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Coronation Street - Season 66 Episode 29


00:26You OK?
00:28Yeah, I'm just a bit tired, that's all.
00:30OK, right, well, let's get you inside,
00:32and then I'll leave you to rest.
00:34Oh, before I forget, I transferred the money
00:36to Harvey last night.
00:38Yeah, so that's it.
00:39It's all done.
00:40No more need to stress about it.
00:43How can I not stress about it with a wife telling me
00:45where you got the money from?
00:46Look, I promise you it wasn't from anyone dangerous, OK?
00:52Daniel, what are you doing here?
00:55Well, I came to see Daisy, but they said she's already gone.
00:58Oh, right.
00:59She must be doing OK, then, if I'm allowed to let her leave.
01:02Do you care?
01:04Of course I care.
01:05Right, yeah.
01:06She got ran over, lost her baby,
01:09and you still took money off her.
01:12Well, she lost the baby.
01:14Did you know that?
01:17Why didn't you tell me that she lost the child?
01:19It's her money, isn't it, that you took?
01:21I didn't know that she'd miscarried
01:22when I asked her for that money.
01:24I had no choice.
01:25Well, it looks like you two have got some catching up to do.
01:28I'll leave you to it.
01:30Why didn't you tell me she had a miscarriage?
01:32Because I didn't want you feeling
01:33any worse than you already did.
01:36I don't get it.
01:37Why would she give you money?
01:39Because I blackmailed her.
01:41About the car accident.
01:42Not the one from the other day.
01:45The one where I got hit.
01:45She was driving.
01:51Are you OK?
01:53Of course I'm not OK.
01:54What a ridiculous question that is.
01:57Look, I promise I will tell you everything.
01:59Let's just get you inside, all right?
02:14What are you doing here?
02:15Must have checked I lived here.
02:17Yeah, I just didn't think they'd
02:19be letting you out this quick.
02:21Do you want anything?
02:22Have you had any breakfast?
02:23I don't want anything from you.
02:24What are you hiding?
02:27Behind your back.
02:29Oh, um, I don't know what to do with it.
02:38Well, you should have left it alone.
02:44You know, the more I read about the work
02:46the charity are doing, the more excited I get.
02:49I cannot wait to get stuck in.
02:52Well, I think I speak for us all when
02:54I say how proud we are of you for taking this bold new step.
02:58Here, here.
02:59Oh, thank you all.
03:00I mean, it means the world to me, really.
03:03Oh, excuse me.
03:05That's the charity.
03:06I've just got to take this.
03:07See you later.
03:11So are you doing deliveries now?
03:16I always thought you should sign up to one of those services.
03:20Lazy people will happily order a coffee
03:23and a bacon sandwich delivered to their door nowadays.
03:25I am not doing deliveries.
03:27Oh, right.
03:29So what's all this then?
03:31Well, this is for a few friends.
03:33Shona and David will get some, and Carla, the rest.
03:38Well, she's not long out of hospital.
03:40I doubt she's eating properly.
03:42Well, she's got that swain looking after her.
03:44Yeah, well, now, can you smell that?
03:50It's a strange odor, like pencil shavings or burnt toffee.
03:57Ah, a little bit of money I'll have to shave.
04:00Yes, that's it, yeah.
04:02Oh, it's called school days.
04:05That's days with a Z-E, not a Y-S.
04:07It's supposed to evoke lost youthful memories.
04:10Oh, well, I, for one, love a strong scent on a man.
04:13I mean, you can never know anybody properly
04:15until you've assessed their musk.
04:18Any particular reason for wearing cologne
04:20first thing on a Monday morning?
04:22I was hoping to ask Julie out to dinner later.
04:28Only as friends, of course.
04:31I've enjoyed spending time with her again.
04:34Well, I'm afraid I can't agree.
04:37I mean, there's been an odd atmosphere at number 11
04:41since she's come to stay.
04:43Come here.
04:45Stop fussing, I've done it.
04:46Excuse me, coming through.
04:47Morning, Julie.
04:49Have you spoken to Mrs Churchill this morning?
04:51Yes, twice.
04:52Is she happy?
04:54She's worried about the horse.
04:56What about the horse?
04:57She's worried about the mess.
04:59I've told her it's not like dog poo.
05:00You haven't got to follow behind with a giant scooper,
05:02but she's convinced it's going to draw attention
05:03away from her husband.
05:04Good heavens.
05:05A horse-drawn hearse?
