Today I hired professional's to do all my daily tasks!
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Unboxing Clothing Returns:
Testing Tiktok Shop:
Hiring Stylists to Style Me:
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📷My Filming Set-up:
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#miamaples #professional #stylist
Hope you enjoyed, Subscribe to be notified when I post! 🍓
OTHER VIDEOS u might like: 🌷✨
Unboxing Clothing Returns:
Testing Tiktok Shop:
Hiring Stylists to Style Me:
My Socials & fun stuff: 🧸
Ethical Sweatpants Sets:
🧶My Sewing Supplies:
📷My Filming Set-up:
Thank you so much for being here and watching!
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#miamaples #professional #stylist
00:00Everyone so today we are doing a very exciting video in this video. We are going to be hiring professionals for our everyday tasks
00:07professional makeup artist professional hair professional outfit stylist and a
00:12Professional chef so probably like most people watching every day
00:15I wake up and if I've chosen to wear makeup that day
00:18I'll do my makeup same goes with my hair and then I'll pick an outfit and then I'll make something to eat and the idea
00:24Popped into my head when I was watching this other youtuber who hired professionals to do his tasks
00:29And it brought on the question to me
00:31What about some of those tasks that he didn't do like the hair like the makeup by the end of this video?
00:35I want to see what the experience is like to hire professionals for every task and also compare and contrast
00:41How I look when I'm done up by the professionals or when I'm done up by myself
00:45Let's see what the professionals can do with this canvas. So the first professional I'm gonna hire is the makeup and hair stylist
00:52I ended up finding this site called glam squad. There was this category of hair makeup and wedding
00:58So I went ahead to pick the hair and I chose a blowout
01:02but I also selected half up on my Pinterest almost every hair inspo I saved has a half up moment and
01:11How do I normally do my hair not with a half up moment?
01:15so I feel like this is the perfect time to see what I would look like with a half up half down by a
01:21Professional and then I also went into the makeup area and I selected makeup and for an added cost
01:26I added airbrushing
01:28they wave it around your face like this and I feel like it's often used for wedding makeup because it gives like a very soft and
01:35Smooth complexion and it was an extra charge. So I wanted to see if it made me look that much better
01:41And so for the hair, it was ninety three dollars us and for the makeup. It was a hundred and fifteen dollars plus tax and gratuity
01:48Came out to two hundred and eighty nine dollars. So definitely more pricey to have a professional but let's see what they do
01:56Okay, it's the morning of the big professionals do everything day
02:01I read my little information thing and it said to have damp hair when the hairstylist arrived
02:06So I took a morning shower, which I never take morning showers in there. So nice. So I'm ready. I'm nervous
02:16So how glam squad works is they both show up to your house at the exact same time with their kids and then they get
02:22Going at the same time, which I honestly thought that it would be difficult for the makeup artist to be working on my face
02:27As the hairstylist is like pulling and curling my hair
02:30I was trying to keep my head very still but I could still feel myself going like
02:34Even when she was doing the eyeliner
02:36I was like and before I film I always ask people if it's okay if I film and if they want their face blurred and
02:42So my makeup artist asked if I could please blur her face. So I did but my hair stylist was fine
02:46So if you're wondering why one is blurred and one isn't it was just personal preference on what they wanted
02:51So for my hair inspo
02:52I have this one half-up half-down with two bang pieces and then also this blowout look and then for the makeup
02:59I chose these two inspiration photos
03:02I was a little bit nervous to have people coming in to do my hair and makeup
03:05But they were both really really nice. It was a really good experience. And then I was left with this look
03:12professionally glammed
03:14And I'm really liking it
03:17I think the only thing I don't love is I
03:20Dyed my hair from home and normally this part is like down and you don't see where it stops and starts
03:26The timers just went off which means this one has been on for 50 minutes, which is the max which means I have officially
03:35Potentially crisped up my hair. Oh my gosh. It's so light. Okay
03:39We're gonna need to take that out
03:44The half-up half-down kind of exposed my hair coloring fail that I did but that's not the hairstylist fault
03:50That's literally only me to blame for that
03:53I really like the big floppy curls down here and the way that she was setting it and spraying it
03:59I feel like these curls are gonna last all day and I didn't really know it was going on in the back here
04:04But it's like this
04:06Crisscross over moment. It's really quite elegant. It looks kind of like bridal hair
04:11I've never ever had makeup airbrushed on so that was really fun and also a darker lip color
04:17Typically I go for like a very light pink
04:19And so it's kind of fun seeing this darker not sultry because it's not that dark but like dark for me
04:25So here's the professional hair and makeup. What do you think?
