00:00It means a lot, obviously, as it was said countless and countless times from all the other winners.
00:08It's obviously, you don't do it for the reward, you don't do it for the awards, but you do it for the rewarding feeling you get.
00:16This is really just the icing on the cake, falling on from the back of our gold, green tourism accreditation that we received probably I think the middle of last year.
00:29The team worked incredibly hard to gain that accreditation.
00:35It's really overwhelming, but I'm just so proud for my community who have wanted this so badly for me as the kind of front of what we're doing together.
00:46I'm very, very honoured. I was amazed when I was first nominated, then to become a finalist was such a shock, but then to win it, it's amazing for me. I'm so honoured.
01:02Ever since our set up, part of our ethos is that slow, sustainable, responsible tourism, and there's a whole number of elements that come along with that.
01:11But certainly the Green Hero Award from the public is, as I say, it's the icing on the cake.
01:16Oh, it's amazing. It really is. It's a real honour. We're up against two other organisations that are just there for everyone when they need them in crisis just like ourselves.
01:27So, just for the staff and the volunteers, it means so much to all of us. We're very honoured and grateful for all the votes we got for that.