05:06That's very old school.
05:07Is he a gangster?
05:12He owned a chip shop.
05:13It's not even a horse-drawn hearse.
05:15Oh, right.
05:16He's got this pet nag, right, some skinny,
05:18flea-bitten old thing, but it's his pride and joy.
05:21And he left instructions that he wants it to accompany him
05:23to his final resting place, so.
05:25Mrs Churchill's not best pleased, but Mr Churchill,
05:28it was his last wish, so.
05:29Todd, would you mind rushing ahead?
05:31Just do the final checks for us.
05:32Sure, see you later.
05:35Oh, thank you, Julie.
05:37Oh, you bring out the best in that boy.
05:41Yeah, well, he's a good lad.
05:42I suppose I should start thinking about my funeral.
05:45I definitely can't afford much.
05:49No horse-drawn hearses for me.
05:51Well, if that's something you feel you're ready to talk about,
05:54I'd be happy to talk you through a few options.
05:57Why don't you pop round the Undertaker's later?
06:00I'm sure we could come up with something for a reasonable price.
06:05Mate's rates?
06:06Yeah, something like that.
06:12You know what, though?
06:13You could thank me by talking to Eileen.
06:15About what?
06:16Well, you know, she thinks something's going on,
06:19and I think she's trying to avoid her.
06:21Well, that's because I am avoiding her.
06:23I agreed to stay here to spend time with her,
06:26and now I'm avoiding her because I don't
06:28want her to see how ill I am, and I didn't think it through.
06:34We know the answer to that, don't we?
06:39Morning, love.
06:40Are you all right?
06:41Yeah, no, all good, but I have got to dash.
06:43Got the Churchill funeral starting in half an hour.
06:45I'll see you later.
06:48You know, I would have been fine with just a coffee.
06:51You'd turn your nose up at my shot of sugar.
06:53Mm, wouldn't I?
06:57What are you looking at?
07:00Oh, yeah?
07:02Well, you've got to admit, it'd be great to get away somewhere,
07:05wouldn't it?
07:06Down the beach in the sunshine.
07:09Yeah, a little trip away would be really good right now, but.
07:13We've not really got the money for it at the moment.
07:17Well, as it happens, I'm just about to come into some cash.
07:21So once I've paid Betsy back, then, well,
07:25I'm sure we can afford a trip away.
07:27You know, maybe not a beach in Barbados,
07:29but a nice long weekend somewhere.
07:31Do you know what?
07:33That sounds amazing.
07:36Would you do me a favour?
07:37Would you give Betsy a knock?
07:39She should have been up by now.
07:43Wake-up call for Betsy Swain.
07:46Don't get your bum into gear, you're going to miss your mum's shot of sugar.
08:01Erm, she's not in there.
08:07I'll, er...
08:09I'll give her a call.
08:14Oh, her speech is delicious.
08:17Hi, Betsy, it's Mum.
08:19Where are you? Can you give me a call, please?
08:21When did I see her?
08:24Same as you, I reckon.
08:25You know, when we told her she couldn't go out.
08:27I mean, she's probably stuck out.
08:30She's a teenager.
08:32Well, why isn't she back, then?
08:34She's probably stayed at that friend's of hers, River's.
08:39No, no, she did text it,
08:40and her phone's going straight to voicemail, so it's...
08:44That's probably one out of batch.
08:45Look, I'll go and have a look round for her, OK?
08:47She might have come in the morning.
08:49Yeah, I'll, erm...
08:51I'll call the station as well, you know.
08:53Get some officers to keep an eye out for her.
09:00She's going to be all right. It's OK.
09:04What if he's got her?
09:08You shouldn't have taken Daisy's mum.
09:10We needed it.
09:12I'm the reason her baby's dead.
09:14No, no!
09:15I'm the reason her baby's dead.
09:17No, no!
09:18You weren't driving the car.
09:20Well, no, but it's down to me it was there in the first place.
09:23You didn't know that Daisy was going to get caught up in all this.
09:26Will you stop blaming yourself?
09:29I've just got to see her.
09:32To say sorry.
09:33No, no, you can't tell her what happened.
09:35She deserves to know the truth.
09:37Why? What good would it do?
09:39It might make you feel better,
09:40but it's not going to bring her baby back, is it?
09:42I know that.
09:43Oh, right, OK.
09:44Will you just stop and think of me and the kids
09:47before you do anything?
09:57Pack it in.
09:58Oh, we're only messing, no?
