Chand Aur Tare | Kids Segment
Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv
#ChandAurTare #ShaneRamzan #aryqtv
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Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv
#ChandAurTare #ShaneRamzan #aryqtv
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00:30I'm very tired, so I'll sit like this, if you don't mind.
00:35Dear children, I mean many children,
00:38Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
00:41Wa alaikum assalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
00:46How are you all?
00:47We are fine, how are you?
00:49I'm fine too, that's why I'm sitting in between you,
00:52but I don't look like what Mr. Dak looks like.
00:56Mr. Dak, you host the program today.
00:59Say, I'm your host.
01:00Say it on camera.
01:01I'm your host, Ahmed Shah.
01:04Ahmed Shah.
01:05Today I'll treat you all.
01:07Say it.
01:08Say what I'm saying.
01:10Today I'll treat you all.
01:14If you have diabetes.
01:16Say, if you have diabetes.
01:18Say it quickly.
01:20If you have diabetes.
01:22If you have blood pressure.
01:25If you have cholesterol.
01:28If you have cholesterol.
01:29Then come to me.
01:30Then come to me.
01:31I'll treat you to such and such toffees.
01:34I'll treat you to such and such toffees.
01:37With which you'll get well.
01:38With which you'll get well.
01:39And the interesting thing is,
01:41that our Mr. Dak came to our set two years ago.
01:44Do you remember?
01:46And you sang a song for us.
01:47Which one was it?
01:48Do you remember?
01:49It was Muhammad's song.
01:51And even today when I asked you,
01:52you said, I remember that song.
01:53I asked, do you remember anyone else?
01:54You said, I don't remember.
01:55Now with all our support we'll say.
01:59All our children say this loudly.
02:01You tell me, Mr. Dak,
02:03what is your favourite food?
02:06I love it.
02:08I love biryani.
02:10I thought you were into chicken biryani.
02:13You tell me, what does Mr. Dak eat?
02:16I love biryani.
02:18You also like biryani?
02:19If you beat people, they say four and a half biryani.
02:21Isn't it biryani?
02:23That's great.
02:24Great. Okay, Doctor, you tell me, do you come here every year?
02:29Yes, every year.
02:30What? Say it on the mic.
02:33What will you recite?
02:34I will recite Suray Kausar.
02:35You will recite Suray Kausar?
02:37Our doll is very restless.
02:38If I don't recite Suray Kausar to her, something bad will happen.
02:42Okay, what is your name?
02:45Look there, there is your camera.
02:47What is your name?
02:49She is our lovely daughter.
02:50Come on, recite Suray Kausar to her.
02:52Verily, I bear witness that there is no deity other than Allah.
02:58Verily, I bear witness that there is no deity other than Allah.
03:06Great. Everyone will say it loudly.
03:11Give it to her.
03:12Give it to her, dear.
03:14Peace be upon you.
03:16Peace be upon you.
03:17What is your name?
03:20Halima Hussain.
03:22She is the female version of Mr. Dutt.
03:24You look very pretty.
03:26Who has made you wear such nice clothes?
03:31Is mummy good or is baba good?
03:33This is our common question every day.
03:37Papa. Daughters are like papa.
03:40Daughters are good to papa.
03:41You tell me, is mummy good or is baba good?
03:45Both? Tell me one.
03:49I won't talk. Tell me one.
03:51Mummy, this is the matter. Now go home. Baba will tell you.
03:54Now he will tell you why you didn't take my name.
03:56Tell me, you come every year, right?
03:59In Ramadan.
04:00Why? I mean, why?
04:03To have fun.
04:05To have fun? You come from so far to have fun.
04:08You can have fun there as well.
04:10Where you live.
04:13You can't have fun there.
04:17You can have fun there.
04:18Tell me, you were holding the peacock when you came a long time ago.
04:25Peacock? Here?
04:26Yes, you were holding the peacock down.
04:29Why were you holding the peacock a long time ago?
04:31The peacock was requesting you to leave it, doctor.
04:35What did I do to you, doctor?
04:37Leave it. But you didn't leave the peacock.
04:41Anyway, doctor.
04:42What all do you do in the month of Ramadan?
04:45I have heard that when the month of Ramadan ends, you cry.
04:50You get sad, doctor.
04:52It's a house. Karachi is another house.
04:54Another. On that note, high five.
04:56That's it.
04:58Karachi is your second home and you know how much the nation loves you.
05:02You know, right?
05:04Peace be upon you.
05:06Peace be upon you.
05:07Abu Bakr is sitting here.
05:09Doctor, this is wrong.
05:11You are on the screen all the time.
05:14Where will Abu Bakr go?