04:28I was kind of shocked too because I was showing Stuart my hair and makeup and he said I looked incredible
04:34Okay, Stuart wanting a glam diva every day
04:37And for anyone curious it took about an hour to get my hair and makeup done
04:41Which I thought was pretty quick
04:43Considering everything that they did now might be a perfect time for me to share with you guys what I typically do to my hair
04:52Let me show you how I transform from this to this
04:57For anyone wondering why I'm showing you how I do my hair and makeup in this video
05:01It's because I get questions about it sometimes and I didn't know if I should just make a video about it
05:06but then I thought it integrated well into this video, so
05:10Here it is for anyone who's ever asked about it. This is the curling wand that I use it literally heats up so fast
05:17So I just turn it on so that there's two here to me
05:21That would be like crisping your hair too much
05:24So I feel like two is pretty good now as far as heat protectant is concerned. I use this heritage heat protectant
05:31I'm now out of it. So I need to repurchase it and this is my hairbrush
05:35Sometimes people are deeply disturbed at how much hair is in here. But if you're deeply disturbed just wait
05:40I can make you feel so much better. Just wait
05:44There we go, do you feel better now?
05:47I get way more questions about my hair than my makeup
05:51Which I find interesting because I'm really not great at styling hair. I do kind of the same thing
05:58Every day. I always part my hair in the middle
06:02I sectioned off half my hair and I'm gonna start from the back and the top like that
06:06And I'm just gonna grab a section about that big and I'm just gonna go like this and just start curling
06:12And then I'm gonna hold it for a sec
06:15And let that baby fly
06:17So what I like to do is I like to grab the hair
06:19Right near the root like that because that's the part of your hair that can kind of take the most heat
06:24You want the least amount of heat on the ends because they're already kind of brittle and then eventually
06:30Dropping it down and you'll notice I'm curling my hair away from my face
06:35So turning it like that, which there was more going on here for you guys
06:39But this is literally what I do and this is why when people ask for a tutorial
06:43I kind of been like I couldn't just do a video about a hair tutorial because I feel like there's not enough meat here
06:49But within this video, I thought I'd use this time to show you for anyone who's been curious
06:55So now we've got to the front framing piece
06:58You would think something would change but nothing changes here
07:01The only difference is I'm like curling it kind of up into the side and then when I drop it down
07:06It kind of naturally just falls like that. So now it's in kind of like tight ringlets like this
07:12So what I'll do is I take this this is dry shampoo. I'm still kind of working through finding my favorite dry shampoo
07:19This is what I'm trying out right now
07:21So I just spray it on my roots like so and a little fluff it up like that
07:25They take my hands and I just go like this
07:29Just to break up the curls a little and I don't spray my hair with hairspray or anything
07:33It usually falls a little bit throughout the day, but I just want it to look good for filming
07:38So I'll usually do my hair and then film immediately after and then as my hair is falling
07:43I don't really worry too much about it because I'm done filming but here's what it looks like. That is what I do
07:49It's very simple for anyone who's ever asked for a hair tutorial
07:54Here it is now there was a few key things I noticed with the makeup really happy
07:59I chose the airbrushing thing because it was a fun experience that I've never had done before and since I've recently stopped filling in my
08:06Eyebrows to an entirety. I really liked the way she filled in my eyebrows
08:10Like it was like seeing my eyebrows in a whole nother light
08:14I felt like the lip color was darker than I had asked for and I think maybe
08:18She just thought it suited me best because I did tell her I was like, this is my inspo picture
08:22But if you think something else would look better on me go ahead and take liberties. You're the professional
08:27So she went for a darker lip color
08:29Which is always an adjustment if you're somebody who wears light lip colors typically and then you put on a dark one
08:35It's very shocking. That was the one thing I noticed about it
08:38I'm curious to hear what you guys think but I do want to share with you
08:41Also how I typically do my makeup so that we can see the professional versus mine side-by-side. I
08:50Do my makeup pretty well the same every day it takes me about 10 minutes
08:54The one thing I'll say is for the past probably year