09:59Well, even so, just break it up.
10:02Before he gets out of hand.
10:11Guess what I've got.
10:17Where did you get that?
10:18I've got my sources.
10:20Do you want some?
10:22What, now?
10:24Come on.
10:27Come on!
10:29I'm not in the mood for visitors, sorry.
10:31I just wanted to see how you are.
10:33I'm going to get you these.
10:41Are you OK?
10:44I feel as good as I look.
10:47You must feel awful, then.
10:50Are Daniel and Jenny looking after you?
10:52No, I don't want to see either of them.
10:54Me and Daniel broke up.
10:58I'm sorry to hear that.
11:00Are you?
11:02Well, I'm sorry for you, yeah?
11:06Seems to me that you could do with Jenny's support right now.
11:08Look, I know you're angry at her for letting slip about the baby,
11:11but she wasn't in a good place.
11:13Why are you defending her?
11:14Because I don't want you pushing her away
11:16when you need her the most.
11:19What do you mean?
11:21Wasn't in a good place?
11:23She's just really drunk.
11:25Making a proper show of herself.
11:29Way too much wine.
11:32Well, she needs to lay off the booze.
11:34Makes her feel better.
11:35Well, she needs to lay off the booze.
11:37Makes her...
11:40You're telling me.
11:41One minute she was ranting,
11:42the next minute she was propositioning me.
11:47What did you say?
11:49I said no.
11:50I was a gentleman.
11:53She let slip about the baby because...
11:56you knocked her back?
11:59Like I said, yeah.
12:00I mean, she was wasted.
12:02It doesn't matter how much she had to drink.
12:05She tells me she loves me like a daughter
12:06and then her ego gets hurt
12:07so she throws me under the bus without a second thought.
12:11You don't do that to someone you love.
12:15You know, I don't think I know that woman.
12:17At all.
12:33Hi, Julie.
12:35Would you like to maybe, um...
12:37have, uh...
12:38dinner with me?
12:40As frabbers?
12:41I mean...
12:43I was wondering whether or not
12:44to say friends or neighbours then
12:46and I got the two mixed up together.
12:50If you're just asking her out as a mate then
12:52why are you so nervous?
12:53I'm not nervous.
12:56Fraber could be a word.
12:58I mean, we're frabers.
12:59I've been looking everywhere for you.
13:01I didn't expect to see you here
13:02since your fasting.
13:05I thought I told you I had a meeting.
13:07About a job?
13:09Just a chat with someone
13:10from a firm in town.
13:13It went well, I think.
13:15Are you OK?
13:19Better than OK.
13:21I'm not sure.
13:22Well, what's happened?
13:23I had a call from the charity.
13:25Someone dropped out.
13:26They want to see me.
13:27Someone dropped out.
13:28They want me to start immediately.
13:30That's amazing.
13:32Yeah, but I can't just leave.
13:34Why not?
13:36I don't have anywhere to live down there.
13:38You can stay with Zee
13:39until you've found somewhere.
13:41What about the restaurant?
13:42I can mind your shares
13:43until we've sold it.
13:46it's not like I've got anything else to do.
13:49I'll be absolutely fine.
13:51Do not pass up on this opportunity.
13:55I'd better go and pack then.
13:59I'll leave us all stocked up.
14:02shouldn't you be...
14:03I've just spoken to Kay.
14:04All right,
14:05shall we go and talk...
14:06No, we're going to do this now.
14:07Should we...
14:08Yeah, bye, Brian.
14:10He says you tried to get off with him.
14:12Is that why you told him about the baby?
14:14Because he turned you down?
14:16No, of course not.
14:18Are you going to lie to my face?
14:19All right, just
14:20hear me out,
14:21all right?
14:22It wasn't like that.
14:23I was drunk.
14:24No, I know he said
14:25a drunk tart
14:26throwing yourself at him.
14:27All right,
14:28you're lashing out
14:29because you're upset
14:30about the miscarriage,
14:31I get it.
14:32Do you?
14:33Of course I do, yes.
14:34It's a lot for you
14:35to get your head round.
14:36You have no idea.
14:37You have no idea
14:38what you're talking about.
14:39I do, honestly, I do.
14:40But you're young and...
14:42Don't you dare say
14:43that I am going to have more babies.
14:45I wasn't going to say that.
14:48I think it's time for you
14:49to go and relax a bit in here.
14:50You are unbelievable.
14:57Look who I found.
