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THE COLLEGE WORLD SERIES! MLB The Show 25 - Road To The Show Gameplay 3

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00:00Okay, people hopping right back into some more MLB the show 25 episode 3 of this road of the show series and yes
00:07We are officially at LSU. Okay, we are on the Tigers and
00:11We're gonna see if I can win a college world series. That is the goal here
00:15If you guys missed it my high school journey ended in quite possibly the craziest way ever
00:21It's the first MLB the show 25 video. I posted highly recommend going and checking it out. It was crazy
00:26I'm not even gonna tell you what happened. Just go watch it. I promise you it is worth it
00:31Um, but yeah, we have the college world series here
00:34Hopefully we win it because I want to see what happens if you do so let's hop right into it game one. Come on
00:40the college baseball championship
00:43Let's go, baby
00:44And yeah
00:44I chose LSU because it's gonna help me get drafted higher and they gave me a power perk which I forgot to put in
00:51So that is my bad. But here we go. The Omaha
00:54Ballpark looks beautiful looks beautiful. I've actually been here before
00:58Not the new I think I went to the old stadium. I don't actually remember
01:02Maybe I went like the first year they like upgraded the stadium or whatever. But um
01:07It was sweet, bro
01:08The college world series was freaking dope highly recommend it if you guys have never been but there is mighty goat the seventh
01:15He's number 24, even though I literally changed it to seven. So I don't know what that is
01:21But they're all jumping around. They're all they're all happy here
01:25Wow, okay
01:27Dude, I kind of like this haircut. My guy's got bro. It didn't even save his name
01:31dude, I literally changed all this stuff and now he is it's not his name and
01:40His number is 20 or is yeah, his number is 24. I don't know what's going on. Oh wait
01:44Do we hit a home run for one token zero percent chance? I hit a home run, but here we go, baby
01:50College World Series Joe random should be mighty got the seventh, but wait
01:57Base it let's go
01:59Let's go, baby
02:01that's a nice little base it up the middle and
02:03Say that for beautiful. Alright, so we failed a challenge. That is okay. We're actually down for one here not ideal now
02:10It's four three. Oh, yeah. Also what difficulty do you guys want me to play on? Okay?
02:19How do I view difficulty
02:23Is that it no, that's gameplay style. Oh, yeah hitting difficulty. What should I play on?
02:29Goat should we try goat probably not right now, but it's right now on veteran. I guess that's default. Do we go all-star?
02:36Yeah, let's go all-star pitching. I mean this doesn't really matter since I'm not pitching. Yeah, we'll start on all-star and see
02:42Um see what you guys say. Alright, so we'll go all-star here apply changes. Let's go
02:49Let's go impact inside here
02:54Balboa dude, I love these metal bats so much. Oh my god. I love these metal bats so much. It's so beautiful
03:03No good take let's go. I probably need to try to get a thumbnail bro. You know I'm saying like dude
03:08These uniforms are amazing
03:11Get there no
03:13No hard ground ball the short. We're out
03:17And I know some of you guys are like, oh wow, if you play on a harder difficulty, you're gonna be terrible, dude
03:23Literally in the past. I've done entire episodes on legend difficulty and I literally play better sometimes. It's crazy. So
03:31Yeah, I don't know if difficulties really gonna make it that big of a difference. Yeah, I will hit less home runs, but
03:37We'll just have to wait and see well 5-3 Texas is beating us which is not good no one on base here, which sucks but
03:45We're gonna go inside here. We're gonna sit inside here
03:50Go go ball, please. I hit that so good. It's not even close
03:57Dude how is that not a home run? I basically perfect perfect that thing. Oh
04:02That is tough. That is tough bros. The wind blowing it. I
04:06Don't even see where the wind is. No
04:08Dude, I feel like the winds blowing in the top of seven. We're still down to not ideal. That's me. That's me
04:15Everyone get out of my way
04:17Get out of my way
04:19Boom good job. Almost he almost beat that out. That was not good. Oh
04:24Dynamic challenge first one of the year. Wait. No, this is the second one. Didn't we already have one? Wait, we're winning
04:28Oh my god, we're up 6-5
04:31Let's freaking go. Okay. Let's see hit a double or better hit a home run
04:36All right, we'll go double or better since I haven't even been close to a home run
04:41Dude, is it where does it show the wind?
04:44I'm stupid. I
04:46Guess maybe it's just this screen. I'm sure eventually we'll be able to see it, but it looks like the wind
04:51Actually, he's blowing out. All right. Oh, let's go inside again on on ambush hitting
05:02Not even close not even close we got to score some runs here though. Come on this huge opportunity for us
05:11Dude that's another great swing get out
05:14Let's go
05:16That is a double we are going to get the token. Let's freaking go, baby. Oh
05:21my god
05:23Eight five. Oh, he's pumped. He's pumped
05:28As am I baby as am I blasted it?