08:57I've been reworking my makeup routine to be all cruelty free products
09:02So if that's something that you care about I'm gonna be sharing a lot of really great cruelty free products that work
09:08Amazing and have that certification
09:11so let us transform the foundation that I have found that I really like is the
09:16Kosas revealer skin improving foundation broad-spectrum with SPF 25
09:22So once I put that all over my face, I'll take a brush like this
09:26I feel that using a brush doesn't give as good of a finish as the Beauty Blender, but
09:33It goes faster
09:34Now the concealer that I really like is I like this color pop pretty fresh
09:39Hyaluronic creamy concealer and then I also really like this elf hydrating camo concealer
09:44Now, these are two concealers that are pretty affordable and work really well put a little bit of that under my eye
09:50Look how light that is and then I'm gonna also take this one because it's a little bit less light. Okay, so again
09:57I'm just like roughly blending this into my face
09:59So then I take the one size
10:02Sponge and what I'll do now is I'll go over my whole face and I'll dab it in with a damp sponge
10:08So I'll take it under the sink and I'll squeeze out all the water and I swear it just melts the foundation into your skin
10:16Speaking of one size I use the one size
10:19Translucent powder and take a little bit of that on my damp sponge
10:22And I'm gonna put it first under my eyes and on my eyelid like that
10:26But then I go through and I put it a little bit in my t-zone now
10:30I have very dry skin, so I don't really see oil on my face ever
10:34But I do have an issue with my face feeling sticky from all the wet products on it
10:40So I like to set my face now is the time I would do bronzer
10:45So I have the airbrush bronzer by Charlotte Tilbury
10:48This one is one that I really like and when I find a product I like I'll just go ahead and use it for like
10:53Ten years, so I'm just gonna go right there
10:55I used to when I put bronzer and I used to go like this like the whole way
10:59But then I found it looked kind of muddy on my face sometimes
11:02So now I really work it into my hairline
11:04And I find that that does a good job at warming up my face, and I'll do the same on the hairline up here
11:10I'm basically putting it in my hair now
11:13Pivotal point and makeup what you're gonna. Do you're gonna grab a little bit of this right where my nose ends
11:19I go like this
11:20One thing I'll say is when you're doing the sides go up only that high okay
11:25Did you see how I didn't actually get onto my bridge like that's it and then step away
11:31Now I'm gonna tell you about my absolute favorite blush. This is a drugstore blush
11:37This is the Milani dulce pink this blush that I'm holding right now is considered
11:42Radioactive as far as like throwing away expired makeup goes
11:46I have literally had this specific blush for is it 13 years like I don't know
11:51But it still slaps the placement is kind of important so swiping it. It's not even up into this part
11:58It's literally just back there. That's where I like it
12:00I also feel like it does a good job of just lifting everything up last thing I take this tart palette
12:07You don't need this palette. You just need a highlight, so I don't like my brush. Oh
12:15We're all grossed out now
12:16I'm gonna take this champagne color use whatever highlight color you like and I'm gonna put it on my Cupid's bow
12:22And then I'm also gonna put it
12:24Stay tuned right on my nose like that and then like that an exclamation point and then I'm gonna blend it now typically
12:31I like the elf brow gel
12:33I'm out of it right now, but I'm not even gonna show you which brow gel
12:37I use right now because I don't honestly like it. I'm only using it cuz I bought it in a different video
12:42So I'm using it up, so I'll bounce around between these two eyeliners. They're both one size
12:47I have the brown one and the black one what I would do normally is take the brown liner
12:52And I would start at the middle of my eye like this and just start a very thin line
12:59Oh to the corner like that now
13:01I'll do the wing with the black so the wing how I do it is
13:05I basically start by going out from the bottom of my eyelid up like that
13:10And then just go from the side here and connect the two if you're just learning how to do eyeliner
13:15I really feel like this type of eyeliner now
13:19You don't have to do one size. You could do like a felt tip from the drugstore, but I would suggest this type
13:26I feel like it's the easiest for control
13:29You can really control felt tip because it's like a marker now. We're gonna go into mascara. I really like the one size
13:37Mascara, this is like my all-time favorite mascara, but I also
13:40Bounce around between that and elf lash and roll