14:59Oh, my goodness, Betsy.
15:01Come here.
15:03Not too hard.
15:04I feel sick.
15:05You absolutely stink of booze.
15:07Where have you been?
15:08I went to River's party
15:10and I missed the last bus home,
15:11so I stayed.
15:13You didn't think to call?
15:14My phone died.
15:15Are you for real?
15:17This is serious, Betsy.
15:18What did I say yesterday?
15:19Rob Donovan is still on the run
15:20and somebody broke into his flat.
15:22Well, then I'm no safer here
15:23than I am out there, am I?
15:24Yes, you are,
15:25because you're with us two.
15:26You are being paranoid.
15:27No, we're worried.
15:29No, I'm not staying cooped up here
15:30because of your lunatic brother.
15:32They said on the radio
15:33they spotted him in Brighton,
15:35therefore we are fine.
15:36Betsy, I'm not arguing with you about this.
15:37No, I know.
15:38I came for my charger.
15:40Wait, no, you're not going back out?
15:41Yeah, watch me.
15:49Nah, honestly,
15:50I reckon I could.
15:51Yeah, sure.
15:53Do you not think I could?
15:54Could what?
15:55What are we on about again?
15:57Yo, I said I could jump higher than that desk.
16:00Well, duh.
16:01Of course your desk can't jump, can it?
16:04Yo, that's a good one, that.
16:06Did you just make that up?
16:07I figured, yeah.
16:08Yo, that's a good one.
16:11Oh, come on.
16:12It's gone out again.
16:15What are you doing?
16:16Shut up.
16:17Hang on.
16:23I was just about to ask you the same thing.
16:51How was the Churchill funeral?
16:53Oh, yes, thank you.
16:54Yeah, it all went very smoothly.
16:58Yeah, yeah.
16:59I had a small problem with Piles.
17:01I'm sorry?
17:02It was the horse.
17:03Its name was Piles.
17:04You are joking.
17:05No, I'm not joking.
17:06Honestly, its full name was Piles Matting.
17:11Oh, Mr Churchill sounds like he was a right hoot.
17:13Oh, Julie, you don't know the half of it.
17:15I mean, the whole funeral,
17:16it was just so entertaining, to say the least.
17:19That's what I want at my funeral.
17:20Everybody laughing, remembering the good bits.
17:22No doom and gloom.
17:28What's with the case?
17:32I'm going home.
17:34You were right earlier.
17:36There is no point in me staying if I need to keep avoiding Eileen.
17:39No, love, I didn't mean for you to go home.
17:41I just meant for you to tell her the truth.
17:46Truth about what?
17:49What are you doing here?
17:50Well, I followed her.
17:51Because she's acting shifty.
17:52And I'm glad I did.
17:54What are you doing here?
17:58We were planning a surprise.
17:59For you.
18:00You, George Shuttleworth, are a terrible liar.
18:03Why are you going home early without telling me?
18:06Has he done something to upset you?
18:09Have I?
18:11Well, then what?
18:12Because I'm not leaving until you tell me.
18:19I'm a bit unwell.
18:24A bit more than a bit.
18:28I'm dying.
18:31I'm so sorry.
18:43You all right?
18:47I didn't mean to say that.
18:49I wasn't trying to dismiss her pain.
18:51I was...
18:52I was trying to give her hope.
18:53I know.
18:55Such an idiot.
18:58You're not supposed to agree with me.
18:59Well, I know you were trying to help,
19:00but it was a bit of a daft thing to say, wasn't it?
19:03I'm trying to cop off with my brother.
19:08She's never going to forgive me.
19:10She will.
19:12It's just upsetting.
19:13She's going through so much.
19:14We always check out
19:15and them closest to us were more upset.
19:27Hi. Hi there.
19:28Have you packed already?
19:31Uh, I plan to go off about three.
19:34What are you doing here, then?
19:36I have some exciting news.
19:40I hope you'll think it's exciting.
19:42I've found someone
19:44to buy my shares in Speed, darling.
19:50And are you going to tell me who it is?
19:53Oh, come on, Gran.
19:54Put me out of my misery.
19:55You will find out in a minute.
19:57They'll be here soon.
20:01Well, have they got far to travel?
20:02Oh, not at all.
20:03Just a few hundred yards.
20:06Here she is now.
20:08Hiya, partner.
20:26Thanks for coming.
20:27Do you want to sit down?
20:29No, I'm tired.
20:30It's more comfortable to stand at the minute.
