• avant-hier
Au décès de sa soeur, Frank Adler s'est vu confié la garde de sa nièce Mary. L'enfant considère Frank comme son père. Jusqu'ici il a pu lui faire l'école à la maison mais, désormais trop grande, Mary doit intégrer l'école primaire. Rapidement, la petite fille s'ennuie. Elle est brillante et a un don pour les mathématiques. L'institutrice conseille à Frank de l'inscrire dans une école pour surdoués. Frank refuse l'idée de faire de Mary un singe savant. C'est alors qu'Evelyn, la mère de Frank, débarque dans leurs vies. Les retrouvailles mère-fils sont compliquées car Evelyn voudrait que Mary intègre cette école...
00:30Can you stand up please? Can you tell me what 57 multiplied by 135 is?
00:397695. The square root is 87.7. And change.
00:45Now what does ad nauseum mean?
00:48I listen to the wind, to the wind of my soul.
00:52I think your niece may be gifted.
00:54I am good friends with the headmaster of the Oaks Academy for Gifted Education.
00:59I know. I promised my sister I'd give Mary a normal life.
01:02I think she's gotta be here.
01:06Who's that lady in front of our door?
01:10That would be your grandmother.
01:13It's a Macbook, darling.
01:15What are you doing?
01:16You are denying the girl her potential.
01:19How many 7-year-olds are doing advanced calculus?
01:21You forgot the negative sign on the exponent.
01:23Mary, why don't you say anything?
01:25I guess I'm not supposed to correct older people.
01:28Nobody likes a smartass.
01:31We petition the court to grant my client full custody of the child.
01:34No! No!
01:36You're gonna take that girl, you're gonna loan her out to some think tank
01:38where she can talk non-trivial zeros with a bunch of old Russian guys for the rest of her life.
01:42And you'd bury her under a rock.
01:44Evelyn, stop!
01:45I'm raising her how I believe Diane would have wanted.
01:48Do you need a reason?
01:51We should commit treason.
01:54If anybody takes that baby away, I'll smother you in your sleep.
01:57Bring into this world...
01:59My sister wanted Mary to be a kid.
02:01She wanted her to have friends and to be happy.
02:03Tell us, do you have health insurance?
02:06Did you spend the night in jail?
02:08And leave the valleys...
02:11What's your greatest fear?
02:13That I'll ruin Mary's life.
02:17C'est un boss.
02:18J'ai entendu ça.
02:22Tu es une bonne personne.
02:23Tu m'as aimé avant que je ne sois intelligente.