Oh my God. It's just a normal
01:06:45nether. And I literally spawned inside of another fortress. What the heck? And there's a giant
01:06:48bastion right there. And we're inside of a war forest, which spawns a ton of enderman. Wow.
01:06:53That was so lucky. What the heck? Okay. But I'll be back here later to grind some balls. For now,
01:06:58I want to explore this nether. I feel like there could be some really rare and cool things. Let's
01:07:02see. Oh my God. There's a hoglin that's suffocating. I'll show your misery. There's some glowstone here
01:07:07and over here is the basalt. Gross. Oh my God. Wait, you can get ancient debris. I can upgrade
01:07:12my diamond armor right into netherite like almost instantly. This is awesome. Oh, monster party. I'm
01:07:18blocking them off. What kind of mob is it? Oh, please. Nobody likes you. Ah, you apes.
01:07:23A netherite scrap. Yo, that is so awesome. This later's OP is going to be so valuable.
01:07:29Let's go to sleep and let's continue unlocking. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh, we got quartz blocks.
01:07:39That would be really fun to build with. I'm mainly looking for ancient debris here, but building a
01:07:43little house out of quartz would be pretty fun. Oh my God. Look how many layers we've unlocked.
01:07:47That is a lot. In my eyes, I feel like we haven't really traveled very far, but looking at this,
01:07:52it really looks like we've done a lot. We've explored a lot of the world.
01:07:58Oh yeah. Another scrap. Oh yeah. Ancient debris. Thank you.
01:08:09But so far we've explored a lot of the nether in a very messy way.
01:08:13Let's run back towards the center though. And let's unlock the level below the nether. What
01:08:17are your guesses guys? I feel like it might be the end. Oh my God. Is it more of the nether? Oh
01:08:23my God. We got wither skeletons. I didn't think it'd be more of the nether. I could have been
01:08:27going down. It might be a higher chance. Oh my God. Is there a higher chance of netherite scraps
01:08:31down here? Oh, did I waste all of my egg just traveling that way just to find nothing? There's
01:08:37no way. Oh wait mate. Oh God. I just fortnighted on them. Why is there so many wither skeletons?
01:08:44Jeez. Any seals at least? No. Is there going to be more wither skeletons? Oh,
01:08:47oh. Okay. We got the nether fortress. Honestly, I wouldn't expect, oh, a wither skeleton head.
01:08:52Okay. They just handed it over to me, but I want to expect more of the nether, but that is what we
01:08:57got. I wasted a lot of my eggs, I think. Oh, the bastion. Give me your head. Oh, nothing. Okay.
01:09:03More of the bastion. Yes. Finally, more ancient debris. What else are we going to get? New
01:09:09structure. It seems like it's just a lot of the bastion here, but nothing. Oh, they could spawn
01:09:13in the bastion as well. More blazes and more ancient debris. Oh yeah. Come on, more ancient
01:09:19debris, please. Nevermind. They just hate me. You know what? Let's actually go down a level. Maybe
01:09:23there's even a rare level of nether stuff. Let's mine this out and go down. Oh my, it's still the
01:09:29nether. It's just basalt. Holy. With a lot of lava. Is this the lava lake pool area? Oh, more
01:09:35lava. Okay. This is just like a lava lake. Wow. There's a lot of the nether to this world.
01:09:40Oh my God, there's diamonds. Any ancient debris hiding? I don't see any, but yeah, this layer
01:09:45just seems like it's all lava. Probably the end of the nether. Ooh, a shrider though. This is the
01:09:49first shrider I've ever seen. Okay. Well, I don't really want to explore more of this layer. I only
01:09:53have 14 eggs left. So let's do one more search below us. Let's see if it's the end. And what is
01:10:00this? This is like the aether. Wait, this is all quartz. I can actually build a quart house. Okay.
01:10:04Well, I think I'm going to explore this layer later. I'm just running out of eggs and I have
01:10:08so much stuff in my inventory. Once I grind more eggs, we're going to head back down to that layer,
01:10:11explore it and collect a ton of quartz because I want to build a little quartz house or something.
01:10:15But yeah, so far we've explored a lot of this world, unlocking a total of 15 layers already
01:10:20and slowly getting even closer to the stronghold. I do want fully enchanted and OP gear before I
01:10:25upgrade everything into netherite though. And right now I don't have a good source of XP.