13:43I get this one in brown and this one in black and then usually I'll use this one on the top and this one on
13:48The bottom I'll just look down like this at my mirror so that I'm furthest from my eyelid and I'll just start applying
13:55This is like honestly so extra not necessary, but I'll take this mascara and I'll put a little bit on the bottom
14:02This is usually like if I'm filming this is what I would do. Okay, we're nearing the end
14:06I'm gonna share with you now a drugstore product that I almost don't even want to share because it's already
14:14Sold out so much and hard to get in Canada
14:17I don't know why but I fear if I mention it
14:19Y'all are gonna sell it out and then I won't be able to get it. This is an awesome
14:24Product. Okay. This is covergirl outlast lip stain. This is in the shade
14:3020 and Meyer it's a felt lip stain and it is so awesome
14:36What I will do is I will go on a cupid's bow like without over lining. I'll take this
14:45Just line on it look at that and because it's lip stain this will stay on like all
14:51Day, and I feel like this color is literally my lips but better. I'm not even kidding you
14:56This is the best lip liner situation I've ever had and then I'll just apply a gloss
15:02I'm trying to use these road ones up because I had them from a video
15:05That is my everyday makeup routine when I'm putting makeup on now, I don't do this every single day
15:10But if I'm wearing makeup, this will be what I'm doing
15:13I'll also link everything down below YouTube has a really good feature where we can link things to be shoppable very easily
15:19So looking at the two side by side, I really really like what the professionals did
15:23I think the way I do my makeup normally is just a little bit less dark. Are you loving it?
15:28Do you think I should try to adopt these or do you think I should stick to my day-to-day the next professional?
15:33I have to hire is the stylist
15:35I don't even need to share with you what I wear on a day-to-day basis because from here down you already know
15:42sweatpants are on and so I ended up booking a
15:45Stylist at Nordstrom now, I've never known to do this
15:49But it's actually completely free to hire a style session with a stylist at Nordstrom
15:56I think they offer it for free because the expectation would be that they show you pieces that you would purchase again
16:02It was a very easy process. I just basically had to sign up and then pick a date
16:06So I booked my time
16:08I had to give a little bit of information like my budget and the styles that I'm looking for
16:11So the day of my stylist appointment, I got a phone call from Nordstrom
16:15But they were basically asking me for more information about my style like whether it's edgy cutesy
16:20What do I like and to do was roll up to Nordstrom?
16:25I'm liking it in here. It's quiet. Lots of space between racks. This light is perfectly on my face
16:33And I didn't know how it's gonna work if you're gonna walk around the show floor and pick things or if they had already had
16:38Things selected but sure enough they led me into the room and they had chosen a ton of things based on our phone call
16:45I'm like most excited by this shirt right here. I like that
16:50Okay, so I'm just gonna put this one on first
16:55Was really excited to try some of these pieces on because they were not pieces that I would normally have selected for myself
17:01They had like leather jackets a lot of deeper tones more edgy styles
17:06I would say and a lot of the pieces. I wouldn't even know where to begin
17:14Same sort of thing with them
17:15I also asked if it was okay if I filmed and they said yes and I asked if they wanted me to film
17:19I also asked if it was okay if I filmed and they said yes and I asked if they wanted their faces blurred and they said
17:23No, so the first outfit they had me put on was this leather jacket and a black bodysuit with these super cute leopard pants and these
17:30Cute like loafers. I was seriously obsessed with these loafers
17:33I'm actually kind of sad looking at this that I didn't end up getting them
17:36there were so many different styles and things they got me to try on some of which I was feeling kind of
17:41Uncomfortable in and then some of which would feel really comfortable right off the bat
17:44Which I feel like when you try on something if it speaks to you immediately
17:47That's a really good sign
17:48But they were really stressing to me that just because I feel uncomfortable in something doesn't mean it's not gonna work for me
17:53It just means it's something new to me
17:55That was like the anthem of the leather jacket because I couldn't get on board with the black leather jacket
18:01But they were stressing that it was really good
18:03So I'm really curious to hear what you guys think of the leather jacket in some of these outfits like who are you?