05:16Where will Abu Bakr go?
05:17He comes too. He is my brother.
05:19He comes. It's okay. He comes.
05:22You get angry too.
05:24I get angry.
05:25Then what do you say?
05:27Doctor, I am telling you for real. Look behind you.
05:30Look behind you. That's you.
05:32Can you see?
05:35Say what you said. Look behind you.
05:37Look behind you. Look behind you.
05:40That's it. That's it.
05:42What do you want to say to Abu Bakr?
05:43Abu Bakr.
05:45What will you say?
05:48Whatever you want to say.
05:49Say anything.
05:50You can recite a hadith.
05:53You can recite a small recitation of a surah.
05:55You can recite a dance. What will you recite?
05:59But on the mic.
06:01So I will recite that.
06:05I will recite a recitation.
06:06Recite it quickly. Bismillah.
06:08I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan.
06:15In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
06:21Have you seen the one who denies the religion?
06:26That is the one who calls the orphan.
06:31He does not have the luck to feed the poor.
06:37So woe to those who pray.
06:41Those who ignore their prayers.
06:48Those who see and deny what they see.
06:57All of you will say it loudly.
07:02The very interesting fact is that..
07:05..the doctor also remembered it.
07:07He was also reciting it.
07:08Such a good recitation.
07:10Doctor, recite the recitation below as well.
07:13Is this the month of the Quran?
07:15Yes, we will recite it.
07:16You will recite it, right?
07:17You have to recite it below.
07:19We are conveying a message through our platform.
07:21We have to recite the Quran.
07:22We have to talk about the Quran.
07:24Because it is their month.
07:25Peace be upon you.
07:26Peace be upon you.
07:27Umar, you smile so beautifully.
07:31How are you, Umar?
07:32I am fine.
07:33When you came, you were in my lap.
07:36Now you can take a child in your lap.
07:39Now you have grown up.
07:46I see.
07:48Umar, tell me.
07:50Is this doctor good?
07:53Ahmed Shah or Abu Bakr?
07:54All of them.
07:55No, no. Tell me one by one.
07:57Who is good among them?
07:58Who is good?
08:00Who beats you among them?
08:03Who shares things with you?
08:05Who shares their chocolate and toffee?
08:07Who gives you their things?
08:09Doctor must not give it.
08:10Doctor must say, look behind.
08:11He must take your chocolate too.
08:13Doctor knows this style.
08:15No, no.
08:16No, look.
08:17In the matter of chocolate,
08:18no brotherhood, no friendship, no relation.
08:22Chocolate is ours.
08:24Fate is ours.
08:25Do you eat chocolate?
08:27Yes, I do.
08:29I am not so fond of lollipop.
08:34If father brings, we eat.
08:37Otherwise, Allah is patient.
08:40We are patient in the presence of Allah.
08:42Now you tell me who is good.
08:44Tell me quickly, Umar. I am telling you.
08:45Look, it won't be like this.
08:47You will have to tell me.
08:48Abu Bakr.
08:49Abu Bakr, doctor, you are not getting a vote.
08:52I am trying very hard for you to win.
08:54Even though you have a chair.
08:56But you are not getting a vote.
08:57What is the reason?
08:59Why don't you have political power?
09:01Tell me, which party will you join in Pakistan?
09:08No, it happens.
09:11It happens?
09:12I mean...
09:12You said, I will join a party.
09:14I have already joined it.
09:15Children's party.
09:17You will join the children's party, right?
09:19Children's party.
09:19But you...
09:20Children's party is with me.
09:22What is the reason why Umar is not giving you a vote?
09:25Umar is not giving you a vote.
09:26I share things, but little by little.
09:29You share little by little.
09:30Do you share a lot?
09:32A lot.
09:33Abu Bakr's name is like this.
09:34Abu Bakr is the one who robs everything.
09:36Abu Bakr is the one who robs everything.
09:38All of us will say this loudly.
09:41Subhan Allah.
09:43I heard you remember a poem.
09:45Come here.
09:46Come on.
09:48He is my wrestler.
09:50Come on, recite the poem.
09:51Look at the front.
10:00He shakes the world and entertains all the children.
10:04All his friends are in the jungle, all his animals are with him.
10:08Where is his elephant king?
10:10He moved ahead with great speed.
10:13Who made you remember the poem about the elephant?
10:15Who made you remember the poem about the elephant?
10:17Who is that cruel man who made you remember the poem about the elephant?
10:19I know it.
10:20You know it?
10:21We have an elephant.
10:22Shall I call him?
10:23He is not on the set right now.
10:25Come on, sit.
10:26It's okay.
10:27Very good, brother.
10:28Omar, thanks a lot.