01:10:29So let's build myself a very simple mob farm. Let's build it probably over there. I do want
01:10:35to save most of that space for a quartz house though. There should be enough room around this
01:10:39farm. Okay. Well, let's find a spot, which will be right here above the farm. I made sure that
01:10:45there's enough space in every single direction so I can actually build a dark room farm and just
01:10:49high enough. So I won't be able to see this thing floating above my base, but let's finish this up.
01:10:53So I have an unlimited source of XP. Oh yeah. The dark room is done and we got some mobs coming in.
01:11:01It should be. Oh, did I build this wrong? Why are there not one hit kills? Oh, did I mess this up?
01:11:05Oh, at least I can still punch him to death. Uh, almost a sword will definitely help, but at least
01:11:10we have a source of XP. Oh, it's an enchanted bow. Oh, punch one. Well, let's use up my 36 levels.
01:11:15I try to get the most OP enchantments. All right. I got very lucky with my axe and shovel.
01:11:19Now all I need is some better armor enchantments. So let's start grinding some XP.
01:11:31So I spent two full days grinding and all I got was fire protection.
01:11:35I guess I'll be really protected in the nether, but I'm really happy with my tools. But now I want
01:11:39to use up all of this space that I unlocked earlier. And I think I'll start working on a
01:11:43brand new house right here made out of quartz. I still want to keep the grass theme going. So
01:11:47let's grab all of my dirt. I think I have a ton now. Yes. And let's try to transfer some grass
01:11:52over to this side now. Exactly like what I did with the sheath. How did a zombie get in there,
01:11:56bro? And there, what are they doing? Why are they chilling in with the animals? Let's fill in this
01:12:01entire platform with dirt. The entire area is filled in with dirt. And I thought I wouldn't
01:12:07have enough, but I have a lot to spare. Let's light up the area because I don't want mobs to
01:12:10spawn. And now we just need to get some quartz. Let's head down to the quartz layer and let's
01:12:15start grinding. Hopefully every single island that I mine here is quartz. It'll make my life
01:12:18a lot easier. Let's see. Uh, hello, sir. We got a brewing stand with some cauldrons of water and
01:12:24lava. More eggs. Nice. I need those. And what's over here. What is this? Oh, a block of lapis.
01:12:30Wait, there's literally an ancient debris thingy right there. Open, open, open. Oh my God. Of
01:12:35course it's covered in lava. What the heck? Why is this game making my life so difficult? Oh,
01:12:39yeah. Yo, there's another piece of ancient debris up there. How am I missing so many pieces? I'm
01:12:46going for it. I'm building up this time. I'm going in the reverse way. Please don't be lava. Please
01:12:50don't be lava. It's lava. Oh my God. Oh my God. It's all lava. How? I think I made a pathway
01:12:54out. Unlock this one. Oh my God. There's diamonds in here too. Oh yeah. Was it worth it? I don't
01:12:59know. At least I got it. Let's head back down and continue mining quartz.
01:13:11Oh, I accidentally right-click the bottom floor. So I guess we're going to see what's below me.
01:13:15Oh, and it's the end. We have reached the end by accident. Oh yeah. A ton of end stone. Oh,
01:13:22there's a shulker. Is that a real one or an actual box? Oh, that is a real one. Okay.
01:13:27Wait, shulker boxes would be so helpful right now. I guess so many random blocks that it fills up my
01:13:32inventory so fast and he teleported outside. Oh my God. At least I don't even deal with him anymore,
01:13:37but we have reached the end. That's pretty exciting. I think I also have enough course
01:13:40to build myself a pretty decent home. So let's head back up and let's... Oh no, no, no, no,
01:13:44stop, stop, stop. I don't want mycelium. What the heck? Oh no, no, no, no. I want normal grass,
01:13:49not the poopy ones. And using these blocks, let's build a random house over here. Just like a shack
01:13:53or a guest house that one of you guys can live in. So drop your applications in the comments below
01:13:57if you want to live with me. And after multiple days, I came up with this. I literally built the
01:14:05white house. Why does it look way better than my actual house? It got a little bit carried away,
01:14:10but I mixed in some spruce wood with some nice pillars, some small little fine details,
01:14:14like barrels here with stairs and the panes, some quartz slabs and stairs. I think the whole
01:14:19thing turned out really nice. I even decided to use furnaces as the little blocks down here and
01:14:24trap doors as the wood trim. I don't know. I think I cooked. The inside needs a little bit of work,
01:14:28but honestly, whoever moves in here... What the... Oh my God, they're just summoned from anywhere.