05:33Absolutely blasted we're up six to eleven now. Oh my god, and there's two on let's get some more runs here, bro
05:47Like I said, bro, we we up the difficulty to all-star
05:51From veteran or whatever it was and now we're playing even better
05:55If I go to legend, we're gonna be unstoppable and if I go to go we're gonna be even better 412
06:01Show me the distance 412
06:05Dang it. I don't think we're gonna see it
06:08Yeah, we're not gonna see it 14
06:1014 to 6. Oh my god. Oh
06:14My god, did they just get destroyed?
06:18The LSU Tigers win
06:2114 to 6. Oh my god
06:24MLB organizations are taking interest in me. All right, where's the Red Sox? No Red Sox here. That's messed up, bro
06:31That's messed up, bro. All right projected round one to two. Oh, let's go baby. Let's go
06:36Do that game is so clutch though. The fact that we did that good is amazing
06:43For our draft spot. All right, come on, baby. We got to keep going. We got to keep killing it can't mess up
06:48All right, we cannot mess this up
06:50Three four five with a home run double and six RB eyes. Whoo-hoo. Let's go. Are we gonna talk to someone here?
06:56Nope. All right. Hang on. Let me see if I can upgrade
06:59The goat real quick. So we got 31 tokens
07:04We're going power
07:06Can we get these to 60 ah
07:09Close. Yeah. Well, we'll confirm these god. This is so much better. What did that bring us up to?
07:15Fifty six overall
07:18Okay, tell me right now. This is not already a million times better than last year
07:24It's literally a million times better than last year. Just adding the player builder is literally so much better. So
07:31Beautiful to see let's go ahead and hop in the game
07:34Let's go and some of you guys are in the comment section saying mighty. This is the same game. Shut up
07:39Literally everything we've done so far is different. So what do you mean? It's the same game like
07:45I think some people are expecting it will be the show to create a different sport. Like I'm not even kidding
07:51Every part of this series so far has been different. Okay, I guess the only
07:56same thing is like
07:59The the loading screen where you choose
08:02You're like player size or whatever like your height your weight all that
08:06I guess the hair types are all the same, but everything else is different
08:10So like I don't know what you guys are talking about now
08:12It's still early. Maybe once we make it to the MLB
08:15We're gonna be like this is literally the same game
08:17But you can't be that guy and just start saying oh, it's the same game
08:19For example, I'm using a metal bat playing on the LSU
08:24Tigers, okay, like it's completely different. So I
08:29Don't know what you're talking about. Why is the audio so quiet now?
08:33Dude, something is broken with my system. I'm not even kidding
08:37It was so loud last up last game and now it's I can't even hear anything, but that sucks
08:42we got out
08:43really unfortunate, but
08:45We're good. We're good. Let's twist it up here. Oh, wait. No, there's two outs. All right
08:50That's me. Oh, no, he might be safe at one. I don't think we got the arm strength
08:55Yes, we do you got to be quick bro, maybe we should work on our defense a little bit I don't know
09:01we're down to
09:03Dynamic challenge. Let's go baby last time. We did so good. They might walk me here. Honestly, I
09:10Want this token?
09:13Dude, I feel like one token really isn't that it like that impressive. Is it one token? Oh
09:20My god
09:27That barely even went out 422
09:32452 oh
09:33My god, let's go. What a swing dude. Do I really got to raise the difficulty even higher?
