• 14 hours ago
The roundabout, which prioritises cyclists and pedestrians has been in the works in the West Sussex city for a number of months. Now, it's fully complete.

The Chichester roundabout is the third of the Dutch-style in England. The first of this kind of roundabout opened up in Cambridge back in 2020. The second opened up in Sheffield recently in December 2024.Sussex World spoke to local residents to find out about their thoughts on it. Filmed by Henry Bryant.
00:00Behind me is the third Dutch style roundabout in the UK in Chichester, West Sussex.
00:04Now whilst this roundabout has just finished there's a lot of controversy surrounding it.
00:08This is due to the fact that cyclists and pedestrians take priority and from entering
00:13and exiting the roundabout there's zebra crossings that vehicles need to stop for
00:16and because of all of that we decided to speak to some of the public to see what their thoughts are.
00:21I've always cycled, I do drive but I turned to now I'm retired I've got a bus pass too so
00:25I live in Fishbourne so I cycle into the town and get a bus from there usually if I want to go
00:31further afield. Yeah this would work it'd be very good it's just that a lot of motorists don't know
00:38this or the zebra crossing sort of bit. At the moment I'm getting off and walking across the
00:44zebra crossings you know. My name's John Henry Bowden, I live in West Broyle. We moved here in
00:502015 so I've been cycling to and fro across this junction for 10 years.
00:58I think this new arrangement is simply marvellous frankly I think it's very sensible. When it was
01:03under consideration as a way of the developers of Minerva Heights mitigating the traffic on this
01:09roundabout I happened to be a councillor for Chichester West so I was on the consultation
01:15group that considered various different options for this junction under the advice of the traffic
01:22engineers and we considered various solutions and when they came up with this solution as
01:28they measured very carefully in order to see whether it was possible to fit it in
01:33and came to conclusion it was. I think nearly all it was almost unanimous on the consultative group
01:40that this was the thing that would make it safer and in particular would encourage people to use
01:46their bikes and their feet rather than driving across this junction the whole time. My name is
01:53Karen and I've lived in Celsius since 1975. I like this I think it's much better than it used to be
01:59it used to be very difficult crossing the roads and people would always be crossing right at the
02:04edge instead of going up to the pelican crossing and I think actually this is quite nice. I like
02:08the fact that you've got this bit of ground between you and the cars so you're safer on here
02:15than you would be going down the road. I find it a lot easier this way and cars seem to slow down
02:22rather than going zooming around which they used to do and because there's not so much room you
02:28don't get two cars zooming around at the same time. Let us know what you're thinking about this new
02:33Dutch style roundabout and for more content like this make sure to stay up to date with sussexworld.co.uk