01:14:33But yeah, whoever moves into there, we'll design the interior. Wait a second. I know what to do
01:14:37with this house. I can move in a friend. Do you guys know who I'm thinking of? The villager. I'm
01:14:42pretty sure it was the desert biome, right? Wait, maybe he's over here. Where's this villager at?
01:14:46I don't see the villager anymore. Oh, that's a zombie. Right over here is really close to the
01:14:51house, so I might as well continue expanding this way, so it'll be a lot easier to move a villager
01:14:55up there. If I get a villager right... Oh, yes! Perfect timing. Absolutely perfect timing. I'm
01:15:01right underneath the white house, so I can just unlock more land above me and just transport
01:15:05him up. Unlock that. Oh my God. Oh my... Of course, we get it. Oh my... Of course,
01:15:09I get an elder guardian above me. All right, let's continue going this way. Oh my God. Oh,
01:15:13yes! Yes, I got another villager. I got two now. I can literally make a baby. Oh,
01:15:17my... I have mining fatigue. I can't even mine anything. I'll be back... Oh, I can't even...
01:15:21All right, well, it looks like I'm AFKing here for five minutes. All right, mining fatigue is gone.
01:15:25The villagers are still alive. Let's try to make our way up there. Let's mine this way and try to
01:15:29avoid that big elephant up there. And I got it again. Oh my God. Okay, it's a brand new day,
01:15:35and the mining fatigue is gone. I need to run away from that squidward. Keep going this way.
01:15:39Let me just slap you up. Dude, there's no way. He gave me mining fatigue from out here. This
01:15:44entire video is me just struggling in pain with mobs. Okay, I ended up running back up to my base
01:15:49after the mining fatigue wore off, and now I'll just milk the liquids out of these cows because
01:15:53I need it. I cannot deal with mining fatigue anymore. But since we're up here, we might as
01:15:56well go downwards instead of going up. Dude, what? How did I get mining fatigue from up here? I'm
01:16:05killing that thing. Let's grab a bow. Let's fully enchant this and pray for, okay, power four. I'll
01:16:10take it. Grab some arrows I've collected, and I got mining fatigue again. How? I am all the way
01:16:15up here, but let's unlock a layer below me and just go downwards. Unlock another one before I
01:16:19get mining fatigue again. Oh, there's a cat. I don't know if I've unlocked a cat yet. Zombie,
01:16:23please die. That's my first time using a bow. Unlock this. I really want to get these villagers
01:16:28up to my base. Oh my God. Dude, this thing is so annoying. We're almost down there though. Two more
01:16:33layers left. Okay. There's some water here. Let's get rid of that. This is all water here,
01:16:38so I'm just going to remove all of it. And with this, we should reach the bottom of this desert
01:16:42layer. Come on. Oh my God. This is all ocean. Remove all of this water. We should be straight
01:16:48down. All right. Okay. We're here. Okay. Where's this guy? Is he up here? Oh, you better feel my
01:16:52wrath, boy. Take my long rods. That was painful. Now we just got to get these villagers over there
01:16:57and up this long shaft. So let's clear out a clean path to where they can travel through.
01:17:02All right. Now we can just make a water elevator here. I can transfer the villagers up. I don't
01:17:07know if I even have kelp in this world yet. Oh wait, I do. Let's put some signs, some soul sand,
01:17:11and some water. This will make a water elevator that will lead them all the way up to my base.
01:17:15I just need to make this a nice tunnel. Oh wait, I shouldn't have sleep because I can use the beds
01:17:19as a way to lure these villagers into the water. If I unlock this area over on this side, place
01:17:25down a bed right here, I think. And they'll hopefully path find all the way here and go
01:17:30up this elevator. That was my plan, at least. I should probably light this whole place up too,
01:17:33so no zombies spawn. Come on, guys. I know you want to sleep. Oh yeah, here comes this guy. I
01:17:37don't know what that guy is doing, bro. He's worshiping to a wall. Yo, wake up. What are
01:17:40you looking at? Let's go. Bed's right there. All right. These villagers have zero IQ. They're like
01:17:45me. It's literally nighttime, guys. Do you want me to place a zombie so he can chase you? Get
01:17:49over there. Lock this off. I'm going to slowly make progress. Let's put the bed here. Yes,
01:17:52yes. Come. I should have brought another bed. Lock this off. Now I'm going to place the bed
01:17:56here. Will he path find it to that? Come on, buddy. Bed is right there. Just go in the shower.