20:32I'll sit down.
20:33I'll sit down.
20:34I'll sit down.
20:35It's more comfortable to stand at the minute.
20:38I didn't know you were still in pain.
20:40We can do this another time if you want.
20:42Well, I'm here now.
20:45And you said it was important.
20:47Besides you.
20:49You saved my life, so...
20:51I'm kind of obliged.
20:54Yeah, erm...
20:57I'm really sorry, Daisy.
21:01It's not your fault.
21:03It's mine.
21:06Yeah, shocker, I'm admitting when I'm wrong,
21:09but there's really no hiding from it.
21:12And as much as I would love to blame...
21:15anybody else, I brought this all on myself.
21:19Well, you have to stop blaming yourself,
21:21cos it's not your fault.
21:22This is all down to me.
21:25What do you... What do you mean?
21:28Oh, is, erm...
21:29Is this because you got Shona to blackmail me for that money?
21:32No, I only found out about that this morning.
21:36What, then?
21:41The car was coming for me because I set the whole thing up.
21:45I orchestrated it.
21:48So I'm... I'm the reason you got hit.
21:54And I'm the reason you lost your baby.
22:03Are you for real?
22:08Oh, you're selfish.
22:10How selfish can one person be?
22:14I'm really sorry, Daisy.
22:16I never meant for anybody else to get hurt, believe me.
22:19Of all the places that you could have done this,
22:21you chose the street where you live.
22:23And I'm just saying, if it wasn't for you,
22:25I wouldn't have been in this situation.
22:27Of all the places that you could have done this,
22:29you chose the street where you live.
22:31And I'm just saying, if it was me,
22:33I would have done it on some random country road
22:35in the middle of nowhere, or even an industrial estate
22:37where there's no pedestrians.
22:38If you cared about protecting anybody else,
22:40you would have done the same.
22:41I know, but I wasn't thinking clearly.
22:43Because you're selfish.
22:45And now my baby's dead.
22:47I know.
22:49And you took my money.
22:51How dare you take that money, knowing what you'd done?
22:53I didn't. That was Shona.
22:55I want it back.
22:57I can't. I'm sorry.
22:58I don't want your sorries, David.
22:59It's Bertie's inheritance. I want it back.
23:01And I want it back now.
23:02It's gone.
23:03What do you mean it's gone? Gone where?
23:05To pay the debt.
23:06Then get it back.
23:07I can't. I'm sorry.
23:10Come on, Mum. We weren't hurting anyone.
23:12You were taking drugs?
23:14You think that isn't serious?
23:17You're both gonna have to come with me.
23:20You're on report.
23:21Dylan's not.
23:24He wasn't even smoking.
23:25He was just sat in here with me.
23:27Weren't you?
23:30I don't know one end of a giant from the other.
23:32He came in a few minutes before you did.
23:35And he was trying to get me to put it out.
23:38Get back to your room.
23:39You with me.
23:44We'll pay you back.
23:46Every penny as soon as we can.
23:49Or maybe I should go to the police.
23:52And tell them everything that you just told me.
23:54Well, I won't blame you, Daisy.
23:56I mean, I'd be the least I'd deserve.
24:04You know...
24:07I was actually really excited about being a mum.
24:12Having someone to love unconditionally.
24:14Love me the same.
24:17I'd already picked out names.
24:19I don't know, maybe that was bad luck.
24:22But I thought Benjamin for a boy.
24:26And Evie if it was a girl.
24:31And I just really, I really felt like it was going to be a girl.
24:36Kept imagining it.
24:38I could see it all.
24:39You know, us going to a playgroup in those stupid matching outfits.
24:45Saw the thing that would make the other mums roll their eyes.
24:51It was a nice little daydream.
24:56And then it was all just...
25:01Wiped out.
25:04And if I could swap places with your baby, I would do.
25:08If I could swap places with your baby, I would do.
25:23Daisy, are you OK?
25:24There was someone following me.
25:25Are you sure? Where were you?
25:27The precinct, it was Rob.
25:30It's OK.
25:31It was him, Rob. He was following me.
25:35Tell Lisa, I'm going to call it in and have a look around.
25:37It's all right.
25:38I'm going to miss you all.
25:40All of you.
25:43As we will you.
25:44And please, stay in touch.
25:46I look forward to hearing about all your adventures.
25:48And, when my health is better, maybe I can come and visit.
25:51Oh, I'd like that very much.
