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#sidemen #sideplus #sidecast
#sidemen #sideplus #sidecast
00:00He's got a cross on him, he's got a cross on him.
00:03You don't have a cross on you.
00:04Shall we talk about injuries?
00:05We got, we've got Lannan injured,
00:07Tobi's injured from after a home.
00:08I'll be fine, I'll be fine.
00:10Josh was practising with Simon
00:11and he's done his hip.
00:12Did he do his hip or something?
00:13Yeah, but he played two hours on Sunday,
00:16on Simon's stream.
00:17Was that not when he did his hip?
00:18No, he did his hip before.
00:20How did he do his hip before?
00:21Playing with Simon again.
00:22Wow, so he is actually playing, alright.
00:23So he's fine, but he was meant to do a video with me
00:26and he cancelled because of his hip.
00:27So you think it's just you?
00:28He's been on the stream for two hours of Simon.
00:29You think it's just you?
00:30He chose the better coach within the side.
00:32That's the way it is, isn't it?
00:33But hey, you took me to, you know, two goals.
00:36Look who's scored and who hasn't, yeah?
00:38There you go.
00:39But did you train with him before that?
00:41Oh, wow.
00:42Damn, I should train with you, man.
00:43I should train with you, man.
00:44I should have, I should have been training with you, man.
00:46We did a video, oh, is it on your channel?
00:48It's on your channel, bro.
00:49It's on my channel, wow,
00:50in the garden of the old Simon house.
00:52But to be fair, you know what?
00:53I got really good at doing crosses in that.
00:55That's what I was practising for, was doing good crosses.
00:57There you go.
00:58And now I'm ready.
00:59I don't believe, what the, what was that?
01:01Finding the video for you.
01:02What did you say, Harry?
01:03I was going to say, I don't believe you.
01:04I can't imagine him whipping a cross in.
01:07You can't whip a cross in.
01:08You can't whip a cross in.
01:08He's got a cross on him.
01:09He's got a cross on him.
01:10You don't have a cross on you.
01:11Look, look, you know how I kick the ball,
01:14like for crossbars,
01:14and it just kind of like floats through the air.
01:16It's not, it's not fast, it's not fast,
01:18but that's what you, you know,
01:20it's just one that floats in.
01:20No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
01:21It's there, fine.
01:22Stick it on the wing.
01:23Wait till you see it.
01:24Keep it out for it.
01:25Stick it on the wing.
01:25Coming from the right wing,
01:26it's just going to float across to your boot.
01:28I'll be more impressive if you whip a cross in
01:30than if you can score, genuinely.
01:31Like, to whip a cross in is quite hard, you know.
01:33It's not easy.
01:34It's quite hard to whip a cross in.
01:36If you watch the first charity match,
01:37that's what I was.
01:39Whipping the ball in.
01:40No, it was the second one.
01:41I think it was the second one,
01:42was the one I scored the penalty, right?
01:44Yeah, it was the second one.
01:45If you watch the second one, I almost scored.
01:47Vik, I don't remember you whipping a cross in
01:49in the second one.
01:50I'm alert, I'm alert.
01:51Back stick, back stick.
01:52Back stick, back stick.
01:55There's never really any head.
01:56There's Manny's headed goal.
01:58That was ridiculous.
01:58Castro, Castro as well.
01:59Oh, Castro got a header, yeah.
02:01Those are the only two, but other than that,
02:03we don't really score headers.
02:04No, because people, yeah.
02:05JJ hit the post in the first one with a header,
02:08or the second one.
02:09Did he?
02:09You know what, headers really hurt.
02:12Like, headers really hurt.
02:12I had to do it in the middle of the day.
02:13That's why everyone's got like concussions
02:15and brain damage from playing.
02:16It's actually mad that we've done
02:18how many five charity matches
02:19and that's the only penalty scored.
02:20We don't really get penalties.
02:22We have two missed penalties as well.
02:24Everyone bottles it.
02:24Yeah, no, I feel like I would be fucking shitting myself.
02:28Oh, it's horrifying.
02:29I didn't want the penalty.
02:31I didn't want it.
02:32You can't go down the middle
02:33when it's a non-professional goalkeeper
02:34because you never know.
02:36I mean, I practice not going down the middle,
02:38but I just-
02:39Hard and low is what you need to do.
02:41Hard and low.
02:42I just feel like if I like trying to aim anything there,
02:44like I'm just going to fucking shit myself
02:46and probably trip, like run into the ball.
02:48I think the best thing, right,
02:49is surely the best thing is just go for,
02:51just whack it top corner.
02:53Because if you score, it's sick.
02:55And if you miss, it's like,
02:56oh, he's going for a blinder.
02:59Yeah, yeah.
03:00You don't want him trickling around your lead.
03:02If you play it low and it misses, it goes wide,
03:04that's bad.
03:05Yeah, yeah, you must just go for glory.
03:07I'm excited to see penalties.
03:09We need more penalties.
03:10Harry, yeah, you said you're going to get a penalty.
03:12No, I'm going to give away penalties.
03:12Yeah, you're going to get a penalty for that.
03:15Please give away.
03:15Yeah, do you know what you're playing?
03:16You playing?
03:18Yeah, fuck yeah.
03:19Yeah, defense.
03:20But I gave away the penalty that Speed took last year.
03:23Oh, it was a horrendous challenge.
03:24Because I just kicked Chris.
03:25Horror tackle.
03:25Horror tackle.
03:26But you get away with it, so it's fine.
03:29Well, you don't get away with it.
03:30You don't get caught.
03:30Yeah, yeah, yeah.
03:32What would it take to get a proper red card in the-
03:35Two feet off the-
03:36No, you need the metallic-
03:36No, I don't even think that's like,
03:38I don't even think that's getting you done.
03:39Did you see that, Vic?
03:41Have you seen the challenge?
03:43The metallic-
03:44Oh, no, yeah, it's the one where he kicked him
03:45in the fucking head.
03:46Oh, I saw a screenshot of it with the boot.
03:48Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
03:49But the thing is, the ref didn't even give it as a foul.
03:53I don't understand.
03:53You'll see, but he didn't blow for it.
03:54And then they had to VAR it and give the-
03:57We got a VAR on the challenge, didn't we?
03:59No, we turned it down.
04:00Oh, did we?
04:03To slow the game down even more.
04:04They offered it to us for free, and we were like, nah.
04:06Like, it has to be like you're attacking someone
04:09to get like a red in the challenge, right?
04:10You probably have to punch someone in the head.
04:11If I headbutted speed, that's probably a red card.
04:14You might get away with a yellow,
04:16but you're not gonna get away.
04:18It depends how much he's doing, you know?
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