01:18:00Yes, yes, yes. Go, go, go, go. Oh, yeah. Okay, wait. He needs to go up. Okay, please don't
01:18:05suffocate. We got him. Give him a little encouragement, a little shove before he
01:18:10starts drowning. Yo, live. Live, my friend. Okay, I think we're good. Yes. The villager is up. This
01:18:17is awesome. Okay, go into your home. I just need the other guy. He wants to come in with the bed
01:18:21here. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, here he comes. Here he comes. Yes. Where did the villager
01:18:26go? No. No. Wait, I've never even had a zombie around here. How is there only one zombie that
01:18:33killed my villager? Oh, my God. You got to be kidding me. That is so stupid. That is so stupid.
01:18:39What? Okay, I'm going to run away. Lock him in there. I'm going to craft two boats.
01:18:44No. How did he turn? How? There's nothing that even turned him into one. There's not even a
01:18:48zombie. Oh, my God. All right. All right. You know what? Instead of villager friends, we got
01:18:53Frankensteins. Sit in this boat, please. You stupid firing squad. Oh, my God. Yo, one heart.
01:19:00That was crazy. I lived on one heart. I almost lost everything right there. That creeper literally
01:19:05kamikazed me. Yo, that is not cool. That was the craziest jump scare ever. And I'm going to bed.
01:19:10I'm sick of this. Sleep time. We don't have our villagers anymore, but we got Frankensteins that
01:19:14live in boats. So I think that was a pretty good trade-off. Let me head on top of this house and
01:19:19place down some torches along this house just in case. And I think we should be good now. All right.
01:19:23Let's move on to the next thing. Since we reached the end level at the very bottom, we're soon going
01:19:27to unlock the end portal frame and beat Minecraft. We are slowly running out of time. So let's grind
01:19:32for even more eggs. Give me a few hours. All right. I got a stack of 27 eggs. Let's head all the way
01:19:39down to the end biome, which I still don't have a staircase down yet, which is actually really
01:19:43annoying. I need to go through this maze. Oh, my God. I finally found it. Okay. And let's go search
01:19:47for the stronghold. I have no idea if we're ever even going to find it. Okay. We've got some
01:19:51parasites. Some of these... I totally forgot what these are called. Horus flower plants. But there's
01:19:56nothing else I really need inside of this biome because I don't want to build with the end stone
01:20:00and there's no ores or any valuable. So I mainly just want to find the stronghold, which spawned
01:20:06right in front of me. Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. It even gives you ender pearls. All right. All I need is
01:20:12one, two, three, four, five, six, seven more pearls. I have four right here, so I need three.
01:20:16And I have a ton of blaze rods already. I don't know if I really even want to explore more,
01:20:19but let's unlock more of the chunks because I have a ton of eggs I grinded for. But nice.
01:20:24We got the... Oh, my God. I'm being double teamed back and front. Yo, yo, yo. Chill, chill, chill,
01:20:28chill, chill. Chill, dude. You're tickling me. Okay. There is an enderman right here,
01:20:34which is perfect. I do need your guts. Give me those juicy balls. That was a female. Oh,
01:20:39yeah. Wait. I don't even... Oh, my God. There's a silk touch pickaxe right here. My first ever silk
01:20:44touch. But there's an eye of ender here already. Wait. I already have all I need. I have six pearls
01:20:48and one eye of ender, which I can insert right now. We are chilling. Yes. Oh, my God. They were
01:20:53brothers. Are they triplets though? Oh, my God. They were. I got three. I just killed three dudes.
01:20:57That makes nine ender pearls. Honestly, I'm down to go back up to my base now and just head to
01:21:01the stronghold and defeat this dragon. I never got to use my ancient debris and netherite scraps.
01:21:06It would be nice to turn all of this into netherite. So let's melt up my ancient debris.
01:21:10Okay. 12 straps. Let's grab my gold ingots. And if I do quick mathicals, it will make me
01:21:16three ingots, which, I mean, not the best. With three ingots, I can turn three of my pieces of
01:21:21armor into netherite. Let's make a smithing table. How do I do that again? Is it iron? Oh,
01:21:25yeah. Let's place it right over here. And let's just replace these three pieces. Oh,
01:21:30I need the smithing template. Oh, my God. I totally forgot about that. Bro,
01:21:33why did Minecraft add that to the game? I swear, I always forget you need a template now. Let's
01:21:37grab my obsidian and let's craft a nether portal inside of this house. I do remember that we spawn
01:21:42right inside of a nether fortress. So that is why I'm going, because it should be really easy to
01:21:46find a netherite template, right? Let's mine up into the fortress and let's find some chests and
01:21:51just sneak around you, sir. See, what can slimes do? Yo, how did you get here? This guy literally
01:21:56appears out of nowhere, just holding his potato. He's actually the coolest pet ever. Look at him.