25:53To Yasmeen.
25:54To Yasmeen.
25:56Thank you, thank you.
25:57Won't be the same round here without you.
26:01Look after this place.
26:02Yeah, of course I will.
26:03I know you've put your heart and soul into this place
26:05and I promise you I'll do the same.
26:07You've been my true friends.
26:09As you've been to us.
26:11Bon voyage.
26:12Bon voyage.
26:24Mate, you all right?
26:25What happened?
26:27Stop stressing, paranoid android.
26:31It's all good.
26:33Yeah, did you get any bother?
26:36Just got moved down to the lowest tier.
26:38Well, thanks for covering me, but really you didn't have to.
26:42I'm not a snitch.
26:44There's no point both of us getting issues.
26:46Even so, I only want...
26:51I suppose you do.
26:53Come on.
26:54You can get us some scran.
26:56Come on.
26:57You can get us some scran.
26:59I'm starving.
27:00Come on.
27:02Well, have you seen her?
27:04Are you freebers now?
27:07No, no.
27:09I've been too busy saying goodbye to Yasmeen.
27:11I seen her just now, though, going into number 11,
27:13but she was with Eileen.
27:16Well, she was probably busy.
27:17I think you're looking for excuses not to do it.
27:20Why would I do that?
27:21Because looking at her this,
27:23it looks like you want to be more than freebers,
27:26and you are scared she's going to knock you back.
27:29Am I right?
27:33What's the worst that can happen, Brian?
27:35She says no, then you've got your answer.
27:40You're right.
27:41I've nothing to lose, have I?
27:44Thanks, Gemma.
27:45Wish me luck.
27:46Yeah, good luck.
27:47I'll be late, Brian.
27:50Do you think I should go and check on them?
27:52I'd leave them to it.
27:54How was Mum?
27:55Oh, she's gutted.
27:57Of course she is.
27:58I reckon Julie will be relieved.
28:00That's out in the open.
28:01Yeah, maybe.
28:02I just hope Eileen's not too angry at us for keeping it from her.
28:05A couple of pints, please, Gemma.
28:08Hey, where's Jenny?
28:10She's gone readers.
28:12Oh, for tea and sympathy.
28:14Poor Jenny.
28:15Well, shouldn't you be in the back, me cooperating?
28:19I'm fine here.
28:21You stick a vodka and double lemonade in that?
28:24Do you think that's a good idea?
28:26Sounds like she's already had a few.
28:29Yes, she has.
28:30But drinking on your own is just...
28:32sad, innit?
28:37It started off as a sarcoma in the lining of my stomach.
28:41It's a funny word, that, isn't it?
28:44Always makes me think of a little creature
28:46sitting there in my stomach with a little wry comment on everything.
28:50Like a little sarcastic sarcoma,
28:53sat there going,
28:54''Oh, yeah, you think broccoli's going to save you now?''
29:03..it's spread to my lungs and liver,
29:05so there's no longer anything anyone can do about it.
29:11That's that.
29:15Did they say how...
29:18..how long you've got left?
29:21Well, no-one can say for sure, but...
29:25..no more than a year is all they'll commit to.
29:29How long have you known?
29:31A few months.
29:34Why didn't you tell me?
29:36I don't know.
29:39I suppose I didn't want you to get sad.
29:43I mean, once you tell someone you're dying,
29:45everything's tinged with sadness,
29:47this haze of gloom, this awe and awe.
29:50I get it.
29:53I just wanted to make some memories
29:55that weren't tainted by what's coming.
29:59Why didn't you call me when you got your diagnosis?
30:02What would you have done?
30:03I would have come to see you.
30:05Well, yeah, but put your life on hold and then come and hold me hand,
30:09but it wouldn't have changed anything.
30:11I'd still have been dying.
30:15You'd better get that.
30:28Er, can I speak to Julie? Not now.
30:30No, it's just... It's not a good time, Brian.
30:42What did he want?
30:44Who cares?
30:51Are you very angry with me?
30:54I wish you hadn't lied to me.
30:57Me too.
30:59But you mustn't blame Todd and George for keeping my secret
31:02because I begged them not to say anything.
31:04Well, I'm still having words with them
31:06because I don't like being kept in the dark,
31:08especially about something so important.
31:12I'm sorry.
31:13No, I'm sorry.
31:14What about?
31:16For not being good at keeping in touch,
31:19for not seeing each other more.