09:38What's going on? What is swing though? Oh
09:42My god, absolutely blasted it Wow. Okay
09:47Okay. Oh, here's a replay of it. You guys want to see it again? Oh
09:53God that noise
09:57Beautiful dude, it's just so it sucks that we can't use those bats and diamond dynasty that really sucks
10:03I wonder why they did that. I know it's not realistic
10:08Oh my god
10:11No, it's off the top of the wall we're going to do what is going on? Oh, we're out
10:18No, oh
10:20I should have done that. I should not have done that. All right, hang on
10:25Maybe my settings didn't save gameplay
10:31There it is. Also. Oh wait, wait. No it did save. Okay. Let's go Hall of Fame
10:38We'll raise it to Hall of Fame. I was thinking it didn't say
10:42All right. Come on. I
10:46Need to change my PCI to I hate this one
10:49All right, that's dude we were actually on it though. I mean look at that contact. Hang on. Let me change my
10:55my PCI here gameplay
11:01PCI anchor
11:05Oh, wait, this is it
11:08So we're gonna go
11:13Off I want this off this off
11:16Color, I think I usually go this right cyan
11:20Yeah, I think that's what I usually go
11:23so anchor is there a way to have
11:27Whatever it's called always on
11:30Ambush hitting can I just always have it on the inside of the plate? I don't know. Oh, I don't like this back color
11:38Yeah break, maybe we got to go back to the other PCI
11:42Why would I change that now that I'm actually doing pretty good with it? That is a slider up and inside
11:47All right. Yeah, this is a little bit harder here a little bit harder
11:51Actually a lot a bit harder. I'll start a Hall of Fame is like ten times different, but we're ready. I'm locked in
11:57I'm locked in
11:59I'm locked in baby base it that was a curveball right down the pipe
12:05Save it for
12:07Dude, we're going number one overall. We're going number one overall, baby. It's freaking go
12:13top of the ninth
12:14Double play opportunity. Let's not mess this up, please
12:19Please don't mess this up
12:23Me twist it twist it always taking his good old time. No wait
12:28Dude, why did that have me facing like home plate from the start? That's okay
12:34You know, we'll we'll enter game let's watch this final out here. Oh
12:39Wait, I wait what?
12:41It usually or no, I guess this makes sense. All right. Yeah, this makes sense
12:46Can I go get that go run and get it Joe?
12:50Get it dang it
12:52Dang it. All right. That's another win for LSU, bro. That is another win
12:56Let's freaking go baby. What a game though. What did I end up going?
13:03Wait, what is this?
13:08Interesting. So our power is projected 90 to 95. So our weak spot is our speed now
13:14Well, we'll max that out eventually because we're actually allowed to now which is amazing
13:19Because again the player builder ten times better than everything else got what what sucks though is I'm playing this
13:25I'm just thinking about how amazing it would be if you did have like a full like high school
13:32Experience or whatever like you play a full season in high school you go to college play four years in college
13:37Could you imagine how amazing that would be? Maybe they'll do that in the future
13:41I mean, I'm assuming that's what's next, you know, like I'm assuming that is what is uh
13:46Next for him will be the show would be like more college
13:50experiences, I think high school might be a little tough because I
13:53Mean, there's a billion high schools. So like how how would you do that? I don't know but college bro
13:58Maybe they could get every college team
14:01I don't know. All right great win today. We showed exactly why we deserve to be here. That is right because
14:08Joe random aka mighty goat the seventh is on the team. Let's enjoy right now. Let's enjoy it right now
14:14But then it's time to turn the page. Let's go, baby. I still I hate how they have the text on the screen
14:19I can't freaking read it and also you guys harassing me bro in the comment section say mighty
14:25You're a moron. I know okay, but one more win gets us to the national championship game
14:30But we can't afford to get ahead of ourselves. Wait, are we not?
14:35Am I stupid bro?
14:38Let's stay focused on what's gotten us here playing good Tigers baseball and bring great energy and focus to everything we do dude
14:45I literally thought we were in the championship. So I guess
14:49Tomorrow is what matters now one game to decide if we move on and play for a championship or pack it up and go home
14:56Dude, I thought this was the best of five to win. I
14:59I literally thought this was the best of five and we won two or three or two of the five so far. I don't know
15:05I'm kind of stupid. I'm definitely kind of stupid. Yeah
15:13Yeah, I definitely thought we were already in the championship but I
15:18Guess I'm stupid. All right up next game three. Well, let's keep playing
15:22So if we played a different team each time and I just haven't been paying attention
15:29Who are we playing now?
15:33Who are we playing now
15:37Cal stateful. Yeah, so I guess we have been playing a different team each game. All right. Well, let's keep winning bro
15:42Let's not slow down. Oh
15:45My god grand slam opportunity
15:49Bro if I mess this up, I'm going to vomit do not mess this up. Please don't do it
15:59I believe oh, it's by him. Let's go
16:06Don't be out of two. Oh, he's going for be safe
16:11Let's go, let's freaking go Joe random Joe ran
16:17For nothing bottom three Cal State Fullerton getting smoked
16:27That out that's another double let's go baby, you know, I'm really locked in now I am that guy
16:35Let's go we might have to raise it to go that really might be what we have to do I
16:42Mean like I said the higher the difficulty the better I do so top of four though
16:47We're up that is going to be a double play. No, it gets by the first baseman
16:51We're gonna get in this guy's way. Just kidding
16:54In real life, I would have tripped that guy but now they got first and third one out
17:05We're losing
17:08How did this happen? No, how is this happening? Absolutely not. Come on mighty go the seventh aka Joe random
17:18Good take that is a sharp curveball, bro, but I'm not biting. No, sir. We gotta hit a bomb. We have to do it
17:28Good take to a ball to all I
17:32Need him to float a curveball or something actually no, give me a four seam somewhere
17:39Thank you
17:49Is brutal
17:53That is brutal. It's tied. Yes
17:56God, that sucks
18:01Got it. I got it. Oh
18:03Behind the back foot throw about say dude. How are we supposed to turn a double play? This guy's got a thousand speed
18:10Hopefully they didn't score Oh God dynamic challenge. Oh
18:14My god
18:17I'm doing it. We're going freaking yard. We are going yard
18:26Good bro, I'm so scared. I am literally so scared. I want to win this college world series
18:35Please please
18:39That's fine
18:40That's fine. I won't lie. I thought it was like a slider in the dirt
18:43So if you don't know what the pitch is don't swing, okay?