01:22:00Just follow me around. I really hope he doesn't die. Okay. Let's go on the search. My God,
01:22:04this is a fat nether fortress. Oh, here we go. Here we go. Please, please, please.
01:22:11Oh, I'm into though. Come on, come on, come on. Third time's the charm. Oh, my God. I'm
01:22:15finding chest after chest after chest and nothing's in it. Do they not spawn in fortresses?
01:22:20Okay. Well, there's no luck, but I do see the bastion right over there. So I might as well
01:22:23explore it, right? There's definitely a netherite template in there. Let's bridge over there.
01:22:28Oh, okay. I see the chests going up top. Okay. Oh, yeah. Netherite upgrade and a ton of arrows.
01:22:35Yeah. There should be more chests sitting around here. Oh, nothing in here. Golden carrots. Okay.
01:22:41I think I might just duplicate this. I'm pretty sure I can. If not, I'm only going to use one
01:22:45upgrade. Let's head home. Grab this egg. And I'm pretty sure if you use diamonds, you need
01:22:50and like nether rack. I think, I don't know if I've even done this. I just remember with this
01:22:54here, this here, and then diamonds along it. Oh, yeah. That's two. And I'm out of diamonds.
01:23:00Oh my God. I don't have any more diamonds. That's it. Well, I got two smithing templates and that
01:23:05will do for my chest plate and my pants. Oh, yeah. That works for me. Let's turn these pearls
01:23:10into some eyes of ender. I think I need six. If I do recall. We have unlocked the end portal frame.
01:23:21Oh, yeah. All right. Let's hop in and defeat the inner dragon. Is this going to be a no block world?
01:23:27Oh, it is not. Okay. Let's quickly bridge up to the main island. Oh, yeah. We are here. Where's
01:23:32the dragon? Is he hiding from me? Don't be scared. Oh, there he is. All right. You guys know the
01:23:36rules. Destroy all of the crystals. I'm going to have a hundred percent accuracy. Yeah. Oh,
01:23:42I just missed that one. Embarrassing. Let's get these corner ones in the cages.
01:23:46Dude, why did he shoot his breath right there? What the, what are you doing, bro?
01:23:51That one out. I always struggle with the really tall ones, mainly because I'm like four foot five.
01:23:55Here we go. I think the last one might be up here. Here we go. And I believe that is all. Oh,
01:23:59I lied. Okay. I can't get that one. Let me just bridge up like a noob. I'll be safe and put some
01:24:05water down. This ender dragon is aggressive. Maybe the most aggressive ender dragon I've ever faced.
01:24:14Here we go. All right. No more messing around, boy. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Back up. All right.
01:24:19But let's just nail him with a bunch of arrows. Slap his head a few times. Is he AFK? What's
01:24:24going on? I've been hitting his head for so long. Yo, you good, bro? You're just gonna let me farm
01:24:28you? What the heck? That's the longest I've had an ender dragon just sit there letting me attack
01:24:32him. He went AFK IRL. His internet probably disconnected or something. Dude, you can't
01:24:36get away from me. Just give up. Like, I'm not missing. You cannot leave my presence. I'm just
01:24:40a sharp shooter. What can I say? You guys didn't see that. All right, here he comes again. And
01:24:45this is where we kill him. What's up, daddy-o? And this is the last hit. Free the end. The end
01:24:55dragon is dead in the no-block world. We did it. Yippee, yippee. Yahoo. Let's right-click his egg
01:25:00and kidnap his baby. Yeah. We did it. We have his son. Let's go. And you know what? It's only fair
01:25:07if I put the dragon egg on top of the real egg. That is literally how we gain access to every
01:25:13single resource and block in the game. We still have a stack of 29 eggs, so I still want to head
01:25:17down to the end portal biome and see if there's anything below this. I didn't check. Can I unlock
01:25:22more area? I can. Wait, what is below the end portal frame? Is it just more end or just bedrock?