31:21I mean, I'm angry at the pair of us, to be honest,
31:24cos we've been rubbish, haven't we?
31:28Life gets in the way, doesn't it?
31:31It's nobody's fault.
31:33I mean, you never think that it's going to end.
31:37But now I know mine is.
31:40I am going to make the most of every single second that I've got left.
31:46Do you write?
31:48And I'm going to help you do it.
31:50Because I am not leaving your side from now on.
31:54But will you do karaoke?
31:56Oh, Julie!
32:03Oh, Brian.
32:09Goodbye, Yasmin.
32:10Bye, love, bye.
32:16Hey, you will look after my plants, won't you?
32:19Just until I can get my own place and move everything down.
32:24And the chickens.
32:27Of course I will.
32:28I'll take care of everything.
32:30You just focus on having an amazing time on your new adventure.
32:33Thank you, darling.
32:35We have had some trying times on this street.
32:41Dad dying.
32:43Grandad going.
32:45All that stuff with Zidane.
32:48And Rana.
32:50And, um...
32:54We survived it all.
32:57We survived it together.
32:58You've always been my rock.
33:00And you, mine.
33:01And now you've got Adam.
33:04He's a good boy.
33:05I wouldn't go that far.
33:08Are you sure you're okay with me selling my shares to Liana?
33:13Yeah, I like her.
33:14She was part of the family once and she's experienced.
33:18What's not to like?
33:19It's my Ali, I'm always seeing the best in people.
33:23So, time to go.
33:26So, time to go.
33:31Be good.
33:34Love you.
33:35I love you too.
33:56Oh, never mind, eh?
33:58She didn't say no.
34:01She didn't actually say anything.
34:03Don't bother, Brian.
34:04She'll just let you down in the end.
34:09Listen, love, I know you're having a tough time and that,
34:12but you're not exactly a saint, are you?
34:15Leading our kit on while you're still sleeping with Daniel.
34:19What? It is true.
34:21There's a name for it where I'm from.
34:23Why don't you say it and then see what happens next?
34:26Why don't we all just calm down, yeah?
34:28What? You've not had enough of my wreck of a life to be gossiping about?
34:34I was just...
34:36Yeah, go on, clear off.
34:39You know what? You can all clear off.
34:41We're closing.
34:42Get out! We're closing!
34:44Hey, you and all.
34:46Jenny's going to go spare.
34:47I don't care, Gemma, get out.
34:49We'll pay you for your whole shift, just leave.
35:14What is it?
35:19You certainly don't need any more vodka.
35:21Well, that just goes to show that you're not as smart as you think you are.
35:28What are you doing here, Daniel?
35:32I feel bad.
35:34About the way that we left things yesterday.
35:37And I want you to know that...
35:40I never would have wished for you to lose the baby, no matter who the father was.
35:46I know.
35:52It doesn't change anything.
35:56What do you mean?
35:58We shouldn't be together.
36:01We're toxic.
36:08I hate seeing you like this.
36:11Yeah, well, it's no fun from where I'm sitting either.
36:16I am broken, Daniel.
36:18I am broken, Daniel.
36:23I know you're hurting.
36:26And I'm not going to say that it's going to be easy.
36:31But you will be okay.
36:33It doesn't feel like it.
36:38You know, I'm remembering the Daisy that I first fell in love with.
36:44She didn't take anything lying down.
36:47Hi. Hi, Ellia.
36:49Did Yasmin get off okay?
36:51Oh, yeah, thanks. This is just what she needed. A fresh start.
36:54Yeah, it's the same for me.
36:56Oh, I've got a million ideas how to make this place amazing.
36:59A million? That's a lot.
37:01Yeah, well, I just want to put my own mark on it.
37:03You know, increase trade and modernise.
37:05I think it's pretty modern.
37:08I mean, it's not been that long since we had a revamp.
37:10Yeah, but a well-publicised revamp.
37:14A re-launch will hook the punters back in, trust me.
37:17I know what I'm talking about.
37:19So do I.
37:21Sorry, have I said something wrong?
37:23It's just Yasmin said that you'd be happy to take a back seat and let me run things here.
37:26Oh, did she?
37:28Yeah, she did.
37:30So I'll tell you what, how about you concentrate on climbing that legal ladder
37:33and leave this place to me, eh?
37:35Then we'll be the perfect team.
37:40Come on.
37:42Come on, it's all right.
37:44Sugary tea's all round, I'll put the kettle on.
37:46Thanks, darling.
