00:00Bismillah. He prayed. He thought Allah would help him, but he didn't.
00:17As soon as he said Bismillah, I mean he probably did, or he thought it at least.
00:21He's like, Bismillah, and I fucking flashed him.
00:33Or like a marshal, inshallah.
00:53Can I kill him?
00:54He has ult, so I don't know if he's gonna take your ult. I don't think so.
00:57You can't.
00:58The guy just killed me with auto-attacks, bro.
01:01He missed every ability besides auto-attack and W, and I died.
01:14Oh my god, why did you let him do that?
01:18Oh, you monka.
01:20I died to red buff or what?
01:22It's fine.
01:23Bro, I died to a minion auto, really?
01:27Someone else thinks that Sett has no counter-click.
01:33I mean, I don't know.
01:41Oh my god, I'm gonna kill the Bismillah man. I'm coming bot, I'm killing that boy.
01:45Yeah, wait.
01:47He had the same thought.
01:50It's fine, it doesn't matter.
01:52Do the jumpy-jump, yes?
02:02He's hurt.
02:03I might have... I might have...
02:05I might have...
02:07I might have diseases, bro.
02:09I might have AIDS.
02:12We're never, we're never...
02:14We're never playing this cock-champion again in our entire existence.
02:18Really? Look, the Lulu saved him twice now.
02:20Yeah, I'm never playing Kassadin again in my entire existence.
02:23Cock-champer, legit. Holy fuck.
02:27Just auto.
02:30He's like mage for like...
02:34Okay, I think I kill this for sure, right?
02:37Mage for mental ill people.
02:38Mage for cocks for like, I don't know, he's so...
02:47He's so boring to play, you know?
02:49What are you doing? She's pushing, man.
02:52Hello? Just come to me.
02:56Wait, actually, can you come?
02:57No, I gotta push.
02:58We need this dragon.
03:02Yeah, see the priority? We are losing dragon now because of you.
03:06We were losing your life.
03:08Legit, we lost the dragon.