01:25:27Oh, we reached the deepest point. It is all end stone, obsidian, and just bedrock. Can I get past
01:25:33this? I don't think I can. Let's unlock more. What is it going to be? Is it just more bedrock? Oh,
01:25:37my God. I think it is. Oh, yeah. We have explored every single layer now in probably the messiest
01:25:43fashion imaginable. So since we've explored all of the layers using the rest of these eggs,
01:25:47let's make that giant chunk of the world that is untouched with this over in the distance so I can
01:25:52just look down and see the beauty. Most of the mess is over on this side, so maybe we just go
01:25:57on this side, which is clean. The first thing we need to do is build a viewing platform. So let's
01:26:00unlock more of the world this way. Then some more area on the left and right. I feel like this is
01:26:05big enough. All we got to do now is erase it all. There we go. And with all of this land now,
01:26:10we can build a viewing platform. And the reason why I made this... I'm so lost now. I'm walking
01:26:14on air. It actually scares me and confuses me. But since I made this area so much wider than
01:26:21over here, it's because I can make a big just viewing platform. I'm just repeating myself
01:26:26right now. But over a way in this area will be a giant chunk of land and all the layers
01:26:30that is untouched so we can see it all. So now let's just build a viewing platform.
01:26:34And this is the design I came up with. I tried to change it up a little bit. I made some little
01:26:38railings with some trap doors. And I realized I have a ton of flowers everywhere inside of my
01:26:42chest, but nowhere on the actual island or my world. So I thought I'd add some to the platform.
01:26:47I made some new lights. I have some glowstone hidden inside of it. And yeah, it just looks a
01:26:51little bit more royal and fancier. So when I come over here, I can look down and see the giant chunk
01:26:56over there, which is what I need to do next. So let's unlock more area here. These three
01:27:00sections, which I need to completely destroy. And now I just need to unlock a giant pathway
01:27:05over off in the distance. That would be where the entire chunk is. Wait, wait, wait. I think
01:27:09I just realized something. You remember early in the video, I found a way to get on top of
01:27:13the no block world. Well, I think I can just do that. I can just save myself all the eggs and not
01:27:17build this pathway because I will need to destroy everything. I could just run. Wait,
01:27:21this is perfect. Okay. I don't know how far I need to run out, but let's make sure I just run
01:27:25straight on this line. Hopefully I don't fall off the edge of the island. I don't want to fall off
01:27:30the edge of the world. That would suck. Let's do one right here. Let's see. So it needs to be my
01:27:34render distance. So maybe that is a little far. Would this be too far? Oh, wait, that is really
01:27:39far. If the viewing platform is here, that is far. The thing is though, I need to make sure that it
01:27:43is far enough to where I can see the bottom of the end down there, which is actually, it doesn't
01:27:48look that low when I compared to the one I have here. Let's go a little bit closer. Maybe till
01:27:54here. Right in between. I think this... Oh, I don't know, man. I'm being indecisive. Okay. You
01:27:59know what? We're going to go with that. Let's get rid of all of this land that I just unlocked. That
01:28:03is all in the way. Now that I have a clear view, I think that is a pretty good distance to start.
01:28:07All right. But I think we're ready to start unlocking all of the layers. I think I want to
01:28:11do it at least five blocks wide like this, which will be ideal. And now I need to access the bottom
01:28:16layers. So I think sneak down here. Let's try not to touch anything or destroy anything because I
01:28:21want it to be very natural just so I can get to the bottom layers. If I do, I'll replace it just
01:28:26so it's as natural as possible. And I don't want to kill any mobs either because that would ruin
01:28:30it. But yeah, let's just take a look. Let's run back here. Oh yeah. This is going to look so sick.
01:28:33All right. Let's start unlocking every single layer. And after unlocking every single island
01:28:44from the very top, this is how it looks. Oh yeah. Honestly, I thought it would be way deeper,
01:28:50but it still looks so good. This is the entire transition from the normal world into the ocean,
01:28:55into the desert-y mesa, the underground layer, the nether, and then the end at the bottom.
01:29:00All of that is how we got this. And it looks so good off in the distance. Oh my God. Definitely
01:29:05way better than what is on this side. But yeah, going through all of that was painful. I lost my
01:29:10boots. My helmet's literally about to break. Someone can literally fart on me and break my
01:29:13helmet. And I also got a totem from killing that Vex spawning flying monkey dude. But yeah,
01:29:18that is 100 days on a no-block world. I think we accomplished a lot. Subscribe if you guys
01:29:22haven't already. Let's try to hit 10 million subs. And if we do, I'll face reveal. Anyways,
01:29:26I love you guys so much. Thanks for watching and peace out.