18:10But this 70s style shirt definitely caught my eye
18:14Okay, this butterfly top outfit everyone was obsessed with the way it looked and I couldn't get on board with it
18:22I have a feeling I'm gonna be the only one in this entire establishment. That's not into this shirt
18:27I feel like I'm like in devil wears Prada. I don't know what I did. I need help. I need a professional
18:33Like I acknowledge that it looks very trendy and very cool, but something about the butterfly print it just I'm not sure
18:40I honestly don't know. I wanted to love this because everyone was like amping me up in it
18:45But I don't know and the pants have like this like a circular effect to it. It felt very stylin
18:51I do like the shoulders on that
18:55On you it's fun
19:01Make you wear that cuz it looks so darn cute on you
19:05And the stylists were really good at what they do because I put on this gray sweater dress and at first I didn't like it
19:10And then they belted it put accessories and everything and then I really liked it
19:13It's one of my favorite outfits from the whole meeting and I booked in for an hour and I ended up being there for like
19:18Three hours and I was like, are you guys good to be here still and they were like, yeah, we're having fun
19:24And I was like perfect. It was a really enjoyable experience. But by the end of it, I was so exhausted and overwhelmed
19:31I'm overwhelmed because at the end of it
19:34I had to look at everything and decide what I wanted to purchase and I knew for the sake of the video
19:39I wanted at least one or two outfits to showcase to you guys. So let me show you the professional
19:44Stylist outfits. Okay. So outfit number one is this really soft and cozy sweater dress
19:50This was like a full look they put me in and I was not really feeling the dress
19:55But then the stylist added this belt to it and it changed the whole look you guys my setup is giving very
20:0212 years ago when I used to film in my bedroom, but this is the best I could make it look
20:07Okay, I cleaned this room for like 15 minutes before filming to try to make it look presentable
20:12So you have the belt on and then you pull it out a little bit
20:16It's like cute and slouchy out the top
20:18It also made the dress a little bit shorter, which I think looks good and it brought my waist in I was doubting at first
20:25But the belt saved the day outfit number two is the same shoes the same belt
20:32But then this time put with a black mock neck bodysuit now
20:36Normally, I wouldn't wear a bodysuit because I don't want this of my crack. That's not comfortable
20:42but you know what for fashion I'll do it if I must I will and these
20:47If you have watched me in any video where I stand up and I'm wearing sweatpants
20:52You may have noticed that I wear a cheetah print sweatpants a lot. I'm not even kidding you. It's exactly this print
20:59They're a wide leg pant. They're actually really really comfortable and they look good with the belt the showpiece
21:06Definitely the pants love these pants a lot
21:08I like this because it has the high neckline
21:10But then it's got kind of like that fun cheetah print in your face without doing like crazy
21:16silhouettes that I'm not used to okay, but this is now hair makeup and
21:21Outfit by a professional now
21:23We just need to see what I would eat if I was eating what a professional would cook me
21:27But before that vote down below which outfit you like more one or two
21:31So there was a little bit of a break between when I put the outfit from the stylist on and when the chef was going
21:37To come so I did take chip to a sniff spot
21:40Which is sniff spot is basically when you can book somebody's backyard and he was loving it
21:45It was kind of windy and my hair took a bit of a beating
21:48So if my hair starts to look bad from this moment forward don't blame the hairstylist. I was running around outside
21:58This is why I could have been in sweatpants right now, I'm not gonna lie the professional chef was the part of the video
22:05I was most excited about so I ended up finding a company called
22:10Take a chef and it's all of these private chefs go on here
22:14And I literally said hello chef
22:16We would like a chef inspired dish because I just wanted to see like what their go-to would be what the thing they wanted to
22:22Make was but with one
22:25Thing with the lava cake dessert because I love lava cake and the idea of having a gourmet lava cake
22:34So then I basically posted my listing and within a few hours
22:38I had three chefs submitting different menus to me all of their proposals looked so good
22:45But chef Jennifer and Fabio gave like lots of different options and it didn't 100% look like they read what I had said when it
22:52Allergies whereas chef Taylor came in with an exquisite looking menu and also had kept in mind my allergies and also my hope for a
23:00Lava cake, so we went ahead with chef Taylor mom's getting the kitchen all prepped
23:12Like never would I be just like chilling like this full glam full hair full outfit
23:19Just waiting for a private chef to roll up. What a weird Tuesday. Okay, so chef Taylor shows up now
23:25I had warned her that we were at a rental and it didn't have great pots and pans
23:28So she brought everything that she would need and my mom and I were like
23:31Struggling with just allowing her to work as we sat there and did nothing chef is downstairs
23:38You mom feel really weird not doing anything
23:42I went down and I was like, do you need me to do anything?