18:51I was late. I
18:53Was late
18:55He's tagging up Oh God
18:58All right, he's safe. All right, it wasn't a fully wasted at bat. It was a productive out five five two one, please
19:07We score but we give up a run bro
19:09It might come down to me in the bottom of the night. It really might
19:12We got two outs here. Oh
19:17No, Frank. They're gonna score Frank. I
19:22Mean there's no way I throw him out at four. There's a bad throw to
19:26He's safe
19:30We're down one
19:32We're down one. Oh my god
19:36We have to hit a home run here we literally have to or get on base or something
19:41You take ball
19:43Come on, just stay calm with just stay calm with it. Come on
19:50Do you come on give me a strike I don't want to get walked here Alfonso Macklemore
19:59Algonzo come on
20:08Please LSU, please, please. Oh
20:14My god, wait
20:16Wait, so if I enter the game wait, oh my oh
20:20This is stressful. Okay, so I can enter the game and watch from the dugout. This is a situation
20:27bottom nine two outs
20:29Someone on first base that is a tying run Burt Kramer is hitting and
20:35Look what it says you may or may not be involved in the potential final out. Wait, does this mean it's guaranteed out?
20:42Oh my god. I hope this guy it's a two run bomb or something
20:46Come on, Burt, please
20:52No one actually ever hit stands there when they're warming up by the way, what is he doing Burt?
21:00Yes, don't be out of third do not keep throwing out a third
21:04Come on
21:07Who's up? Yeah that I know that's the on-deck circle. No, it's really not. No one ever stands there. Come on, please
21:13Dear God, what a swing. Oh
21:16My god base is loaded. Oh
21:19my god
21:28Demetrius pride get it done
21:31Get it done for the love of God
21:35Please home run grand slam
21:39Demetrius yes score. Oh
21:45My god, we win. Oh my god
21:48Let's freaking go
21:50Dude, that new feature is amazing again. Another thing that people are like, it's the same game literally. No, it's not
21:57That has never been an option kind of a tiny used to be but not that good. Oh my god
22:08unbelievable, we won that
22:10that is
22:12Amazing. We went nine to eight. We beat the Titans. Let's freaking go bro. Holy mother of God. This is amazing
22:19This is this is absolutely amazing. What a start what a freaking start to MLB to show 25
22:23Okay, what a freaking start and this is just proof
22:28That this game is different that I can tell you right now
22:30I've not had this much fun and stress in the first three videos of road of the show ever. Okay, so this is amazing
22:38My god, we're going to the College World Series, baby. We're going to the final game
22:42Look at all these tokens, baby. We're freaking killing it. All right, I
22:47Wonder if I play at a higher difficulty if I get more tokens, I don't know very interested to see but
22:53Let's hop into game four. I mean no time to waste. I don't know who we're playing Vanderbilt. Who's it gonna be?
22:58This is a championship game
23:01This is the championship game
23:04Again I hadn't turned the music off. So I don't know what they're what the music is
23:08But uh, there's 17 billion people in attendance. We're playing TCU. Oh, no. Oh
23:13No, the horned frogs
23:16So is this a championship game? Like I don't get it. I don't know what is going on
23:24Guess we'll see pretty sure it is though
23:27All right top of two. I wonder where in the order I'm batting. That's what I'm actually curious about
23:34That's me. We got that. Please go one easy play easy play. Yep. Good
23:41Good job. All right, let me hit here. Let me hit let some people be on base for me. Nope. No one on base
23:46So I'm batting fourth. All right, that's a pretty good spot
23:52God that is that is so fast
23:57Franz Reagan, are these real players or now doubt it?