37:50Listen, I've just seen Kit and he said there's no sign of Rob anywhere.
37:55It was him, I swear.
37:57Listen, why don't you go and have a wash and put your jammers on, yeah?
38:01And then we can watch something brainless on the telly to keep our minds off it.
38:09Go on then, if we must.
38:11Go on.
38:15He was never like this when we were kids, you know, he was never...
38:20He was just daft.
38:22No impulse control, you know.
38:25Yeah, well, he spent years in cyber on robbery.
38:28Prison changes you.
38:31I'm just sorry you pair got caught up in this.
38:34We need to stay vigilant and stick together until Rob's caught.
38:38He won't be able to survive much longer out there without any help.
38:41Listen, are you worried about him?
38:43You're allowed to be, you know, he's still your brother.
38:45It's not that.
38:47It's just, if it was him following Betsy, then we both know what he's capable of now.
38:53Don't we?
39:01Where have you been?
39:03I went for a walk.
39:05I had to clear my head after.
39:08I had to clear my head after.
39:10Speaking with Daisy.
39:12She's been here? What did she say?
39:14A lot.
39:16She was pretty angry with us.
39:18Shona, look, I had to say sorry, and do you know what, I feel better after telling her the truth.
39:23You told her about Andy?
39:25She was blaming herself.
39:27I had to let her know that it was my fault.
39:30Is she going to the police?
39:32I don't know, but if she does, I can hardly blame her.
39:35Have you thought about Kit?
39:37Because if he finds out, he's going to want your head.
39:59Are you nicking from a client?
40:01No, no, of course not.
40:05They're from both of us.
40:07To say we're sorry for not telling you about Julie.
40:16Where is she?
40:19Upstairs, resting.
40:23She swore us to secrecy, Mum.
40:25We wanted to tell you, love, but it wasn't our place.
40:30Are you okay?
40:34I'm losing my sister.
40:37No, I know, but it'll be okay.
40:39No, it won't be alright, she's dying.
40:44You've just got to stay strong for her now, Mum.
40:49Try and make these next few months the best that they can be.
40:57Yeah, okay.
41:06David said he'd spoken to you.
41:08Yeah, yeah, we had a cosy little chat this evening, it was very enlightening.
41:16He's not in his right mind at the moment.
41:19Lying about orchestrating the car crash, was he?
41:24Yeah, I didn't think so.
41:25He was desperate, okay, he didn't mean for anyone to get hurt, well, apart from himself.
41:29Still took Bertie's money, though, didn't he? And gave it away.
41:32Wait, that was you.
41:34I'm so sorry.
41:35Alright, I was terrified, you don't know how dangerous these men are.
41:38Not as dangerous as your husband, I'd bet.
41:41What do you want, Shona?
41:45I'm here to ask you, no, I am here to beg you not to tell Kit or go to the police.
41:50I am so sorry you got caught up in all this, and honestly, my heart is breaking for you for what you're going through.
41:55I hate that you're suffering.
41:57But if you tell the police that David planned the accident, we'll lose him forever.
42:02That's not my problem.
42:04I know it's not, but you're the only person with the power to destroy what's left of our family, alright?
42:08Max is gone, the house is gone, we can't lose David as well.
42:13How dare you come in here and put all this on Daisy, after everything she's been through?
42:17Jenny, how much did you...
42:18Did I hear? Plenty enough. Now get out!
42:21No, I just need to know...
42:22Get out, now! Get out!
42:25Are you alright?
42:29Go, lover.
42:31Do you want a brew?
42:34Can I get you anything?
42:36I thought you were at Rita's.
42:39Gemma texted me.
42:41Said I'd gone crazy and shut the pub.
42:43She just said you might need me and I'm glad I came back.
42:49David planned the accident?
42:55What was he thinking?
42:57I don't think there was much thinking involved.
43:00Shona has got no right to put any pressure on you to stay quiet.
43:04Don't let her sway you from doing what you think is right.
43:12I know what you're doing.
43:15You're trying to put all the blame on David and Shona to get yourself off the hook.
43:19Off the hook for what?
43:21For lying to Daniel, for going after his money, for mouthing off to Kit because he rejected you.
43:25If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be stood in the road in the first place.
43:29Love, you're not being rational.
43:31Don't patronise me.
43:33You are the reason I was out there.
43:35You are the reason I got hit.
43:37And you are the reason my baby died.
43:38And I will never forgive you for it.
44:08I will never forgive you for it.