23:44Do you want me to help you with that and she was like, no, no, just relax just relax and I came up here and I'm
23:50I'm gonna just sit here and play dress to impress I guess so she was cooking up in the kitchen for probably like an hour
23:57And so this first meal of ciabatta with olive squash and chusaba. Oh
24:03My goodness, um, I fear I may have pronounced every single word the private chef
24:09Wrote on the menu wrong. I don't know what I'm saying. Like I literally don't know
24:14I'm just sounding it out, but I fear I sounded it out completely wrong
24:17So ignore what I'm saying and just look at what I put on the screen because I have no idea
24:21I know it was tasty though. That's all I know. First of all, the plating looks so good putting the squash on this bread
24:28I would never have thought to do something like that. Whoa, I'm excited
24:35As we were eating she was continuously cooking and cleaning throughout the whole thing it was serious work she was doing
24:43She told us that the balsamic was from Italy. She had picked it up in Italy and she was using it on us
24:48I was like what an honor. Well that balsamic is good
24:51And I guess it's like an egg onion garlic puree together on the noodle with fresh parmesan on top
24:59And I know what you're wondering. Are you getting full?
25:03Yes, four-course meals are something I usually stay clear of because by the second or third course I'm starting to fill up
25:14Whipped potato with the almost like bitter ricotta was so good
25:19I honestly think this potato was my absolute favorite and the plating was just so
25:24Cool and the fresh bread with the swipe of butter on the side as a butter lover
25:32What's this butter? Oh my
25:35This is really problematic right now because lunch is in like an hour from what I'm filming right now
25:40And I'm re-watching and reliving all of these videos. So if you're getting hungry like same I'm tormenting both of us
25:47Even chip was enjoying the tomahawk, which by the way, we don't just give chip a bone and let him take it
25:52Cuz that could be dangerous. We just hold it and he's like choose on it a little and then we take it away
25:55But he was enjoying it
26:04Lastly was the lava cake when I read it chili and cinnamon
26:08I was like chili on a lava cake interesting, but oh my goodness. It was so incredible
26:13I would consider myself a lava cake lover and this was the best lava cake I've ever had
26:18I'm blown away right now. I got to really take this in. I got it. Just relax
26:24I would consider this like the pinnacle of luxury a four-course meal in the comfort of your home and
26:30Every single dish is exquisite. I also want to note that my dad said this was the best meal he's ever had in his entire life
26:38That's a pretty good review
26:40Totally understand why it is pricey because the work that Taylor did and the product that she brought it was expensive
26:47But it was totally worth it and just the icing on top of the cake Taylor
26:51Clean the kitchen and all her dishes before she left so it was like it was like she had never been there
26:56And the kitchen is clean
27:00And look we have leftovers for days
27:05With that that has been hiring professionals to do my daily tasks
27:10Was this video an excuse for me to hire professionals to see what they do with my daily tasks because I was curious
27:15Maybe a little bit, but I also hope it was entertaining and fun for you
27:20I'm curious if you were gonna hire one professional to take over your daily tasks
27:26Which one would it be like if money was no object and you just got a professional for one thing
27:31Which would it be for you because for me it would have to be
27:36The chef it's been an absolute honor and a privilege spending this time together
27:40If you enjoyed please click the subscribe button, and I will see you in the next one