24:02God, dang it guys gassing me up bro. I went to this guy is gassing me up making sure everything's still recording
24:09Oh, I hate technology so freaking much
24:14Good that is sharp. That is sharp. He almost got me to swing but I need a home run here
24:22Good fight these metal bats just sound amazing. What is this a Marucci something? Yeah, it's Marucci something to
24:34Guy with two strikes. I got a swing of that. That's a good spot good spot
24:40No, we're losing to one, all right, we're good someone on second base, let's drive him in I
24:45Got this Franz Reagan. You're done, buddy
24:49Good take
24:51Dude that's I don't know how Hall of Fame's gonna work for me boys. That is so quick
25:02Dude, I feel like this batting stance sucks, bro. My leg lifts like so delayed or something. Obviously, I'm gonna change it but Frank
25:12God good pitch the sweeper. That's a new pitch. I believe right not in real life, but name will be the show
25:23my god
25:25Brick I'm ready for that. Oh, oh
25:28God, dude, I need a home run so bad right here. I need one so bad
25:35Good take sweep her up and away. What a what a pitch
25:40full count
25:42Love it would love it to run bomb here would love it. I
25:48Think I'm under it
25:50Yeah, not even close
25:52Mmm. All right, we're gonna move him up. Oh wait, he stays Wow, that sucks. I thought I was gonna move up
25:57Well, this is not good
26:00This is not good boys
26:02bottom five to one still
26:05At least we're keeping the score close
26:0991 all right Barrett Tran dude some of these names, bro
26:13Come on
26:19Come on
26:23Come on dude, how is that not out?
26:25How is that not a bomb bro? I mean I'm hitting it perfect. Oh
26:30My god, I missed it by like literally a millimeter. Oh
26:34My god, it's still to one to one top eight. This is not looking good. I really wish you had like a 12 run lead. I
26:41I got it. Good play. Oh my god. He might be safe. Jesus, dude. All right
26:53This is this is probably the game lefty righty matchup, which is good
26:59It's fine, that's fine. No balls one strike. I'm terrified. I am absolutely terrified right now
27:08Is basically to win the college world series or not, I mean this is literally it to run bomb here
27:12We win if I don't we lose that's how it is
27:20One to count slow him down a little bit. Oh
27:27My god
27:32Perfect perfect
27:35What a swing
27:36What a freaking swing. Let's go. Oh
27:40He is pumped. Oh
27:42My god, dude, that is so freaking clutch. All right, let's see what happens here. Let's see if we win this thing
27:49This guy's very upset. He knows what just happened. He knows dude if our pitching staff chokes is in the night
27:56I'm gonna die. I'm not even kidding. I am going to die
28:00Please don't choke
28:03Come on
28:06We're watching this bro, I don't even care the show drone look at that thing go look at that thing go
28:14For a wait, I like it. All right, let's see what happens
28:19We'll enter the game here
28:22God do not be a home run or something. Oh
28:25My god, the controller is going crazy. I need to turn that off bro. It is literally
28:31Catch it
28:32Catch a center fielder. I'm not getting close to him
28:39College baseball champs, baby
28:42college baseball
28:44freaking champs
28:46The dog pile. Hey, let me do this
28:48Let's take it in boys
28:51Let's take it in. Oh
28:53my god
28:55Where's the go dat?
28:57There he is Joe random number 24 aka mighty go to 7th number 7
29:02what a
29:04Freaking series. Oh my god
29:10Do we get a trophy or anything let's say I'm gonna I'm not gonna skip this I
29:15Want to see this play out that was
29:19Incredible. Oh, that's it
29:21No, I wanted to get a trophy. Well, look at this boys
29:28Projected round one. I
29:31Feel like I did everything I could to get drafted number one overall the only issue is
29:37My draft combine was not good. I it was okay, but it wasn't amazing. The games were not great
29:44But we're projected round one. I hope I go number one overall. Okay, I really do we won the College World Series
29:50I had the home run that one up for us. Okay, I
29:55Couldn't do anything else. I mean, I really couldn't have done more
29:57So I hope we did enough to go number one overall and we will find out next video. Okay, I'm sorry
30:04I'm sorry, but I'm really trying to space these videos out. I mean, this is what a 30-minute video. That's great. Okay, that's great
30:11But what a freaking dude this game is so fun again
30:14All you guys saying this game is the same thing. Everything has been different so far now
30:17If we're in season 8 of our MLB career, yeah, maybe it's similar. Okay, but literally everything we've done is different. So
30:24Try to stay positive a little bit
30:26Alright, but I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did subscribe leave a like and I'll see you in the next one. Peace
