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At a House Oversight Committee hearing on Tuesday, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) spoke to witnesses about the actions of cartels on the U.S.-Mexico border.

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00:00Let's give some time to my colleague, Mr. Biggs, for five minutes or so for questions.
00:05You are a generous chairman.
00:08Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
00:10My first question will go to you, Mr. Humayun.
00:13Can you discuss how the cartels have been able to build stronger illicit networks within
00:17the United States?
00:18Essentially, the cartels have been utilizing all kinds of revenue streams.
00:22It started with cocaine.
00:23It's moved to synthetics.
00:25It's now into human smuggling, human trafficking.
00:27There's a range of illicit enterprises that the cartels are taking over.
00:31They're not just operating in Mexico.
00:32They're operating all throughout the Western Hemisphere, in fact, the world.
00:34They're appearing in Europe.
00:35They're appearing in Canada.
00:37What they're doing is they're creating an enterprise that's upwards of cocaine itself,
00:41$170 billion annually a year.
00:44These are things that many governments have a hard time to outpace in terms of the financial
00:49Our hope is not to outpace them dollar for dollar, but yet to understand how they operate
00:52and dismantle those logistics.
00:53When was the last time you were at the border, Mr. Humayun?
00:57About three weeks ago.
00:59Sheriff, a question for you is, will you please just briefly discuss the importance of the
01:04287G program, how you've utilized it, and whether you think it's working?
01:09Well, it's absolutely working.
01:12One of the things that is important with these immigration detainers is that what Ms. Doyle
01:18didn't acknowledge in her response was that under policy, every single time that one of
01:23these, quote, voluntary detainers is issued, it's accompanied by an arrest warrant, an
01:27I-205 or an I-200.
01:30They are not voluntary in the sense that they have a warrant that's accompanying them.
01:35There are three models.
01:36There is the warrant service officer program to get these warrants served in the jails.
01:39There's a jail enforcement model, which is full-blown investigations in the jail.
01:43That is the DIO, designated immigration officer on the street, where we help ICE, and we're
01:49helping ICE to take these criminal illegals off the street.
01:52That is very important, and it does go to public safety, and it is short-sighted, and
01:56it's wrong to have sanctuary city policies because it creates officer safety issues and
02:01public safety issues.
02:02These sanctuary city policies are saying is that we're not going to hold these criminal
02:07We're going to put them back out on the street, and then ICE has to go back into the community
02:10and find these criminal illegals.
02:12If they would just allow ICE to come into the jails and take the rapists and the murderers
02:17and the robbers and the burglars and the child porn people out of the jails and deport them,
02:21they would keep them from going into the street, and everybody's all up in arms about
02:25these collaterals, these people who don't commit any crime.
02:27Well, let them go into the jails and focus on the criminals, and then that wouldn't happen.
02:31They are short-sighted in these sanctuary city policies.
02:34Thank you, and you get to the point, which is if you hand over the individual in the
02:41jail, everybody's safer.
02:43The officer's safer, the criminal's safer, and the community's safer.
02:47One hundred percent, Mr. Biggs.
02:49So I just have to ask this question of you, Mr. Humeyra.
02:55Is it radical to open up your border?
02:58Is it extreme to open up your border?
03:00Is it cruelty is the point?
03:02When you open up your border and that causes something like 60 percent of every female
03:08coming across the border to be raped, no matter what the age is, and about 35 percent of every
03:13male coming across to be raped, does that sound like a humane policy?
03:19Absolutely not.
03:20If you want to dismantle your democracy, you have to dismantle the sovereignty.
03:24A border protects the sovereignty of your country.
03:26The first step to dismantling democracy is to erode a sovereign border, and in fact,
03:31migrants are oftentimes the victims of all this.
03:33They're the ones that get killed, raped, trafficked, and so the best form of migrant care is actually
03:38border security.
03:39And Sheriff, when's the last time you were at the border?
03:41Any border?
03:42Texas, Arizona?
03:43It's been a while.
03:45Ms. Doyle, when's the last time you were at the border?
03:48I would say about 10 months ago.
03:4910 months ago.
03:50Which borders did you go to?
03:51I've been both of the San Diego sector as well as El Paso sector.
03:56And the northern border as well, I should mention.
03:59So I was there about three, four weeks ago myself down at the border, and it's night
04:03and day because I've been down to the border.
04:08I grew up in what was in a border district in Arizona.
04:13It is night and day, and what causes that?
04:18Is it because we enacted new legislation?
04:21I don't care what President Biden, former President Biden, said.
04:24He said you have to have new legislation.
04:27That was false.
04:28It was a lie.
04:29What it took was enforcing the law.
04:33And that's not what the sanctuary cities are doing.
04:35We had a nice discussion, your mayor and I did, had a nice discussion with all the mayors.
04:40They all have criminal culpability.
04:42I think you've misinterpreted the statutes, the three federal statutes that I referenced
04:49last week.
04:50The bottom line is, if you want to have safer communities, you control your border.
04:57You have to control your border.
05:00And you enforce the law.
05:02That is what's dried it up.
05:04If you go down to the TRS and what you see there, and I met with some folks from there
05:10I like those people a lot, but they, through the vehicle valley, that is the number one
05:15human trafficking, drug trafficking, and human smuggling corridor in the world, even now.
05:23Even now.
05:25Because we can't enforce the law adequately in that 62 linear miles.
05:31You want safety, that's what you profess you want, then you better enforce the law.
05:36And that isn't cruelty.
05:39It's not, it's not cruelty.
05:42It's not, you know, in spite of the rudeness of my colleague across the aisle.
05:47It's not extreme.
05:49It's not radical.
05:50I recognize your point of order.
05:53The chair has allowed members on both sides to speak, I believe over a minute.
05:59No, actually he was only over 30 seconds and the gentlewoman interrupted him and he did
06:03not get to finish his point.
06:04We don't need to check the record.
06:06We can.
06:07Are we going to allow the gentleman to conclude his question?
06:10I think we should do that.
06:11But I do think that we should.
06:12Mr. Chairman.
06:13Mr. Chairman.
06:14Mr. Chairman.
06:15Mr. Chairman is recognized.
06:17And I'm happy to yield back.
06:18Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for your indulgence.
06:19Thank you, sir.
06:20I shall continue to extend that indulgence, including to Ms. Simon, who is now recognized
06:27for five minutes for a question.
06:30Thank you, Mr. Chair, and thank you, Ranking Member Lee.
